bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:13 am

Okay, I rattled off a little testimony on The Lounge, in the thread "what was your catalyst" or something like that. Writing out my reasons for starting, the healthy benefits, and such, has got me motivated to really stick it for compliance.

But it also got me thinking "Where is the energy?" last year, I was tearing up my garden or my housework, or play time with kids and clients, or SOME big activity, every day. This year, I'm back to feeling sort of drowsy most of the time, and a little bit lethargic. I want to start walking and see if that helps, but I also wonder if I may need to re-start the SAM-e, which I was taking for depression and stopped because I have felt so good.

Maybe it's time for a big salad every day, too. hm. That's one thing I was doing last year, that I stopped for lack of a salad dressing that I like. (I like Hidden Valley Ranch...pout...) Maybe I'll break out the FFL book, that has so many yummy salads. When you saute a bunch of zucchini and brown rice with tasty herbs and spices, and throw it over a pile of butter lettuce, you don't need to pour oil and vinegar over the top, eh?

yeah, I want to have that lovely, clear headed, alert, calm energy that I had a year ago.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Loveskale » Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:14 pm

I had the same thing a year ago, after 1 week on the elimination diet. Then after eating something I reacted to I fwelt sick again, or I needed 10 days to clear my system. Maybe there is something you were eating then, that you aren't now? Or the other way around, you're eating something now, that you didn't eat then, that's causing a reaction? sorry if this confuses you.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:03 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:
Maybe it's time for a big salad every day, too. hm. That's one thing I was doing last year, that I stopped for lack of a salad dressing that I like. (I like Hidden Valley Ranch...pout...) Maybe I'll break out the FFL book, that has so many yummy salads.
yeah, I want to have that lovely, clear headed, alert, calm energy that I had a year ago.

what is the FFL book?
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:09 am

:shock: :eek: :? :| :\

notice my ticker. It's up. well, it went up to 195 from 191 awhile back, but it's been steady at 195 for weeks...well, this morning at 197, i enter back into the "obese" category...and that is BAD. Makes me sorta sick, actually.

I've been so un-careful. Got to feeling skinny and treating myself too often. Too many nibbles, too much munching, too many empty calories.

I'm thinking a Mini will help. Hm a 10 day mini should set me up for my out of town trip. Looks like I can do a 9 day mini. But I want to modify it. Instead of choosing one starch and eating that, I want to choose three meals and eat those. Until August 4, I will eat

B: oatmeal w/banana cooked in
L: black beans and rice (tomatoes if there are some on my vines)
D: minestrone soup from a can, w/rice thrown in
S: not more than two fruits a day.

AND THAT'S ALL :mad: <<<determined face

the minestrone will eventually have to be from cans of individual ingredients, because I don't have 10 cans of the stuff. But I can make a huge batch from canned tomatoes, beans, green beans and seasonings. :nod:

yup. I will hold that horrible scale number before my eyes at all times. It's going to go back down and THAT'S THAT.

the idea being, to simplify and not have to cook much. I have lots of oatmeal and rice in the house, so between the two of them I will have a starch based meal at every meal.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby sksamboots » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:07 am

You got this :nod:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby mtns » Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:44 pm

I like your idea with the mini. I think I will try that. I think I will come up with some food ideas and join you. I know how you feel. I feel like I have let a lot of things slide. It so easy to slide back up again. I know, I have been doing that latley. Praying for strength from the Lord for both of us.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:08 pm


In spite of the setbacks, you have come a long way. I think a MM would be good, or consider just recommiting to the program (i.e., reviewing the plan, posting on the board more often, whatever helps you feel more connected). With me, posting on the board has helped me. I've been on a cycle of losing then gaining, so I really need to be more connected to positive people.

I'm sure things will get better. Just keep getting up!!!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby LyndaK » Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:52 pm

Buns, congratulations on your accomplishments! You should be proud of yourself for making the changes that you have and for being aware of what you need to do to be successful. That's over 30 pounds that you are no longer carrying which is really a tremendous accomplishment, not to mention the other ways in which you have improved your health. Stay strong!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:43 am

I did good yesterday! Ate according to plan, with the addition of some frozen grapes as I was winding down. Nothing like frozen grapes to cool a person off at the end of the day (no AC, means finding creative ways to get cool after work)

My beans and rice meal is yummy. I used canned tomatoes and marinated them with onion and garlic, some cilantro, and a splash of red wine vinegar. A bed of rice, a spoon of black beans, and the marinated tomatoes, and even my kids were eating it! yah!

So, here's to Day Two of my Modified Mini. :nod:

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:04 pm

I just decided, I'm going to walk every day of this Mini, too. For some reason, there is lethargy in the air around this place. I'm wiped, my friends and co-workers are wiped...well, I went to bed at a decent hour last night, and woke up and prayed and feel so much better. didn't get out the door this morning, but in the evening, I am SO going on a walk. :nod:

20 min, every day, no excuses. It's been literally months since I did any kind of regular activity, and that's got to be contributing to how logey I feel.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby proverbs31woman » Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:25 pm

Going on a daily walk sounds good. Let us know how it goes.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:42 am

Yesterday was another success, except I didn't walk :( no reason, lazy I guess. It wasn't super hot, and I wasn't really sleepy or lethargic. Just got busy.

My bank account has $2.00 in it, so there's no run to the store for some fresh produce (which was one thing I wanted to do yesterday)

Instead, i paid the cell phone bill in its entirety. Again. My ex is more broke than I am, but paying that bill, and my renter's insurance came in on the 3rd or something which was a sort of unexpected, largish hit. Leaving me broke, but I have food enough in the house to make it until I get back from Boise.

Meanwhile, a sixteenth birthday party is looming. We're going to barbecue, and I plan on this grilled portobello and pineapple samwich! *we need a drooling icon* with burgers for the rest of the gang. It also means cleaning up my backyard, which is literally like a jungle. I'm not talking "the grass is SO HIGH" I am talking "the bamboo plant is growing over the path so we have to hack our way with a machete" and "the four o'clocks are taking up every and all space by the bbq grill" ...so I'll have some work cut out for me, there. THAT'S the kind of exercise I prefer...work that gets the job done.

Oh another doozy came my way. My plates are expired, and a cop pulled me over yesterday, so I took my car immediately to get it inspected...it doesn't pass and needs $1500-$1800 worth of work. It has 203,000 miles on it, and I've poured a lot of money into it, because it's paid for. Well, it is fixable but the repairs cost way more than any trade in on the thing.

The mechanic offered to inspect for free, any car I might find. he'd tell me how sound it is, etc. I've been taking God's Car (that's my current Chevy Venture) to him for years and he's taken good care of us. *sniff* *dab* and I trust him...

So, trying not to let anxiety rise (I have never had a loan in my name except my student loans which are behind payments) I asked the mechanic if he knew of anyone selling a car...turns out, he had one in the shop that he'd been working on for himself, but his wife insisted on something else. It's a Saturn sedan, 2000, with about 70,000 miles on it, and a new engine, new radiator, etc, etc. he wants $2800 for it :) He showed me the printout of book list for that car, and "rough trade" it would bring $2,900. At a car dealership, I'd pay over $6,000 for the same exact car, same mileage, etc. :)

My mom has some money she can lend me, and I'll pay her back, it'll take two years and some, at $100 a month. (But at tax return time, I can pay more, eh?)

anyway...This is part of God's provision, I know it. I always wondered how He would provide, when His Car (Red, the Ole Minivan) couldn't perform anymore...and He showed me yesterday, didn't He? I had some cash set aside (Christmas money *pout*) that I tapped for a down payment so he will hold it for me until my mom can get the withdrawal process done for the loan she's giving me.

Whew. In a couple of weeks, I'll drive that baby down to the DMV and get it licensed. :shock: I never bought a car before EVER in my life. And God simply took care of it for me. Amen!

Today's food should work out fine. I have Junk Food Client today, so I'm making the rice and beans meal lunch...I'll eat most of it at lunchtime, but take some with me to his house, so I have something healthy to eat while he eats his...ice cream or sugar cereal or frozen entree...:unibrow:

yesterday's minestrone was so good! I threw some black beans in, and a can of corn...tasty and expeditious. Filled me up for the rest of the whole night :nod:

that's all she wrote. Gotta get ready for work! buh byeeee!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby sksamboots » Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:34 am

You have a lot going on. Keep on keepin on :nod:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:38 pm

wow...you have a lot on your plate! Not talking about food! Hang in there! :D
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:35 am

Okay! I did it again, and there was a brownie AND a Fat Boy ice cream samwich in my house yesterday. But I stuck to my guns.

The only thing that I've changed has been to eat my beans and rice at lunch, and minestrone at dinner time. It's easier to take the beans and rice to work.

also, yesterday I finally ate those beets that I pulled a week or more ago. They were SO GOOD. Dang, summer drives me crazy, because cooking is such a pain in this heat. That's why it took me so long to do the beets: cooking them and then cleanup afterwards. Ugh.

I did take a walk yesterday, thanks to a client who has a job delivering Domino's flyers. I even pushed a wheelchair around for the whole 60 min shift. It was warm, but there was such a nice breeze.

Here's to another day ON PLAN :nod: I will eat some broccoli with lunch today. Pinkrose pointed out the dearth of "color" in my menus. No greens to speak of, and he was right. I can't get groceries, but I can eat the broccoli that is in my house, right? Again, with the "dang I don't want to make something STEAMED today" but at work it won't be so bad becasue it's nicely refrigerated in the whole building, there. ;-)

peace out!

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