Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:18 am

August 22, 2019
It is almost 3 o'clock in the morning -- insomnia night again. I was hoping for a better night sleep because I was paying attention to my water intake. I find I sleep better when I stay hydrated thorughout the day. Well, there goes that theory.

I finally got a couple more sections of the yard mowed. Our yard is so big and infected with weeds. I noticed that one section is full of sand spurs, so It will take some tending to in order to get rid of them. I also cleared out the asparagus patch that has been neglected while D1 and SIL lived her. This spring I noticed poison ivy has taken over and was mixed in. There was not as much poison ivy the patch now, but enough for me to get the rash. I wore these big vinyl gloves that went up to my elbow and I still broke out in a rash - UGH!I just have to look at the plant and I seem to break out from it. Maybe that is why I am not sleeping -- because I am itchy.

I have finished the first 5 chapters of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. I first read this book about 10 years ago and this is why I got started with the plant-based way of eating. But I eat too much processed foods, so this is a great refresher. I am following along in facebook group, the leader is doing a great job summarizing, but there is not much interaction within the group.

Well, I am getting tired now, just finished my chamoille tea and I hope I get at least a couple hours of good sleep -

Good night, or should I say good morning.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:19 am

August 23, 2019
Sat in with my parents at the doctor for his visit before my dad goes into the nursing home. The doctor was honest and therefore, not very encouraging for my dad and his condition. He basically said that at this stage it is not about quantity of life, but quality. But he did not have much to say about what could/would improve the quality, only maintaining what is already there. Today is the day he should be admitted into the nursing home.

Oh joy! now I have to go deal with my mother. Yesterday, I cut her off while she was complaining and told her to be positive. Sheesh! this whole thing is difficult enough without someone voicing negativity over every little thing. Have you ever heard that saying, "I opened my mouth and my mother came out." Or "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all"? = Gawd I hope I don't get that bad as I age. It is very difficult to be around some one like her.

I gave in to my eating after dealing with her - but only after I ate some of that Asian Salad mix (green cabbage, Romaine lettuce, kale, red cabbage, carrots, and green onion -I did not us the extras or dressings that came with it). At least I attempted to fill up on the good stuff first. I am going to give myself credit for at least doing that.

I started my day with:
onion, green pepper, and potatoes

asian salad mix

madras lentils over potato

Well, time for me to prep some more potatoes so at least I will have some ready to go.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:36 am

August 24, 2019
My dad was admitted to the nursing home. I made an interesting observation, there were a lot of males in his section, at least more than what I saw in the assisted living place. One good thing for my dad, at least I hope, is that his roomie across the hall used to work at the same place as my dad. Hopefully, they will connect and become 'friends'.

My dad commented on how he thought the food was better at this place. My parents complained a lot about the food at the apartment. When I brought my mom back to the apartment, it seemed like a weight has been lifted off her. I think it was a huge strain on her having to take care of my dad. Plus she is getting weaker herself. I cannot imagine what is really going through their minds at this stage of their lives.

Our friend up north had an encounter with a bear the other day. He was walking a trail and did not see the bear in the brush and startled the bear. The bear took a swipe at him, he stopped and told the bear to stop that and the bear then turned and ran. He said he was glad that he was wearing his jacket and a sweatshirt otherwise he would have had to go to the hospital for muscle repair. This guy is a woodsman and he knows how to take care of himself in the wild so when I heard of the incident, my thought was, "It cold enough up there that he needs both a jacket and sweatshirt." oh, I am so insensitive - lol.

I am liking having some potatoes cooked up and ready to go. Right now, while I am having my coffee, I have a batch on the stove. At least I am getting to prepping ahead of time. Meal planning is one of the hardest things for me to do. I have been trying to at least plan my day's meal here, because I know that is going to be how I will eventually become successful in getting with the plan and staying with the plan.

Yesterday, breakfast was my only meal that I followed on what I was planning to eat. I ended up eating at Taco Bell - 2 bean burritos fresco style, my bad was a Snickers bar and some trail mix of nuts, seeds, raisins, and candies. I really need to eat more vegetables.

So, my plan for today is:
potato, green pepper and onion
Asian salad

boiled potato
black beans

boiled potato
stirfry vegetables
black beans

okay, if I can stick with this plan I will be happy with myself. My exercise for today is a tempo run - now learning about that bear encounter, I am thinking twice about my route through the woods, but if I stay on the main roads, I think I'll be okay. Oh, did I mention that the other day, my long run was 7.25 miles and I took minimal walk breaks.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:06 am

August 25, 2019

I am getting a late start to my day. I work up early and got up to have my coffee, but the sun hadn't risen by the time I was done and I was not motivated to start my day. So, I went back to bed and slept for another couple of hours.

I have read the first 8 chapters of The China Study. So much information that I seem to have forgotten. The chapter on cancer, chapter 8, Mr. Campbell mentions how we lacking in the information on diet and cancer as treatment and/or prevention. A chapter or two back, it was said that to inform people of the option of diet was just too impractical; that it is too impractical to eat a whole food, plant-based diet. I am watching my parent's health and physical condition decline and think, Now, that's impractical."

Then, as I am reading this book, I keep thinking of the Denise somebody or other who "debunked" The China Study.and wonder "Why?" Did yoiu know she has a book out titled, "Death by the Food Pyramid." Could that be the reason she debunked T. Colin Campbell's book? It got in the way of her selling hers. I did not look at when her book was published so I really have no idea. Perhaps the debunking of the China Study turned a light on for her and she did some research herself to come to her conclusion.

But then, is that not what we all ought to be doing, researching the information ourselves so we can come to our own conclusion and not just blindly follow what someone says to do.

Yesterday, I boiled about 7 potatoes and made a batch of beans, I chose pinto instead of black. Today I have to get the leftovers of the beans in the freezer so they do not go bad. I really do not know why I don't incorporate beans into my meals more often. The beans fill me up and seem to stay with me for longer time.

Yesterday, I stayed close to my meal plan for the first two meals, but made some changes. I found some shredded zucchini in the fridge screaming "Eat me! Eat Me" So I added that to my salad. But then it made my salad too big, so I divided it up into two meals. Then I sauteed onion and green pepper, and added cubed potato and pinto beans.

That is what I had for breakfast today. Such a good way to start my day. Speaking of starting my day, I need to mow a couple sections of my yard today, rain is in the forcast for later. I mowed 2 sections yesterday and weeded the strawberry area. Our yard is infected with sand burrs - I was looking up grassed in our area and whoever compiled the information (or a comment, I am not sure as I was reading it on my phone), commented on how they hate this grass. Those burrs are so sharp and they latch on to whatever at the slightest touch. OUCH! they hurt.

I am hoping to make some bean burgers with some of those leftover beans. Just a simple one that won't take much time to mix together.

Well, time to start my day -- off to mow the yard if the dew has evaporated. Oh, the watermelon GS2 planted is almost ready to be picked. Looks like we will be eating a lot of watermelon when the time comes. And that zucchini -- oh my-- only 3 plants and it produced way more than we can eat. I shred it and freeze it and use it for baking muffins, cookies, and cake. I add it pancakes too. GS2 when asked if he wants pancakes he always replies only if I don't add vegetables to it. I think I will use my mom's trick and blend it up and use that for the liquid.

Hubby went to visit his friend up north, so my mood has been a bit more up beat and I can eat simple food - just put the items on my plate after heating them up. It is not the same as camping, but at least I am getting some "me" time after I come in from my chores. With everything going on with my parents, yardwork that needs to be done, etc. I really need this time to destress.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:00 am

August 27, 2019

I needmore time in the day, I just cannot seem to get thie things done that I need to do. It is ard for me to plan what I am going to do because I misjudge how long it will take me to get a particular job done, some one interrupts what I am doing and askes me to help them, or I just get too tired.

I am still reading the China Study, I mention this because I have such difficulty taking time to read. I am just alternating reading with my computer time. I am glad to be rereading this book because it was this book that got me started on the plant-based diet. It is a good refresher for me to get my mind set where it ought to be.

D2 and her SO came over the other day with the kids, so we had a family game night. I made some noodles (Space Alien shaped) with some pasta sauce, broccili and a stir-fry vegetable mix, and some garlic bread. D2's SO does not eat vegetables and this was the second time he mentioned that he has ate vegetables. Hubby and I may not follow the plan strictly, but we are having an influence. Just start with small and work your way into the program.

I just need to give up the junk food. Yesterday was a frustration day for me and I ended up eating potato chips - way too many. I decided to pay attention to how my body reacted to it. It is actually draining my energy when I eat the junk food. A recently read a quote that stated that success is acheived by many failures. Some times I think I take too much comfort in my failures to follow the plan and do not learn enough from what I did. I need to learn from my failures and take steps not to repeat them.

BUt on the positive, I batched cooked some potatoes and beans and have been eating those with some sauteed onion and green pepper.
I do need to work on adding more low-calorie density vegetables into my meal plan and choose better snacks.

Yesterday, D1 stopped by and I had a chance to visit with GD1 and GS2. We went for a walk in the rain to the lake, that was 1.75 miles and then I did my Nike Run Club workout on the treadmill - 7.75 miles. Yes, I managed a 7+ mile run on the treadmill. I watched some Treadmiller videos - a professional runner runs down a trail - It kept my interest and helped me stay focused on my form. But, man, that last half hour was tough - both mentally and physically. Now, if I can just apply that same determination to get with my meal plan.

The potato and beans are still in my meal plan, today I will make some burgers and maybe an enchilada bean bake of some sort. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day with D2 and her family, a picnic is planned. I am going to make some potato salad to have with some canned beans.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby deweyswakms » Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:19 am

[quote="Morris"]August 27, 2019

I need more time in the day, I just cannot seem to get thie things done that I need to do. It is ard for me to plan what I am going to do because I misjudge how long it will take me to get a particular job done, some one interrupts what I am doing and askes me to help them, or I just get too tired.

Good morning, boy I hear you on the TIME factor! I am taking steps to reclaim my calendar. I do it to myself, over-scheduling myself. There are many fine and fun things to do, but somehow I don't get to my top goals. That changes, after today! Putting myself first. Easy for me to do since I am single. Good luck.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:59 am

August 28, 2019

Well, I weighed myself this morning and I lost a bit, just a small bit, but it brings me a bit closer to my goal. If I would actually stick to my eating plan, I am sure I could reach my goal. I am aiming for what I weighed last year before my mom's emergency surgery and long recovery, my dad falling and needing surgery on his neck, my parents selling their house, my dad needing to be hopitalized, and now is in a nursing home. That is when I totally freaked out and ate too many bad things for my health.

THe worst thing I noticed is that I really did not seem to care much and I am slowly turning that around and I am starting to care. Reading the China Study and the articles on this site are good sources for information on the consequences of what we put in our mouth. The unfortunate thing about what is eat is that we do not see the damage it causes right away. It takes time to manifest itself. I need to keep that in mind when I am getting ready to give in to a temptation.

Today is going to be a "fun" day -- at least I hope it will be a fun day. We are going on an outing with D2 and her family to the zoo and we will be having a picnic lunch.

Yesterday, I made a double batch of bean burgers and then some baked beans. I was planning to take the baked beans for lunch today, but hubby ate half of them.

Yesterday, I managed to make sure to get some veggie ate and I had a package of the broccoli, cauliflower and carrot mix, served with a bean burger - the bun was not SS compliant. But 2 out of 3 items for my meal is a plus for me.

Well, time to get movin'
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:02 am

August 31, 2019

Well, the end of August and I am slowly getting my mindset where it ought to be. I have read the first 9 chapters of the China Study and am thinking of how it changed my eating the first time I read it. I seem to be a bit more resistant to the information this time. I think it is due to hte fact that the first time I read it was when I was attending school and was away from my immediate family -- cooking for just me and the change was easier to make then.

But the fact that the dairy - (cow's milk) seems to be the trigger for a lot of these diseases really makes me rethink my wanting ice cream during these summer months. I am thinking that, although not necessary, to track my food intake may be benificial for me to see where I really need to make some radical changes in what I eat. I am looking forward to reading Part III - the Good Nutrition Guide.

I took my mom to tour an apartment in the same compound as to where my dad is; it is connected to the nursing home. They are both accepting the possibility that there won't be much positve changes for my dad, but there is still a glimmer of hope. The cost of these places is so high -- that should be motivation enough for me to change what and how I am eating.

I am eating those bean burgers that I made the other day - I followed the guideline from Engine 2 and used pinto beans, oatmeal and cooked couscous, vital wheat gluten - I baked them twice as long as the suggested time. A crisp shell and a bit firmer in the middle. Some one a while back suggested to bake the beans first to dry them out - I may try that next time. I wanted to see how adding the wheat gluten would affect the texture. After they firmed up in the fridge they are not too bad, I have been eating them cold.

I am going to go for a long run today on a biking trail that goes through a state park - not sure how far I will go before I turn around. I already did some physical work - we had some sand and rock dumped where our driveway washe out and I went and shoveled some of theat into the washed out area. I figure it'll take me about 3 - 4 days an hour at a time to get it done. I am so glad that even at my age I am still able to do physical work . I will just need to be careful when I go for my run - I already drank 3 large glasses of water to stay hydrated. I had 2 bean burgers on bun with a Kumato tomato (my favorite tomato).

I might try to make some zucchini corn fritters for dinner tonight - if I can find out how to make or maybe just some zucchini latkes type of dish.

Have I mentioned a bear got into our watermelon patch and took off with one but dropped it in the yard - it was not quite ripe :-(

Well, time to for me to get movin'

Have a great weekend!
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby sirdle » Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:42 am

A bear stole your watermelon?

Haven't heard that excuse before. ;-)

Cheers, :-P
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:30 am

Yeah, a bear stole one of my watermelon and I think one of them got into my apple trees also. There is a broken limb on one of them and apples all over the ground.And we have a porcupine that had decided the side of our house is good for chewing on. Oh the joys of country living. Yet, when I let my dog out and/or when I go for a run, I am more concerned about the neighbor's dog coming after me.

Sept, 1, 2019

On chapter 9 in the China Study and the message is clear:Whole food pland-based diet can prevent a wide variety of diseaases. Reading the part about Osteoporosis and bone density caused me to think about the time at a health fair they were doing screening of bone density by measuring the bone in the forearm. As I recall, everyone received a referral to see their doctor because of low density readings.

T.C. Campbell's recommendations to reduce risk:
1. Stay physical active
2. Eat a variety of whole plant foods, avoid animal foods. Get calcium form beans and leafy vegetables. Avoid rifined carbohydtates: sugary cereals, candies, plain pastas and white breads.
3. Keep salt to a minimum.

Seems simple enough, but I sure need to work on that last part of #2. That is my struggle. I am really glad that I am rereading this book. I am in need of this knowledge, but just knowing it will not do me any good; I need to apply it. Since this is the book that got me started on a plant-based way of eating, I am hoping it will have the same effect on me again.

Both my husband and mom tell every one that I am a vegetarian and even my brother notices what I eat. I wish I could be a better example for the WHOLE food part of this way of eating. I did it once and I can do it again.

This spring we had our driveway fixed and leveled off, but it was just leveled with sand and with all the rain we had this summer we had a couple of major washouts. Yesterday, a dump truck load of sand and rocks was dropped off to fill in the hole. Guess who is going to move it - yep, that's right! Me. I got a good start on it yesterday, worked about 1 hour on it. As long as I take it easy and do not try to make it too much of a workout, I should be just fine getting it done in about 3 -5 days. A bit at a time. Reminds me of winter, shoveling snow: put the snow on a shovel from one place and move it to another place.

After I finished that, I decided to go for that run. I went to the state park and started with running the trails, but them decided to go onto the bike trail. It was one of the best runs that I did in a long time. I am not sure how far I actually did but I don't think I can confidently say I did what my Nike Run Club app said I did (I forget to change the setting from indoor to outdoor.) I wore my garmin watch, but did not wait for it to connect to the satellite, and my fitbit battery was low so I did not trun that on. The mileage distances were 7.28 miles (app) and 6.24 miles (garmin) and 77 minutes for the fitbit. Judging by the time and my 10k times, I'd say my garmin tracking most likely gives me a truer distance.

I used a Tabata mix from Workout music source as my music. Tabatas are 20 seconds hard 10 seconds rest, alternating for 4 minutes. I upped the speed on the 20 seconds, slowed down for the 10 second reat and walked the 1 minute rest between sets. I was able to do the "run" for the 4 minutes on the majority of the sets. I only walked when being passed by bikers that were hogging the path and when some one had dogs with them. So, I am happy with my progress - only bummed out that my pace on the Nike app wasn't that good. I am going to do that route again on my next long run so I can actually compare.

What I plan to eat today:
romaine lettuce and Kumato tomato -- Kumatos, a brown tomato, can be eaten in three stages of ripeness: green, red and brown. So sweet, if you ever seen them - buy some!
oatmeal with flax seed meal, pineapple, cherry berry blend mix, cinnamon and pumpkin spice.

lettuce and Kumato

zucchini and corn cakes - still looking for recipe

1 hour shoveling rock and dirt
go for a walk down to lake and back

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:19 am

Sept 3, 2019
Well, I ended the summer by taking GS2 and GD2 and D2 to an amusement park. We spent the afternoon riding rides and then visiting the Pioneer Village (an exhibit of old building and the stuff that was used) It was a fun afternoon for everyone. I packed a picnic lunch - simple peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches, oranges and carrot sticks. Snack were some fruit gel and soft 'n chewy granola bars. Afterwards, D2 had some coupons for McDonald's - ugh! that so called food looked horrid, just a dull brown and a smell of old grease. I was not tempted at all. I just wish I could convince D2 to feed the kids better.

I did not sleep well last night, but then there was a wicked storm outside. So, I woke up late this morning. I have a lot of things to do this morning, then I am off to town to help my mom get some phone calls done so figure out what she needs to do to move into that different compound where my dad is. It will be nice when they can get to be closer even if they cannot share a room. It is kind of sad that they cannot keep them together even if one requires more care than the other.

I am not having good success in planning my days, activities a.k.a. chores or my meal plans. I cannot wait til things settle down so I can at least feel like I can get a routine. Then at least I'd feel like I was accomplishing something and not have all these things left undone leaving me feeling unsettled. But, I am sure, the things I am dealing with are really small compared to what some others have to deal with. So, I really ought not be complaining so much.

Well, I am going to start my day with oatmeal with cherry blend mix, banana and flaxseed

boiled potato
zucchini and corn
pinto beans

repeat of the same for last meal

Exercise - it will have to be spontaneous today - to time to go for a run. Perhaps a treadmill run when I return from helping my mom.

Three things I am grateful for today:
1.GD1 is spending the night on Thursday
2. My relationship with my mom is better than my growning up years, even if I get frustrated with my mom still
3. the sun is shining this morning

Have a wonderful day!
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:53 am

Sept 4, 2019
OMG! I opened my mouth and my mother came out! --- I spent the afternoon with my mom and she was talking normal and then she said something and started with her "crying" voice and I what came out of my mouth was, "You don't have to cry about it!" -- Oh my, flashback to my traumatic teen years when I cried over anything and everything.

But, seriously, both my parents seem to be handling their situation quite well. Both are becoming more active without the other one there and are becoming more involved in the activities being offered. I talked with one of the aides at the place where my mom is and she is noticing a positive difference in her. I am glad to hear that because she was becoming a real "bear" to be around. (I am being nice here with that description).

I went out for dinner with my mom. I think she misses going out because we used to do that on a weekly basis with them. We went to a Chinese place and ordered some fried rice. I forgot to say use less or no oil and it was a bit oilier than I prefer, but the vegetables were so different than other places. Instead of the mixed vegetables (peas carrots and corm) they used sugar snap peas, broccoli and bean sprouts.

Today, I plan to eat (I really don't know why I plan out what I am going to eat because I never seem to follow my plan - but I am hoping if I do this enough times for a length of time, I will eventually get with it and follow my plan. I'll just plan 1 meal for the day and make leftovers

mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy
asparagus ( I saw it in the produce section and bought some even though it is not really in season - hope it is good)

Since GD1 is coming tomorrow, I will make a taco mix - she does not like mushrooms so I think I will make it with lentils

Oh, I bought JL Fields Vegan Prep Book last night - I am hoping to get some ideas and at least have some meals in the freezer for me to just be able to grab. I have to do something to stop grabbing junk when I am out and about. Reading the China Study is helping me say "NO" to my craving for ice cream - plus the weather is getting cooler now.

D2 gave me a bag of apples that I am planning to make some applesauce or apple jelly. I still need to get that zucchini shredded - I am going to dehydrate some as see how they do as "chips" - don't know if they will work, but I might as well try because zucchini is one garden plant that is hard to give away because every one seems to have too much.

I made a cake out of some of it. My mom told me to blend it and use it as the liquid in a cake recipe. So, I am shredding a lot of it and freezing it. I do that a lot with excess zucchini - it also makes a great addition to pancakes. I think if I blend it GS2 won't realize I added vegetables to the mix. (He requests them without vegetables) Oh, I should make some waffles and then freeze them -

Well, I just got my to-do list for the day. Time for me to get moving...
Today I am grateful for:
1.) a beautiful cool sunny day
2.) an irritating CHUG dog to love
3.) being alone today -
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:37 am

Sept 5, 2019

It is a gloomy day today. It is only 10 o'clock and I have already received 2 weather alerts for severe weather. It is so dark outside compared to yesterday's sunny day.

Well, since I was home all by my lonesome yesterday and did not get all the things done that I needed to do, I realize that it is not so much that other people are asking me to do things but rather I take way too long to do whatever it is I am doing. I managed to make two batches of mashed potatoes to freeze - I did one with cream cheese because that was a proven recipe and the other I did compliant with this way of eating - no added fat. I want to see how they turn out once thawed and heated. I am hoping it works because I have a lot of potatoes to cook. Hubby keeps buying in bulk and I am the one that has to prep it all and I just do not have time for that right now. He wanted to go buy another 50 pounds - no, no, no - if they are going to go to waste because we don't eat them in time, I want it to be on the store's dime not ours.

I am not going to post much today, I am too tired. I had to let the dog out 3 times last night. I don't sleep well the way it is and to have to wake up those extra times, I hear my pillow calling my name and telling me it is time for a nap.

I boiled some extra potatoes and asparagus, so I will be eating those today with some lentils.

Time for a snooze-- have a great day.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:20 am

Keep us posted on that mashed potato freezer experiment. That's good information to have! I'm glad that your parents are coming to an inner peace about where they are. Is there any way you can continue with your tradition of lunch out with them every week? Unless they've got medical needs that require specialized equipment or something.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:30 pm

bunsofaluminum - I will definitely let you all know how my just mashed potatoes do when I thaw and heat them. Hubby has often suggested going out to eat with my parents, my dad in particular, but my dad's condition is now that he is unable to go places plus he can barely hold a spoon or fork now and the ones he does have are specialized for him with special handles and bent at a specific angle.

Sept. 6 2019
Another sleepless night - my dog decided to sleep at my feet and in the wee hours of the morning she jumped off the bed in attack mode - I saw a shadow in the hallway - GD1 was spending the night and she got up to use the bathroom. Needless to say, I had a hard time falling back to sleep after that. That, and the fact that I had to make sure I woke up early to be able to drive GD1 to school.

I always hate it when I have to sset the alarm to make sure I am up early, then I don't sleep well becuase I am too worried I'd sleep through the alarm. Never mind, I do not recall ever sleeping through the alarm. But, I just woke up from a nap - the sun is shining and even though it is after 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I am having my oatmeal with flax seed, pineapple and Cherry Berry Blend. Earlier, I had peanut butter and jelly toast with my coffee.

Just finished reading the chapter titled Science - the Dark Side about the struggles TC Campbell had in the very beginning with the pro-industry crowd. So glad that he was strong enough to withstand all that was thrown at him. Imagine saying that a "lower intake of fat and a higher intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products would make for a healthier diet" (p. 265) would cause such a stir.

It far too often involves money, power, ego, and protection of personal interests above the common good. ... it's just day-to-day government, science and industry in the United States. (p. 267-268)

That just says way too much, in my opiniion. I remember doing my research on the 2005 changes of the food pyramid back when I was taking that culinary course. It was my research about the special interest groups controlling the information as to "what we should eat" -- I definitely learned that the pyramid guidelines is not what is to make up a healthy

I have to keep reminding myself as to why I began this WOE in the first place. Years ago, this book played a major role in my not eating as much meat. And also Dr. McDougall's books and the resources on this web page. Some time ago, I was listening to you tube videos while working in the garden and Marion Nestle came on and I keep hearing a phrase that she said replay in my head over and over: Not exact "Eat real food: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. But don't eat so much that you gain weight. (The underlined part is what gets stuck in my head. ) I can do without the meat - it's going without the refined stuff that causes me to falter.

But reading the chapter 13 about Science -- The Dark Side, and how the greed of some people, at the expense of the health of others, really makes me grateful for those who have stood firm for the truth and what is best for health.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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