pnwgirl's journal

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pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Fri May 28, 2010 3:15 pm

What a great resource here with all these discussion groups! I think that starting a journal here will give me a little more motivation and accountability, so here goes....

I actually did the McDougall program about 6 years ago when my 40th birthday was approaching and I'd put on quite a bit of weight after having my children. I got down to a really comfortable weight and felt great, but somehow I drifted back to eating eggs and dairy and some processed food and eventually put it all back on. Eeek, how could I let that happen??

So here I am at 220 lbs and my BMI indicating I am obese :crybaby: . So I now know that this is something I have to just do forever, and I just need to get on with it before I start developing health problems.

Goals: I'm not totally sure of what an ideal weight is for me, but for now I'm saying 165lbs is my goal. I am 5'10" and I think I came up with that weight off some chart I came across.

I have a short-term goal of losing 20 lbs in the next 2 months as I'm going home to visit my family in August and I would so love to be thinner by then!

I'm going to be quite strict and like the idea of Mary's minis that I've been seeing in the forums. I'm sticking to potatoes, veggies, salad and 2 pieces of fruit. I'm also drinking some green tea to keep my coffee withdrawal headaches at bay. Funny, I thought it would be more difficult to give up my daily glass of wine but I seem to be fine with that.

Well, I'm off to steam some more potatoes....
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby kirstykay » Fri May 28, 2010 3:41 pm

Welcome back, and good luck to you! Keep us posted on your progress! You've done it before, so you should have no problem reaching your goals. :)
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby afreespirit » Sat May 29, 2010 3:23 pm

Looking forward to reading your journal!
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Mon May 31, 2010 11:08 pm

This was day 7 of sticking to the MWL guidelines. I have found it pretty easy and haven't cheated at all. I have only lost about 2 lbs this week and was hoping for a little more, but my scales are not altogether accurate. My clothes are a little looser. It feels good to be off coffee and wine. Feeling clear-headed and more lively. I have been getting more exercise than usual - hiking, trampolining and geocaching with my kids.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby lydia » Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:57 am

Pnwgirl, I have been there, done that myself. I saw 218 twice(5'10") and lost the same 50-60 lb twice using weight watchers at the time. Then I switched to this way of eating and have been able to maintain for almost 4 years.
The advantage you have this time is knowing the power of the addictive foods. You are smart to be strict when you start as that will help you become focused and lose the taste for some of the foods that draw us back in. Sure would be fun for you to have 20 # off before you see family in August.
When I was that heavy I found that I would not shop for clothes because I was getting into the plus sizes ...that was my biggest motivator to lose at the time.
The thing that keeps me focused is this discussion group and all the dvd's that I have watched numerous times. Have you seen the one by Doug Lisle?
Wishing you the best
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:31 pm

Hi Glenda,

Thanks for your message. I read a book by Doug Lisle a few years back but haven't seen his DVD. I'll have to check that out. I keep reading parts of the MWL book to keep me on track.

I do find that I have to be very strict with myself. If I even taste something I am cooking for my family I want to have more. I had to cook some things for a potluck last night which was tempting, but I resisted!

I am getting a bit frustrated with the lack of weight loss. I've had 9 days now of being *really* good and still the scales are barely moving. Last time I did this the weight just fell off really quickly.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby lydia » Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:41 pm

It is definately more challenging when you have to cook both ways. It is usually just me and my husband now and we eat the same. That keeps the tempting foods out of the house (except the chips which I make my husband hide). My son is home for a couple weeks so I am reluctantly accomodating his tastes. That should be interesting....
It is frustrating when the scales don't budge....When losing weight I always hit plateaus where I would stay the same for a week or two.

Shopping for SAD food was interesting tonight. Paying 5.00 for a box of cheerios was shocking. Haven't had such a big bill for such little food value in a long time.

Keep up the good work.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby afreespirit » Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:30 pm

Hang in there Pnwgirl! Our wt loss may slow with increased age and number of attempts at losing, but you will be successful if you stick with it.

Have you read this thread? viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17397
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:40 pm

Yay! I got on the scales this morning and saw some definite movement! I know I probably should only weigh myself once a week but I really wanted to see some progress.

Thanks for the link to that thread, afreespirit. That was helpful. I think I need to check my sodium intake. I realised how much sodium is in the fat free dressing that I had been having on my salads - 480mg in a 2 tablespoon serve.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby AranMC » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:01 pm

pnwgirl wrote:Hi Glenda,
I do find that I have to be very strict with myself. If I even taste something I am cooking for my family I want to have more. I had to cook some things for a potluck last night which was tempting, but I resisted!

Oh me too... I daren't taste my cooking until it's on my plate.. I've always been a 'relaxed'
Throw in a bit of this, a bit of that, taste, add something else.. I can't do that now..

My main challenge will be in early winter, when father in law comes home for the entire winter. He's a BIG meat eater and I mean big, 100+ lbs overweight all on his
But as I've told hubby, if they want meat or dairy or any SAD stuff they will have to cook it cos I refuse to now. I'm just glad my kids are all grown up and left the nest, it's much easier for me.

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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:28 pm

Very happy that the scales keep creeping downwards! This feels good. I am back to wearing size 14 clothes. Have been doing MWL for 2 weeks and lost another 6lbs in that time.

I have been having oatmeal with a few strawberries for breakfast. Lunch is usually microwaved red potatoes with some coleslaw and salsa. Dinner is either more potatoes or brown rice with vegetables. For snacks I have salad or fruit. I discovered a simple dressing made of equal parts apple cider vinegar and honey. It is especially good on cucumbers.

When I need something when I am out I get green tea and an oatmeal from Starbucks.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:39 pm

Noticed something interesting today. Now that I have cut right back on salt, my socks are not leaving marks on my ankles. They never looked swollen but I was obviously carrying around some fluid.
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby AranMC » Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:44 pm

I did have swollen legs and ankles and for the past few days they've been nice and slim.. great isn't it.. I knew I had some water retention but hadn't realised how bad..

So glad it's working out for you.

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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby CathyB » Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:46 pm

You are doing great! I do not know if I could stick to MWL so I am starting the regular program. It will be hard but am planning on not getting on the scale until next week>

Congrats on being back into a size 14 and no sock marks!! :thumbsup:
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Re: pnwgirl's journal

Postby pnwgirl » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:40 pm

Thanks Cathy!

I actually find it easier to do MWL than the regular program. There are less choices and it takes bread and pasta off the table which are weaknesses for me.
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