Rikki's Losing it!

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Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:57 pm

Probably in more ways than one :)

Well, I have been lurking on this site for a few weeks now and jumped on the McDougall bandwagon Sunday. I feel like I am doing good so far, trying to stay away from the scale. I have been a low carber for quite a while- years ago lost 50+lbs on Atkins(didn't gain it back, but on and off with the same 20lbs over and over again.) I have been vegetarian for a good 5 years now, have been doing South Beach for a couple years on and off and just seem to be able to do that 20 lbs over and over... I am sure I will be a master at maintenance now-LOL!
I have tampered with being vegan a few times but always slip up... so I have decided to McDougall... and I figure an occasional bit of cheese won't kill me if I am eating low fat at least 99% of the time...
Im rambling now... As you will find out I tend to do that ;0)

So, I would like to get feedback on my meals and such here... I am going to try to post daily and any comments or suggestions are always welcome and appreciated! I ordered the wrong book- I have the McDougall plan but meant to get the Ultimate one- but I feel I have found enough info on here that I will be just fine until I can get my hands on a book later!

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:10 pm

Chickpea and spinach soup with tomatoes
Baked potato with lentils, carrots and spinach
1 small apple
Daily totals:calories1,119 fat7 carbs213 protein61 fiber61

1/2c Oatmeal
lentils with spinach and carrots, yellow squash, 1tbs nutritional yeast
brown rice and stirfry vegetables
rice cakes
brown rice, black beans on lettuce and tomato with 1tbs tofutti sour cream
4 frozen pineapple chunks
Daily Total:calories1,455 fat12 carbs257 protein62 fiber51

Am I doing this close to correctly? :?:
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby f1jim » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:08 pm

So far so good....
The only thing that would make me hesitate is your comment..."and I figure an occasional bit of cheese won't kill me if I am eating low fat at least 99% of the time..."
That has been the undoing of many people. Cheese was a big part of my diet previously. I think dairy is one of the worst things for us, now in hindsight. It would be the first thing I would give up if doing this all over again. Good luck and welcome.
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:19 pm

Thanks f1jim for the welcome! I actually have a history with cheese as well, however the beast has been tamed and for the past several months I have been able to eat something with cheese occasionally on it and not go wild but as of now I am not touching it!;)

So, its day 3 for me now and I feel like I am starving! Is this normal? Will the hunger subside? I am not used to all the carbos I am sure and maybe my body will take some time to adjust?

I think I will make some lo calorie soup to have around if I am hungry I really love a light cream of zucchini soup I made a while back maybe I will make that. The whole batch only has 1-2Tbs tofutti sour cream and just broth, zucchini and onions other than that... If this hunger persists I am going to have to make it immediately! LOL I did just have some leftovers from last night so hopefully that will hold me over...
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby sksamboots » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:55 pm

if your hungry, then eat
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:22 pm

Hi Rikki,
Hope you are doing well. I, too, did the low carb & then later South Beach. They all worked, but then the weight always came back.
I have found if I eat a good breakfast, I usually am not hungry until after 1 pm. I usually eat around 7 am or so. If I do get hungry, I try to have baby carrots around to snack on, they really help curb my appetite, provide that crunchy satisfaction maybe? But if you are hungry, it may be you are not eating enough, especially in the beginning. When I started, for instance, if I made oatmeal for breakfast, I always made the large size, heart healthy they call it. But now I find I dont need that much anymore, I am fine with the regular serving & a fruit.
Looking forward to following your journal-Good Luck.

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby afreespirit » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:37 pm

Welcome Rikki! The McDougall Plan book is great and I happen to be reading it right now myself... :) You may be interested in the Maximum Weight Loss book...You seem to have the hang of McD already judging by your menus--you will refine and tweak as you go--explore the board for answers, and enjoy the journey! :-)
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Skinitter » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:39 pm

Hi Rikki,
Im new here too ,only doing the plan for about a month. I have had periods of extreme hunger and have linked it to a few days of too much salt or sugar. I have taken others advice and keep baked potatoes around and it helps. I was on atkins at one time and it messes with your brain a bit to get past the idea that starches aren't bad. I try to stick to whole foods. Processed foods take me down a slippery slope( pasta and bread). Those were binge foods for me so I eat them only occasionally. I eat whenever I'm hungry, take food with you. I have lost 5 pounds not trying. Started this for reflux and am much better. Good luck! :)
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:29 pm

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I've been out of town for my ten year reunion such was a blast. I've been fairly good except for alcohol. Too much of that this weekend but now that's over and time to move on! No more drinking. Had subway twice and fruits and vegetable at the reunion and some rice crackers. I am looking forward to cooking this week...

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:16 am

Whew- the neighbor is mowing and my allergies are going wild! I just took some claratin but its so nice out I just refuse to go inside! Planning my day out food wise and here is how its looking!
B: coffee with rice milk and pumpkin pie spice(I only occasionally drink coffee and it was so chilly this morning I couldn't resist;0))
S: cream of zucchini soup
L: black bean, rice, and veggie mexican casserole
S: more soup
D: brown rice pasta, veggies and lentil meatballs

Glad its a long weekend I will try to get DH out in the garden with me, it needs to be cleaned up terribly! Maybe to the park this afternoon too or maybe to play tennis. Just definitely want to be outside today! :D
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:47 am

Hi rikki...Welcome!

I like that zucchini soup you mentioned. mmmmm...

I'm with Jim on the cheese...it seems like a slice of fat to me. ;-)

and I'm with Boots on the "eat if you're hungry"...that's one of the most common differences especially when you first start this way of eating: you feel like you are eating A LOT. Don't worry about the cals, just eat foods that are within the MWL guidelines (or regular McD) until you are full. If it takes two or three helpings, then eat it. It's part of the adjustment your body makes. It'll level off soon enough and you'll be eating more regular seeming portions (still, we McDougallers do eat more volume than others who are trying to lose weight)

anyway...you're in the right place! keep going!

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:28 am

I ended up not making that dinner last night I went with black bean, brown rice, yellow squash enchilada type casserole... so many of my meals are just throw together like that! Lots of peppers from the garden to throw in there...it turned out good, having leftovers for breakfast. Threw some cheese on for DH. Seems I am really not even tempted by cheese anymore! Yeay! I saw someones idea of something being "not food" and I like that- thats what I have been going with for anything I can't eat... Being vegetarian for so long I have always thought of meat that way- it shouldn't be too hard! OK, on to my plan for the day!
S:rice cake, potato
L:potato with leftover zucchini soup
S:rice english muffin(need to hit the grocery for veggies)
D: mashed potatoes made with rice dream, fresh green beans, and mushroom gravy
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:21 am

I didn't get all I wanted accomplished yesterday- I even think I had a few "bad thoughts" come into my head... I felt like poo and while I was shopping at lowes(which had to be very air conditioned) I was sweating like mad, then I got home and was freezing! I took a nap and felt a little better and the thought popped into my head- I wonder if its my body not liking the way I have been eating, what if it needs some good fats... WTF. UGH. I didn't listen to it, well, I did but ignored it. Why did that even cross my mind? either way I am not going to be eating fats again for a long time. and when I do it will be avocados and olives! I do miss my black olives and avocados.... OK, on to todays plan!
B: 2c coffee with 1c Rice dream
S: leftover potatoes with gravy
L: stirfry with rice
S: grapes, rice cake
D: veggie enchiladas
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby janluvs2heel » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:41 am


Since you have just started, it is probably your body getting rid of the toxic diet you had been eating, not the other way around. I went thru some of that, too. It is hard but you just have to know it will get better. Kind of like the light at then end of the tunnel. All of a sudden, you will get a surge of energy, feel really good. In the beginning it might come & go, you feel better, then not so good. I just let myself take the time I needed. Didn't push myself, I would come home from work & just feel exhausted. You just have to hang in there.

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:06 am

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Jan! I appreciate it... It also got me thinking-I just had my hs reunion this weekend and though my "food" choices were good I did consume a lot of alcohol. Thats probably the culprit!
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