Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:25 am

Woo Hoo! Awesome workout today! I did 30 minutes of cardio on the regular bike, getting my heart rate into the 130's which is 80-90% of my max, and a good range for endorphin production. I stayed there for at least 10 minutes of that time. And I noticed something. My heart rate gets up there faster on the regular bike, rather than the recumbent. Also, my legs feel it MUCH MORE with the regular bike. Also, just loving the pain free-ness of the exercise plus the KT tape. I'm taking steps now and then without my shillelagh, but don't make me putter around for any length of time without it. And DANGED if going upstairs one step/one foot doesn't tweak it badly :(

But hey, it's getting better! I'm loving the exercise, feeling strong and light and hopeful. I go to the gym every day, cardio 30 minutes to start, and then every other day I do weights. Bike, quad extensions, leg presses, shallow squats all for my knees. Then I go through the machines or free weights for upper body stuff. Sometimes I finish up my cardio on the hand bike, which I count as upper body, as well. But one of the things I'm aiming at is to max out my muscles. Lift heavy enough that 10 reps is almost too much. I'm really determined to get stronger, and I'm REALLY really determined not to turn into sludge with a stupid knee issue and a fat butt on the couch.

Eating got a little crazy, due to pistachios being less than $3.00 a pound at my local store, so I bought several pounds. And have been eating them SO yeah...not on my diet but boy did they taste good. Pulling it back around now :nod: Meanwhile, I am losing inches enough for people to comment that I'm losing weight BUT the scale remains stuck (*cough* pistachios *cough*)

I'm getting exercise and food synced up though. Hoping to see some results real soon, on scale and jeans size both. :D And yeah...loving that the knee isn't screaming in pain anymore. The doctor told me the PT exercises would help and she wasn't wrong, but I know the KT tape is a huge part of this. Maybe some day I'll be able to go for walks again.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:46 am

Doing great! KT tape is awesome...it has relieved my knee pain SO much. I know the exercise is doing wonders as well, but the support provided by the tape is amazing. Makes the hugest difference.

Exercise is my main focus currently. I'm pretty much going to the gym every day. I did give my knee a rest on Friday, after a bit of tweaking at the PT. Other than that, I've worked out every morning. Cardio every day, and weights every other day. Noodle arms today; noodle legs on Saturday. Still vaguely considering buying a bike, but right now I'm enthused and motivated about working out so I'm sticking with that. I'm treating it like my job. I come to work every day, right? For money. And I go to the gym every day for my health, today and for the next 20+ years. I actually do have a goal...I want to be the out of shape gramma who kills it, and becomes muscular and lean and active. :)

I am actually waking up by about 4:15 am and head out for a workout from 4:30 to 5:30 in the morning, and have an amazing clear headed energy all day. LOVE IT.

Eating, then. I did a total pleasure trap thing and bought a reduced price bag of caramel corn AND ATE IT ALL...probably 8 cups of fat, salt, and sugar. That was last week. But I also ate pistachios frequently, as I had bought a whole bunch when the price was like $3.00 a pound. Those are gone now, and of course the stupid caramel corn is gone, so things are more normal now. And honestly, just like feeling so good after a work out, I fell SO GOOD when my eating is sane.

Plugging along. Not worrying about the number on the scale, though I did take my measurements on 8/15 so I'll probably do that again in a couple of days. See if my inches have gone down at all. I want Wylie to take pics, too :nod: there is nothing more motivating than seeing your old pics next to your current pics.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:32 am

Had an MRI done on Monday, and talked to my dr. about it yesterday. It is a meniscus tear, in the center region (the horn) which is inoperable (Thank GOD) and she recommended continuing w. PT and letting time pass. If things are still not feeling normal after a few months, get an appt with a knee surgeon to get questions answered about knee replacement.

When the pain was so horrible, just a couple weeks ago, my thinking was (and still sort of is) ... I am 60 years old, and my knee is in a lot of pain (it was in a LOT of pain, pre KT tape). Do I want to live with this pain for the next 10 years while I make up my mind about having surgery, and then when I am 70, have the joint replacement, so that my recovery time is all the longer? So I've already got that in my mind...a 60 year old will recuperate faster than a 70 year old, eh? Currently it's not so urgent with the pain being relieved, but that aging thing is a reality.

Meanwhile I am thankful for KT tape. I was feeling feeble and hopeless when it was hurting so much, but placing these tape strips relieved it right away, and I started feeling like I might actually heal up from this. Plus the exercises. It always feels better after 10ish minutes on the recumbent, and I think the other exercises like the leg presses and quad extensions are helping as well. My PT pointed out, if I do end up having the joint replacement, going in with a history of consistent exercise, and stronger knee muscles, will give me a better recovery as well.

Stepped on the scale yesterday :( up 7 from a month ago. That's what happens when you eat HOW MANY POUNDS of pistachios? I really did go on a binge with those little kernels of salty fat. Had some every day for a couple of weeks and yes, I gained weight. But I'm done with all that now. Sane eating is back in my life. :nod:

Oh! Took my measurements a month ago and again today. I lost 2.5" total. My thighs stayed the same, but I think that's because I measured them in different spots. I gotta figure that out. Also want my hubby to help me measure my arms and I'd like him to take pictures of me for some before, during, and after motivation. :)

Exercise. I started walking for very short walks in the spring of this year, and increased my time and distance so that by the time I hurt my knee, I was doing 30-45 minutes every morning. When I got hurt, I stopped walking. Well, it was impossible. It hurt SO BAD. And it took me a few days after injuring it, before I finally said "Yeah, listen to your body" and went to the Dr. About a week after that visit, I went to physical therapy and got the go-ahead for exercises, and that's when I started up at Planet Fitness. Right before the first PT visit, I bought the book Younger Next Year which outlines all the reasons why becoming fit is SO important as you age, and I started visiting the gym every day once the PT gave me the go ahead. It's been 35 days and I've only missed two of them.

And I feel fantastic! I am doing cardio every time, and every other time I add weights after my cardio. I've lost 2.5" between my waist, bust, and hips. Going to figure out the best way to measure my thighs consistently...if I'm measuring at THIS spot today, and then measure in a different spot the next time, the inches lost or gained aren't going to be reliable.

Anyway, feeling motivated for the exercise, feeling silly and flawed for having eaten all the pistachios that money could buy, and now heading in the right direction.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:07 am

Awesome workout today! Just 25 minutes on the bike with my HR 126-high 130's the whole time. 100% Cardio ftw! Let the endorphins flow ahhhhhh...
Got my fitbit. My employer arranged a massive discount...$100 device for $30 :nod: All I want it for is to measure my HR but it's kind of a pain, since sometimes I'm able to scroll up on the watch, and today it didn't cooperate. But the HR feature on the app was working so...okay. I don't plan on entering my food or water. Not wearing it anywhere but to the gym. Aiming to get into cardio level HR daily.

Something else I wanted to mention. One of the exercises the PT gave me is shallow squats, holding a 10 lb kettle ball. Yesterday when I was doing those, I was lowering MUCH further than I have been able to do. Noice :) So the knees are coming around.

Food has been wonky, thanks to emotional eating. Chocolate, pumpkin spice almonds, tater tots... but I'm in it starting today. I have a food goal: zero fatty foods or added fats.

B: big bowl of fruit. Watermelon, nectarine, banana.
L: Not Chicken Soup; steamed baby potatoes w. homemade salsa; broccoli
D: garbanzo beans; baked potato; sugar snap peas

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:41 am

woo hoo! awesome workout this morning! I am loving the rush, baby. Got a fitbit to sort of keep track of my heart rate, and it's getting up into the 130's range and staying there for the cardio, and also gets up during weights, but not as high.

After a rather lengthy period of stupidity with food, I'm back on track with that again. Energy is fantastic. The food plus the exercise woot!

This morning when I got out of bed, my knee hurt a lot. I'm committed to daily exercise, so there was no REAL question. I was gonna go...and yeah I was limping hard. But once I got on the recumbent, giving the ole knees lots of repetitive motion, the pain WENT AWAY. Amazing body. Move the joint that hurts and the hurt ceases.

But guess what...losing 100 lbs would go SO FAR in helping my knees heal. So carry on, eh? It's soup season again which is exciting.
heh We had some potato plants, and harvested them the other day. About 5 lbs of teeny tiny little guys. Russet, reds, and blues. I got one red potato, the size of a grape. No lie, it was LEEEETLE. But yesterday I scrubbed everything and boiled them. Made a huge batch of fat free gravy and ate them with peas for dinner. :nod: pretty decent dinner.

This week I have also been eating chili and Not Chicken Soup. Salad here and there. We harvested a LOT of tomatoes. Like 10 lbs twice a week. And some cucumbers, a couple of zucchinis. There are carrots and they don't taste good :( there's some chard. Some beets. I'll get out there and harvest those. Next year's garden is going to be in a sunnier location. We weren't thinking about the massive shade tree and the inability of our garden to access sunlight under its lofty branches. So everything is tiny.

Next year, better! yep, doing good.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Oct 27, 2021 9:59 am

Just stopping in for a quick hello.

Continuing with the workouts. I am using my fitbit for both sleep and HR information. Found out that my body naturally does about 6.5 hours of sleep per night. Every now and then I get 7.5. I feel good and not worried about sleep deprivation at all.

Workouts are great! I found that if I max out my cardio/recumbent into the 150 range, that starts a tachycardia rhythm that is a bit scary and takes 10+ minutes to recover from, so my goal now is NOT to go into peak HR, but stick close to the top HR within the cardio level (high 130's) This still gets the endorphins going, I recover VERY quickly from it, and no tachy rhythms. :nod:

Eating. I got hooked on Pumpkin Spice almonds at Winco and have been having them pretty much every day for a couple of weeks. I did put them aside for several days, but then had a weird/exhausting work day and "needed" them. Otherwise, my meals are pretty awesome. Right in line w. McDougall eating. I'm remembering when I was eating rice crackers for a snack every day and how when I dropped them, the scale went down really fast. I need to do this with these almonds FOR SURE. But dang they taste good :lol:

Work is okay. I had a bout of depression the past couple of days where I was feeling overwhelmed w. FT hours plus a very PT job (15 hrs) and the daily grind got to me. I had a bout with the blahs for a day or two, then yesterday my computer at my FT job ... well, they decided we must have a dual authentication thing and when I got locked out of a tool WHILE ON A CALL helping a broker, I spent an hour trying to get it to work and ended up getting locked out of not only the app, but my computer locked as well.

I had a meltdown. I mean, sobbing, stomping around the place, shouting. Took me 15 minutes to calm down enough to call the help desk. And they fixed it. And now I have the authentication app on my phone and haven't had to use it one time. Didn't need it to get into my computer today, and have not needed it for any of my apps. :angry: :mad:
BUT! letting it all out with the crying and sobbing, today I feel fantastic! :lol:

Knee: I'm continuing with the meloxicam/anti-inflammatory. I tried with just ibuprofen and there's a marked difference. The dr. wanted me to move away from the meloxi, but I want the pain free. I also LOVE KT tape. It's amazing how helpful that stuff is. I'm able to go many days without it. Hmmm...maybe the ibuprofen and Tylenol, and keep this puppy taped? hmmmm. But I know what is actually helping the most right now is the daily exercise. The PT told me what to do with quad extensions and leg presses. Squats (which I've neglected tbh) Getting stronger!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:00 am

Checking in...doing okay. Still working out pretty much every day. Stopped eating the punkin spice almonds, and got more careful with other refined foods that had crept in. I figured it out: I'm working too hard to not be losing weight. Proof positive that you can't exercise away bad eating habits, so back to good ole McDougalling. Hoping to see the poundage dropping soon.

BTW when did this forum go so quiet? :|

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Re: Buns Again

Postby squealcat » Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:31 pm

I was thinking the same thing Buns ! So quiet ! I can see a lot of people are reading the posts but not much else going on. We will just have to set the tone !
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:25 pm

Hey Buns!!

Hope you are doing well!! I like to think that we are quieter but mighty... :)

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 17, 2021 1:55 pm

Hi squealcat and Stephanie,

Yeah, this forum seems to have its active times and its quieter times.

so, I overdid it with my knee. I think it started when I was playing with the dog, rolling a ball back and forth and kicking it for him to chase. Well, I cocked my leg back to kick the ball, and he grabbed it before I connected...which means I kicked the dog in the head, which wrenched my knee. The dog didn't even feel it (natch) but my knee is still telling me about it. So I took a rest day from the gym, and when I went back I took to the elliptical for 10 minutes, which I think was too much because of weight bearing. grrrrr.
And I ended up 45 minutes on the stationary bike which was HARSH on my butt. Got pretty discouraged. Felt crummy yesterday and stayed quiet all day. Felt better this morning and went to the gym first thing. Focused on my weight training. Not sure what i'm going to do about my cardio, as the elliptical has maybe a 10 minute limit; the bike is brutal on my arse after so long; the recumbent is almost impossible to get my heart rate up. I mean, you have to get it into the high 90's rpm's which also isn't great on the knee *sigh*

Anyway. I think I'm slowly readjusting my metabolism. My weight hasn't budged per se, but I blame stupid eating for that. However, as noticed on the recumbent...my heart has gotten stronger because it takes WAY more push to get my HR rate up on the recumbent. The regular bike too, for that matter. My legs won't be able to keep up with my rapidly improving heart health :lol:


Feeling beyond frustrated with my job right now. I work in the health insurance field, as a broker support coordinator. I take calls, helping brokers determine eligibility for our plans, checking if enrollments came through, ordering sales materials for them, etc. Currently, if the ubiquitous ads on TV have not given you a hint about this, we are in the Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare. This is the biggest time in Medicare insurance, and our busiest time of year. Starting in August each year, we are helping brokers with their certifications, until 10/15 when AEP begins. Brokers want to get ready for this big sales push, right? They want booklets and flyers and other tools to help them sell our product. Well, the company came into this year's AEP so UTTERLY unprepared.

The plans for 2022 didn't launch until 10/12/21...three days prior to AEP. Materials had to be back ordered and for the most part did not arrive to the brokers until after AEP started. So IOW, brokers get to try and explain the benefits without any kind of literature to hand out. SMH. They can find this information on the website which it turns out is UNDER CONSTRUCTION, presumably in preparation for the AEP this year. Some of it still under construction, mind you. A month into AEP. :?

The new plans have LOADS of new benefits that we, the broker support team, were unfamiliar with. They just said "woo hoo! new plans launched. You can view them here" ... we finally had a training with a lightning fast trainer who ACTUALLY started the session with "I don't have to like this, but I have to do it" or something like that. Really rude, and he's some higher up? sheesh.

Meanwhile, brokers are calling with questions about some of the benefits...which we have had one 40 minute lightning round with a rudenik. The unpreparedness of our company left those of us assisting the ACTUAL engine of the company...the brokers... without the tools to ACTUALLY assist them. Well, there was some low key trouble after I mentioned to a broker who wanted to know about the 2022 benefits, that the plans had been launched, and our training hadn't caught up yet. Heh. That broker reported this to the field sales manager, who brought it to my manager's attention. My name wasn't mentioned, but I know it was me. I said something like "oops, that may have been me. I mentioned our training not being fully caught up BECAUSE IT ISN'T..." etc. A few days later, we had another training session which was better (though still pretty lame, tbh. Most of what I know about our 2022 plans, I have gleaned from some informational stuff that they've slapped onto a sharepoint site. SMH.

We have to access Medicaid websites frequently in order to find out if prospects are eligible for our plans. One such website had been set up by someone who is no longer with the company. This particular page is our most commonly used site, with the majority of our calls being eligibility checks for this state. Well, because the site account was under someone's name who isn't with us anymore, the time came when we could no longer access it. That time was yesterday. Suddenly out of nowhere, the password we had no longer let us in. Thank you, higher ups, for not dealing with this when the OP left the FREAKING company. Now we have to use a different system where the Medicaid ID is required. Our brokers call us with name and DOB, because that is all that was necessary for finding information in the website we have been using since the beginning. Now they're being told they must have the Medicaid ID?
I am beyond frustrated about this. Our most common calls BY FAR are for information from this website, and we can't get to it because somebody didn't bother getting proper access for the team? wtf.

Training. We have some new hires who are joining the team. Our supervisor set up training sessions. Asked if we were okay taking a later lunch, etc. No problo. Today was a training day for me. Okay. I'm assuming the supervisor will do a few things

1) let me know what my topic(s) are to be and the length of my session and
2) start the session and introduce me to the new kids.

Nope. The training was set up and today it started with me and two new people. I found out on the spot that the session was scheduled for 3 hours and I had ZERO advance notice about topic or time frame. The supervisor was not in the meeting, so I got to introduce myself. When I IM'ed my supervisor she said "oh, just run through what your day looks like" :\ Well, I ran out of topic at the 90 minute mark. I didn't think to call for a break or anything...my bad...and the trainees said they had plenty of notes to review, so I dismissed at 90 minutes. Low key questionable on my part. Should've kept at it until the 3 hours were up...

They recently moved our top line/queue to Teams, so we have to use our back line for calling each other using internal extensions. Which is okay, except they didn't put our voicemail on that back line. Therefore, when transferring someone to another team member, we can't send them to the person's voicemail if they're out.

Ugh. Just one thing after another of lack of preparation/follow through from higher up, leaving us call center peons without the tools needed to do our jobs properly.

Livin the dream.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby squealcat » Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:37 pm

Sounds pretty stressful Buns ! Glad I am retired ! :nod: Interesting to hear what goes on behind the scenes. Another glad: that I am happy with my medicare advantage plan as it is and don't have questions (as of today). Best of luck to you and hope that old knee heals up quickly !

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Re: Buns Again

Postby YOU » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:08 pm

I will keep in mind.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:40 am

Good morning,
gee November is flying by (for me anyway). I am SOOOOO glad to be retired and not having to deal with the insanities of work. I am lucky and know it. Have you thought of a job search?

Keep working the MWL program; pick the 1 or 2 guidelines you have the most trouble with and resolve the work on them.
Your knee will thank you if you can get some weight off.

Meanwhile, I am kicking my butt out the door to go get into the pool at the fitness center. I miss swimming; been 2 years.
I don't want to do it, but I always feel better after.

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:28 am

Hey Kids! Thanks for dropping by!

AEP is over thankfully. We got through it okay. Per the one state Medicaid thing: Well, a co-worker pushed it. There's no way the team could function with that state inaccessible so she emailed the "contact us" on that website and got it arranged for each of us to have our own sign on for that state :nod: Note: Management DID NOT take this upon themselves to do. It was a call center worker who did the necessary between calls, right? :roll: Anyway, glad that got fixed. And now that we're done with AEP, they're sending out modifications on the eligibility requirements :\ Seriously. Oh well, I'm glad the AEP is over, and I guess they're finishing up the fine tuning after the fact. The website is no longer "under construction" so we can use the tools there, thankfully.

Still working out, and have modified that schedule some, due to needing to rest my knees. So MOSTLY I'm going every other day and doing 30 minutes of weights, plus 15 minutes of cardio on the recumbent. I figured out how to get my heart rate up on the recumbent: set it at a nice high level. Easy peasey. At level 12, my HR gets up right quick without that lightning speed pumping on the pedals.

But I came on here mostly to talk about my food choices. I've been a wee bit crazy with food for quite some time. I literally allowed myself stupid fatty things BECAUSE I've been working out really hard on a daily basis and I'm here to say you can't out-exercise a bad diet. And it hit me: I'm working my butt off to change my metabolism so that McDougalling will result in weight loss in my menopausal old body, right? I am working WAY too hard to sabotage myself with stupid food choices.

So I'm back. I got busy in the kitchen the past couple of days and made soup and a huge batch of dal. Cooked some rice. I'll stock up on potatoes...there's plenty of rice in the house, and pasta. Going to crack open some recipes and play around a little bit. Christmas is on it's way, and I'm sure I won't be compliant on "the day" and the 26th is our family party where I'll eat whatever. But other than those two days, I'm just plain ole BACK.

And going to track my food here. :nod: I'll note my workouts here, as well.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:47 am


3:50 a.m. wake up
4:20-5:15 gym
30 min weights
20 min cardio HR 138

B: banana; graham crackers; pero (coffee substitute)
BR/L: dal over rice; spinach

So, my new work schedule has me starting at 6:00 a.m. and lunch hour 10:00-11:00 so I'm not eating much to actually break my fast, after working out. Usually a piece of fruit and two graham crackers. I'm okay with the crackers, but will soon replace them with something else. For now, they're better than pop tarts or buttered toast.

My PT job starts at 4:30 pm on Fridays so I take something to eat with me. I've been taking bean and cheese burritos, and a few times, tbh, had fried chicken thighs :x which was SUCH a trigger. Sent me straight to the Pleasure Trap, that did, and I had a fight on my hands. Fat + Salt = Major Cravings. But I stopped doing that and regained my sanity.

Anyway, because it's only 6:30 in the morning, I haven't yet decided what's for dinner today. Prolly nuke a potato and take some sugar snap peas and cauliflower florets.

I may set a goal of trying a new recipe every week. For now, I have several that I enjoy enough to repeat: Not Chicken Soup, Dal w. cauliflower, Moroccan Sweet Potato Stew, and Thai Curried Rice.

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