Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:44 am

Oy, I had a whole thing typed up the last time I visited here, about yoga...and forgot to post it...and got busy and then shut my computer down without ever posting it. Do not remember what all I said other than yoga feels good and I'm going to do it every morning for the rest of my life. Also, wished that I could enjoy walking like I used to.

Thanks for the kind comments!

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

So today I want to talk about walking. I bought a book On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes by Alexandra Horowitz. The book describes in detail what different people "see" while walking, and talks about being mindful during walks and noticing/seeing things. The first walk was with her 19 month old toddler and SO cute. It reminded me of the walks with my wee ones out in the country where we lived.
The second walk (as far as I've gotten) was with a geologist who knew what kinds of stone were used in the buildings of the block they walked around (Downtown Manhattan) and how the stone was formed, where it was quarried, etc. (There are buildings in New York City made of stone from Kentucky). Pretty interesting, but I live in a suburb, not in a major metropolis full of skyscrapers built 100 years ago. The buildings in my neighborhood are all three bedroom cottages made of brick in the 1940's and I am NOT interested in where the bricks were made LOL

BUT! The neighborhood is packed with trees! And when I went on my walk yesterday, it was breezy and the trees were all whispering, so I left my earbuds out and listened as I went. It's still strenuous and I stopped frequently, but I always chose a tree to stop under its shade. And I AM interested in them. What types of trees are they? I know Maple and Ash, Paper Birch, Crab Apple, Linden. Sumac. There were Norway maples and Silver maples. An elm hedge curving around the front of one yard, about thigh high. Yes, elm. I don't remember seeing any big elm trees but I'm sure there are some around here. Spruce trees, some pines.
Looking at the trees, and stopping to rest near trees (while googling What tree is this?) meant going slower and that meant my lower back didn't react in pain the way it has been. I'm telling you, I have not been enjoying my walks, and that sucks. But yesterday I really took my time and came home feeling okay, which was nice because it's been a while since my daily walk hasn't made me cry in frustration and pain.

In other news, we harvested probably 40 lbs of apples from our HoneyCrisp tree, and at least 25 lbs of peaches. First harvest of peaches! So much fruit that we couldn't eat it all and a lot of it went to neighbors and family, and some into the garbage (don't come for me...we don't have the equipment for canning or making apple sauce or jelly :( maybe next year) and yesterday we had two baby pears from our Asian Pear tree which were absolutely amazing.
The tomato harvest continues. We've been bringing in buckets, along with massive cucumbers. I sliced a big one and put the slices in a pitcher of water in the fridge...yum! A couple sprigs of mint? *chef's kiss*

so, my daily goal of imagining myself fit and slender isn't daily so much these days. I think I need to make that a priority now that I have some physical fitness habits in place. Mind you, I'm aware that my mental bolstering is part of what lead to me doing yoga and walking daily, but I know me and if I don't work on keeping my mind in the game, I will not keep up the good habits.
No added fat is more frequent but I can't say it's 100%. It's a work in progress.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:24 pm

Hi Heidi, :-D

I love what you mentioned about the walking book and how you observe your surroundings when you walk. I love to look at and be able to identify the various trees and plants too! We have a lot of oak trees and black walnut ones in addition to some you mentioned. These are leaving acorns and black walnuts all over --- heard that this year is an extra heavy year for acorns (not understanding why).

There are a couple of books that I've read recently on walking that maybe you would like. "Wild: from Lost to Found on the PCT" by Cheryl Strayed (also a movie, but I haven't seen that). It is her "why" she walked and is quite emotional. Also, "Grandma Gatewood's Walk" by Ben Montgomery is amazingly inspiring.

Hope that your walking becomes easier and less painful as you continue on.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:49 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Heidi, :-D

I love what you mentioned about the walking book and how you observe your surroundings when you walk. I love to look at and be able to identify the various trees and plants too! We have a lot of oak trees and black walnut ones in addition to some you mentioned. These are leaving acorns and black walnuts all over --- heard that this year is an extra heavy year for acorns (not understanding why).

There are a couple of books that I've read recently on walking that maybe you would like. "Wild: from Lost to Found on the PCT" by Cheryl Strayed (also a movie, but I haven't seen that). It is her "why" she walked and is quite emotional. Also, "Grandma Gatewood's Walk" by Ben Montgomery is amazingly inspiring.

Hope that your walking becomes easier and less painful as you continue on.


Hi Stephanie,

Both of those books sound like interesting and fun reads. I've been watching a YouTuber who hikes, and he's done a couple of videos about the PCT. Fascinating stuff. Thanks for dropping by :)

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

What a fun weekend! I had a pretty relaxed day on Saturday: did my yoga, and then did art and listened to stories with earbuds in. Harvested tomatoes...a TON of tomatoes...from which I created a luscious pasta sauce out of garlic, grape tomatoes, basil, and a little bit of nooch. YUMMY! Going to do that again for sure.
Then on Sunday got my hair cut and hung out with my six year old grandson Orion for the afternoon. We went to breakfast/brunch, went and played at the park, saw a movie (Paw Patrol...ever seen a junior mosh pit? LOL) watched Leon the Lobster on YouTube, talked Pokemon non-stop, played Pokemon and had dinner. Visited with my daughter when they got home for a little over an hour. I love talking to her. She is THE most inteligent person I know. I'm pretty bright, but she outdoes me 100 fold. And now she has Orion who beats us all. Anyway, after that weekend I feel really good. It was lovely, all of it.

I did a standing yoga today, with the chair nearby. It was only 15 minutes but it energized me. Yoga is magic. It just wakes up the energy. It's miserable weather outside so I might get out the little pedal thingy and go for 30 minutes with that instead of a walk.
Chose fat free for almost all of my meals. At any rate, I'm more conscious of it. Need to do better.

Stepped on the scale and am down 7 lbs from my high in August, and about half a lb from the last weigh-in a month or so ago. I just don't give a rip about the scale these days. Right now my focus is on feeling better, loving my own self, my own body right where I am, treating myself with gratitude and joy. Moving more. Eating healthier. :nod: Phooey on the scale.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:07 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

It occurred to me this morning while I was doing my yoga that I am feeling so much better in my body than I have been accustomed to. The weight isn't just pouring off, thicc legs ;), XXL clothing sizes, etc. But I'm not ticked off at myself anymore. It is what it is and I got over myself and moving on now.

In fact, prior to my knee surgeries, I set a little goal for myself: Walking in the Fall. And here I am, doing it! Not using a cane, not putting ice/heat/ice/heat on my knees, firm steps. I'm still not going very far, but that will come.

The daily yoga has improved my energy, and today I went back to a routine that I started with a month ago, and noted an improvement. So yeah. It's coming around. Patience. Consistency. Gratitude.

Found this little piece on FB:

Today I asked my body what she needed,
which is a big deal
considering my journey of
not really asking that much.
I thought she might need more water,
or proteins,
or greens,
or yoga,
or supplements,
or movement.
But as I stood in the shower
reflecting on her stretch marks,
Her roundness where I would like flatness,
Her softness where I would prefer firmness,
all those conditioned wishes
that form a bundle of
She whispered very gently:
Could you just love me like this?

by Hollie Holden
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:28 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Starflower » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:56 am

Thank you for posting that, Heidi. Congratulations on your progress! :nod:
This journey is one of constant small adjustments. Nothing is ever static, no matter how long you've been eating this way. If something isn't working, you tweak it and make small changes until it works better.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:46 am

❤️❤️❤️ Amazing quote, Heidi!!!!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:39 am

Thanks Starflower and Veg for dropping by. I had to do two edits for those typos in that poem :lol:

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

This week I started on Standing Chair Yoga. I've already been doing some of the chair yoga in standing, such as forward fold and Triangle. The main thing is I am stretched and relaxed at the end. Looking forward to today's midday walk. Next week I will be getting only 30 min lunches for a few weeks...AEP keeps us busy...so I've got my pedal thingy for cardio in the office or while watching TV...or I could go for a walk after work, eh? Happy People don't make excuses LOL DAVID GOGGINS ENERGY woot

Time to get serious on the fat free. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Artista » Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:18 pm

Hi Heidi! I love reading your journal, especially lately, you seem to have hit on a great strategy of self-compassion and kindness, and I love your 5 things to focus on each day! Great progress!!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:50 pm

❤️ to hear of your love for yoga!!! :)

And... :lol: happy people don't make excuses...

Glad you liked the Happy people quote!! It's one of my favorites!

Keep going!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:23 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:❤️ to hear of your love for yoga!!! :)

And... :lol: happy people don't make excuses...

Glad you liked the Happy people quote!! It's one of my favorites!

Keep going!!!


Hi Stephanie,

I actually did a screen shot of that and saved it on my work computer. I have it up in my background right now! It's a wonderful reminder, honestly. so much good stuff there.

Artista wrote:Hi Heidi! I love reading your journal, especially lately, you seem to have hit on a great strategy of self-compassion and kindness, and I love your 5 things to focus on each day! Great progress!!

OMG, thank you. I'm trying so hard to love my body right where she is. Sometime soon I'll write more about self-confidence and obesity.

For now however, I wanted to mention a brief break I took on the exercise/yoga. I got some kind of gut grossness last week and didn't do yoga or walk for like three or four days in a row. Got back to walking yesterday which felt good but DANG if I wasn't tired after half a block. The stamina that I built up gradually over weeks of daily walking just went away in three days, no lie. I had to stop like four times and stretch my back, catch my breath, etc. Unreal. I did yoga this morning which was just right, and of course I will walk again this midday, but what the heck? It took almost zero time to lose almost all the gains I'd gotten. Not cool.

But doing yoga this morning reminded me how wonderful it is. Again. ;) So even when I'm icky, I want to find a way to at least stretch and move gently. I know there's yin yoga out there. I'll find a way. Not going without yoga again. In fact I'm positive that daily yoga will help me a LOT with loving my body right now. As is.

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour

3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

On the fat free front, I have had several days in a row of low fat :) In fact, for dinner the other night I had a baked potato with steamed cauliflower and lentils. Simple, humble food. And I had whole wheat toast NOT with avocado or peanut butter. Jam, yeah. But still...NO FAT!

So for today the goal is to imagine myself already thin, active, and fit. Do the mental stuff to get the physical stuff lined up. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ejeff » Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:38 am

Buns, good for you just getting right back into your routine. You might have also felt weaker as the virus you had wasn’t completely gone. The wonderful thing is the body responds so quickly to restarting exercise so it won’t be long until you have your stamina back again!

Great going on the fat free days. I love plain baked spuds too. I sometimes dip them in malt vinegar for a change. Have a great week!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:08 am

Ejeff wrote:Buns, good for you just getting right back into your routine. You might have also felt weaker as the virus you had wasn’t completely gone. The wonderful thing is the body responds so quickly to restarting exercise so it won’t be long until you have your stamina back again!

Great going on the fat free days. I love plain baked spuds too. I sometimes dip them in malt vinegar for a change. Have a great week!


Hi Erin,

That's a really good point...I was possibly still recovering from the Yuck so I had to rest more often. That makes so much sense!

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk/pedal the pedal thingy

Well, the weather got wet and blustery so instead of walking I did a 20 minute session on the pedal thingy...just pedals. You sit on your couch or a chair and pedal. It's really good for the knees and GUESS WHAT...thigh burn. No lie! I felt it afterwards and today I can tell I used my quads. Feels good! I'll repeat today, though I might do a brief walk just for the fresh air and sunshine.

I roasted some banana squash with garlic powder, thyme, and fresh rosemary. A little tiny bit of salt. It smelled SO good while roasting! and tasted yummy too. Then I made soup out of it because IT'S SOUP SEASON! WOOT!

This morning I spent some time envisioning myself energetic and fit. I don't know why I haven't gotten this back, since it's physically super easy. Anyway, it felt good to slip into that meditation and feel the confidence and good will of being my absolute healthiest self. More tomorrow :nod:

Cannot say I was fat free, as I stirred a TBSP of olive oil into the banana squash cubes before roasting, and also ate some raw almonds for a snack. Other than that, I dun good. I think this morning's brekkie will be squash soup.

Grateful for yoga, as I'm bringing it into my day, e.g. when sitting at my desk I remember to keep my jaw soft and my neck long. I sit with my spine straight, sit bones grounded, and breathe. It's calming and brings a really good energy. Not to mention breaking a little sweat. I feel really good right now.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:02 pm

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk/pedal the pedal thingy

Okay, judging by my trends here, I can see that I'm doing the physical stuff consistently and enjoying myself with them. My energy is up, I am not hung up about my body AS MUCH (though I still wouldn't go out in public wearing shorts LOL)...anyway. I think the yoga is helping with my energy, and frankly I believe the yoga is also changing my mind as well. That is, I'm still not consistently doing the visualization/full immersion imagining of myself already fit, vibrant, and healthy but yoga is making me feel that way about my body anyway. Does that make sense? Taking 20-30 minutes in the morning to set my intentions and move my body, stretch my joints, twist my spine, open my hips, and breathe is amazing. I'm much more ready to rumble, eager to get outside for walks, enjoying life overall a whole lot more, and I don't feel quite as wretched about myself.

Thinking about where I was at in the spring and summer, I realize I was depressed and angry. Following my usual stress reaction of eating all the things, I gained 20 lbs in the six to eight months post surgery...and then my sister kicked my butt and made me walk EVERY DAY while we were up at their McCall Idaho property in August (which was miserable, btw. The scenery was amazing, but the walks were just awful. I couldn't make it 100 feet without having to stop and stretch my lower back or just breathe for a minute. Seriously, I cried nearly every day after these walks: depression, pissed at myself, hating how fat and unwell I had become, unhappy with my lifelong food addiction behaviors, etc. Miserable) ... well, after we got back home from Idaho, I stayed with the daily walking, still hating it but knowing I needed to do it for my health. Use it or lose it, and I hated the idea of being that way for the rest of my life. So I took to walking up the block and back, then up to the next corner and back, then around the block.

And guess what...for most of those walks I was miserable, at least at the beginning. Frequent stops, aching back, huffing and puffing. They say use it or lose it and I was proof of that! It's gotten better. I'm remembering how much fun it is to crunch through the fallen leaves on sidewalks, the cool air and warm sun, the absolutely stunning sky. But dang, that first week or so, the walks were SO difficult. And me being who I am, anything difficult is to be avoided at all cost :lol: JK, but that is what I fight more than anything: flat out laziness.

Okay so I'm grateful that I rediscovered yoga, and grateful to be in this body which is doing amazing things like recovering well from two very intrusive surgeries, keeping me breathing through my days and nights, and responding to my (basically) healthy food choices. Time and consistency, right? I'm just stepping back in one toe at a time, instead of plunging dramatically in full bore. And that's okay. The point is, I'm NOT choosing to meld into the furniture. I AM choosing to move my body and work towards getting fit and well.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:21 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk/pedal the pedal thingy

Yesterday every meal was low fat! Yay! I made some Not Chicken Soup, one of my very favorite recipes, and that's helped a lot. See? having the right food available is a huge step in the right direction. I've got a schedule of sorts: yoga first thing. That is, get up, get dressed, do yoga DON'T sit and scroll YT shorts. Right? Then I study my Spanish. Si, yo aprendo espanol de Duolingo, libros, y videos de YouTube. Tambien tengo un Vocabulario de Espanol con ejercicios escrito. Escuchando, escribiendo y hablando. Yo aprendo mucho. Muy bien para mi cerebro.

Yo quiero ser bilingue para estudiar espanol. Tres o cuatro semanas hasta ahora. Con ayuda mi translator app en mi celular. :nod:

That's been my main focus recently: Learning Spanish. I'm in my early 60's and know the value of learning a language at any age, but as you age, buliding new neurological pathways in your brain is a really effective preventive measure. I hope to gain fluency if I can find a way to converse in the language, and I am confident that I will become literate in Spanish if I don't get the opportunity to speak it.

I've seen a few YouTubers who gained fluency in various ways. One has a 2,000 day streak in Duolingo :lol: and one has watched Spanish "Into the Spiderverse" 50 times...that's the one I want to try, only The Princess Bride en espanol La Princesa Novia. :)

After Spanish, work. Walk during my lunch hour. Try to remember to stand up and move around now and then.
Then errands or chores, then Zentangle. Then bedtime. Keeping my brain active, and working up the physical activity levels. We're going to Oregon next spring and I want to be ready. Gotta have some stamina, and get some pounds off. Gosh but I'm enjoying kicking through the leaves when I walk. So grateful that the depression I was in has drifted away. It's good to be interested and focused and contented.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:03 am

One Year Knee Check-up!

Things look good right now. The doc warned me about infections of the blood (I am susceptible to cellulitis in my RIGHT leg, but I haven't had it since I stopped shaving my legs :lol: ) and injury. I'm okay to kneel. It won't damage the knee, so I can go by my comfort level. He said the best thing for my knees is strong quads, so I'll continue with the walking and pedal thingy, and yoga tbh. Yesterday's practice had a lot of Warrior II which is a stamina pose and builds strength in the thighs. Also, some down dog and a few pushups from the edge of the chair and my shoulders told me about it all day long yesterday. I'll be repeating that one :nod:

He told me it was normal for my thigh muscles to be fatigued due to atrophy following the surgery and said my gradual increase in distance is good. Now to practice getting on the floor, and up again ;)

I've said it before but: Thought I would never recommend TKR surgery...get a silicone shot, lose weight, do leg day, etc...I am now walking without a crutch, cane, or walker. I can go about half a mile these days and actually went down to the nearby river walkway and that meant a hilly path which was a challenge but I did it!

Today I feel fantastic.

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