My Daily "Weighing in"

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Ruff » Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:50 pm

Ok, you are in the ditch! Well you know what to do...dont lie there and wallow in it.....get out, dust yourself off and get right back in the middle of the highway. Dont look for a magic cure, dont 'punish' yourself by not eating. Just regain the highway and keep plodding along.

The lovely highway analogy comes in here too. The 'I-have-eaten-badly-I-must-do-something-drastic-about-it' diet, is a side turning! We wander off on this scenic tour thinking it will be a short cut. And its not! Its a snare and a delusion. Sometimes its just a dead end, but other times it leads to all sorts of places we would rather not go. Eventually we have to retrace our steps to the point we fell into the ditch and set off again. Honestly its quicker to just regain the highway and start plodding onwards again.

you got this, and we have got your back. Go eat a potato!

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:20 pm

Thank you Ruff ! I looked back at my journal hoping to see something, anything to help. I like the thought of that road. Yes, the best was is to get back on that road in the same place where I fell off. I am doing that.

I had a salad with my hummus and balsamic vinegar for dressing. Also a few chunks of watermelon. I cut up the rest and froze a little with some lime juice, the rest is in the fridge.

This morning I took a 3 mile walk before it got too hot. It felt good ! I will do that again tomorrow. I also plan on cooking up some steel cut oats for breakfast. Back to my usual meals. No bingeing tomorrow. I will get back to my plan. Glad I don't need to go to the store. I will have a plan for that next time.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:54 am

I hear you on the 'messing up'! I do it too sometimes, then my 'critical judge' voice shows up to punish myself. Let's be gentle with ourselves, do some thinking on WHY we do it. Not shopping when hungry or thirsty is one strategy.

We think we are powerless - I know I cave when wanting gingersnaps (of all things). In the face of all reason, I will buy them, eat some, throw the rest out. So I just realized that my body (definitely my spirit) like and want that spice! I am going to experiment with adding ginger to some recipes. Or maybe try some Asian recipes.

Let it go, start again, each day is a new day.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:58 am

Thank you Marsha !! I was thinking about my "problem" last night. I rarely have trouble with food in the morning. I can eat oatmeal every single day and never want anything else . Mornings are safe times for me , as far as eating is concerned. Next week I will try shopping in the morning (after my oatmeal and wearing my walking clothes so I don't forget to walk right afterwards). I will see if that helps me with my food choices.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:16 pm

Hi Marilyn! Wow we have some things in common!! Walking is my favorite exercise, and it seems you do a lot of walking tooo! (I need to get a lot more diciplined about frequency!). I too have struggled BIG TIME with binge eating. So I totally feel you on the aftermath of the binges physically, emotionally and spiritually. I just wanted to reach out and let you know you have another supporter on this journey of ours!

The grocery store can be a really slippery slope kind of place for me as well. I love your idea of grocery shopping in the morning - I think Doug Lisle talks about decision fatique in some of his presentations? (or maybe I am misremembering someone else) but I think our "will power" really is stronger in the morning than later on. I have also switched to grocery pickup about 90% of the time so I don't even go inside the store.

Whatever strategies you find work best for you, please share so I can put them in my bag of tricks too! Wishing you a potato strong day and week!!! I look forward to getting to know you better!

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:42 pm

So nice to hear from you Beth ! I DO have some "tricks" that work if I work them. I will let all of you know how shopping in the morning works next week when I go .

Today I cooked up some steel cut oats, brown rice (I like Jasmine brown rice ) and some beans. I cooked the beans in my instant pot then transferred to my crock pot to soften more along with a chopped jalapeno pepper . I was thinking of Mary McDougall's recipe of smashed beans that I read about on the MWL forum. The beans were then nice and soft. Not sure I need to smash them.
I have cut up watermelon all ready in the fridge as well. Always be prepared !!

I keep thinking about joining the MWL group again but I just need to get my bingeing under control. I continue to eat "Starch Solution" and probably mostly MWL as I get over these bumps in the road. ( I am still on the road, Ruff ! There were a couple of bumps today but I'm still on the road !)

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:16 pm

Hi Marilyn! :)

Sounds like you are doing great!! Just keep going! :) (Don't forget to be kind to yourself ... :D )

Love your strategy for changing up your shopping time to morning. Not sure if this will help you - but will share 2 additional things that help me with the grocery shopping: 1) Eat before you go (so you are full) and 2) Steer clear of the aisles that have foods that may tempt you (this helps me especially in WFM...)

Glad we all have the mini book club here!!

Hope you have a great weekend!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Ruff » Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:29 pm

squealcat wrote:
I keep thinking about joining the MWL group again but I just need to get my bingeing under control. I continue to eat "Starch Solution" and probably mostly MWL as I get over these bumps in the road. ( I am still on the road, Ruff ! There were a couple of bumps today but I'm still on the road !)


Speed bumps! Oh yeah! we need to add them to our analogy.....they slow us down but don't divert us off the road. Brilliant!

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Jul 13, 2022 4:14 pm

Exercise: none

I have been watching my grandson the past 3 days and also entertaining his 9 year old sister so that my son-in-law can work from home. I am pretty tired (mentally and physically). Felix doesn't require much but a little attention, feeds and breathing treatments but his sister is full of energy . I am tired !! So no exercise since Sunday but I will tomorrow. Looking forward to getting back at it !

Today I turned 70. I used to thing people of that age were old but now I think differently. I look forward to the 70's and to see what this age brings me !

Breakfast: old fashioned oats, a splash of soy milk and peach
Lunch: Since it is my BD, my son-in-law bought us Poke bowls so: white rice, tofu, pickled ginger, seaweed salad, wasabi peas, ummmmmm.....radish, green onion, jackfruit, maybe some other things but that is mostly it. Delicious ! We also had watermelon.
Dinner: 2 slices of Ezekiel bread and lentil sloppy joes. broccoli, banana ...maybe another peach. I will see. I also had a yellow potato with mustard between lunch and dinner.

I have to catch up and read everyone's journals !

-squealcat (Marilyn)
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Daydream » Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:12 pm

Happy Birthday Marilyn!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Trinity » Wed Jul 13, 2022 7:50 pm

Happy Birthday Marilyn!!! Congratulations for on an on-plan birthday!!!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Ejeff » Thu Jul 14, 2022 6:36 am

Marilyn, glad your birthday was wonderful. The food you enjoyed all sounds so delicious. It’s nice you had lots of fun with your grandkids this week. Even though you didn’t get your usual exercise routine in, sounds like you stayed very active. :-D

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby rickfm » Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:31 pm

squealcat wrote:Today I turned 70. I used to thing people of that age were old but now I think differently. I look forward to the 70's and to see what this age brings me !

Happy birthday, Marilyn!

I'll be 64 in two months. Hoping to celebrate that at a less-than-obese weight. Twenty pounds to go, so I'm feeling pretty confident about making that happen.

I love what you say about looking forward to your later years. I want to be one of those old geezers that goes sky diving for the first time on his 90th birthday. :unibrow:

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby Ruff » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:08 am

Happy Birthday! have a wonderful day. :D

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:14 pm

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes ! You all make me happy !!

Today I walked 3 miles for my exercise

Breakfast: steel cut oats, strawberries and a splash of soy milk.
Lunch: large salad with balsamic vinegar for dressing, part of an avocado and chick peas on top. I love chickpeas !! I had a yellow potato and a couple of veggie dogs (I know, not that healthy)
Dinner: an apple and a big bowl of potato soup. I really love the recipe on the Forks Over Knives web site. I left out the vinegar because I didn't have the right kind . It tasted just fine without it. I was going to steam some zucchini to have but my husband was busy in the kitchen and I just couldn't get around him. Probably will have it tomorrow !

Our Zucchini is starting to get busy in our garden now. We are determined to catch it before it gets too big. Will see if that happens ! :nod: Our salad garden has been very good as well ! Lots of different leafy greens to collect every two days. We have basil too so I need to figure out how to use that. I DO like it in zucchini soup ! :nod:

I have been doing well again as far as eating and not bingeing. I think it has been 4 or 5 days :-D ! I was partly scared into it because I weighed myself and I was up by 4 pounds :crybaby: and then I took my blood pressure and my BP was higher than it has been in a long time :crybaby: :crybaby: . My weight is going down now and my BP is a bit better but has a way to go to get where it was. I was eating a lot of crap :( . I am thankful for the shakeup now as I travel down the road with no barriers or speed bumps . I feel a lot better (physically and mentally ). Thankful for all your support.

I am trying to be thankful for my age (70 :duh: ) and plan to enjoy this new decade ! Let's see what happens !! :D

-squealcat (Marilyn)
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