Marsha's MWL journal

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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:01 am

Sunday Oct 17, 2021

Rain rolls in later today so I must get out for a walk, now. I'm still here, working the program, but also bored with my food routines. I am also trying to find 'satiety' and what it means vs. just eating and eating and eating to try to fill full.

I have become a salad lover! Well, I always loved salads, just not making them. Now, salad is one of my main meals. I have advanced :D from romaine lettuce and a few cucumber slices to adding chopped beets, some cooked peas and corn, tomato, celery and cucumber with chopped romaine lettuce. I like it as my last meal of the day. Now, this fills me up.

I tried on some new, smaller undies. Looks good, but I also see more #s that need to come off, so I am pondering what part of the MWL formula to tweak. I want to drop to the 160s next.

And I transferred my Silver Fitness membership from the more distant Y with the great pools that I can't use to a nearby 24hr Fitness. They have 3 lap Olympic sized lap lanes, plus the bike & rowing machine equipment I like to use. I am proceeding slowly because too much on this aged body makes me hurt 1-2 days afterwards.

What do you all do when bored with food? take care and stay healthy, Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby squealcat » Sun Oct 17, 2021 2:24 pm

Ya know Marsha, I used to really NOT like salads but now after eating them over and over again I have become a salad lover too ! I make them similar to you and use balsamic vinegar and two or three globs of my homemade hummus on top for dressing. I also like beets on top and sometimes corn and also more beans (black beans or chick peas) on top. Japanese sweet potatoes chopped up on top is delicious too and filling !

I, too get tired of the same thing and soup really helps me get over that. I just discovered a black bean soup on the Vegan 8 website that is delicious ! I don't remember if it has oil in it but if it does, I didn't add it in. I have been thinking about pea soup lately so that might be my next one to make.

Have you tried mango on your oatmeal? That is really good ! Many times steamed veggies don't appeal to me but once I cook them up and start to eat them, they are just fine ! :nod:

I really don't have much to add. Monkey and Me always has delicious recipes if you want to try something different. You will use all your herbs and spices if you use their recipes ! Sometimes theirs are too involved for me. I made their SOS that is made with lentils and I put it over potatoes and was really good and one of their less "involved" recipes. Also lentil loaf .....oh, I have given myself more ideas for the next couple of weeks ! :lol:

Continue to let us know how you are doing! I am going to try to journal more again here as I need to perk up ! I need to get this weight off and feel so stalled and it is all up to me ! :nod:

-squealcat (Marilyn)
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:24 am

squealcat wrote:
I, too get tired of the same thing and soup really helps me get over that. I eat soups (veggie chili, split pea, egyptian red lentil) all the time.

Have you tried mango on your oatmeal? NO, great thought, and will try it. I do love my oatmeal.

Monkey and Me always has delicious recipes. I will look them up. Thx

I need to get this weight off and feel so stalled and it is all up to me ! :nod:

-squealcat (Marilyn)

I was just thinking this morning about losing weight: This is really mind over matter, the 'matter' being not trying to white knuckle through each hour, day, to not eat bad foods, because that rarely works (for me anyway). To me, it means making a choice to 'do better', try harder, stay committed, really clear on my goals. Maybe write your goal & 2 or 3 things you will do to achieve the goal onto an index card that you carry with you. GOOD LUCK, you can do this.
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:35 am

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021 MY GOODNESS October is zooming by!

I am a good cook, love my food, but am bored with the usual routine. 'If it's Wednesday, it must be rice and veggie chili day'. So I decided to shake things up.

Today I started with a big salad and fruit. Still hungry so had oatmeal. I have a Wild About Greens cookbook that I have never used! Yesterday I made my veggie stock so today I will make the Sweet Potato and Corn Chowder with Greens recipe.

The most delicious yellow pears are in the store now, and will buy more of them. And later this week I will try the easy cauliflower broccoli pasta recipe from the Monkey & Me page (thanks Squealcat). I might roast the cauliflower 1st.

Meanwhile, the clouds are breaking up so I must get outside for a walk.

New goal: get into the 160s. Keep going! Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby squealcat » Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:35 pm

My goal is to get into the 180's. I should be able to do it in November. I will take your advice and write my goal down along with 2 small things I can do to achieve it. Grocery shopping tomorrow and I have my list. Exercise (walking) plans written down as well. Usually getting my walk in is not problem except for the days I watch my grandson. I will plan on just one mile on those days this coming week. I have a gym to go to if it rains (or snows) next week.

Thanks Marsha for all your encouragement !
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:44 am

Sunday Nov 7, 2021
ACH! daylight savings time, go away. Useless.

I am still here! Bouncing up/down a pound, body won't settle. I think I am on the sweet spot of the 'calories in/calories out' equation. This just means I need to change up what I am doing, not much I think, but cut 100 calories somewhere.
As is, there is no margin for 'maintenance', relaxing what I eat or increasing portion sizes.

So, I need to decide to either stay where I am, or press on if I want to lose a few more pounds. How disciplined do I really want to be now?

Meanwhile, I made the spicy lentil soup from the Quick & Easy cookbook. I was a bit dubious about adding the whole wheat spaghetti, but it is really good. Today I will roast sweet potatoes; really good with this lentil soup; roast broccoli too (my fav). Fall fruits are so good! love the yellow pears, and we get vintage apples which are fun to try.

And 5# bag of potatoes is FREE right now at the local store, so more potatoes coming up.
Keep working it! Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby squealcat » Sun Nov 07, 2021 11:08 am

Marsha, thank you for visiting my journal space !

Farro is a lot like oat groats so if you like oats and barley, you will like farro ! I was thinking today about using it as a substitute for rice but I am cooking rice today along with roasting sweet potatoes and yellow potatoes. The reason I bought farro a couple of days ago is because I couldn't find steel cut oats at my Meijers store this week. Funny how certain items just are not available on shelves lately. I looked for several weeks for saltine crackers for the husband and FINALLY this week they have it ! I can understand why some people hoard things. I bought a box of those crackers and also a bag of the oyster crackers ! :lol: They are a trigger for me so I have to keep them out of site.

Have a good week Marsha !

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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:29 am

Nov 28, 2021

I haven't posted in awhile but still here, still doing the MWL thing, still at the same weight #! I read JN's post on plateaus, so if I want to lose a few more #s, then I have to change the 'wiggle', because I am out of wiggle room.

It will be more veggies and a little less starchy meal portions. My old body can't take a lot more exercise but I am off NOW to try the pool at the nearby fitness center. I miss swimming. I do still enjoy my 1-1.5 mile walks but I do need to do something else for upper body.

Happy not to gain any ounces over Thanksgiving because I did stick (almost) to the plan. I took a wild rice pilaf with dried cranberries and roasted pecans; it was a great substitute for stuffing; I enjoyed the green beans and mashed potatoes. But, oh heaven, my DIL made the MOST divine sweet potato pie. All I can say was it was the very best pie I have ever had. So, one and done.

Stay safe and healthy everybody, Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:21 am

Dec 6, 2021, good morning.
Yesterday I enjoyed a long walk in our cloudy 'sunshine'. Tis the season for too many errands! 2 more today and maybe I am done.

Yesterday I made a delicious veggie soup. I used a package of frozen peas and carrots, some frozen corn, 1 can of seasoned tomatoes, then leftover veggies including bok choy and chopped rainbow chard. I make my own vegetable stock which was so rich and yummy; a few flakes of red pepper, some pepper, salt, oregano. Simmer for 30 minutes and voila! Wonderful in the morning when I am hungry but don't want to spend the time making anything else.

I also am eating steamed red potatoes with shelled edamame, peas and carrots. Am close to dropping maybe .3 or .4 of a pound. Delicious 'Opal' yellow apples (pricey things, $1.30 for one apple), red pears, a small banana in the morning. Determined to get below 170.

Keep going! hands off the holiday treats, Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby squealcat » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:50 am

Marsha, looks like you and I are getting back to this journal at about the same time ! I had to take a break. Now am back with not promise to do this every day. I don't want pressure to journal each day. I don't want pressure at all !

I started my day writing down my thoughts then doing about 20 minutes of meditation. I will keep this up for a while and see what happens.

Your rice dish for Thanksgiving sounds delicious. I may look up a similar recipe for Christmas as my kids will be coming over once again for that day.

Are those Opal apples at the store now?? I do love the taste of those! I bought a persimmon last week and am afraid to try it. I keep reading that they are good so I will just have to try one bite and see. Have you ever had one?

Glad you are back to swimming! What a good way to strengthen the upper body ! I don't swim but I DO need to do something for arm strength.

Have a great week Marsha !

-squealcat (marilyn)
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:04 pm

Hi Marsha! :)

I love your "hands off the holiday treats".... Going to keep that!!

Sounds like you are doing great... and I would say "keep going" too ... but you are going!! You go girl!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:42 am

squealcat wrote:Marsha, looks like you and I are getting back to this journal at about the same time ! I try to journal here weekly; otherwise, every day is the same thing.

Are those Opal apples at the store now?? YES, I love them. Pricey. I paid $1.39 for ONE.

Have you ever had one? I have never had one! try it and report back. I see them hanging on trees now; so very pretty.

Have a great week Marsha !

-squealcat (marilyn)
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:45 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Marsha! :)

I love your "hands off the holiday treats".... Going to keep that!! :D

Sounds like you are doing great... and I would say "keep going" too ... but you are going!! You go girl!!!

[i]Well, notice I haven't updated my weight in my signature since Oct, because I am bouncing up/down. Frustrating, because I want to lose a few more #s. I've hit the plateau, and notice I will lose some if I have NO flour products of any kind. But that's too severe for me, so I am tinkering with different things to see if I can move the dial again. /i]

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:54 am

Friday Dec 10, 2021

15 days to Christmas! I am ready, almost. Granny duty coming up with the 10 yr old on a two week winter break. Jeez, what to do to keep him off the videos? Outside exercise if the rain stops.

Anyway, I just LOVE my vegetable soup. This time I used 1 can of 'mild' Rotel tomatoes; I do like spice; and fresh green beans, a package of frozen peas & carrots, chopped up rainbow chard, veggie stock, seasonings (bay leaf, salt, pepper, a dash of paprika this time, a splash of soy sauce). Very filling too.

I will cook some brown rice today and add that to the soup. Steam more broccoli and cook more potatoes; make a big salad to finish off the greens. Probably oatmeal for dinner. No flour products at all today; is the only way I can seem to make the scales show a loss.

Off to walk NOW before rain rolls in later this morning. Snow in the mountains. Winter has arrived.

Keep working it. Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Marsha's MWL journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:13 am

deweyswakms wrote:Sunday Oct 17, 2021

And I transferred my Silver Fitness membership from the more distant Y with the great pools that I can't use to a nearby 24hr Fitness. They have 3 lap Olympic sized lap lanes, plus the bike & rowing machine equipment I like to use. I am proceeding slowly because too much on this aged body makes me hurt 1-2 days afterwards.

Goodness but I don't want to admit it...I'm at an age where I just can't push things the way I used to, dangnabbit. I'm on my second "rest day" due to painful knees. I finally learned my lesson about the elliptical. Heh. too old for a dang elliptical. SMH.

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