Brave and Hopeful

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Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Sun May 17, 2020 7:29 pm

The start of a change, a diet, feels so familiar to me. I've been dieting since I can remember. I would watch my mother put on her clothes and then check herself in the mirror, turning sideways, standing up straight, trying to see how flat she could make her stomach, only to slouch back down, a bit defeated and off to start her next diet. We dieted together, even though I was never overweight until after high school. I was young and athletic and ate about anything I wanted to. Sports kept the weight off. After high school, I ballooned up to 185, I dieted and fasted, and got back down to 140. And then, slowly, back to 155 at which point I got married at the age of 21. Of course, I was dieting off and on the whole time. Marriage and it's early bliss, "fat and happy" as we were, helped pack on another 10 pounds. I spent the next 5 years trying to stay under 180, sometimes getting down to 165 but never my wedding weight. We moved for school, lost a pregnancy, worked full time and pursued graduate school and my weight settled around 185-190. At that time, we had already discovered WFPB, were successful for a time, but went right back to fatty foods and indulgent living - vegan, of course, so that made it okay, ha! Life moved on, I settled into work with my husband finishing his PhD. We lost my mother, bought a house, and adopted our sweet baby boy (all within 3 months!) and I woke up one morning weighing 215. What a wake up call! I hit the gym as hard as I could as a working mom, working out at my local box 3-4 times a week, missing my family, but thinking it would fix the weight. And, it did a little. With macros and some hard work, I was down to 198! Under 200, I told myself I'd never see 200 on the scale again. But it wasn't long till I was back to 210. I fought for two years to lose the weight, but kept failing and bingeing, saying I'll start again on Monday. By this time I was a stay at home mother, having left my career to spend time at home with our little boy (so grateful for that opportunity). We couldn't afford the local box (CrossFit) anymore, so I was doing my best to workout at home, but to be honest, I wasn't trying that hard. We ate no cheese veggie pizzas from Papa Johns and considered it a health food. We moved for my husbands new job last April. I stepped on the scale at the local Golds gym and saw 218. It was a blow to my pride. I told myself I would get under 200 before the end of the year...turns out it was a hard year. The transition was harder than I anticipated and I ate a lot of my feelings, okay, all of my feelings. It is now a year later and we have moved into a great neighborhood, I'm starting a doctoral program in the Fall, and we feel like we are coming out a fog. I weighed in at 237.2 on Thursday. I couldn't believe it. I felt so low. I laid on my sons twin bed while he was with my husband, and just sat in overwhelming feelings of disappointment, regret, sadness, and embarrassment. How did I get here? Where was my willpower? I know I'm better than this, so what is holding me back? Why can't I lose weight? I cannot buy more clothes in a larger size. I cried. I felt it. I didn't let it consume me, but I felt it. Like my mother, I got up determined, but I still had questions. I had visited Dr. McDougall's website, read the success stories. I had surfed the PCRM website. I have the FOK app. I have read the China Study. I tried the Engine 2 Diet. I've used the meal planners. I've seen the documentaries.I have all the information, but have felt powerless over the years to adhere to what I know will work, what I know is best for my body, my family, and my weight. Was there really a way out? I didn't know, and honestly, although I'm braving this change, I'm still nervous. My spouse has always preferred Dr. McDougall's method, but I always thought it sounded too restrictive so we've never done it as a family...but truth be told, I had seen it work for him. He had gone to Texas for a 3 month internship, and eaten the McDougall way, and came home as thin as I'd ever seen him (and I've known him since we were 16!) So, Thursday, I ordered the Maximum Weight Loss book off Amazon, and read it through the Kindle app that day. The hardcopy arrived today. :) My husband (who has about 30 pounds to lose and is fully on board) and I started the next day. I picked out some new recipes from the book, created my shopping list and went to town. Here I am on day 3, choosing to be brave, choosing to be hopeful, believing that this isn't the start of another failed attempt, believing that this time next year I'll be close to my goal weight, believing I will start classes in the Fall under 200, able to ride a bike to campus and walk confidently into the classroom less worried about what people think of my body. Here I am, brave and hopeful.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby Ejeff » Mon May 18, 2020 7:12 am

Good for you and your hubby to make this commitment together. When you do it together it is so much easier to keep your environment clean. You never have to bring any products with oil into your house to tempt you. This program works so well and it will be wonderful that your son can grow up eating healthy too. I didn’t discover this way of eating until I was 52 about 5 years ago. I lost 40 pounds and I didn’t even think I was that heavy when I started. Obviously I was lol. And an added bonus for me is that 2 of my 3 grown children eat this way also. It is very gratifying to see that eating to take care of my health and setting a positive example has made them healthier as well.

Wishing your family health and happiness! :-)
"The more disciplined your environment is, the less disciplined you need to be. Don't swim upstream."
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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Mon May 18, 2020 10:59 am

Thank you for all the encouragement Ejeff! I really want my son to grow up with healthy parents and for him to also grow up eating this way. It's my dream scenario. It's so encouraging to me that 2 of your 3 children eat this way, too. Way to set an amazing example for your family! Hope your Monday is off to a great start!
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Mon May 18, 2020 6:27 pm

Day 4 under my belt! I looked at my spouse today and said, "I don't feel like I'm dieting at all, is this real?" I started breakfast with an apple and then had O'brien hashbrowns adding extra mushrooms, onions, and garlic.Topped it with some ketchup. I went for a long walk with my 3 (almost 4) year old little boy, and ended up with him on my shoulders for the last 10 minutes :shock: We had a large bowl of spinach soup (from the MWL recipes), a small salad, and then a potato with mustard and a little ketchup. I was hungry around 4, so I had some pre-baked potatoes from the fridge. Dinner was a large salad followed by steamed broccoli, cauliflower, onions and mushrooms (half my plate) and quinoa with sweet potatoes, topped with bbq sauce. I'm still feeling confused on the recommendations for bbq sauce and ketchup, since they both seem like a lot of sugar/calories, but I'm still losing weight while using them. One of the big things I'm telling myself right now is that it is okay to be hungry and that hunger is normal. I've spent most of my life trying to tell myself that something was wrong with my hunger drive, that I was fat because I was too hungry, but after reading MWL I am attempting to rewire my brain to the truth, that my hunger is good and natural, and that it's what I've been eating, not the desire to eat, that has made me fat. I would be dishonest if I didn't say it is HARD. Every time I am hungry in between meals I want to silence those signals, and allowing myself to eat a potato or carrots or a bowl of soup feels like an act of faith. How can I lose weight if I eat when I'm hungry?!? The rewire struggle is real. :nod:
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby jan_npr » Tue May 19, 2020 4:42 am

Hi Amanda,

I'm just starting out on MWL for the first time but I've been McDougallish for much longer. Like you I have a very supportive husband. I can't believe he let me pack up all of the non-compliant food!

Have you watched Plantiful Kiki on YouTube? She keeps things very simple because she has two young kids. Although my kids are grown I relate to her and find her very encouraging. (She's a star McDougaller.)

Also, my husband and I are watching the Starch Solution Course on the McDougall website. Each instalment is only about half an hour except for the cooking videos with Mary. It's being offered for free now! He's such a great speaker we are enjoying it immensely.

Wishing you the best success.

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Tue May 19, 2020 2:52 pm

jan_npr wrote:Have you watched Plantiful Kiki on YouTube? She keeps things very simple because she has two young kids. Although my kids are grown I relate to her and find her very encouraging. (She's a star McDougaller.)

Also, my husband and I are watching the Starch Solution Course on the McDougall website. Each instalment is only about half an hour except for the cooking videos with Mary. It's being offered for free now! He's such a great speaker we are enjoying it immensely

Hi Jan!

Thank you for your reply. It is so wonderful to have the spouse on board. It really does make it all so much easier. I have not watched Plantiful Kiki or The Starch Solution Course. I had no idea it was being offered for free! I will definitely check both of those out. I love simple! We have an almost 4 year old, and simple is the name of the game for us! Thank you!!!

Wishing you success, too, as you start MWL for the first time. After all these years avoiding McDougall, I'm glad I finally recognized my bias and have jumped in. :) It doesn't help that my husband has loved him for years...but, thankfully he's not the "I told you so" kind...most of the time ;)

Hope you're having a fantastic Tuesday!

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Tue May 19, 2020 6:40 pm

Day 5. Today I woke up with less knee pain and less stiffness. I also woke up an hour earlier feeling energized and to top it off I was .8 pounds lighter! I couldn't believe it! After telling myself all day to eat when I was hungry, going back for seconds at dinner and only minimal exercise I lost weight! That makes 3.2 pounds since my Friday morning weigh in. I am feeling so grateful. I am reminding myself that the weight loss will slow as the weeks go on, but man it feels good to drop those first few pounds so quickly, especially when I don't feel deprived.

Breakfast was a mango followed by O'brien potatoes with extra onions and corn. Lunch was a bowl of spinach soup (the last of it! :( ), and a small spinach salad, followed by a mix of Brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions and garlic with quinoa (half and half) topped with bbq sauce. Dinner sadly was not prefaced by salad or soup, but was a great meal of cauliflower and diced potatoes with corn (half and half) with ketchup on the potatoes.

I started the Great Virtual Race across TN, which runs from May 1-August 31, 1000k total. I'm 18 days behind, since I just started today, so I have some mileage to catch up on, but I thought it would be a fun way to get out and walk more. Today I did 3.5 miles. 2 of those miles I walked with my little guy, so great exercise for the whole family!
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby jan_npr » Wed May 20, 2020 6:07 am

Sounds like you are doing so well! We've got this!! I hate to think of the example that I set for my kids when they were young. Lots of fast food. What a gift you are giving yours!
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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Wed May 20, 2020 7:53 am

Thanks Jan! I feel so late to the game, at 34, wishing I could have done this earlier, but I guess all that regret doesn't help, does it?! It is funny you bring up fast food. My son and I went for grocery pick up this morning and he told me his "tummy was really hungry for French fries" :lol: We didn't get any, of course, but he has definitely gotten the taste for fat and salt!

We totally have this!!! I bet your kids have all kinds of wonderful examples from your life that have made their lives beautiful. :)
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Wed May 20, 2020 5:46 pm

Day 6. I experienced my first real temptation today. I was making my son's PB&J and the smell of PB was almost more than I could handle! :lol: I stood my ground, but it was really calling my name.

Breakfast : Apple followed by hash browns with onion, bell pepper, garlic and corn - topped with ketchup
Lunch: Purple cabbage coleslaw (made with oil free/sugar free poppyseed dressing) and mashed potatoes with mushroom sauce
Snack: Potato with mustard and ketuch
Dinner: Purple cabbage coleslaw followed by leftover hash browns mixed with yesterdays leftover dinner (potatoes and cauliflower) with mushroom sauce

I made the mushroom sauce from the MWL easy and so good! I made my potatoes in the instant pot and then just mashed them with a masher, adding a little soy milk and water, seasoned with no salt seasoning. YUM! My lunch reminded me of the mashed potatoes and gravy from KFC (which I LOVED as a kid) and having a side of slaw with them was pretty nostalgic for me (I would mix the three together). I was reminded of picking up dinner with my mom after a weekend shopping trip to the mall and then sitting together at the table as a family. An old favorite revamped.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Posts: 31
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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Thu May 21, 2020 8:16 pm

Day 7! One week under my belt! YAY!

I am so thankful to have made it through the first week without any slip ups! I think this might be a first for me. I haven't gone hungry and the need to exercise willpower has been pretty nonexistent, aside from that PB moment. :lol:

Today's meals were super simple. I didn't have a ton of time to cook. Today was the first rain free day in a forecast of never ending rain, so I took the chance to push mow my yard while keeping an eye on my 3 year old. :shock: So, that basically took most of the day :lol: I had hoped to get a long walk in, but by the time I finished mowing I was pretty exhausted.

Breakfast: Apple followed by diced potatoes topped with ketchup
Lunch: Coleslaw, followed by mashed potatoes, broccoli and mushroom gravy (50/50 plate)
Snack: Apple; potato with ketchup and mustard
Dinner: Mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy with corn

Tomorrow is recipe and meal planning day for me. Planning to find a few new MWL recipes for us to try out this coming week.

Recipes that have made it into our rotation are:
-Mushroom Sauce
-Mashed Potatoes (doesn't feel like a "recipe" but they are in the rotation none the less)
-Spinach Soup

We really enjoyed the Veggie Rice Casserole (from MWL recipes) but it was a little more work than I want to put in during the week. Likely something we will do once a month, or so, to prep for a weekend of meals.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby Jackieosh » Fri May 22, 2020 12:39 am

I’m sorry to crash this thread, but I have a question about the 10 day free program, I sent an email but they said they don’t answer them. And I can’t find the answer and it’s probably a really stupid question! I read your posts and am really inspired, you are really focused and determined! Looking at what you eat I think I know the answer to my question but here it is: on the 10 day free program there is a meal plan for the 10 days. Each of the meals have a few options, I’m just wondering, do you just pick one or are you supposed to eat them all? Eg. Breakfast: oatmeal, potato hash or pancakes.... not all three?

I’m sick of the yo-yo life too, been veganish for about a year. Thought I would have just got skinny by saying I’m vegan.... didn’t work!
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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Fri May 22, 2020 5:46 am

Jackieosh wrote: Looking at what you eat I think I know the answer to my question but here it is: on the 10 day free program there is a meal plan for the 10 days. Each of the meals have a few options, I’m just wondering, do you just pick one or are you supposed to eat them all? Eg. Breakfast: oatmeal, potato hash or pancakes.... not all three?

I’m sick of the yo-yo life too, been veganish for about a year. Thought I would have just got skinny by saying I’m vegan.... didn’t work!

Hey Jackieosh! Welcome! I am fairly new here, but, yes, you only need to have one of them (I do potato hash - well, my own version). The Maximum Weight Loss forum is really helpful, and people are super responsive there. In fact, I think most of the forums are pretty responsive, I just haven't posted in all of them. If I knew I how to link some posts, I would do that for you, but I'm a discussion board newbie. :lol:

I hear that, "thought I would have just got skinny by saying I'm vegan". Oh man, we have been vegan for a while, and the weight has just gone up and up. There are so many unhealthy vegan products out there now and it's just so easy to treat yourself. Or, at least that has been the case with us.

I hope you are finding what you are looking for here. I think the low fat plant based life is truly the answer, and I am finding the McDougall way the most simple to adhere to it. I love FOK and Engine 2, but something about the McDougall starch focus has shifted my brain.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Fri May 22, 2020 5:31 pm

Today has been difficult. It's that time, so I've just been sluggish and a bit foggy, and in some inconvenient pain. I struggle to eat well at this time of the month, and today was no exception. I usually just don't have an appetite for anything, and then all of a sudden I want all the fat and salt. I reminded myself of that this morning, and made myself breakfast - hash browns loaded with bell pepper, onions, mushrooms and garlic. I ate a little later in the morning, splitting the meal, and ate the rest early in the afternoon. Again at lunch time I was totally uninterested, but at the encouragment of my husband I went ahead and made myself a plate - quinoa topped with steamed broccoli and bbq beans and corn. I started with a bowl of coleslaw. Surprisingly, after I started eating I really enjoyed it! I snacked on some fruit this afternoon. And then, the downhill...we decided to watch a movie with our son and sure enough my husband made air popped popcorn. And, I ate it...I ate a considerable amount of it. The only solace I can find is that it was free from fat and salt. We used to make popcorn with coconut oil, salt and nutritional yeast. So, this felt like a huge step in the right direction and at the same time a derailment. The best part was that my son didn't seem to miss the oil or salt at all! Presently, I'm logging this journal so I don't run to the store to purchase the undesirable foods - bbq chips and wine.

Week 1: Lost 4.2 pounds, Energy has increased, pain in knees and feet have decreased, sleep seems better, my mind (aside from the hormonal aspects of today) has been more clear, and I just feel overall happier.

Meals we are trying this week (from MWL list): Alu Gobi, Broccoli Bisque, and Garbanzo Stew.
Remaking from last week: Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Sauce
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

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Re: Brave and Hopeful

Postby AmandaSue » Sat May 23, 2020 6:48 pm

Today I went a little rogue and had fruit three times. I had mango before lunch, before dinner, and AFTER dinner. :shock:

Aside from the indulgence in my favorite fruit today was successful. Breakfast was my favorite, hash browns loaded down (50/50) with onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and garlic and topped with homemade ketchup. Lunch was mango followed by brussel sprouts, onions, mushrooms, garlic and asparagus with quinoa and garbanzo beans topped with bbq sauce. Dinner was a total repeat of lunch (leftovers :-D ). Took a 2ish mile walk with my family this morning and spent the rest of the day outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

I feel like I'm getting the hang of throwing meals together, as long as I have enough veggies, but I could really work on meal prepping so I have things ready when life is busy, or I'm not feeling the kitchen. Decision fatigue is real and I know I need to combat it if I'm going to be successful. The fewer things I have to decide during the week, the better.

Non scale victory: A pair of pants that were just a bit too tight felt great today!
Scale victory: After 3 days of the same weight, I was 1.2 pounds down this morning!
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" -Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Posts: 31
Joined: Sun May 17, 2020 5:58 pm


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