Finally ready to conquer for good!

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:42 pm

Re-post from the MWL Weigh-In Group from Mark Cooper Saturday, September 25, 2021 + my reply today, Wednesday, September 29, 2021:

Health 1st wrote:
Mark Cooper wrote:Health 1st - Kudos to you for continuing to show up, report, and be accountable, even when it is tough! To quickly explain how I've recorded this month, I went back and updated my entries for the previous weeks (although I'm going to leave the weekly summary posts as they are, just to make things easier on myself :-D ). So 9/3 = -4, 9/10= +10.5, 9/17= +10, & 9/24= -7.8. Make sense? Recovering from a significant lapse can definitely feel like "clawing" your way back at times. :nod: Perhaps the best thing you can do to support your efforts is to arrange your environment so that it is as easy as possible to eat the recommended foods whenever you feel hungry, and as difficult as you can make it to reach troublesome foods (ideally there are no troublesome foods available). Undoubtedly, some planning and prep work will be part of making that happen. Don't give up, keep working, and you can get back to your past pattern of success. :)


Thank you so much for your empathy, encouragement, ideas, and acceptance (not "kicking me out" of the Group when I've gone waaay astray! :-( )!!!!

Yes, thank you; that makes complete sense about how you've calculated the weights. I don't blame you for not wanting to re-work the past enteies! I so look forward to contributing further weight losses than gains! One "funny" thing, I've been so focused on how much I went off-plan + how much I gained that I hadn't even realized it was a 7.8# loss.

I'm really planning on making October a stellar one for my health + in turn the scale! :nod:
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:15 pm

ComfyDiet wrote:Hi, Health 1st! I really enjoyed reading your journal and I feel inspired by your success so far. I’m excited for you to restart so I can read more about your food and thoughts. You make me want to do a journal too! What’s your favorite MWL meal?

Hello, ComfyDiet!

Again I am very sorry for not having replied sooner. I definitely have to not only post to my journal more often, but also check back to see replies, like your very kind + encouraging one! :nod:

Yes! You could + should do a journal, if you want. :) It really does help to have a place to sort out your thoughts + progress...or digress, which hopefully will not be the case for you as it has been for me. I know that as I continue in my journey, I really do hope to post more + more here. I think it will help me, + it is very humbling + encouraging to know that it has been inspiring for you to read--thank you! :-D

I still don't feel like I've gotten into the groove 100% with me first having had such debilitating pain + hardly being able to make any food, to my recent off-plan "adventure". But I love potatoes + they are always a favorite go to for me. I'll write more about my food. Hoping to really enter/start October going strong with my eating + posting (though I can't guarantee lots or regular posting just because of time constraints + limited Internet access, my phone).

Thank you, again! :)
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:17 pm

I haven't forgotten you, Marsha! I'll reply the meantime, enjoy creating your art! :-D
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Fri Oct 01, 2021 2:44 am

deweyswakms wrote:
Health 1st wrote:And the "crazy" thing is that I can honestly say that the good, healthy MWL food tastes just as good, if not better(!) than the bad "foods". It's "just" this stupid perfection mentality that I need to get rid of before I succumb to a negative health consequence from not being on MWL.

Using the journal is such a smart thing to do. It helps our brain bubble up what the REAL ISSUE is, and you nailed it. I like this quote from Winston Churchill: "Perfection(ism) – is the enemy of progress." When we decide to try something new, the opportunity and fear of failure and rejection come knocking.

I battle this every day as I try to paint. The vision I have of what I want to produce too often doesn't match what I actually produce. Then I think 'why bother, I'm no good' etc. Yet I know I am. So I try to reframe the dumb perfection thoughts into positive ones: I do have some talent; I am willing to explore and play with this; I am willing to learn something new. I am not 'wasting' paper or supplies; it's ONLY paper! I won't let the fear of failure take over. I recognize it, 'oh hi, you are back again, but I don't listen to you now.'

My suggestions? do journal every day, just short ones because you are time crunched; set your intention for the day. "Today I will steam broccoli and eat a salad." Simple steps. End of the day, tell yourself I had a good eating day. Tomorrow I will do it again. PUT YOURSELF FIRST in your busy life.

Good luck, you can do it. Marsha


Once again I am filled with gratitude to you for taking the time to read and respond to my journal. Your words are so wise--suggestions so good--real life scenarios so relatable. For once, I think that my (shockingly :shock: :lol: ) concise words adequately convey my thoughts + feelings about all you shared. Thank you + for Winston Churchill's excellent quote, too! :-D

Do you have any of your paintings posted on-line? I'd love to see some. I can relate to outcomes not being what you pictured. :nod:

Well shucks, I guess I'm getting to be my wordy self again...but I love how you talk to the perfectionist in you; I will definitely use that!!!! :D
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Fri Oct 01, 2021 2:58 am

I can't believe October is nearly here...already! Well technically it already is October, but since I'm 1st going to bed soon :duh: , I'm still considering it Thursday, September 30th. :lol:

I'll be writing more in the coming days, including on the October MWL Weigh-In thread, but for now, I'm here to say it's been a rollercoaster week with my eating. And as the days went on + on, I decided to start October nice and good, with a solid start/re-start to a fresh new month + the beginning of the final quarter of this year.

Three months will have come + gone pretty fast. I want to end 2021 with a great, solid 3-month success, + go roaring into 2022 full-steam ahead with continually improving my health as I consistently follow the MWL Plan. Hoping the same for you (whoever may be reading this + whenever you may read it).

Onwards + Upwards! :-D
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Sat Oct 02, 2021 1:33 pm

Post to October MWL Weigh-In Group Saturday, 10/2/21 for 10/1/21 tally:

Weight change +/- in lbs: + 3.2 (Had been up 8 earlier in the week.)

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.----No.
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert.----The days I was "on", I had 50/50.
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.----Some good days + some bad.
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).----Had dairy some days.
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).----Had in-shell peanuts 2 times this week.
6. Eliminate any added oil.---Some days good, others not. The added oils were in store-bought items. I don't have any cooking/eating oil or margarine in the house.
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.----No. Had flour products some days.
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).----100% success...whoo-hoo, finally a category on the checklist I succeeded at 100%!
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.----Unfortunately this past week had several days of thinking, "I'll re-start tomorrow.". Because of this, I did get stuffed at times because don't you know, I just had to finish up some bad "foods".
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).----7 out of 7 days of walking as fast as I could for a good 20+ minutes. Some days it was a 20+ minute walk plus walking as I shopped for 15-45 minutes. Pain + discomfort still limit the speed at which I can walk, but have made made vast improvements, thank God!

Victories, comments, concerns, questions:

In the last few hours I have had an epiphany, + because of it am very excited about my future MWL journey, + have great hope that I will be successful so that I finally conquer my too often horrible patterns of behavior when it comes to eating, my morbidly obese body weight, + my very scary declined health. But 1st...

Last week I truly thought I'd start/re-start as I said I would. So I had some days of basically 100% compliance only to have others that were basically totally off-plan.

I am not willing to give up this fight. I was exposed to + successfully followed Dr. McDougall's way of suggested eating decades ago. I have tried other things (still all vegetarian) from that time, but I still keep coming back to the belief that Dr. McDougall's recommendations are the best + the most doable for a lifetime.

So I have found my "home", my anchor of how I will eat. And a few months ago, as some of you know, I went whole-heartedly into following MWL + with great success. I was not perfect, as I did at times have rice (+ corn) cakes, no-oil whole wheat bread (+ 1 time sesame seeds in + around the bread), + no-oil fake meat as part of birthday celebrations. But other than that, going from my memory now, I did not consume any non MWL items.

So when my slip started, 9/4, it was with potato chips + a vegan BOCA burger (no bread) for Labor Day + I got right back on track. My weight went up 1 day, but was back to the original weight the day after.

But then I let the fact that I had the potato chips + BOCA burger "eat" away at me...falling into that perfection mentality was my biggest old trusted enemy showed up + I slowly but surely bought the 'ole lie hook, line, + sinker.

In the last 24 hours I carefully read the MWL Orientation + MWL Guidelines again. I have deeply thought + prayed about everything. This may seem stupid, + I can see how many could think, "Duh--wasn't this obvious from the beginning?!". But sadly, no. The main thing is that it all came together now, + now I feel like I can long-term successfully move forward in my MWL journey.

Oh boy, I have to post this in 10 minutes, so I hope I convey this well.

As I've mentioned in the past, crazy but true, I have dealt with a perfection mentality with my eating--it does not make sense as I am the 1st to say that I am not a perfect person, nor will I ever be this side of heaven. But yet why do I think I can be eat perfectly ALL the time? (Please know I am NOT saying this as a license to eat off-plan!)

So even though I wasn't 100% MWL when I started 7/13/21, I at least still ate pretty much healthy things--not chips, cheese, cake, etc.. So I was able to mentally handle those things because I also never over-ate them. Again, not saying it was okay as it was not MWL...this is probably more wordy than it could have been had I written sooner + could have edited--I apologize.

Anyway, I now realize that what Dr. Lisle has said for years really applies to me. If I'm going 100% strong, great! But at times when I slip, it's okay to be the tortoise + not the hare. So in essence I will no longer be on-plan or off-plan. This is what I do. I eat + follow the MWL Guidelines....sometimes not perfectly, but that is a part of life.

Not proofread.

-----------Additional post:
P.S. Still haven't read/proofread what I just posted above, but I just wanted to add that I ordered a microwave. We haven't had 1 for probably at least 20 or more years. My main reason for ordering it is so that I can nuke potatoes so that, no matter how crazy busy + demanding my schedule is (+ it is!), I can always have a delicious + healthy potato within 10 minutes. I also plan to nuke veggies so that I can have 50/50 plates + bowls.

Last night I drove a couple towns away to a store that sells cans of no salt added sliced beets, sliced carrots, + spinach. By tomorrow I plan to get to Wal-Mart to buy cans of no salt added green beans, + bags of frozen kale, broccoli florets, cauliflower, + Potatoes O'Brien.

In the last couple days I bought an array of hard winter squashes, 1 bag of Russets, 2 bags of Yukon Golds, bell peppers, red + green cabbages, fresh onions + garlic, organic salad greens, organic grapes, organic bananas, + some new Sistema containers to have food prepped.

I was not kidding when I said I am planning on succeeding...I know at times it'll be a rocky road (lol--yeah, like the ice cream), but I am willing to fight hard to not ever again have such a lapse.

Also, I cannot guarantee because of time constraints + lack of great Internet access, but starting Monday, 10/4, I'm hoping to do the 10 point checklist daily (sans weighing) in my journal.

Thank you, Mark, Jeff, wildgoose, all fellow MWL Participants, + of course Dr., Mary, + Heather McDougall (not that I think they read this, but I am still very grateful to them!)! :)
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Daydream » Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:05 pm

Health 1st, you've got this! I think you'll do well this month.
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby deweyswakms » Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:15 am

Good morning,
As a recovering Perfectionist myself, I bet that mindset carries over into your life, not just your eating.

Because of my dysfunctional past, my coping strategies were to be a Perfect Girl. Made myself 'sick' pushing myself in all ways to not do anything 'wrong'. Deep down, I felt like an imposter; if anybody knew about me, they'd realize how 'fake' I was. Took lots of work and therapy to recover from this distorted way of thinking.

A few years ago, I had an urge to 'paint' but had no idea what that meant or what to do. Never had any art training. So I started exploring teachers etc. And what an experiment in Failure and Perfectionism! Took me a long time and lots of practice to get beyond this. The KEY is to just keep doing it, practicing, using your adult brain to analyze what you are doing, what needs to be adjusted, and try again. Don't give up. Just be gentle with yourself. This isn't an All or Nothing game. We are all changing our behaviors, like giving up any addiction, there will be relapses. Just don't quit.

Looking at the MWL guidelines, you know what you need to do. I only found success when I admitted I wasn't doing guidelines #1 and #2. When I got serious about following ALL of them, the pounds fell away.

You can see some of my art on Instagram, marsha12280. Good luck, Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:38 am

Originally posted on the October MWL Weigh-In Group Thread, 10/9/21:


Just hopping on to let you know that my week was far different than I had planned. Unfortunately, my closest friend + her family have had several "minor" (could be worse, but still bad enough) crises this week + I have been trying to help them out as much as I can. In addition to that, the next couple weeks have me needing to accomplish some fairly large projects with hard deadlines. As much as I hate to do it, realistically, I think I'm going to have to bow out of participating in the Group + posting on my journal for the next couple/few(?) weeks because of the added time constraints, as I'm pretty wiped out physically + emotionally from seeing loved one's hurting.

At least I've been able to put into practice being okay with a very high level of compliance yet not being perfect with my God is bringing some good out of the bad. :nod: Also so thankful for bags of fresh + frozen veggies, oatmeal, Bob's Red Mill Potato Flakes, + canned no-salt-added beans + veggies...keeping it super simple is so helpful!

Please know that you have been + will continue to be on my mind, I'm really hoping the best for you in your MWL journeys + life in general, + that I look forward to reuniting with you as soon as I can. I also still plan on responding to the kind, thoughtful comments that you wrote me in the past week. Please take care, Everyone! :)

Edit @ 10:30a.m.: I really tried to be succinct above, but that doesn't seem to be my forte :wink: , + often get more wordy when I'm tired (hadn't slept yet). Just thought that I could have done the checklist(!), except I have no way of weighing myself right now.
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby Health 1st » Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:55 am


I know. I didn't think I'd post for at least a couple weeks. As mentioned above, life has been + will be e-x-t-r-a busy for awhile. I will 1st be going to bed after I'm done here. I think I've gotten so used to such little sleep that I actually don't really feel all that tired, but I know I am just because when I do the math, it's been so little...also my head is sore. Anyway, that's not what I came on here to say....

I've had some thoughts ever since my fall from MWL, subsequent challenge of getting fully back "on", horrible weight gain, + even worse--health problems that were either pretty much resolved or greatly better:

----When I once again* experienced the joy + freedom of eating healthy + feeling so much better, to return to old ways of eating--"foods", habits, patterns--it seems so futile. It's like wandering around a forest feeling lost when I know how good it feels to be "on". Not sure if I'm being eloquent/making sense. :eek: It's just that the word, futile, has come to mind so many times in these weeks of wandering. And yes, I have had some great compliant days, but then I've had some not so great eating days, too...still struggling with the dumb "all or nothing" mentality. Mind you, I am not calling myself dumb. Obviously I'm not jumping for joy that I've had these off-plan eating struggles + consequences, that I have failed, but I am not a failure. I've been blessed to have a very good sense of self-worth/self-esteem so I don't call myself dumb, it's the "all or nothing" mentality that is dumb. Just wanted to clarify that because it could possibly be taken the wrong way.

* I have successfully McDougalled in the past + always experienced that joy + freedom

----No matter what I've eaten, I have been surprised how often the "treats" really weren't all that tasty + have most always been pretty disappointing. And the couple times some non-McDougall/MWL things did taste scrumptious, it was so temporary. Because it's then gone from my tastebuds, gone that I have no more of it to eat at a later time to enjoy...but it's really not gone because then it is wrecking havoc in my arteries, for my heart, fat cells, etc..

Okay, I have once again gotten very wordy. Don't you know that I never had trouble when a teacher assigned a certain word minimum for writing a paper?! :lol:

Hope you all are doing well!!! Please take care, hang in there, fight the good fight, + I look forward to when I can reply + write more. :)
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:28 pm

Hi Health 1st,

Hope that your life becomes less stressful soon...

Just wanted to say -- when you are ready (and we will be here)... YOU CAN do it!!!

You have a post with such an awesome list of all of the foods that you will buy / prepare. Impressive!!

So hard to make a big change when you have your attention diverted with other challenges. It is a continuous learning process - Better Every Single Time / BEST...

Wishing you well,
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby MakeHealthLast » Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:27 pm


I have no way of proving it, but I am the one who started this journal. Unfortunately I did not write down my password or the information for the e-mail account which I opened up specifically for this Forum, and I didn't back it up, so I can't get into it, either.

Note to self: Always write down your passwords even though we've been told not to do so! :roll:

Anyway, I would love to start writing in a journal again ( + hopefully join/re-join the Behavioral Group), whether I can continue with this journal or start a new one. As per normal human nature, my health is no better now than when I had last written, which was in the weekly MWL Forum. My health is worse. :tear:

I look forward to hearing from whomever can let me know what I should do about my situation. Thank you!
I formerly posted as Health 1st but forgot my password. My new Username came from a video I saw on YouTube. It can be taken 2 ways: I want to make my health last for decades, + never again want to make my health last place in my life.
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:39 pm

Hey Health 1st!!! I totally think you are who you state!! :)

I am so happy that you re-joined us... and hope you can either figure out your tech challenges or just go on with your new name!! :D

Always loved your posts and am pulling for you!!! Keep going!!! :-D

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby MakeHealthLast » Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:01 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hey Health 1st!!! I totally think you are who you state!! :)

I am so happy that you re-joined us... and hope you can either figure out your tech challenges or just go on with your new name!! :D

Always loved your posts and am pulling for you!!! Keep going!!! :-D


Hi Stephanie,

Thank you so much for your kind re-welcome, encouragement, + for believing that it is I, Health 1st. :-D I have not re-read any of my previous posts, but just from memory (which obviously isn't the best since I forgot my password + e-mail :duh: ), I had a very rocky road (no pun intended), with some really great successes, but some really rotten tomato failures...ones that I don't think someone would purposely step up + say, "Yep, that's me!" if it weren't really me. :lol: ...maybe if I were coming back now saying, "Hey Everyone, in the time I was away from the Forum, I got my act together, have the MWL Program down pat, + lost 100 pounds!". But, alas, that is not the case.

Stephanie, I want to apologize for never having replied to your post prior to your last one now. It's not like me to not reply; I'm sorry.

I did see that my last post here was almost a year ago ( :eek: ), but yet I do remember having posted to the MWL/Time & Adherence Group earlier this year because I remember telling you all that we had covid. that means that not only did I not reply to you, I didn't keep up with copying + pasting those posts over here...maybe 1 day I'll be able to do so.

Well, I better stop for now otherwise you may reconsider having welcomed me back--lol. Seriously, though, I can't tell you how many times I thought about all of you, how you were doing, if you were still posting, etc.. Unfortunately, time is still a problem for me, but I hope to read yours and others' posts in the Time & Adherence Group + in your individual journals.

Take care! :)
I formerly posted as Health 1st but forgot my password. My new Username came from a video I saw on YouTube. It can be taken 2 ways: I want to make my health last for decades, + never again want to make my health last place in my life.
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Re: Finally ready to conquer for good!

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:49 pm

MakeHealthLast wrote:
VegSeekingFit wrote:Hey Health 1st!!! I totally think you are who you state!! :)

I am so happy that you re-joined us... and hope you can either figure out your tech challenges or just go on with your new name!! :D

Always loved your posts and am pulling for you!!! Keep going!!! :-D


Hi Stephanie,

Thank you so much for your kind re-welcome, encouragement, + for believing that it is I, Health 1st. :-D I have not re-read any of my previous posts, but just from memory (which obviously isn't the best since I forgot my password + e-mail :duh: ), I had a very rocky road (no pun intended), with some really great successes, but some really rotten tomato failures...ones that I don't think someone would purposely step up + say, "Yep, that's me!" if it weren't really me. :lol: ...maybe if I were coming back now saying, "Hey Everyone, in the time I was away from the Forum, I got my act together, have the MWL Program down pat, + lost 100 pounds!". But, alas, that is not the case.

Stephanie, I want to apologize for never having replied to your post prior to your last one now. It's not like me to not reply; I'm sorry.

I did see that my last post here was almost a year ago ( :eek: ), but yet I do remember having posted to the MWL/Time & Adherence Group earlier this year because I remember telling you all that we had covid. that means that not only did I not reply to you, I didn't keep up with copying + pasting those posts over here...maybe 1 day I'll be able to do so.

Well, I better stop for now otherwise you may reconsider having welcomed me back--lol. Seriously, though, I can't tell you how many times I thought about all of you, how you were doing, if you were still posting, etc.. Unfortunately, time is still a problem for me, but I hope to read yours and others' posts in the Time & Adherence Group + in your individual journals.

Take care! :)

Hey Health First!! :D

No worries about not replying ... no apology needed. :-D

I am so glad to see you here and I think that you will do amazing things!!! Nothing you put in your post would ever make me reconsider being happy that you are back! Everything in your post would make me think... hey ... you go!!! :-D :) Love to share journey with you!

YAY!!! Glad to see you!!! Do you have potatoes??? :lol:

Wishing you the best!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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