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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue May 31, 2022 7:43 pm

B: tea, 2 oz. unsweetened Silk, potatoes
L: potatoes then a Diet Pepsi at Chuck E. Cheese
S: potatoes, vegetables, balsamic vinegar
D: 1 beer, mashed potatoes with gravy, broccoli, 1 glass of white wine, 1 piece of birthday cake (non-McD)

Also exercised. Whew—party’s over till June 11 though we’re headed to visit more family this Thursday through Sunday. I felt pretty icky most of yesterday, in the night, and then part of today even.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:26 pm

Tea, 2 oz. unsweetened Silk, potatoes, vegetables, (McD) waffles, maple syrup, fruit, 1 glass each of white and red wine, balsamic vinegar, gravy, mustard, 1 small piece of (non-McD) chocolate cake. I had planned to let everyone else finish it but I also didn’t want any of the kids to eat too much, so there was one small piece left I couldn’t resist. Face has been breaking out and of course the scale is up. Exercised.

Trip to FL tomorrow but SIL already said she’s making both baked and sweet potatoes for dinner. We’re not leaving until noon now that my husband is dealing with a work situation so I should be able to eat my normal breakfast and lunch food. She calls what I’m on the “boring food diet” ever since years ago I brought my rice cooker on vacation with us and ate a ton of delicious plain white rice. They are also impressed with the quantity I can consume.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:41 pm

Tea, 2 oz. unsweetened Silk, potatoes, (McD) gravy, oil-free pretzels, 1 Uncrustable (contained oil), 5 peanut butter pretzel nuggets (contained oil), 2 beers, corn, a sweet potato, cucumber salad, non-McD garlic bread/coleslaw/1 brownie (do’h).

Thanks to whoever possibly fixed my text to be always normal size!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Fri Jun 03, 2022 8:25 pm

Walked about a gajillion miles around Busch Gardens today. Let’s see if I can remember all the random stuff I ate:

B (hotel): black coffee, fruit, 2 bagels with grape jelly and then honey. Tried to eat some diced potatoes with ketchup but the taste of the oil was too gross.

L (B.G.): Coke Zero, vegetable lo mein (oil but excited to find a vegan entrée), and then some random kid leftovers—2 waffle fries, part of a couple chocolate chip cookies, part of a piece of raspberry cheesecake

D (bro- and sis-in-law): 1 beer, 1 glass of white wine, fruit, potatoes, ketchup, corn, grilled vegetables (oil), cucumber salad, 1 tater tot, coleslaw, 1 very small brownie

Hopefully tomorrow will not be worse haha!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sat Jun 04, 2022 9:06 pm

Ready to go home.

B: black coffee, fruit, 2 plain bagels, grape jelly

L: some more leftover potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit, coleslaw

“D” (sister-in-law’s cousin’s daughter’s high school graduation party): 1 beer and anything I could get for food like crackers, fruit, bread, cookies, a cupcake, a mini-Reese’s cup, a Starburst, a caramel-filled chocolate

Later: 1 glass of red wine and some kid leftover fruit
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:19 pm

Home. Whew! Survived 2 family weekends in a row. Both were really fun though.

B: black coffee, a muffin, fruit, 1 plain bagel, apple jelly

L (Steak & Shake): I thought they might have had a portobello burger on the menu but no luck so I just had some fries, onion rings, ketchup, and Coke Zero

In the car on the way back: a mint, sourdough pretzels, 5 peanut butter pretzel nuggets (contained oil). My husband and I also shared a mini-loaf of chocolate chip banana bread my SIL had stuck in a bag for us—not McD.

Home at last: vegetables, salsa, balsamic vinegar, a glass of white wine. Exercised.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Mon Jun 06, 2022 6:45 pm

Today: tea, 2 oz. unsweetened Silk, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, balsamic vinegar, Speedy Int’l Stew, Moroccan Couscous Stew, ketchup, 1 glass of white wine. Exercised—I actually used my mini-stairstepper today for the first time in months even though I was tired. I told myself I didn’t have to do any specific number of steps, just keep going for 30 minutes, so that made it easier to get on it.

New strategy: 1 drink a day and then start having a few days a week where I don’t even have that 1 drink. Then I’ll be at my goal of 4 or fewer drinks per week. Tonight I had a glass of wine at dinner (my wine glasses have a line at 5 oz.) and then brushed my teeth.

I don’t think we have any trips planned until 7/20 and I am psyched. I’m sure we’ll go up to my parents’ a bunch though. I really want to lock down on my eating there but need to come up with some plans.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ejeff » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:04 am

Hi Trinity. Good strategy to reduce alcohol. I just wondered if you ever thought about giving it up totally? I’m asking because sometimes going 100% is actually easier than trying to just reduce amounts.

In 2021 I decided I would challenge myself to zero alcohol for the year. It was actually much easier than I thought it would be. I did this partly for health reasons as I know any amount of alcohol is not health promoting. I also did this as I enjoy challenges for myself :-D

Its now almost 1.5 years without any alcohol. I’m finding I don’t miss it. During social outings I can order a virgin drink or a zero alcohol beer. At home I sometimes drink a sparkling flavoured water.

Anyway just wanted to share what worked for me to perhaps give you another perspective.

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:32 pm

Hi Erin,

Thanks for telling me that! I did successfully give up alcohol for Lent this year and in past years. I know it’s unhealthy but my husband basically drinks daily and the rest of our family does too. When I’m at my parents’ house I can usually keep it to one beer or glass of wine just for something to hold with everyone else, because I want to have my wits about me and not start doing and saying stupid things I’ll regret. Now, I have never consumed alcohol while pregnant so I know that if I turned out to have some legitimate health condition—any, really—I could say, “Aww man, now that I have _______, I can’t drink, such a bummer, but you go ahead!” I’ve also managed non-Lent, non-pregnancy bursts of being alcohol-free and one time even also caffeine-free. I actually think my relationship with alcohol is similar to many people’s relationship to (non-McD) food on this site. You’ve given me some food for thought though. Thank you!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue Jun 07, 2022 7:26 pm

Today: tea, 2 oz. unsweetened Silk, potatoes, Moroccan Couscous Stew, vegetables, balsamic vinegar, fruit, Int’l Stew, brown rice, beans, split peas, sweet potatoes, Minestrone Soup, 1 glass of white wine, the rest of a kid’s Frosted Flakes with the crumbs of a box of Wheaties with sweetened Silk. (Finished up a lot of leftovers from the freezer.)

Exercised. Walked around my house today because cross-country practice started for my 2 older kids, T Th 7-8 pm. Wednesday evenings we have something too but hopefully 4 days a week I can get myself on the stair-stepper.
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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:51 pm

Trinity wrote:Td.

Trip to FL tomorrow but SIL already said she’s making both baked and sweet potatoes for dinner. We’re not leaving until noon now that my husband is dealing with a work situation so I should be able to eat my normal breakfast and lunch food. She calls what I’m on the “boring food diet” ever since years ago I brought my rice cooker on vacation with us and ate a ton of delicious plain white rice. They are also impressed with the quantity I can consume.

Hi Trinity!!! :)

I LOVE this... I used to travel frequently with in-laws that were not on-board with my food choices...

My "boring food diet" would be a sack of potatoes... Yes? You may understand... :eek:

Keep going!! :cool:

Glad that you are on the Boards and so encouraging to everyone.. (cannot find the LOVE LOVE LOVE emoji).

Love what you share about your kids... They are only small once... Blink and they are grown up... so enjoy as you can...

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:18 pm

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for your sweet post! And you’re right—I can get excited about just eating a sack of potatoes these days! Of course it took years to get to this point but I sure am happy I’m here.

I’m just so tired and can’t seem to shake it. And therefore grumpy. I almost drank coffee today even. Last night my youngest woke up because she was having nightmares but she just came in our room around 4 am, informed me about the nightmares and told me not to put her back in her room, and fell asleep right next to me. As in, like she had become glued to me, haha. Which was sweet and I love her but I woke up a bunch of times, then husband woke up to go to PT and I finally had to get up at 7:30 to get son to baseball camp. It rained all morning but they managed to entertain them somehow. We are now at a saxophone lesson and tomorrow is gymnastics and cross-country and I can’t believe the summer got this busy! Overriding everything is my daughter’s “friend” birthday party on Saturday at a trampoline place and I think if I can just get through that I’ll be able to relax.

I think for awhile I’m just going to do (1) :) and (2) :) when I have a whole day of:

(1) no animal products
(2) no oils

So, today is

(1) :)
(2) :).

Same old “boring,” delicious food!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:49 pm

Today is

(1) :)
(2) :)

and I exercised and I also exercised yesterday. One day I’m going to exercise for real again. This is dumb but my big hang up is showering. If I sweat, I want to shower right afterwards, but I’m not willing to blow dry my hair, which means exercising on afternoons when I’m not going back out. Wah-wah. (Also not willing to not wash my sweaty hair—sorry for TMI—but this must be how many women make it work.)

Youngest wouldn’t go to sleep in her bed last night because she was afraid of having bad dreams again (was even crying this time) so it was another not-great night but tonight she is definitely sleeping in her own bed. And if she complains I will remind her that she took a nap in her own bed this afternoon with no problems. I can’t tell you the last time she napped in her bed. That’s how tired she is.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:30 pm

Exercising. That’s right, being lazy and walking figure-8’s around the table and the ottoman while my kids have “quiet time” upstairs. For the record I did work up a sweat cleaning the bathrooms. I drank 1 cup of coffee this morning because I had so much to do and man is it effective when you’re not used to drinking it. My mom is coming to stay 1 night and to watch my youngest at my older daughter’s birthday party tomorrow. She was going back and forth about just driving down for the day but I think she’s decided to stay. In any case, the bathrooms are clean.

I ate so many potatoes yesterday I lost count, but estimating the dishes I used to microwave 3 at a time I probably ate 15 (fist-sized). Not as hungry today. I’m going to roast some baby potatoes and dry-fry some frozen asparagus for dinner so today will be

(1) :)
(2) :)

and tomorrow I am going to try to not eat a brookie. I had plenty a few weeks ago anyway.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:08 pm

Today I exercised and I was serving one of the girls a brownie when it fell onto the table which was none too clean so I gave her a new one…couldn’t throw the previous one away though so I ate it. Didn’t look at the ingredients but I am positive there were both animal products and oil so

(1) :(
(2) :(

Alas. I’m not surprised at myself but hoped to do better. Anyways, the party went fine.
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