10 years of McDougalling

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:54 pm

A couple of days after getting back into the hills I got sick again. Again, not covid. There is a theory here that because we were effectively isolated for 2 years, all the bugs in the rest of the world, like flu and even the common cold, were happily mutating, and we missed it, so when we finally opened up again, we not only let in Covid, but all these other bugs as well and we have very poor immunity to them. Anyway, whatever the reason, I am back to square 1. Yesterday I was up, out of bed, and today I will be taking a short walk to the beach to see how we go (as you know the beach is at the end of the road...3 minutes from my house). Hopefully now I am on the mend I will get better quickly, but I have jelly legs. I am also eating agin, after nothing but soup for about a week. I lost about 5kg, but would prefer not to lose it that way. Now I am eating, I am eating like a horse, I was actually hungry last night so ate a bowl of my own home-made granola...the last bowl. This morning when Peter was going to work he said "I thought there was some granola left..."

opps... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The sun is shining, I am feeling better, lets hope the next few weeks go better. If I dont start proper training soon, I won't be able to do the Mt Somers race.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Tue Aug 23, 2022 5:00 pm

I’m sorry you’ve been sick. Hadn’t heard from you in awhile so I was wondering if maybe it was something with Bonnie, that you were busy helping her recover. Just a cold or worse? 5 kgs is a lot! I agree with the theory, as my family and I were never healthier than we were doing quarantine and we were as sickly as a group last year as we’ve ever been, and not even any babies or toddlers (i.e. germ magnets) in the house anymore. In any case, glad you’ve got your appetite back!
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:34 pm

Trinity wrote:I’m sorry you’ve been sick. Hadn’t heard from you in awhile so I was wondering if maybe it was something with Bonnie, that you were busy helping her recover. Just a cold or worse? 5 kgs is a lot! I agree with the theory, as my family and I were never healthier than we were doing quarantine and we were as sickly as a group last year as we’ve ever been, and not even any babies or toddlers (i.e. germ magnets) in the house anymore. In any case, glad you’ve got your appetite back!

some kind of flu I think. Its taking me a while to get over it. 5kg is the scale weight....that will be water, glycogen as I wasn't eating, and the food that is normally in my system, just passing through! I expect the real weight loss is about 2kg but I didnt weight today.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby squealcat » Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:11 pm

Glad you are feeling better Ruff ! I haven't been sick in a very long time (years !!) When I do catch something, I fear I will be depressed ! Back to good health for you ! We miss your posts and encouraging words !

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:32 pm

Hi Katie,

Sorry that you were sick and glad you are feeling better... Hope that you are able to reconnect with your training schedule and run the run that you were looking to do!!!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:06 pm

Good morning, I have not been having a good time of things recently, but finally I think I am coming out of it. I hope so because I have lots of things lined up to do. Right now I should be doing the ironing, but I am checking out peoples journals instead. :lol: :lol:

Today I am going to try going back to Aikido, tonight is the beginners/basic class, so hopefully I can get my confidence back before Thursday's class. If all goes well there, I am going to go back up the hill tomorrow. I will put my running gear on, but the aim is just to walk. Last Wednesday I had to sit on the kerb and rest after just walking to the beach, so I dont want to do too much and blow my recovery. And then, my son, Michael, and I are going to Hanmer Springs for a long weekend, returning Monday. Normally I would climb Mt Isobel whilst I am there, but this time maybe just the waterfalls walk. And the hot pools of course. We will see how it goes.

I have put a beach photo for you, it was an interesting morning, normally we get all sorts of bright colours at sunrise but today it was steel grey. Beautiful in a different way.

Food, we have been living on soups and very simple meals whilst I have been ill, and there is a rebellion in the camp! So I will make an effort tonight. Maybe Mac-n-Cheese. Cashew cheese sauce, hight calorie density but I think we all deserve a treat, and this is a big family favourite. I will do at least 2 veg as well, so I can bring the calorie density down that way.


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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Aug 29, 2022 4:23 pm

Hi Ruff! I am so sorry to read that you were sick, but from the sound of it, it sounds like you are on the mend. I hope that holds for you, and you can get back to training and all the other things you love in your slender, active life!

OMG your beach is so beautiful. You are right that the gray is equally beautiful, just in a different way than the colorful pictures you have posted.

I came across something VERY interesting over the weekend. I probably won't play with it myself until I reach whatever my "goal weight" ends up being, when I plan to experiment a bit more and see what works and what doesn't. BUT. Did you know there is such a thing as cashew powder PB2??? That was total news to me!! High Carb Hannah has a recipe out there for "cheese" sauce instant mix using cashew PB2, which takes the fat content down by a LOT. I printed out the recipe but I will try to find it on-line again so I can link it for you! Can you get stuff through Amazon there? Somebody sells it through Amazon, which I will link as well so you can at least see it.

Instant "cheese" sauce mix video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot1iMM9gvjg

Amazon link for PB2 cashew powder: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092GJ44V3?re ... =cashew+pb

If you decide to try it out, let me know how it works out! It sure looks delicious in her video!

Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words in my journal!

How is Bonnie doing? Fully recovered I hope! (I get woefully behind on journal reading so end up missing a lot!)

Keep feeling better!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:59 pm

Hello people, I'm a bit down. I have this post viral thing going on, and its really stuffing things up. I have also put back the weight I lost and more. I am now at the top of my acceptable range, and not at all happy.

What is happening is that I wake up feeling fine and ready to go and as soon as I do anything I am quickly exhausted. I have not made it to aikido yet because it is in the evening, and by 6pm I have had it. I managed a walk/jog on the beach but was exhausted walking back over the dunes. In order to combat the exhaustion I am eating high calorie stuff, particular dates, and date type products, as well as nuts, complaint baking, and bread. This works in as much as it keeps me going but of course I pay for it with the inevitable dip a couple of hours later...and with weight gain. For example, yesterday I had to go out in the afternoon, so I made pancakes for lunch with fruit and maple syrup. It gave me the boost I needed and got me through my appointment, but after I got back I ate some banana loaf, several handfuls of raw nuts and an apple. This gave me a sufficient boost to make supper (potato and lentil soup). After supper I crashed. And this is repeated day after day. I thought I would get less tired and it would stop but I didnt and it hasn't.

Bonnie is doing fine, her next surgeon appointment is September 6th, and if all is well she will be able to come out of the pen and wander freely in the house. Still leash for all outside stuff including toileting, but getting rid of the pen will be a huge step forward. So we have all our fingers and toes crossed for that. She is having 2 x 5 minute walks and one longer one, currently up to 12 minutes. We are now extending this longer walk by a minute a day.

Sorry about the doom and gloom. I hope to be better after the weekend. My son is taking me to Hanmer Springs for a long weekend. (google Hanmer Springs...its very nice). So hopefully when I post after that I will be more cheerful.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:01 pm

Hi Katie!!! :D :-D :)

Have to tell you that you are the last person I think of as "doom and gloom".... You are consistently posting positive stuff in support of all of us that journal!!! 100 times appreciated!!! Also, your "testimonial" is awesome and totally portrays "resilience and hope"...

From what you have shared with your past few weeks, it sounds exhausting... which to me, can use up all of our "defense" mechanisms... I am so glad to hear that your Bonnie is on the mend!!! Also, with you getting sick as you are taking care of her... BOO!!! Bad timing to catch germs...

I wish that I could send you a few rays of late summer sunshine from across the globe... Thank you for sending all of us some with your beautiful beach pictures!!!

Take care and wishing you the best!!!
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:03 pm

P.S. Please share some pics of your awesome upcoming weekend with your son!!! :)

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:26 am

Gosh, sorry that you've been sick. Don't try to do too much, let your body get fully rested. It's tough, I know. But even if you don't have Covid, the flu takes it out of you, as well. I've had it twice and the way I tell the difference between flu and a regular cough is how wiped out it makes me. Just go slow and take your time.

take care of yourself! Look at it as enforced down time. ;)

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:27 am

Hi Ruff! I'm so sorry to read that you are still battling the effects/after effects of whatever sickness you've had. It sounds horrible to try to get through the day, and just not feel the energy for it. I can't imagine how frustrating and exhausting that must be. I hope this passes for you soon! It makes sense what you say about gravitating to more calorie dense foods when you are trying to do more than your current energy levels allow.

All the fingers crossed for Bonnie to have a great follow-up appointment. I bet you are all ready - especially her - to get a little closer to "normal" again.

I hope you are having a good weekend and feeling better each day!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:45 pm

good morning, I am feeling a lot better and heaps more optimistic. Today is Bonnies big day, and I have to start getting ready in 15 minutes so I shall quickly fill you in, and report on what the surgeon thought of Bonnie later today.

I had a great weekend in Hanmer Springs, the weather was cold and wet and gloomy. We did some short walk, played board games, napped and sat in the hot springs. A great weekend, and so restful and restorative.

I am reading Tiny Habits, by BJ Fogg...I took it away with me. Its even better than Atomic Habits I think, and is very 'granular' about how to actually implement habits and how behaviour actually happens. You need a prompt (the phone rings) the ability to do it (you might be driving) and the motivation to do it (it might be that irritating person you are trying to avoid). If the phone is on silent, no prompt, no action. If you dont have the ability to answer, no action. If you have no motivation to answer, no action. For an action to occur you need all 3. Photo of book below.

I used this to get myself out the door this morning. The lethargy after the illness has had me not doing anything. so the prompt was when Peter left for his run I would get my kit on, and when he came back I would leave. And then the universe presented me with snow! Photo below

And now I have to get myself and Bonnie ready to go.....



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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby squealcat » Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:34 pm

I have that book on my kindle but haven't read much of it yet. I guess I had better get to it !!

Thank you for the lovely photo !

Glad you are feeling better ! You sound more like yourself !

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:19 pm

Bonnie is out of the pen! The surgeon was very happy with her progress. We can start building up longer on leash walks now. It will be another 6 weeks before she can go off leash, even in the garden.

All very happy here.

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