Post for men

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Post for men

Postby MTeehan » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:23 am

A couple of years ago I read a post somewhere here on a delicate subject concerning men. It concerned the effect of obesity on mens reproductive organs both on efficiency and appearance. Does anyone have knowledge of where I can find this post. It was very motivating and useful. Thank You!
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not the post

Postby seestorcoo » Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:59 pm

but I'm a nurse and can give you some pretty vivid info if you want - either on here or in a pm. Let me know.
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Okay - warning - very graphic

Postby seestorcoo » Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:27 am

Let it be known that this is a fat woman - well over 200 lbs - answering this post and there is absolutely no judgment here - only bluntness.

Well, lets see - the mechanism that causes an erection is increased blood flow to the penis. If you have clogged arteries, they don't just clog in your heart or head - they clog everywhere (hence, "peripheral vascular disease"). This means that blood flow doesn't get to the places that need it. So, if the blood vessels (arteries) in your penis are clogged because you ate too many manly steaks, that means when you need those arteries to be full to pleasure that wench (er, or whatever), they can't get full - resulting in (at the very least) a "softy" or at the worst, complete impotence. I really think if more men knew this, they would put down that steak and pick up a portabello.

As for the rest of the anatomy down there - the bigger you are, the bigger your scrotum tends to be and the smaller the penis becomes in comparison - and then when you add in the scrotal edema that comes with the disease processes of the obese, you often end up with a negative number. I've had countless patients (most of them very obese) with scrotums so large that they have to carry them around in a sling. In fact, its so common that manufacturers actually make scrotal slings (not that my hospital will spring for them.) Now, the obesity itself does not cause this but obesity causes other disease processes that can lead to this. There are also accompanying issues with cleanliness as its somewhat difficult to wedge a urinal (if you are in the hospital) far enough into the scrotum to have a um, clean catch.

If you've read this far without fainting, let me reassure you that what I see is the end stage of obesity - guys so big that they can't take care of themselves (or won't). And guys aren't the only ones that have problems like this - I've known many big gals that can't wipe their own butt because they can't reach it. It happens and its not fun and its not pleasant and its not worth that SAD food.

You'd think this would keep me at 100%, wouldn't you?

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Postby Plumerias » Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:48 pm

Nicely written Seestorcoo. I heard Neal Barnard discuss erectile dysfunction issues, saying discussing that is how he gets the attention of the younger men in the audience. A question from a woman, is there a similar issue for the ladies? After all we also have erectile tissues, albeit in much smaller amounts.
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Postby seestorcoo » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:05 pm

98% of my patients are men so I am more familiar with their disease processes. Logic would say that the same thing could happen with women (sans scrotum) but the human body isn't always logical. Something to google, I suppose.

I was worried I was too blunt - I tend to be in medical matters. I am matter of fact about it because I work with it every day but all aren't like that....hence, the warning. The bluntness comes in handy though when you are telling teenagers the dangers of drinking too much...
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Postby txveggie » Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:57 pm

Bless their hearts! :eek: I'm thinking that if you had to read a warning like that before you ate at a fast food place it make a huge difference in what you ordered.
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Re: well...

Postby Plumerias » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:02 pm

seestorcoo wrote:98% of my patients are men so I am more familiar with their disease processes. Logic would say that the same thing could happen with women (sans scrotum) but the human body isn't always logical. Something to google, I suppose.

I was worried I was too blunt - I tend to be in medical matters. I am matter of fact about it because I work with it every day but all aren't like that....hence, the warning. The bluntness comes in handy though when you are telling teenagers the dangers of drinking too much...

Well IMHO, blunt quite often equals honest, especially where bodily functions are concerned, so........ Medical matters is somewhere where frankness/directness/bluntess/honesty is usually the best option.
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Honesty and accuracy...

Postby f1jim » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:55 pm

Both traits will be appreciated and encouraged here! I agree that if more men knew the side effects of not only their medicines, but their poor dietary choices, we would have more healthy eating. The medicines only complicate and compound these issues. Of course their are even more medicines for that!! Thanks for your up front portrayal of the reality of poor vascular flow.
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Postby toadfood » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:09 am

txveggie wrote:Bless their hearts! :eek: I'm thinking that if you had to read a warning like that before you ate at a fast food place it make a huge difference in what you ordered.

I LOVE this idea! I think seestorcoo should write up a flyer that we can hand out in front of McDonald's. With pictures!


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True, toadfood.

Postby f1jim » Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:02 am

Knowledge is power. Information is truly the heart of making good food decisions. But WE, the McDougall community need to make sure we are practicing what we preach. It looks terrible to the uninformed world if I wave the flag of healthy eating, handing out leaflets telling others the dangers that lurk in those neatly wrapped packages of heart disease and obesity, yet I don't follow my own advice. It starts with me. I'll be willing to join the cause when I myself do as I say.
This really is a lot like religion in that there is a difference between knowing something and living it. My new mantra must be to "Live it."
This was the basis, I think, for Dr. McDougalls rant in the newsletter against our new nominee for Surgeon General.
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Postby seestorcoo » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:59 am

You are right and as I consistently "fall off the wagon", I don't tell people about this unless they ask (which in this case someone did). How well does it work to tell kids "do as I say, not as I do"?

So, I think its decided. YOU should be the one to stand outside the McDonalds! :lol:
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Postby f1jim » Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:29 pm

I actually have no "beef" with McDonalds. Even if they were on every streetcorner. If no one went in and bought anything they would fold up or serve something different. I refuse to blame them for my choices. The market gives us what we ask for. So I would probably not hand out flyers in front of their business regardless. I have no love lost for McDonalds, Burger King, etc, but I am my own worst enemy.
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You are right

Postby seestorcoo » Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:36 pm

We get what we ask for - in many parts of life, including our eating establishments.
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More RN perspective

Postby Mungo's Mum » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:02 pm

I would like to add to the previous posts (which were exactly true by the way) that as men get more obese, the fat pad around the penis gets bigger. This causes the penis to recede more into the body and look smaller. I know a doctor who motivates men to lose weight by stating they will "gain" an inch plus by losing 50 lb or more. It is true.
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Re: Post for men

Postby byekoa » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:37 pm

Hi all,
I know this is a pretty old thread but does anyone have a link on erectile dysfunction - impotence - and Dr McDougall ?
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