30 Days On The Plan

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30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:38 pm

Okay, so earlier today I posted that today is my first official day on the MWL plan.
Find that here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=18301

My goal is at least 5 lbs lost by September. So I figured a journal would be the right place to get my thoughts down about the process, and track my progress.

So here goes nothing. First day and I'm doing well, I feel like I'm snacking a lot but looking at what I actually ate, and will eat today it doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Snack: 1 ear corn, 2 small peaches
Lunch: whole wheat pasta with black beans and a white wine vinegar & lemon juice (okay so maybe the pasta was a little off plan)
Snack: 2 small peaches, cucumber, 1/2 cup wild rice and orange pepper
Dinner: sweet potato/carrot/cauliflower soup and strawberries for dessert

At the end of these 30 days (Labour day, Monday September 6) I will see where I am and re-evaluate my goals. So here's hoping I can stick with it.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby sksamboots » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:24 pm

I look forward to following your journey, glad your here :nod:
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby willing2believe » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:34 pm

Glad your here! This a great site.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby Loveskale » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:39 pm

Welcome, and glad you're here!
My recipes are posted at: http://www.Flickr.com/Loveskale
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:47 pm

Okay so still trying to be strong (I know its still day one but the family came over for dinner and though I cooked, bread and dessert were defintly tempting). Today was pretty good, followed my plan mostly to a T, except added an extra 2 portions of fruit while I was trying not to eat bread. I figure fruit is the better option but it seems like it's really six of one, half dozen of the other.

Question: When you feel like something chewy on MWL, not like candy chewy, just like bread type of chewy, what do you reach for? Fruit curbs the sweet craving, vegetables curb the fake hunger, what curbs the craving for chewy (normally I would reach for a sandwich)?
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:00 am

Day 2

So I saw that Jeff wrote to weigh in once per week, but you know what? I just can't help myself weighing in everyday. Well, I probably could help it, I just don't want to. The numbers have always been something that motivated me, not discouraged me. I know that weight fluctuates from day to day, but if I see one morning that I am up a whole pound, or two, or three from the day before I am like what the heck? I go through what I ate yesterday to realistically see if I cheated or just had really big portions, and then it motivates me to excersise harder that day.

So on that note: I am at 130.8 this morning, from 132 starting (Friday's weight).

And here is the plan for today:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, apple
Lunch: wild rice with green veggies (broccoli, green beans), seasoning and lemon juice
Snacks: Baby carrots, cucumber and celery in black bean dip (mashed black beans with salsa), and maybe corn and sweet potato depending on how lunch I am.

Dinner is a little bit of scary thing. I am going out for dinner with a friend tonight, so I think I will eat some sweet potato and carrot soup before I go, in case there is not much on the menu I can eat (I am not sure where we are going yet) and do what I can with the rest. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:02 pm

Tried making hashbrowns. Disaster. My "nonstick" :roll: pan hates me.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby willing2believe » Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:18 pm

Good planning about dinner tonight. Hope it goes well.

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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:10 pm

berryberry wrote:
Question: When you feel like something chewy on MWL, not like candy chewy, just like bread type of chewy, what do you reach for? Fruit curbs the sweet craving, vegetables curb the fake hunger, what curbs the craving for chewy (normally I would reach for a sandwich)?

What curbs the chewy...I find saute'd zucchini and/or mushrooms and/or eggplant has the texture and mouth feel that I sometimes crave. Those are "meatier" than some vegs, and work for me saute'd together and topping a baked potato.

Mushrooms, especially. When you cook them until they release their "liqueur" they have a nice, brown, very tasty flavor and texture.

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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:34 pm

Thanks for the support everyone!

Buns: I have been wanting to try eggplant (I've never had it), so maybe I will try it like that! Thanks for the response, I'm finding that craving for chewy to be the hardest to overcome.

Dinner tonight went okay but not super. The menu was huge and had a lot to choose from, if I ate meat or dairy. But since I don't, I was limited to salads and a few other dishes. So I had fajitas with both sauteed and raw vegetables. The veggies were good, but the fajita was white instead of whole wheat or corn, but other than that I think I did pretty good.

While catching up, my friend and I talked a little about my new food choices, mostly ablout avoiding meat and dairy. I knew she would be supportive, as she always has been of me, but I was surprised by how much she was and how open she seemed, although she couldn't see herself doing it. She told me that she worked with quite a few vegetarians and vegans, even a raw food vegan (who does so for specific health reasons). It was nice that rather than questioning my decision, like many people who first find out about my eating do, she thought it was normal and just another way to eat.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:37 am

Day 3

Feeling optomistic today. Here is the plan:

Breakfast: oatmeal, peaches
Lunch: leftover rice and veggies from yesterday, corn with black beans
Dinner: sweet potato and carrot soup :) and lots of it
snack: apple, celery with black bean dip, cucumber, and maybe roasted chick peas with seasoning

So we will see how today goes. I weighed in this morning 1.5 lbs down from where I started so that was exciting, at 130.5. I am really looking forward to being into the 120's again, hopefully in the next couple days.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:01 pm

Does anyone know if I am allowed corn tortillas on the MWL? If not...oops.
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:11 pm

bad bad bad. Got off track briefly, which lead to a (small) bagel with penut butter and honey. I don't know whether to beat myself up about it so I stay on track from now on, or not worry about it, move on and try to be better in the future...Didn't end up having the rice with veggies earlier today, but had 6 small corn tortillas (in reference, 2 are 130 calories) (bad bad bad) which I baked as chips and ate the rest of the bean dip with. And now I am going to have an extra serving of fruit (that will be three today). I am hoping I can end the day with that, I guess its my fault since I know empty calories just leave you hungry again minutes later (like the bagel, and even though corn tortillas aren't terrible, they are definatly not as filling as rice or potatoes).
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby berryberry » Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:19 pm

Day 4

Today has been much better.

Breakfast: banana, oatmeal
Lunch: soup, cucumber
Snack: peaches, carrots
Dinner: rice with vegetables

Today will be a good day, I can tell. I am getting back on track.

So I've been on the MWL plan (or trying to be) for the past few days, thinking and writing about my food. But exercise is just as important to my life. Today was 1 hr cardio and 50 minutes weights. Usually I get in at least 3 hours of cardio a week, and at least an hour and a half of muscle conditioning. I attend fitness classes, and often go for walks. Yesterday after realizing just how bad I really had been with my food that day, I walked to the grocery store to stock up on vegetables and walked back with an 18 lb bag (1 hr round trip). So here's hope I finish today how i started: on the wagon!
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Re: 30 Days On The Plan

Postby lfwfv » Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:52 pm

berryberry wrote:I don't know whether to beat myself up about it so I stay on track from now on, or not worry about it, move on and try to be better in the future...

How about learning from it instead?

How did this happen? Did you have bagels, peanut butter, and honey in the house? If yes, can you get rid of them? If you don't plan on eating them, then they shouldn't be there. Doug Lisle and Jeff talk so much about creating a supportive environment. Fill your house only with the foods you intend to eat.

Also, for many of us, corn tortillas and even puffed grains need to be off-limits. Yes, they're on plan according to MWL, but they are calorie-dense (1200-1600 cal/lb vs the 100-550 of veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes) and they lead many of us to overeat. You might want to consider them "off limits".
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