Male Pattern Baldness

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Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Suncrush » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:52 pm

It's been about a month now since I changed my diet to remove all animal products and eating healthier, and I'm seeing improvements.

I've been suffering from a slight hairline recession and frontal thinning for a few years now, and have been taking finasteride since the start of the year, and have seen stabilization and even improvements. Until about a week ago, I've seen no side effects from the medication, but now I am.

Now, I know Dr. McDougall cited the work of Dr. Masumi Inaba's work in the 80's regarding a westernized diet the rise of Male Pattern Baldness in Japan after World War II. (under male pattern baldness).

So now I'm wondering, perhaps the diet has naturally lowered my DHT levels (or whatever is associated with MPB) and the Finasteride is now creating an imbalance and thus, the side effects.

I'm very concerned, because while I'd love to get off the medication, I'm wary about my hair loss resuming.

Has there been any further evidence to suggest that a diet free of animal products like McDougall's can halt or maybe even reverse hair loss?

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Postby Purdy » Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:21 am

I guess it depends on the side effects.

This McDougall diet is not likely to prevent MPB more than slightly, if that.

There are some newer studies indicating that Finasteride may prevent or postpone prostate cancer.
On the other hand, when taking the medication it can also affect your PSA test scores, so you have to adjust for that.
But you sound like you may be a bit early for any PSA testing.

Not sure what your side effects are.

If you mean, that extra hair growing out of your ears, well, thats just part of aging :-)

Postby Purdy » Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:40 pm

Also read this ... bea06c84c7

Now, of course, the dosage for your use (hair) is probably different than that used for prostate purposes....either BPH or PCa prevention

Postby Suncrush » Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:13 am

Yeah, prostate cancer really isn't a concern of mine right now, I'm typically too young for it anyway.

Possible sexual dysfunction related to Finasteride is a concern though. I'm not 100% sure if it's related to it or not at this point.

What interests me though is Dr. Inaba's study. It suggests that an increase in sebum secretion due to a westernized diet, might be responsible for the rise of MPB in men in Japan. If this is true, then it really would suggest that hair loss might be halted if diet is changed, at the least.

I find it discouraging that this notion was put forth more than 20 years ago, and yet I haven't come across anything further on the internet that his hypothesis was explored to anything conclusive.

I'm also interested because, I've had issues with Seborrehic Dermatitis in which too much sebum is a factor. Changing my diet may have help to begun to resolve this. It may just be a coincidence, but it kinda felt like my thinning/recession and excessive sebum began around the same time.

We know that animal products can cause an increase in women's hormone levels. I wouldn't be surprised if the same was true to men as well, and perhaps plays a role in balding.
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby misterE » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:31 pm

The pathology of baldness is the same as acne. Free-IGF-1 increases the proliferation of keratinocytes. The keratinocytes mature into corneocytes and are then supposed to be shed off. The sloughing off (or shedding) of the corneocytes is promoted by IGFBP-3 (a hormone which induces apoptosis; cell death). However in cases of acne and baldness, free-IGF-1 is increased and IGFBP-3 is decreased, the result is hyperkeratinization, or skin-cells blocking or capping the hair-follicles, preventing the hair from sprouting out of the scalp.

Also when free-IGF-1 is increased, SHBG is decreased. Free-IGF-1 is the main regulator of SHBG and has been consistently shown to be inversely related to SHBG in the scientific-literature. SHBG binds to testosterone and prevents it from converting to DHT. DHT stimulates the production of sebum from the sebaceous-glands. When the hair-follicle is blocked by excess skin, the sebum accumulates beneath the skin giving rise to P.Acnes; a fungus that eats the sebum and generates inflammation.

So to recap:

Excess free-IGF-1 stimulates excess skin production. The excess skin grows faster than is shed and blocks the hair-follicle. Low levels of SHBG allow testosterone to convert into DHT. DHT stimulates sebum production. Sebum trapped beneath the excess skin, feeds and breeds P.Acnes; a fungus/bacteria which your body attacks using inflammation. This is the pathology of both acne and baldness.

The McDougall-diet, especially the McDougall-diet-for-maximum-weight-loss (which I consider the optimal-diet) is the best way to increase both SHBG and IGFBP-3 (especially when combined with exercise, fasting and sunshine), which will stop the progression of baldness hormonally.

However, in order to reverse baldness and get the hair back again, you must remove the huge amounts of dead skin cells that have accumulated on the scalp over time. The most effective way to do this, is with Alpha-hydroxy-acids used topically, along with brushing (exfoliating) the scalp with a nylon-bristle-brush..

To properly apply the AHA's, you have to shave your head... because having hair (even short-hair), makes it difficult for the AHA to penetrate the scalp. After I shave my head, I apply AHA's to my scalp and try and leave it on for a full 24-hours. The next morning, I take a shower and wash the AHA off my scalp, I do not towel dry my scalp, I let it air-dry naturally. An hour or two later I comb my scalp and remove massive amounts of dead-skin that has accumulated over my hair-follicles. Each time, my hair grows thicker and thicker, I repeat this process every 5 to 6 months. The results are truely amazing!
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Conan » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:46 pm

misterE wrote: However, in order to reverse baldness and get the hair back again, you must remove the huge amounts of dead skin cells that have accumulated on the scalp over time. The most effective way to do this, is with Alpha-hydroxy-acids used topically, along with brushing (exfoliating) the scalp with a nylon-bristle-brush..

What products do you use and where do you buy them?

I repeat this process every 5 to 6 months. The results are truely amazing!

Why don't you do this more often?

Also, do you have more links to information?
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby misterE » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:03 pm

Conan wrote: What products do you use and where do you buy them?

I started out using level-one. I then moved straight to level-three. I now use the BHA+ which is a level-four and considered twice as strong as level-three, which exfoliated really well.

Conan wrote: Why don't you do this more often?

Also, do you have more links to information?

The reason why I don't do this often is because my hair begins to grow too long. And when it gets too long I just shave it and repeat the process.

The information I used to come up with this, is based on research done on the pathophysiology of acne-vulgaris, anything that treats acne has the potential to treat MPB because the pathways are identical. Hyperkeratinizaton is the main factor behind acne. Alpha-hydroxy-acids have been shown to reverse hyperkeratinization by diminishing corneocyte-cohesion [1].

[1] Hyperkeratinization, corneocyte cohesion, and alpha hydroxy acids.
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby MikkoL » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:34 am

Any chance to see before/after pictures?
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby misterE » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:49 pm

MikkoL wrote:Any chance to see before/after pictures?

I do have some "before" pictures, but they aren't digital, and I don't have a camera. I usually try to avoid pictures. I'm fairly young and have a minimum-wage job; all my money goes towards healthy-food, gasoline, and rent.
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby rickfm » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:31 pm

misterE wrote:The reason why I don't do this often is because my hair begins to grow too long. And when it gets too long I just shave it and repeat the process.

So then... in order to not look partially bald... you shave your head bald twice a year. Is the interim few months worth it?

[edit]- And BTW, misterE, that is a sincere question, not trying to be a smart aleck about it.
Last edited by rickfm on Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby MikkoL » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:45 pm

misterE wrote:I do have some "before" pictures, but they aren't digital, and I don't have a camera. I usually try to avoid pictures. I'm fairly young and have a minimum-wage job; all my money goes towards healthy-food, gasoline, and rent.

Ok. Thanks for the interesting idea anyhow.
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby misterE » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:56 pm

rickfm wrote: Is the interim few months worth it?

I don't quite understand what you are asking me here. Will you please clarify?
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby rickfm » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:14 pm

The amount of time it takes to grow your hair back out. Is that worth being completely bald every 5 or 6 months?

You said you let your hair grow until it gets too long, then shave your head. Is that something you intend to keep doing, or do you expect to eventually be able to keep it grown out and cut to a certain length?

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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby misterE » Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:51 pm

rickfm wrote: Is that something you intend to keep doing, or do you expect to eventually be able to keep it grown out and cut to a certain length?

You can grow it out as desired. But every time you do a scalp-peel, it becomes thicker and thicker.
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Re: Male Pattern Baldness

Postby Conan » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:26 pm

I still have the red spots from my acne 10 years ago, and am now fairly bald. AHA peeling you say helps for both.

Instead of the method you use, I think I might shave my head completely (in the winter - less sun exposure, which you don't want with AHA) and for a couple of months apply an AHA lotion every night.

I don't believe it works though. (nothing does, right?) It is hard to believe the effect is there at all, and if it is, that it lasts after treatment is stopped. ... tml&st=140
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