My October Lie Detector

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My October Lie Detector

Postby newbc » Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:05 am

Have been wondering why the scale is dancing up and down.... :?: I haven't been living up to my potential. For instance, now I'm thinking about muenster cheese on a bagel for breakfast. I've been telling myself that a little something is OK, but really, my intention is to cut out this stuff, so it's not OK.

So ... no animal products, fried food, packaged junk. And 30 minutes of formal exercise every day. Through October 31. I've changed muy weight ticker to reflect a 10-pound goal.
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby Vegankit » Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:27 am

newbc wrote:Have been wondering why the scale is dancing up and down.... :?: Well, maybe I haven't been living up to my potential. For instance, now I'm thinking about muenster cheese on a bagel for breakfast. I've been telling myself that a little something is OK, but really, if my intention is to cut out this stuff, then it's not OK.

:twisted: :arrow: :crybaby:

So ... no animal products (except a drop of milk in coffee, which I will record), and no fried foods, no added oil. And 30 minutes of formal exercise every day. Through October 31.

:twisted: Sounds like you're really struggling. I found it helped to just make a fast, clean break and give up everything at once (that would include the coffee with a drop of milk in addition to cheese). Not only will you lose those cravings more quickly but you'll find quick and solid success with the scale.

Some things are tough to give up - coffee is one if you're addicted to the caffeine - but why not switch to healthier alternatives such as tea with a vegan milk - or even just tea alone?

Have you read Dr. McDougall's book on the Maximum Weight Loss Plan? I found that and watching Jeff Novick's DVD on Calorie Density helped me lose more than 200 pounds quickly and effortlessly. You can do it too.
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby newbc » Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:45 am

Thanks so much for your suggestions and support. I'm having a breakfast of baked potato with 2 tsp dressing, nutritional yeast, and 'steakhouse' spice mix...It is delicious. I'm going to the bookstore today to pick up a gift for my friend & I'll pick up the McDougall book as a gift for myself. This back-and forth is real torture and I'm sick of it. Thanks again.
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby Pacificfords » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:09 am

I like the name of your thread. :) Good luck! You can do it. Cheese was one of the hardest things for me to give up and I could not go a day without eating some form of it (cottage, cream, hard), but I don't even think about it anymore. Your tastes change alot when you remain consistent. Not to mention the scale. :nod: Hope your month is full of success. :D

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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby newbc » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:14 am

Thanks !
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby Rosey » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:43 am

HUGS you can do it!!! The benefits of it are worth it and after you let it all go soon the cravings will fly out the door along with them.
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby newbc » Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:54 am

Rosey, thanks so much for your support. It is very encouraging to 'meet' such great supportive folks who are on the 'same page'. Have a GREAT day. :)
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby dlb » Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:20 am

Hey newbc -

Your journal name is wonderful. I hear you on the back and forth thing. I did that for years. This WOE was the solution for me. Once started it has just gotten easier and better every step of the way.

Have you see Doug Lisle's The Pleasure Trap. If not, I would put that on your wish list. It's very illuminating and helped me a lot. I was finally able to stop judging myself and admit that I was "just human" :D.

Wishing you the best!

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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby kirstykay » Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:56 am

Great job making a fresh start, and being honest with yourself. I, too, have found that a part-way comittment to this program leads to disappointing results! Being all-in is the only way! And making a 30 day comittment is the way to go! Most people find that the first 30 days is the hardest, but then the cravings go away and it becomes MUCH easier. Also, it's a lot easier to think of giving up something for 30 days than it is to think about "forever." After the 30 days, though, you'll be so happy with the results that you won't want to go back to your old ways!

Good luck! You can do it!!! :nod:
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Re: My October Lie Detector

Postby newbc » Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:01 pm

Hi Donna , Hi Kirsty :)
Thanks so much for your encouragement! I notice more energy the past couple of days, since I've added baked potatoes to my diet. Today's breakfast completely held me until lunch - which was steamed veggies w/brown rice. I'm still wary of eating spuds and rice, but I believe that doing so will get me where I want to be, by making it easier for me to stay vegan. I have onions, mushrooms, beans, etc. collected in the fridge and that will be my dinner.

Anyway, I have many meals to go before I do the 'happy dance' . . . Thanks again.....
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