ASW Weekend Update

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby LauraA » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:12 pm

Wow Jim, Thank you so much for the amazing updates! I'm loving watching at home. Last night I was having trouble getting the debate to work, and I couldn't wait to see it. As soon as I posted here that I was having trouble, it started working, so I deleted my post. I thought that the debate was wonderful! I went right out to buy some sweet potatoes and salad fixings. I'm much better about salads in the summer. Take care, LauraA
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby f1jim » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:18 pm

It's great to hear everyone is enjoying the video feeds. I just wish I could scoop up everyone here and sneak you into the discussions both at the meal tables and outside of the presentation room for the banter among the audience. It's amazing how much you learn outside of the "official" presentation.
On to Sundays events...... First up is a great breakfast starting at 6:30am. As usual, all you can eat, and boy did I eat! I tried to bounce around at the meals and connect with as many people as possible I met a handful of long term McDougallers at breakfast and when I here from people doing this for 10-12 years successfully it really motivates me. Lot's of talk about the "debate" from the day before. Still much talk about the similarity in thinking between the two doctors. After breakfast Dr. Klaper gave a nice talk. He has know Dr. McDougall for some 30 years and credits Dr. McDougall for supplying much of the data he needed when making his early transition to plant based eating for himself and his patients. A very uplifting story. Then one of the most emotion packed presentations I have seen at an ASW. Dr. Melanie Joy discussed the subject of "carnism" and the thinking behind justifying the eating of some animals and the abhorrence of eating others. Lot's of disturbing videos of factory farming processes and she delved into the thought processes humans use to justify their food choices. By the end of the presentation there were very few dry eyes in the crowd. I've never seen anything like it. It was obvious her persentation touched a chord with Dr. McDougall as well. I am curious how it translated to those watching at home.
Then Dr. Fuhrman gave an excellent talk on removing food addictions and toxic hunger. He brought much of the material in his books to life for those watching. He can also be very engaging as a speaker and I believe he gets better every time I see him.
We had our last meal as lunch and then back inside the presenting room where Dr. McDougall in much detail fleshed out the details he first presented about the death of Steve Jobs. He responded to the issues of how long Steve Jobs had the cancer, when it started to spread, and the contributions of his diet. Also what the delays in getting the surgery contributed. Well thought out and logical conclusions were made and shared. It was also revealing how the media treated the process.
Doug Lisle batted cleanup with his talk on "The Continuum of Evil" which is a fine topic about battling some of the mental traps we put ourselves into in transitioning to this way of eating. Always delivered with Doug's wry sense of humor and interesting analogies. He managed to throw a few barbs at the absent Jeff Novick and the crowd responded appropriately. Doug is a treasure and his subtle but effective style is great to listen to.
Finally Dr. McDougall recapped the weekend, dropped a few names for the upcoming September ASW and sent us all off.
I'd love to hear more from the home watchers and when the other forum members get home to throw their views into the mix. I'm always grateful to experience the event at every level and to connect with those that come to the forum as well. It's an incredible thing putting a face to the name and learning more about everyone. Hey, just seeing our own Lani Mulrath should be enough to motivate anyone to come to these events. Let's hear more.....
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Knut » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:53 pm

Very informative and pleasant to read updates Jim. Thanks...
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Debbie » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:24 pm

I can't wait to have time to sit and watch! I've only watched the first talk! Wish I could go to the weekends then maybe these kids of mine wouldnt distract me :lol:
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Mellow » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:29 pm

Thanks, Lani!
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Starchyme » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:34 pm

Jim, thank you so much for the wonderful recap of the ASW. Glad everyone is enjoying it. While I'm thankful I'm able to watch it at home, I certainly wish I had been able to attend. You mentioned the ASW in September. Are the dates available yet?
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby f1jim » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:39 pm

He quickly mentioned the dates of September 7 through the 9th.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Starchyme » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:46 pm

Wow, thanks for such a speedy reply, Jim. I'll mark my calendar right this minute!
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Starchyme » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:46 pm

OK, I should have finished watching the broadcast before asking. I see now that Dr. McDougall mentioned all the available information in his closing remarks. But thanks anyway for your post.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby carollynne » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:23 am

Thanks, Jim, for all your comments on the presenters and the interesting tidbits. Makes me really want to be there in person one day!
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby Katydid » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:02 am

The thing that really impressed me about the videos I've watched so far is the enthusiasm of the speakers. I been to a lot of scientific conferences and sat through hundreds of mind-numbing lectures given by science nerds like me horrified at speaking in public. The men and women at ASW were fabulous. Not only was the information great, the presentation was too. That Dr. McDougall can get up and give yet another talk about a starch-based diet with all the enthusiasm of a child at Christmas just goes to show the passion of his belief. Can't wait to sit down with a pen and paper so I can take notes. I plan to go over each lecture carefully and write up my opinions in my journal. Great stuff! Money well spent. :D
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby sweetfruitlover » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:18 am

It sounds like such an awesome weekend! I wish I had motivated to come. Living close by, it's definitely an option. I'm definitely feeling motivated to attend one in the near future. Jim, thanks so much for these updates.
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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby patty » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:35 am

And what is exciting we will get to witness everyone putting the information into action through their lifestyle. We truly are blessed for those who could see and hear.

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby BarbG » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:44 am

Kate, great comments! I agree re Dr. McDougall's enthusiasm, which is one of the many things I love about him!

Jim, great recaps and it was great to see you and Terri again.

Melanie Joy's talk was incredibly powerful, and extremely important. I am so grateful for the work she is doing. It is critical.

Regarding Fuhrman and McDougall's similiarities and differences, in Dr. Fuhrman's last talk he spelled out what to eat in a day, and aside from a half cup of beans, there really isn't much starch (unless I'm missing something?). He said to eat beans, fruit, a large salad, nuts & seeds, mushrooms or onions and a large serving of steamed vegetables and I think he specified green ones. No grains at all. Dr. McDougall keeps it simpler, and I agree with his view that that's key to more people adopting better ways of eating. Dr. Fuhrman was very interesting and fun to listen to. Everyone's sense of humor was great!

I consider myself very fortunate when I'm able to attend a McDougall event! They are always inspiring, educational, FUN and just plain awesome!

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Re: ASW Weekend Update

Postby ETeSelle » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:46 am

One of these days I'm gonna make it out there! Wish it weren't such an expensive weekend (between airfare across the country, hotel, and conference fees)--it's just really hard for me to justify! Hopefully someday!
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