Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:36 am

Wonderful for you and the whole family. So glad that is all was super edible and you liked it. Nice all around for a holiday meal.
You are an inspiration to us here, and at home I am thinking, for real!
Keep at the work-outs, you will get to your goal and be a star!

Oh my, weight- watchers on line!! Unfortunately I think it such a waste of money. But if it works, what can you say? I have a sister who loves her wt watchers' and the latest low point meal or snack, and that slide rule of how many carbs, protein and fiber etc in everything. It is a riot, when all she has to do is give up all animal products, processed food, and then you feel great and center your life with starches! But some will never cross that road to get the free ticket to good health. Cannot make anyone either! wish we all could though.....
Just be a beacon of good sense like you have been, and they will see it in you!!
TA-DAH!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby fulenn » Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:18 pm

Sooo cool about your wife! Pizza AND chili? Can't beat that. :)

Keep up the great example for her and she will come around--it's already working!!

What if love really IS the answer?

Read my journal about tackling Multiple Sclerosis with a plant-based McDougall diet in the journal forum on this site, Fulenn's MS Page.

My blog: http://fulennskitchen.blogspot.com
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby VegSexy » Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:29 pm

Wow! Isn't it great to see your family start to make the progression to lead a healthier lifestyle? You must be thrilled! Little steps, little steps is what I always say!

I like to comment on my own recovery from my workouts - I used to have some awful soreness from doing weights and you would think from all of the yoga that I have been doing I would have real long recover times - but I don't. I got to thinking - it has to be the food that I'm eating (or not eating). My BF will be down for the count for a day or so after a class and I'm looking at him saying "what do you mean you're tired??" Though, I do have to mention if I do something that has alot of jarring motions (jumping up and down, running) my joints will really ache for a couple of days. I think that might be a side effect of the yoga massaging my joints.

Anyway, it's just great to hear your family almost hopping on board.

A guy has celery sticking out of one ear, lettuce out of the other, and a zucchini up his nose.
He goes to the doctor and asks him what's wrong.
The doctor tells him, "Well, for one thing, you're not eating right."
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:32 am

bunsofaluminum I'll save that information for when and if DIL fails at WW. Her and #1Son are trying to have a baby, but honestly it's a little early for them, so if she wants to throw her hormones out of whack for a another couple of years, that's fine with me.

Adrienne She wouldn't touch the veggie pizza, it had asparagus, onions, tomatoes and squash on it. She dislikes all of those.

She tasted the chili while she was making it, but wound up making it too hot for her tastes, so she didn't eat that one either.

carollynne My Mom and Sister have had good success with WW, but I'm not sure how much of it has to do with points and stuff, or how much has to do with them cutting way way back on going to restaurants, cooking more foods at home, and cutting out a lot of the processed foods they were eating. I don't think DIL will be doing all of that. She was already talking about stretching her points out, and borrowing points from other days and stuff like that.

fulenn I think the chili was supposed to have started life to be a casserole, but at some point she decided it wanted to be chili. It was very very good chili!

VegSexy I'm glad you pointed that out about the joints. I have been sore after some of my walk/jogs up here on the mountain. I guess that was joint pain. The treadmills at the gym seem to be much kinder to me.

I've struggled a bit with all the Easter candy laying around this week. Hopefully most of that is gone now, and yes I did eat some of it. Chocolate truly is the devil.

I think I've also let too much fruit creep into my diet it. So I'm making an effort to shift back into my early days of this way of eating, rice and beans and broccoli and sweet potatoes.

I haven't put on any weight, but I'm not really losing any either. Of course I could keep telling myself that I'm adding pounds and pounds of muscle. I guess that could be true to some extent, but I doubt it's a good enough reason to not see any improvement on the scale.

The gym I go to has tanning beds. Wednesday I was running ahead of my schedule, and decided maybe I would try one, since I am sure that according to the USDA I am vitamin D deficient. I asked at the counter, how long they would recommend for someone who has never tanned before, the lady said 7 to 8 minutes.

A normal session is 20 minutes, so 8 sounds safe enough to me. Then of course the next decision is nude or not nude. What the hell I opt for nude. I do my 8 minutes, go get showered and head off to work. I felt fabulous! Really really good. Maybe there is something with this vitamin D thing.

I started feeling "off" that afternoon. My shoulder and butt were hurting me. I went to the bathroom and lifted my shirt, my entire back was sunburned! I didn't have to check my butt.

I hadn't been planning on telling the wife about me going to the tanning bed. I had mentioned something a few weeks ago about wanting to try it and she said it was a stupid idea. Now I had no choice. I tried to tell her in a way that she would think it was funny. She did not think it was funny, even when I showed her my sunburned butt. She says it's just another sign that I'm having an affair and she started crying.

I had an incident pop up Friday morning for work, and had to go straight to a client site int he morning, so no morning workout. I asked the wife if she minded if I went to the gym after work. She said she didn't. It was a rough day at work, I went to the gym, did 10 minutes of cardio and then did my weight training. I don't get real sweaty on lifting days, if I don't do at least 30 minutes of cardio. So when I got home, the wife wanted to know where I had been, cause I didn't look like I had been to the gym....sigh...I felt like saying, "Well if I had a girlfriend I sure as hell wouldn't choose to be here, listening to your BS."

Last night I informed the wife that the local farmers market was starting up this morning, and it runs from 8am til noon. I asked her if she wanted to go. She said it was a stupid idea, that it's only going to be imported stuff and that I was being creepy weird. I shrugged and walked off, she later asked that I wake her up, so that she could go.

I hope everybody has a good weekend.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:43 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: Im so sorry for laughing at your burned butt!!! 8 minutes though is too long for sure for the first time, especially in those places that have never seen the sun (I assume)!! I went once a long time ago. Being Greek I never got burned. We were going to a wedding and then the beach. Not wanting to get burned, I hit the tanning bed. I had never been to one and didnt know a thing about them. They lady asked me if I burned easily and I said no. She put me for 18 mins!! While I sat getting my hair done I felt like I had a rash all over my body. Went to the wedding. The next day we went to the beach. I laid on my back for like a half hour then turned over and fell asleep! While I didnt really burn on the back side, I ended up burning so bad on the front side, but in strange places. Like the tops of my thighs, right under my boobs and ankles. I woke up at 2AM sicker than a dog. Went to the ER and had 2nd degree burns in those places.

Maybe tell the wife youre having an affair......a love affair with life!! For once youre living and loving it. Keep up the good work. Chocolate is the devil for sure ;-)
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Katydid » Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:02 am

I remember a few years ago, when a girlfriend and I went on a winter cruise to the Western Caribbean. I had never been to the equator before. The ship was cruising between Mexico and the Grand Cayman Islands, so I took the time to lay out on the deck and tan my pasty white Michigan body. Naturally, I fell asleep on my stomach and burned my back and legs till they blistered. I spent the next day in the shade with a wet towel around my back, while my friend - who was black as night and literally in her element - went off to shop for gold. :lol:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Vola » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:19 pm

Dissolution wrote:bunsofaluminum I felt like saying, "Well if I had a girlfriend I sure as hell wouldn't choose to be here, listening to your BS."

Sounds like a great response to me!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:21 pm

Dis, Hi and so sorry that the home front drama is going like it is!! She must love the whiny kind of drama, and just keeps it up all the time.
I agree, love the life you are living, embrace life, and make yourself healthy and happy!! The rest will take care of itself.
life can be so grand!! Tis!!
have a good Sunday then!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:54 am

Debbie Ouch that sounds like a really really bad sunburn. This one has continued to itch, but has not peeled. I think I'm probably from a mostly Nordic blood line, so I have a tendency towards pale. And yes that was the first time my butt was ever exposed to UV..lol

Katydid The worst sunburn I ever had was while white water rafting. The sun reflecting off the water did a number on me. Drinking too much that night and waking up hung-over and packing up camp in the rain makes it one of my most miserable experiences ever.

Vola I hate arguing with the wife. If I say one negative thing about her, she will remind me about it in every argument we have for the next five years.

carollynne She's really good at making me forget why I married her.


I have been going to the gym for a month now. My weight has not changed much, but I do have better endurance and I am stronger. I also think that in addition to my genetics being very good at building arterial plaque, I'm also very good at building muscle. So I think starting this week I will cut back to only weight training 1 day a week.

Strong does not necessarily mean fit, so I want to concentrate more on running, cardio and endurance. I can always add muscle later if I desire to.

The wife spent some time Yesterday trying to convince me that I was already at my ideal weight. We also got into a debate about how she thinks vegans are causing global warming because of all the plants they eat. I started laughing and couldn't stop. It was like being on candid camera or punked or something. She was furious by the time I stopped laughing, so I didn't say anything, cause what can you do. When someone's opinions are that far gone, facts tend to not be effective.

We went bowling last night with my #4Son and his GF (the one with Ulcerative Colitis). She's currently addicted to Oxycodone, the doctors are aware of this and have her on a plan to get off of it, but she continues to have pain and bleeding from the bowels. I loaned her and her Mother my copy of The China Study, I also sent them several links from Dr. McDougall's site. She continues to eat lots of meat and dairy, and avoids vegetables and fiber when her condition acts up. It's really very sad, cause I can't tell her that changing the way she eats would make her condition go away with 100% certainty. Which, in my conversations with her, is what she wants to hear from me. Even though an entire medical team from John's Hopkins don't have any clue at all about what causes her condition to flair up. Although they have told her it has nothing to do with what she eats.

Why do people think this way of eating is so hard? We all went to IHOP last night. Everybody else was more worried about what I was going to eat, than I was. It's just food people, do I eat "weird" now? Yeah, sure, ok, but it's not a big deal.

Happy Monday everybody.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:56 am

Dissolution wrote:The wife spent some time Yesterday trying to convince me that I was already at my ideal weight. We also got into a debate about how she thinks vegans are causing global warming because of all the plants they eat. I started laughing and couldn't stop. It was like being on candid camera or punked or something. She was furious by the time I stopped laughing, so I didn't say anything, cause what can you do. When someone's opinions are that far gone, facts tend to not be effective.

Why people think eating meat is good for the environment. Its backwards thinking if you ask me. My dad posted this on FB.

Dissolution wrote: I loaned her and her Mother my copy of The China Study, I also sent them several links from Dr. McDougall's site. She continues to eat lots of meat and dairy, and avoids vegetables and fiber when her condition acts up. It's really very sad, cause I can't tell her that changing the way she eats would make her condition go away with 100% certainty. Which, in my conversations with her, is what she wants to hear from me.

Maybe buy her a copy of The Digestive Tune Up book. He talks about UC. That might help her decide to at least try this way of eating. Although she has to read the book. I bought a copy for my MIL after she was released from the hospital for an impaction after suffering from Crohns and UC for decades. I recently asked to borrow the book as I didnt read it. She said "oh you can borrow it, but I need it back. It was a very good read and I refer to it often". The book was in the EXACT SAME CONDITION as when I gave it to her. :roll:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby lmggallagher » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:43 am

Dissolution wrote:We went bowling last night with my #4Son and his GF (the one with Ulcerative Colitis). She's currently addicted to Oxycodone, the doctors are aware of this and have her on a plan to get off of it, but she continues to have pain and bleeding from the bowels. I loaned her and her Mother my copy of The China Study, I also sent them several links from Dr. McDougall's site. She continues to eat lots of meat and dairy, and avoids vegetables and fiber when her condition acts up. It's really very sad, cause I can't tell her that changing the way she eats would make her condition go away with 100% certainty. Which, in my conversations with her, is what she wants to hear from me. Even though an entire medical team from John's Hopkins don't have any clue at all about what causes her condition to flair up. Although they have told her it has nothing to do with what she eats.

OMG Dis - I sure hope # 4's GF can loose the oxycondone fast. A few years back that was the Doc's pick for us hard fibromyalgia cases. Had I not moved back to the Bay Area my Doctor in Sacramento was on his way to recommending it to me.

When I took the "Pain Management" course at my HMO here, there were two or more women who were weaning off of it. One was on it at such increasingly high doses, that she was relearning how to speak intelligibly again. Seriously, she just had hard time string together words correctly anymore and she'd been off for about 9 months. It was possibly the third time she'd taken the course too, because she actually signed up again and again forgetting she had completed the ten weeks previously. can you imagine forgetting like 20 weeks of your recent life like that!

As for gut healing, absolutely. I have been reading what the years of antibiotics have done to my gut - I am pretty sure my high non stop ingestion of these things have caused all my gut probs and also food intolerances!

Since this WOE, my tummy and gut have never felt so good or functioned so well, and it continues to improve. People think fibromyalgia just has a side symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), I am beginning to think maybe the IBS is a precursor to the fibro, as I had it long before my diagnosis!

Anyway, along with the things you have provided her Dr. McDougall has also done a book specifically on the digestive system. It's pretty explicit, he had a hard time even finding someone to publish it - so you might want to get it a preview it to see if it's something that you might want to pass along to her. Or it may be something that kind of grosses her out and you'd just convey the highlights to her.

I haven't finished reading it yet - but I am learning lots and I am so glad the Dr. McD is brave to go where few docs fear to tread, yet again!

Good luck with this, I am rooting for both of you: that she can get off that terrible drug and on to a WOE that completely changes her life and health!

His book is called "The Digestive Tune Up" and it has a chapter dedicated to colitis.

Best to you - Michelle

P.S. Just read that chapter and it's full of good info - turns out my IBS was the lightweight end of the colitis spectrum, wow. Seriously, with lactose and glutens out and fiber and probiotics in - I am a changed women and happy woman in this respect :-D
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby AlwaysAgnes » Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:22 pm

Dissolution wrote:We went bowling last night with my #4Son and his GF (the one with Ulcerative Colitis). She's currently addicted to Oxycodone, the doctors are aware of this and have her on a plan to get off of it, but she continues to have pain and bleeding from the bowels. I loaned her and her Mother my copy of The China Study, I also sent them several links from Dr. McDougall's site. She continues to eat lots of meat and dairy, and avoids vegetables and fiber when her condition acts up. It's really very sad, cause I can't tell her that changing the way she eats would make her condition go away with 100% certainty. Which, in my conversations with her, is what she wants to hear from me. Even though an entire medical team from John's Hopkins don't have any clue at all about what causes her condition to flair up. Although they have told her it has nothing to do with what she eats.

She'd probably see a lot of improvement just by getting off dairy. If she doesn't want to give up meat completely, she can certainly make it a minor rather than major component in her diet. If she's eating anything close to SAD, she's probably eating 2 or 3 times the amount of meat she should anyway.

With her condition, she may not be able to eat the exact foods you do, but that doesn't mean she can't see huge improvement on a starch-based diet. She might want a lower-fiber version of McDougall to start. Maybe more cooked vegs than raw vegs. Calming foods and lifestyle. Maybe a congee diet. :-P People who follow McDougall have seen much improvement with autoimmune related diseases, and ulcerative colitis is most likely connected with the immune system run amok.

I wish her well.

You might find this interesting
Conclusions: Potentially modifiable dietary factors, such as a high meat or alcoholic beverage intake, have been identified that are associated with an increased likelihood of relapse for UC patients. Further studies are needed to determine if it is the sulphur compounds within these foods that mediates the likelihood of relapse and if reducing their intake would reduce relapse frequency.

http://healthyeatingclub.com/info/books ... ata5g.html This shows sulphur content of some foods.
http://www.livestrong.com/article/44171 ... fur-foods/ Low sulphur foods
Burgess has incorporated low sulphur into McDougall for his "itis" problems. http://anti-itisdiet.blogspot.com/2011/ ... ssful.html It's certainly worth looking into.

There are no guarantees in life. If your son's girlfriend is waiting for guarantees before she makes any moves, she's not doing herself any favors. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Right? :lol: It's a mad, mad world. She's got to change something. And you can tell her I said so. :wink:
You don't have to wait to be happy.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:36 am

Good Morning to you all and to Dis!! You have been such an inspiration to us all here, reading each installation of your life as a McDougaller... I am stumped by your family at times. but then again, it is human nature to argue and be contentious I guess. Amazing how much resistance there can be to your continued success and good health benefits. I mean does your loving wife (sorry) want you to go back to being so fat, sick and nearly dead or what? The proof of how good you are doing in staring her right in the face and she refuses to see it? I mean it is very funny, and no wonder you laffing your a$$ off for so long, with her comment! Some peeps will just never get it, and make that turn down the vegan road. What usually stops me right in my tracks of the memory shots in my mind from different video on-line about how the poor animals are killed and their eyes and legs shaking as the metal contraptions turn their bodies, etc. it is so sickening and sobering that I cannot ever go back, no mater what is going on around me, I see that cow or steer in the metal grate or the hog and it is just too much for me! I always did have a tender heart!
Very sorry about the GF of # 4 son, she has a tough act to do with the drug addiction. She will need a strong heart to get off of that drug. I know of too many people who took yrs and never did that! It is a wonder that her doc does not stop; her and wean her off.
Hey you are doing great!! and I wish you continued success too! don't let the family and your wife discourage you. it is your life in the
end, and you get to life it as you see hit!! right? RIGHT!
I loved Dr McDougall's book, Digestive tune UP, it was the first book I ever bought, and it was a God sent for me! I have singed up for the Plant based nutrition Cert. course on line course from eCornell, ( by TC Campbell) and I am so happy about doing it finally! Have you ever thought of taking this course/ it is a pricey, but all the latest info is presented. I have wanted to take it for a long time now. Son and I are doing it together in June. Sounds like you may love it too.
Have a nice Tuesday to you all!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:41 am

Debbie I'm still "in the closet" about being a vegan on Facebook. I'm waiting for Memorial day, when I will see my best friend. I want him to be shocked at my weight loss (Haven't seen him since I started this journey), but I don't want him to have time to develop a "defense" against what I have to tell him.

I actually don't have a lot of hope for him. He has a fairly limited palette, and my guess is it is those people who are the most difficult to "convert".

lmggallagher I always hate to assume someone has a low pain threshold, but I guess that doesn't make the pain any less for them.
Her parents bought her a new Jeep for her birthday recently. She can't drive it though, until she is off the oxycondone. So maybe they were trying to give her incentive.

AlwaysAgnes Thanks for the links, I have forwarded that information to her. It does sound like she makes adjustments to her diet, there's "normal" for when she's not bleeding, and then there's the "wait til she stops bleeding" diet. I'm not really sure what they each consist of, except that chocolate is not allowed on the "bleeding" diet.

carollynne She tried the logical, scientific approach Yesterday, it was "cute". Her position was, how did I know the diet was working to reverse my arteriosclerosis, since the only way to tell was with an angiogram. My points, that a year ago, walking up a flight of stairs gave me angina, and now I can do aerobic exercise for a solid hour, did not work. She said it was ONLY because I had lost weight. I finally had to end with, that no, I didn't know for sure that my arteriosclerosis was being reversed, but that scientific evidence would suggest that someone in my position and consuming the diet I have been eating, should see a reversal int heir arteriosclerosis. The anecdotal evidence I have been experiencing also seems to support this conclusion.

She seemed disappointed that I chose to remain on this "diet", despite a lack of evidence that it is working for the reasons I undertook this way of eating.

That's so awesome to hear about the T.C. Campbell course. How pricey is it?
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:31 am

That's my BIL. He has a limited palette, for vegetables anyways! He has said numerous times he could never eat this way, he'd rather die!! Only veggies he like are corn and peas and deep fried ones.

I post stuff on FB all the time. I know it annoys people, some may completely ignore it but others might get a little nugget. Just never know.

Interesting about your wife; no "proof" the diet is reversing anything?? Hmm, I'll stop there I suppose :unibrow:
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