Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby nicoles » Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:00 pm

Hi PineappleTraci!

Wow, you did 10-12 days! Holy Crabapple, You are my hero!

Were you at a center or under supervision or did you just go for it? I am kind of a scaredy cat so I got an MD to help :oops:

Thanks for those links-I haven't seen any of them so now I have something to watch today. :-D I can update, sure. Let's see...

Today is day 5 and I decided, with the support of my dr, to keep going until I felt like stopping, or up to a max of 7 days, which is the point at which it is possible, but not likely, to develop electrolyte imbalance, namely low potassium. So I am taking it as it comes, seeing how I feel.


Day 1-started to feel reduction from inflammation and alleviation of allergy headache and sinus congestion at about hour 18 without food. Totally normal energy levels. Took it easy, drank about 1.5 quarts mountain valley spring h2o, went to bed around 10, slept until 8 am. Had thoughts of food and some hunger in the later part of the day.

Day 2- was a bit more fatigued than normal, nothing crazy though. Hung out in bed on the ipad (my darling, wonderful, sweet and supportive DH has lent it to me for the duration of the fast. It is a fun toy!) watching stuff, on forums or reading things, or reading books. Had about 2 quarts h2o. Pretty uneventful. Still had a hit of hunger pangs, but nothing uncontrollable and nothing that stuck around. Went to sleep around 11 pm. Oh yeah, did some dry skin brushing, took a shower and did some gentle stretching, about 20 minutes. Talked to a Few people on the phone. Meditated in bed 30 minutes am and 30 minutes pm. I am that, So Hum. :)

Day 3- woke up around 8 am, felt really tired and groggy at first, and physically a bit heavy. Gradually perked up, after drinking some water, regained some energy, so I stretched, dry brushed and bathed while I was feeling up for it, and that woke me up even more. Talked on the phone for about and hour to my folks, just to ease their minds. Read, watched movies, meditated, felt OK in general. Was mostly in bed, but got up here and there for 10 minutes or so.

No hunger whatsoever, in fact the thought of food is a bit unappealing. My mom spent a good deal of time talking about food she made for my aunt and uncle, who came for a visit and are not vegan, and it did not bug me one bit.

(Interesting side note, my cousin, who is my age, shy of two months, was just told by her doctor that she did not metabolize animal protein or salt well, so she has to top eating both. My aunt and uncle were excited to share the recipe for the Esselstyn lemon cake recipe my mom served them, because they *loved* it so much, and so yet another dietary change in the family, Whoo Hoo! She'll likely stick with it, too since she learned this as a result of having kidney stones. So painful!)

Day 4- this day was interesting. I slept really well, woke up a little groggy, then had really good energy. Cleaned up some, (DH is having a really busy week, so there was a lot of light mess, like socks on floors, and unwiped countertops for me to OCD-out on, until I got sort of muscularly tired, for lack of a better description, and said "eff it, it's clean enough!" and put my "I see no dirt or mess" glasses back on) dry brushed, bathed, stretched, and was a Chatty McChatterson on the phone for a couple of hours.

Also, it was my Mom's birthday, so I got treated to an in depth description of all the special foods she ate and planned to eat that day. Fortunately, it did not bother me, in fact even less than normal, because food was still not really all that appealing. Meditated am and pm.

Somewhere in the late afternoon I started to get a bunch of joint pain and inflammation, which of course I was not happy about, but at the same time could indicate accelerated detox or healing, which is a good thing, I guess, so a mixed bad of an emotional reaction about it.

Fell asleep around 9:30 pm

Day 5-woke up at 8 am, slept GREAT, very nourishing, restful sleep, joint pain is gone! Hooray! Feel good so far, will update more later. Haven't done much yet today except catch up with my DH about his week, and write this post. :lol:

I should mention that I am feeling generally well and better than I have on previous fasts. One of the things that can happen on a fast is that your blood pressure drops and that you get "postural hypotension" a fancy way of saying that you get dizzy when shifting from lying down to sitting up or standing. I have gotten dizzy in the past on most, but not all of the fasts I have done, but I have not been dizzy yet on this one.
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby moonwatcher » Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:01 am

HI Nicole,

So good to read your updates and glad you are doing so well with the fast. Sounds like it's working some magic for you. Hooray!!

I laughed about putting your "I see no dirt and dust" glasses back on, because for me it's the reverse. Far-sighted as I am, if I go into the kitchen with my glasses on after having been at the computer I see all kinds of things. I quickly take them off, and that is that!! :lol: :lol: (I can't tell you how many photos for the blog have a tiny Romeo hair caught in the sun on the edge of the plate, that kind of thing.)

Anyway, glad you're doing so well and it sounds like you're now on the home stretch.

a big hug,


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Lesliec1 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:40 pm

moonwatcher wrote:Far-sighted as I am, if I go into the kitchen with my glasses on after having been at the computer I see all kinds of things. I quickly take them off, and that is that!!

My house is not too dirty; Your glasses are too strong! I have a friend who requires people to take off their shoes in her house. Can I do the same with glasses?

So glad you're feeling well. Anxious to see how it changes over the next couple weeks.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby moonwatcher » Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:38 pm

Leslie, :lol: :lol: :lol:

moonwatcher :)
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Lesliec1 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:52 pm

Are you still fasting?

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby nicoles » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:00 pm

Hey Leslie - no, I ate again on Saturday Morning.

Been really tired after the fast, but I am pretty much OK, not all better though. A lot of inflammation came back again once I started eating, so I am waiting to see what happens as I regain my strength.
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby moonwatcher » Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:17 pm

Hey Nicole, just saying hi and sending a big hug.


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Maer » Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:36 pm

Hi Nicole,

Been reading your journey, and your progress is fantastic (so is you self discipline!).

I've had difficulty fasting in the past, and in a way, the re-feeding was the most difficult because I knew I needed to reign in my awakened appetite (that usually came back at about the 2nd day of eating).

What/how did you break your fast? Any tips?

Anyway, I think I've read that repeated fasts are the best, so it's great you've been able to do this!

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby nicoles » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:29 pm

Hi Moonwatcher! Thanks for the hug :-D
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby nicoles » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:42 pm

Hi Maer :-D

Yes, my appetite comes back either the first or second day too, and the refeeding is the hardest part, in some ways.

I broke the fast with 4 oz veggie juice every few hours or so the first day, then steamed green vegetables and juice the second, and then added squashes and salad the third, and today added beans and rice and seeds.

I have more discipline on this go-round with fasting I think, because I think it is possible that my overeating contributed to my increased inflammation, and the only way to know is to test it out, I guess.

So I have been chewing really, really well, and not watching tv or using the pc while I eat, so I can stay aware of when I am physically satisfied from eating, as opposed to mentally wanting more and more and more.... :lol:

But in many ways this fast way pretty easy, otherwise.
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Maer » Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:36 pm

Thanks, Nicole...sounds like a really healthy way to break the fast, and as you're up to beans and seeds now, hopefully you're beyond what would be the most dangerous time (meaning the time when it's easiest to overeat) for me doing this.

I've often thought my overeating was tied to autoimmune activity, more than the actual food I was eating (because by then on my food "journey" everything I ate was no added fat, no salt, no sugar, vegan, so I couldn't blame bad food for causing me trouble).

Sometimes I wonder if it's just that my body has developed a bad habit of inflammation everytime there's a change in my routine...

Anyway, wishing the best in all of this, and really have enjoyed your journal.

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Lesliec1 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:52 am

I'm sure you knew I'd eventually be grilling you on the exact details so...

Can you give me numbers? What pain level were you at which made you want to fast. Then what's the best number it got down to and then what did it go back up to after the fast?

Just curious as usual... I have to know everything.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby nicoles » Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:10 pm

Hey Leslie,

Hmm, pain levels, I am so bad at putting a number to them.

I guess you could say it as taking me a good 4 hours to un-stiffen in the mornings, and I was veeerrryy tired all day, and I would never be totally free of the pains even when I un-stiffened.

I was not waking up from pain at night but it was hard to move. This was before.

During the fast they went away.

Right after the fast, the pain went back up to about 30%-40% of where it was right before the fast, and each day it seems to be declining a bit more and a bit more, and my energy is increasing, but it is slow. Still not feeling all back yet.

But definitely feeling relatively better :)
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby Lesliec1 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:37 pm

Oh, OK, so this recent flare was not as bad as the pain you used to feel, before this WOE (if I'm understanding.) And that doesn't seem too bad if the pain after fasting only came back to about 30-40%. Hope it continues to go down!

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal

Postby moonwatcher » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:31 pm

Well, Nicole, "definitely feeling relatively better" fits my motto, "Better than it was." So I'll say hooray for that, and join Leslie in saying I hope the improvement continues!!


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