Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby TerriT » Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:35 am

I have recently started using non-stick cooking liners in my roasting pans. I bought them cheaply at a pound shop (equivalent of a 99-cent shop) and cut them to size. They have stained after a couple of uses but wash up easily and still keep things from sticking. I love roasted vegetables, and have been on a roasted cauliflower and kale kick lately.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby suzy » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:18 am

Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I bought some Parchment paper and I intend to roast my veggies on that. I will use Balsamic Vinegar to make the seasoning stick. :-D
I am trying to find a good substitute for nuts. I usually puree them then season them according to the recipe. Does any one have any suggestions as to what to substitute nuts with? Are Cashews forbidden? since technically they are a legume.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:38 am

I'm sure it depends on the recipe you need the nuts for. Beans often work.
Nuts are simply TOO calorie-dense to work on MWL, and cashews count as a nut. Once a person is at his or her goal weight for a while, then a small amount of nuts might be introduced. But you'd have to really watch the amount.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby suzy » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:08 am

Hi frozenveg,
Ty for you quick reply. I love to have tea in the morning with some type of milk. I am used to making almond milk at home, but now I have to switch to oat milk( do I have to cook the oats first?).
The other recipes I use nuts in are basically a substitute for gravy. Or as a thickener in sauces and salad dressings.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:32 am

I have seen an oat milk recipe online somewhere, probably through a post on this website. It looked pretty simple!

I also wanted to make gravies and sauces with nuts, but I made the decision that it would be easier to simply give up the "milk" idea during the MWL phase, and stopped having sauces, gravies and milks during my weight loss period. I didn't miss them much, using canned tomatoes as my base for soups and stews, and using balsamic vinegar for my dressing, and drinking my tea black with stevia.

It was probably a good decision, as I am now using nuts for dressings and sauces to try to entice my DH to eat this way, and I am having some weight gains if I have those too many times in a week. I still need to watch the consumption of that sort of thing!
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby suzy » Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:07 pm

I think you are right. giving up the idea, is the best.
I will do a search for the oat milk.
I am in the process of reading Dr.M's Program for maximum weight loss. But I am sort of am reading the recipe portion in the back of the book first, so I still have a lot of questions. I have been very busy with other stuff.
He mentions in the book that it is o.k to buy the ready made shredded Hash Browns, I got some from Tj's and it was very hard to cook them in my Non stick frying pan without leaving a lot of potato starch in the pan.
There fore I went to Safeway and they had a variety of potato products but I was not sure if they were unacceptable, due to the additives.
Would you please let me know which "Ora Ida" or other brands that are o.k on this plan and how to prepare them without wasting the food?
P.S I am very thankful for your help, and congrats on your weight loss.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby VeggieSue » Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:00 pm

suzy wrote:He mentions in the book that it is o.k to buy the ready made shredded Hash Browns, I got some from Tj's and it was very hard to cook them in my Non stick frying pan without leaving a lot of potato starch in the pan.

Sounds like it's time for a new pan, that the one you're using is no longer non-stick.

Dr. McD had demonstrated how to cook hash browns, whether it's the shredded you used or the diced, like the Ore-Ida. Heat the pan, add the potatoes to the dry pan, put the lid on, and walk away for 10 minutes. Flip them all over, put the lid back on, heat for another 5-10 minutes. Now they should be ready to eat. It *must* be done in a good non-stick pan to work like this. A number of people here use their George Foreman grills to get the same results. The secret, besides the pan being non-stick, it to not touch them while cooking, to let them sit and get a little crusty on the bottoms, which helps them flip easier and not stick to the pan. Constant stirring doesn't let that happen.

Would you please let me know which "Ora Ida" or other brands that are o.k on this plan and how to prepare them without wasting the food?

Preservatives are alright because they prevent the raw potatoes from turning brown, but any brands with oil are to be skipped over. The Ore-Ida diced ones - O'Brien and Southern styles, I think, are fine, but avoid the patties that look like rounded rectangles, like you would find in McDonald's, because they're full of oil. Some stores have shredded potatoes in the refrigerated sections, too, that contain just potatoes and maybe a preservative. They're fine, too. I buy the Stop and Shop store brand, myself. About a dollar cheaper per bag and the same ingredients as Ore-Ida.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby suzy » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:02 pm

Thank you very much for your response. :D
I probably am ready for a new Non Stick Pan.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:23 am

I have yet to find an Ore-Ida brand in my stores, except for the loose shreds, that don't have oil in them. I currently get my shreds at Costco. I haven't found a family-pleasing way with the hash browns yet, but the part I haven't tried is putting the lid on! 20 to 30 minutes for hash browns just seems like such a time commitment in the morning, even on a weekend--I am a "get your own d*** breakfast" person, so I'll wait on myself, but begrudge making breakfast for the DH.
Last edited by frozenveg on Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby Aylin » Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:54 am

Is it mandatory to graze on this WOE or can we choose to have larger, fewer meals throughout the day?
According to these guidelines, grazing is encouraged. But I am sure there are many people on here who eat 3 meals a day and do completely fine.
Would love to hear your responses.
Aylin xx

Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:49 am

Aylin wrote:Is it mandatory to graze on this WOE or can we choose to have larger, fewer meals throughout the day?
According to these guidelines, grazing is encouraged. But I am sure there are many people on here who eat 3 meals a day and do completely fine.
Would love to hear your responses.
Aylin xx

Aylin, the guidelines basically say eat until you're satisfied! I have eaten in the same basic pattern since the beginning (2010), and it consists of breakfast at 5:30, lunch at 1, an apple at 4, and the last meal when I get home (say 7 pm). I don't avoid food between meals, but I don't actually "snack" or "graze" because (1) I'm not that hungry anymore, and (2) I don't have time! And actually my lunch is sometimes a 2-parter, simply because I eat my raw veggies separately from the cooked food, because I get full.

I think the term "graze" is very open to interpretation. What it means, basically, is that you don't HAVE to graze, but if you're hungry between meals, have some on-plan food!

You'll do fine eating 3 meals a day!
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:12 am

LynnCS wrote:
mcfruitarian wrote:Hi all,

Thanks for this thread. I have some questions though :

1) What about home juiced carrots and beetroots ? Does this contravene the MWL ? What would be the daily restrictions ?

2) What dressing recepies are you using for your salad ?


I have a lot of these same questions and feel best when I incorporate a lot of raw vegis, so things like carrots and beets get chipped up to be enjoyed in my large salad I have most evenings. Good time to chew a lot. Creates a lot of digestive enzymes. Beet is magic for the heart and blood system, From what I have learned. Love them cooked too. Raw I leave the covering on, cooked, I remove them if I cook them. I like to enjoy them every day. One of the dressings I enjoy is a squeezed 1/2 orange and a little squeezed lemon over my great salad. I like to put some cooked beans, sweet onions, a little avocado, and a few soaked nuts/seeds on it too. This is where I get some healthy fat. I have lost about 60 lbs from my top weight and about 40 in the last year, raw and now adding starches. My Dr. is a Mcdougall-er, so I am trying to be a good student. The main thing is to get enough fiber and probiotics to keep the insides working well. I am older and have a history of intestinal problems. This is why I am still having a large smoothie in the morning with 2 T chia seeds soaked and added to the smoothie, an apple, 1/2 lemon, lots of greens, and a big chunk of ginger.
I realize this is not a confessional, but my body is having a hard time going back to cooked starches. I am glad to have the starches to fill in from letting go of a lot of fruit that didn't agree with me either. Some things take time. Nice to have this forum to get ideas. Still losing weight, so I am trying to make it all work as I make the transition. I think I tried to go to fast and got pretty sick, so now I feel better, but had to go back to getting more fiber.

Someone's probably going to say I'm posting in the wrong thread, but this is about a healthy weight loss plan, so looking over that list, I see that I am well on my way. Anyone who is having trouble transitioning while trying to get on the MWL plan, let me know how it's going with you. Thanks, Lynn

Lynn, there's nothing wrong with your post per se, but you are right--this particular thread may be wrong place for it. It is entitled, after all, the "Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines." So posts here should address, or ask questions, about what is contained in MWL. Avocados, nuts, and so on are NOT in MWL, although they are allowed on the regular plan. Smoothies, as it has already been stated in this thread (as well as elsewhere), are not on the McDougall plan at all, MWL or regular; they are not necessary. The nutrients we need can come from all sorts of food, cooked and raw, and there is no need or advantage to blending them up rather than eating them with our teeth--just the opposite. The advantage comes from the chewing, as you did state!

I just wanted to put in my 2 cents' worth that posts here should stick to inquiries and ideas about MWL--and not advocate nuts, avocados, "good fats," and smoothies
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby morphine » Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:30 pm

I'm fairly new to this WOE, in general, and I'm trying MWL for the first time. I have a few questions. Can I have:

1) Grits (hominy)?
2) Almond milk (unsweetened)?
3) Popcorn (no added fat)?
4) Splenda?

I'm starting tomorrow, with McD's Overnight Oatmeal. And I have boiled potatoes for lunch.

Wish me luck!

34-year-old male...333 pounds at present.
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby frozenveg » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:32 am

Welcome, morphine!

Grits are acceptable on the regular program, but not on MWL, as MWL calls for intact whole grains such as rolled or steel-cut oats, whole barley, brown rice, puffed grains, etc.

Rice milk with no added oils is acceptable as a condiment only (or on cereal). Almond milk is probably too high in fat, and not recommended for the MWL portion of the program. Milk substitutes are not to be used as beverages.

Popcorn--air popped only!--is OK, as it is a whole grain. However, it is high in calorie density, so it might be easy to have too much, so keep an eye on it!

And for Splenda, I will link you straight to what Dr. M has to say about artificial sweeteners: ... teners.htm

Again, welcome, and good luck in your efforts on this WOE!
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Re: Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines

Postby morphine » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:18 am

A cup of almond milk is only 2.5 grams of fat. I won't drink it as a beverage, but use it in oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes, etc. Is this okay?
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