Great Improvements with my Acne

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Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby PlantBasedChristian » Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:51 am

Some of you may know me from the Facebook group "McDougall Friends" where I post as Christian Zielinski or from my website So some of you may also know that I suffered and continue to suffer from acne, even though it's so much better now.

For roughly the past five to six years, I’ve been suffering from acne and tried just about everything: pills, potions, peelings. I even did something called “Green Peel”, where a mix of herbs and acids is scrubbed onto your skin which then begins to peel after a few days. I can’t even begin to tell you how terrible I felt physically and emotionally. I felt ugly, not good enough and I eventually ended up having very low self-esteem, as I was literally “ashamed” of how I looked.

Nothing really changed much when I went vegan in October 2011, initially for ethical reasons only. I still remember the first time that I heard about an oil-free vegan diet. A vegan teacher at my school and I were chit-chatting when he told me about delicious “Chocolate Zucchini Muffins” by the “Happy Herbivore”. I was intrigued (and not only because chocolate and zucchini sounded so… weird) and spent some hours researching this whole WFPB-thing online.

I cannot tell you how much sense it all made, especially the aspect about avoiding free oils. But initially I found it very hard to do that- I had always cooked with oil, all the processed vegan junk food I consumed contained oil, so what was I going to eat? But as time went on, I began incorporating more and more unprocessed food into my diet and I felt terrific. And now for about seven months, I’ve been 99% oil-free (the 1% being times when eating out etc.).

And here’s what the diet did to my acne: Image

It’s still not gone completely, but every single time I eat high fat foods, I’ve got at least five new pimples the next day. And when I switch back to a low fat diet, they’re gone within less than a week. I cannot say that my acne has gone completely, but it’s so much better that it’s a victory for me already!
Last edited by PlantBasedChristian on Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby sjsilver » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:59 am

That is great Christian. I am glad that this way of eating is working for you. The photos show a marked improvement. Thank you for mentioning the facebook site. I didn't know that it existed.
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby JaniceYvonne » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:19 pm

Christian, I rarely post on this board, but felt compelled reading your post. I truly believe that over time and being consistent with your food choices, the acne will all but disappear!!
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby healthyvegan » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:25 pm

I've had the same problem. Even a single nut will materialize as a zit the next morning. I stay away from high fat foods completely. free whole starch low fat cookbook #wslf
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby nayasmom » Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:39 pm

You might benefit from checking out Dr. McDougall's elimination diet. If you still get acne, it could very well be food sensitivities. For me, it's tomatoes. Whenever I eat any kind of tomato product, I break out in tiny pimples on my face. It could be acidic foods in your diet, or not enough alkaline foods to neutralize the acidic foods. It could be sensitivity to nightshades, glutens, proteins, etc.
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby TuesdayMay » Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:42 am

Hi Christian,

Many thanks for posting your success. Your skin looks amazing.

I have had a very similar experience.

Since adopting this WOE, my almost lifelong acne problem (started when I was 9ys old) has all but vanished. The old scarring is still present, but is fading well now.

If I eat fatty foods, my skin will breakout, and take between 7-10 days to clear up again, so I now avoid nuts and avocados. I know if I keep my fat intake low, my skin stays clear.

After struggling with acne for so many years, and trying all manner of horrible treatments in the past, I am absolutely over the moon.

Thanks again for sharing your experience,

Rachel x
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby healthyvegan » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:03 pm

I'm nearing 40 and if I eat even an avocado or olive, or nuts of any kind I will have new pimples in hours. Oil is totally devastating on my complexion. I think we have a super power that we can see the instant horrible effects of high fat eating, keeps me from making mistakes! The neighbor's kids were selling Girl Scout Cookies & in our area the Thin Mints are Vegan... talk about trouble. I had ONE (well maybe 5) and then gave the rest away & suffered an inner nose zit, the absolute most painful! Got to relearn the lessons every once in a while! The Girl Scouts even have GF this year, too. Maybe in 20 years they'll have oil-free low fat vegan GF organic, lol. free whole starch low fat cookbook #wslf
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby Sunnylove » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:40 pm

Since going vegan my skin is breaking out so bad. I'm going to give it time, but I'm getting some pretty awful pimples. I hope this gets better- I'm getting married in a month!
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby sjsilver » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:12 pm

My skin has improved but my daughters is worse. She eats a lot of avocados though and I don't. So I am thinking that might be it.
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby Sunnylove » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:15 am

I don't eat any avocado. I'm so worried this isn't going to clear up.
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Re: Great Improvements with my Acne

Postby elcorazon » Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:41 pm

Just want to throw this out there to you.
When I have papaya daily I notice it helps with my acne prone skin and gives it a glow. I bought some in bulk wholesale a couple of months ago and so I was having papaya banana smoothies daily and my skin started glowing. I googled papaya health benefits and it says it's good for skin thought that was interesting. Maybe try adding some papaya daily to your diet and see if that helps. If your not big into smoothies then just have it plain. I am broke right now on a student's budget, but if I wasn't I would get some papaya and have some daily. I made smoothies cause I don't like it plain.
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