March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, carolve, Heather McDougall

March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:44 pm

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the March Weigh-In thread for the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. We have a great group of motivated people here, who are trying really hard to become healthier and lose weight. We'd love for you to join us!
Here is Dr. McDougall's 2 minute summary of the MWL Plan.
For the program details visit the MWL thread in this forum. (It was created by Debbie, the previous Weigh-In thread facilitator. Near the bottom of that page Debbie includes a link to one of her favourite discussions about eating this way. It is to remind us to eat a starch based diet not a veggie based diet, even while following the more calorie dilute MWL version of the program). Please check out as many of the links as you have time for, there is so much here to discover!
A couple of other great resources, for those just starting out, are from Jeff Novick the staff dietician for the program: The Ultimate Guide to Free Calorie Density (MWL) Resources and his 1 hour video explanation on Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer.

For the start of this month I thought I'd include a few Star McDougaller stories who used MWL for all or part of their weight loss journey (Click on the link to read their stories):

Elizabeth TeSelle lost around 90 pounds

Kathy Roberts lost 46 pounds.

Jessica Parsons lost 90 pounds.

Best wishes this week and month to everyone! If you have any questions or just feel like chatting about the diet, this is the place to post. I look forward to spending the month with you. :)

Here are the standard monthly instructions for participating in this thread:

Our weigh in's are on Fridays and you have until 12 PM PST on Saturday to report.

Anyone is welcome to join the weekly weigh in group as long as they follow the McDougall principles. We recommend following the Maximum Weight Loss (MWL) plan or the Mary's Mini's Plan.

There is a sticky at the top of this forum on the guidelines for the MWL program.

In order to tally the results please submit your results by posting the total pounds you have lost or gained that week. You don't have to share your total weight if you'd rather keep that to yourself. This is an honor system so we take the gain, loss or maintain you give us in order to tally. (Please make a new post each week)

If you are a new member and would like to join but don't have a weight to be counted for the week then you will be counted either as a body with a zero starting weight, or when you check in for the weekly weigh in the following week. Large amounts of weight lost over a period of months or weeks, prior to joining the weekly weigh in group, will not be counted towards the weekly total.

If you measure your weight in something other than pounds please convert the measurement to pounds.

All gains will be counted towards the total to encourage weekly participation. Posting is encouraged whether it's a gain, a loss, or a maintain.

You are welcome to share as little or as much as you want on your weight loss journey here in this thread. We encourage members of the group to talk to each other, cheer each other on and set goals together.

This thread is for the mutual support of all who wish to participate.

See you all this Friday and Saturday!
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby sirdle » Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:43 am

Amanda -- Thanks for all the work you do... keeping this thread from unravelling and sorting out the knots and tangles which tie us up each month!

Cheers, :-P
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Chelspaz » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:25 pm

amandamechele wrote:Chelsea,
Sounds delicious! Chilli is one of my go-to recipes too. I'm currently eating my way through an extra-spicy batch. As for my lack of interest in my instant pot, I'm just set in my ways a bit. It also doesn't fit on my counter easily (we're in a condo). I plan to eventually use it more, so any recipes that are MWL compliant and the instant pot makes them a cinch to make, please send them my way!

You are so lucky to have a doctor close by!

PS. Luv your instagram feed! You should post some of those delicious looking dishes here.


I've never been a huge fan of chili, but I'm always willing to try new chili recipes to see if different ones I may like more. That's understandable about your IP. It's whatever suites you and your life! I can't keep it on my counter either so I put it in an easy access place for when I want to use it. I'll let you know of any good MWL recipes. I think all of High Carb Hannah's recipes, for the most part, SHOULD be MWL compliant. If not, we can always tweak them to make them so.

I couldn't believe there were plant-based doctors (yes, more than one in Greenville) close by either! I thought I'd really have to go out of my way, but it was a pleasant surprise. I've been corresponding with her a little already and she seems really nice. I'm hoping that I can see her though as she might not be in network with my health insurance.

I'm glad you like my Instagram! I would love to post some photos here, but uploading on Photobucket to get a URL for them is a pain as that site has gotten so riddled with ads and annoyances. What method do you use for your images that you post here? I know there is Flickr that more user friendly?
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Stacey » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:12 pm

Hello. Please let me know if I am doing this right. I want to join for the month. I have been thinking about this a lot, then when I am doing the post, I don't have anything to write.:) I have been Mcdougalling/plant-basing for the past 4 years, but this past 6 months I have been having trouble. I don't know why. I got stressed, and then started to have issues.

So, I thought I would come and join in for this month, to get my habits under control, while interacting with people who understand how this way of eating does work.

I will be joining in the weight in this Friday, and for the following month. I do have weight I would like to use, but right now, my main goal is just to get back to healthy eating.

Currently I weigh 137, and I would love to weigh something that is 15-20 lbs lighter. I did the Max weight loss years ago, but I was only able to maintain it for 3 weeks. I have always been compliant, it is just that I have a really messy brain. If I think too hard, or try to hard, I sabbotage myself consistently.

So, this time around, really the past 3 months I stopped trying to get fit and lose weight. So far it was working till it stopped. I then had a discussion with my husband about it, and he thinks that my reward system is really strong. I feel really achieved with whatever I am doing, and I stop working. I use to be able to do 46 pushups. Now, I can't even do 1! As soon as I realized I had awesome looking shoulders, it stopped. So, no more thinking.

I will show up each week this month and report back. I am just look for some positive emotional support and I know I will find that here.:)
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby HappyGardener » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:45 pm


This is my first time joining a group and I am looking forward to the support. I have been a vegan for 8 years but I still remain about 70-80 lbs over weight. I am ready to change this. I am ready to drop the bad habits I have developed and move toward a healthier life. My intention is to be able to show my loved ones that being whole foods plant based is the healthiest way to live. I would love to be able to spread the word about the values of WFPB to personal health and the environment but until I am at a healthy weight, I am not the example I want to be and frankly who would listen.

My kids are raised and two of the three are WFPB so I know we raised our kids right, my husband and close friends are also WFPB so I have my inner circle for support but they all are at a healthy weight and don't really understand my issues with food.

Thank you for offering support and I am looking forward to being apart of this group.
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby galooop » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:16 pm

Hello - I'm happy to find this message board. I have about 40 or 50 pounds to lose and some other health/pain issues to deal with.

I started Dr. McDougall's plan from reading about it online and watching his and Mary's YouTube videos. I appreciate how generous they are to offer so much sincere and valuable info for free. I bought the Really Great (!) McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook, because I don't especially enjoy spending lots of time in the kitchen.

So, I started the day after I quit my job, which had left me very run down and exhausted. I'm in the process of recovery right now, eating the plan 100%, gathering more info, walking & resting as much as I need to. I'll be 70 soon, and want to be healthy and vibrant. I'm hoping to heal up my knee arthritis and inflamed right leg, sore heel, sore neck etc. (It's already starting to feel a little better after just a few days.)

I currently weigh 189.2 and will be checking in weekly.
:) Chris

Last edited by galooop on Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Stacey » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:47 am

Just a random note. I was encouraged yesterday reading the new posts from others. And!!! I want to add, that I play the bassoon, and during rehearsal last night, whiling I was playing something that seemed like inspirational music in the moment, I had the thought.... We can do this. All of us. The togetherness of a group like this can bring others together who are struggling. We can get positive vibes off of each other. We really can do it.

That is all... I hope everyone has a wonderful day.:)
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby DocHCLFvegan » Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:55 am

Hello, all! I'm very excited to find this group. After a health scare a year ago, I upped my game in my attempts to follow the McDougall diet, lost 30 lbs over the next 3 months, and then went back to my on-again-off-again pattern. This has resulted in a plateau over the past 9 months. Since I have another 50-60 lbs to lose, I decided to rededicate myself to this lifestyle change a little over a month ago. It's been going pretty well so far, but I haven't seen much of a weight change yet. I will use tomorrow's weigh-in as my new zero point.

I quit nicotine (chewing tobacco) almost 3 years ago with the support of an online quit group that all quit during the same month. I see the lifestyle change required for that to be somewhat analogous to what I am going through here. I look forward to experiencing the same kind of success with all of you!

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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby amandamechele » Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:51 pm

[b]Sirdle[/b] - Thank you. :o It sort of keeps things from unravelling for me too. Hopefully it is mutually beneficial for everyone. How is your plant-based journey coming along?

[b]Chelsea[/b] - Though I've heard of high-carb Hannah, I've never really taken a look at her stuff. I'll have to check out her recipes, thanks. With regards to finding a new doctor, you are quite lucky to have choices! I hope it works out with your insurance.
For posting photos here, I do use Flickr. It's the same process you've described, so not super-quick, but I don't have to deal with any ads or anything.

[b]Stacey[/b] - Welcome! I'm glad you decided to join, no need to have anything to post if you don't want to (except Friday's, I want hear from you I have a messy brain too... and I find this helps...a lot. Especially the MWL version of the McDougall program. Less hyper-stimulating foods has led to a much calmer mind for me. Best wishes this week, and you've got the right idea about not overthinking it!
Also, thank you for the inspiring thoughts, we can do this together! (PS. I'll admit to googling what a bassoon looked like because I couldn't remember - I was a flute player in my younger years, but we didn't have any bassoonists in my high school band or the local marching band)

[b]HappyGardener[/b] - Welcome and I'm looking forward to having you as a part of this group too! That's quite impressive that you have managed to have such a positive influence on your (grown) children's healthy food choices. As a mom myself, I know that we can sometimes worry more about the kids than ourselves. I'm glad to hear that you are ready to focus on your own health now too. And it is true that being the healthiest example that you can be will have more people wondering how you did it and becoming interested in learning more.

[b]Chris (galooop)[/b] - Welcome to the group. The McDougall's passion and generosity is also a part of what had me settle into this particular version of a plant based way of eating. I'm so glad you are feeling some of the benefits already, and it's true, the closer you adhere to the recommendations, the better the results. It may be a long and slow process to fully heal, but it can be an enjoyable one too. All the best to you. I'd love if you could keep us posted on how you are feeling in coming weeks. I find certain foods (even on-plan foods) can flare up a bit of stiffness in me and I have learned to minimize or avoid them.

[b]Steve (DocHCLFvegan)[/b] - Welcome and I'm glad you've decided to rededicate yourself. Congratulations on how well you have done already! I have found eating this way over the long term to be a process of small adjustments. I get comfortable at a certain level of compliance or calorie density and then reach an input/output equilibrium (a plateau); and if you haven't reached a healthy weight that means it's time to have another look at what you are eating. I have also had the same experience with regards to how similar quitting tobacco (in the form of smoking) was to fully coming around to consistently eating this way. Neither is a particularly eas process, but oh so worth it.
I'm happy to hear you have been having some success this past month, let's keep that momentum going!
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Last edited by amandamechele on Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby donaldpetemc » Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:18 pm

galooop wrote:
I'll be 70 soon, and want to be healthy and vibrant. I'm hoping to heal up my knee arthritis and inflamed right leg, sore heel, sore neck etc. (It's already starting to feel a little better after just a few days.)

I currently weigh 189.2 and will be checking in weekly.
:) Chris


Chris, I'm 76 and have lost 22 lbs. in the last two months. I saw my doctor yesterday, and she was pleased with the weight loss. She said that I'm now putting 88 lbs. less of weight on my knees. Twenty-two times four, she said. I don't know how she arrived at that figure, but if she's right, every little bit lost should help your knee arthritis. Good luck and keep the momentum up!

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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby kirstykay » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:34 pm

Amy, thanks for the info about Tofu. I will have to curb that. Hopefully that will help the weight come off. In regards to the zucchini "noodles" yes, they are only zucchini. I slice the zucchini longwise with my mandolin slicer so they are all the same thickness and then use them in the place of the lasagna noodles. Too bad, though. Can't really image it without the tofu ricotta.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby Qwerty988 » Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:43 am

Good morning, all! Great to see the new members :-D

This week I'm down -1.2 pounds. I'll take it!
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby DocHCLFvegan » Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:35 am

Starting weight this morning 223.4 lbs,
weight loss 0 lbs
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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby donaldpetemc » Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:44 am

For this time I have lost 7.4 pounds. I am weighing monthly. Total lost since Jan. 1: 22.7 pounds.

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Re: March 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

Postby bmccloud » Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:15 am

Down .5

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