Maybe a baby in 2017

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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:11 am

Lyndzie wrote:Tomorrow is 29 weeks pregnant, and the fetus is about the size of a butternut squash, weighing roughly 2.5 lbs and 15 inches long.

I forgot to mention: my iron is up to 11.7!! Jeff's suggestions to eat iron rich sources of food along with high Vit C foods has totally worked. Food is way more delicious than iron pills, and I'd rather not try to manage constipation side effects on top of regular pregnancy challenges.

I'm starting to get comments from people about my size. I'm a petite person, and the baby belly just sits on the front of me like a poorly thought-through building addition. Comments started about this time last pregnancy, too. Oh well, just 11 weeks to go!

yay babies! When my daughter was expecting her little boy, I thought about his size in utero, too. A grain of rice, a bean, an avocado... so much fun. And now he's taking his first steps. And btw, WAY TO GO getting your iron up with foods! well done!

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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:20 am

Yesterday marks 30 weeks pregnant. Just 10 more weeks to go! Fetus is almost 3 pounds and over 15.5" long. When it kicks, you can now see my stomach visibly move. Pregnancy is such a crazy experience. I'm just glad I'm not a cat having a litter of kittens.

The rough estimate is that a person needs about 450 additional calories a day during the third trimester, and I'm finding that to be about right. I've been playing around with how to get that additional food in. I tried just adding some high-fat food to eat meal, like extra avocado or a sprinkling of nuts, but that feels a little heavy. I have been enjoying homemade almond milk and yogurt for breakfast, and that is plenty rich.

I did a really good job of eating within the guidelines this past Easter weekend, until my mom showed up with an Easter basket for me filled with all my favorite candies. It was my daughter's 4th birthday on Monday, and I made a batch of non-compliant vegan double chocolate cupcakes, and did fine with that. I even avoided my SIL's famous delicious coconut cream pie! But that bunny basket did me in. Later that day we went out to dinner for my daughter's birthday, and since I'd already blown it with the candy, it was definitely a meal that had room for improvement. On the plus side, McDougall's revenge set in pretty quickly and lasted a couple days, so that will keep a person motivated to get back on track!

My husband is just the sweetest. Last night he slept on the couch so that I could have the whole bed to myself! I'm sleep so poorly these days, between radiating heat like a furnace, toast and turning all night, getting up to pee constantly, and taking up an increasingly larger portion of the bed, that it probably benefitted him, too. Pretty soon I won't be getting sleep for other reasons, but at least I'll get to sleep on my back again!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:13 am

Today is 31 weeks pregnant. Fetus is about over 16 inches long and 3 1/3 lbs, about the size of a coconut.

The baby is due in 9 weeks, but my window of possible delivery is anywhere between 6-11 weeks from now. I'm nervous because I'm not exactly sure where we're going to live. We wanted to move out of where we are now, and got an accepted offer to purchase a house, but it needs extensive renovations and the sale closing has been delayed by a couple months due to title issues (it had gone through a couple tax sales and has some problems than need to be address before the purchase can proceed).

We can stay in the rental we're in, but this is not exactly the best "family" home, it's really meant for a young urban couple without children. I really miss having my own place, and a yard. We're in the top two stories of a three story building, and there is a small company on the first floor. We're right on a main road, which is noisy, and can see the interstate out our windows. If I were in my late twenties and worked a lucrative 9-5 job, this place would be ideal. Instead, I am a stay-at-home homeschooling pregnant mom of young children. It could be worse, for sure, but rent costs and arm and a leg, and for this price I'd like something different.

Well, none of that is exactly pregnancy related. But kind of. It's time for me to nest! Set up crib, wash baby clothes, get diapers, etc. I also have decided not to get a new car, and instead keep rocking my beloved 2010 Honda Civic, which means I have the exciting task of fitting three kid seats across the back - it's a tight squeeze! It's going to be two boosters, probably the Diono Radian or Cosco Finale, and a baby seat, either the Graco Snugride or Chicco Keyfit. The cost will be between $300-$600 in total, which is a bit painful, but way cheaper than a new car, and I'm being really stubborn about getting a minivan, because that is just not my style (I can't wait to eat my words some day!)

I've finally turned into an emotional mess. I cry really, really easily. ( mom just texted me to tell me that she's probably going to have to put her cat down today. Ugh.)


I was reading my old pregnancy class stuff in preparation for birth, and came across this gem of nutritional advice. It's awful! And the next page (not pictured) talks about how important it is to eat all that protein to prevent this long list of very scary complications (preeclampsia, placental abruption, etc) which is enough to put the fear of God in you, and then there is a worksheet to make sure you count your protein servings for the day, and that gaining up to 45 pounds is actually good for you. Plus, don't forget to salt your food. And 5 servings of fat a DAY? In addition to the 2 servings of eggs and up to 6 servings of meat? Yes, I would love some mayo on my burger with an egg on top. Holy cow! Why isn't the maternal death rate higher with information like this?

I'll admit that the past couple weeks definitely have room for improvement in the food department for me, but man, nothing compared to this disasterous list of bad advice.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sat Apr 21, 2018 6:44 am

It's 32 weeks! Fetus is around 3 3/4 pounds and over 16 1/2 inches long. Supposedly the size of a jicama, but that does not sound accurate to me.

Eating on plan has been surprisingly hard this pregnancy. It's weird, too, because it's not the same challenges that I dealt with when transitioning/maintaining before pregnancy. First off, nausea in the beginning will just throw a person for a loop. When you need to eat to ward off feeling sick, but you can't eat, things get tricky. Right when that was getting better, the holidays hit, which is a rough time for me, but I managed pretty well. Second trimester wasn't so bad, but as my calorie needs have increased, I've struggled with getting enough food in while on plan. I've tried including more processed grains to increase caloric density, and increasing my nuts and avocado intake, but really can't quite figure out the right balance. I had a few days of "perfect" eating in a row, just to have nausea and insomnia return (which was alleviated by eating more). Maybe if I was pregnant in summer I could lean a little more heavily on smoothies, but those still don't quite increase my satiety enough to make up the difference. The rough estimate is that calorie needs increase about 450 a day in the last trimester, and I'm finding that to be about right, which is essentially a full extra meal for me, or another pound of food.

I feel like with a body that is constantly changing, it's hard to figure out what works because by the time I get things figured out something changes again! I'm interested to see how this works with breastfeeding, because that is even more calories than growing a human directly, at least until solid foods are introduced.

In not-food news, we put an offer to buy a house, but there were some title issues that were uncovered. We were suppose to close yesterday, but it is delayed to June 4th. The house is a fixer-upper, which is no big deal because my husband renovates old homes, but the plan was to get it live-able and move in by the end of May. That plan is totally out the window now, because the baby is due right after closing with no time to renovate.

Also, I'm being stubborn and refusing to buy a minivan to haul the three kids around in (and we're buying a house, so there isn't a lot of extra cash lying around either). I've been trying to puzzle piece three car seats into the back of my Honda Civic, which is not easy. My first round of seats did not work, so I need to return the two boosters for the bigger kids and try again. And, I need to get the crib out of storage, along with the baby clothes, and then I'll be all set.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:42 am

Today is 33 weeks pregnant. Fetus is about 4 lbs and 17 inches, maybe the size of a pineapple? Whoever came up with these produce comparisons....

Had a midwife appointment yesterday. Everything is perfect. We discussed what to do with the kids during birth, her recommendations for postpartum recuperation, vaccines, circumcision, etc. A whole list of stuff. One of the things I LOVE about a home birth midwife is the hour long appointments, so we have time to actually get to know each other and cover topics in depth.

You know the stereotype that pregnant women are always hot? Well, I did not have that with my other two pregnancies. This time, I actually corrected my anemia and I'm blazing hot! We're keeping the house 4 degrees colder than a couple months ago, and I'm wearing short sleeves and my hair up all the time.

I had a very vivid dream last night that I had the baby. My midwife was at another birth and couldn't make it, and my husband slept through the whole thing. How hilarious! Fortunately, most of my fears were addressed yesterday at my appointment, otherwise I would be really freaked out today. And, it was the cutest little baby in my dream, too. Perfectly healthy, alert, nursed like a champ, and the size of a 3 month old.

Today I'm going to pick up my boxes of baby clothes and cloth diapers from storage (a.k.a. my dad's basement). A friend is letting me borrow her co-sleeper, and car seats round two are ordered and should be here on Friday. After that, we're all set for baby's arrival. My husband was questioning my purchase of car seats so early and I gave him the look of "Really???!" This thing is totally viable! I have to have everything set up and ready to go, because if you don't, then Murphy's Law will kick in and we'll be up a creek.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby f00die » Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:46 pm

congratulations so far
blame global warming this year :)
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:03 pm

Thanks, foodie! I’m hot and feel like a globe, so global warming seems accurate.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Wed May 09, 2018 6:21 am

Today is 35 weeks pregnant. Fetus is about 18 inches long and over 5 lbs, about the size of a honeydew melon.

I've finally reached the stage of actual discomfort. Rolling over at night involves trying to turn over with a bowling ball strapped to my stomach. I definitely waddle, and am super tired these days.

Good news, though, is that my healthy eating habits are back! I'm craving veggies and starches again, which feels good. It's nice to return to the foods that are so simple, delicious and nourishing. I've been eating a full extra meal a day, and sometimes another snack. I'm at the top end of the recommended weight gain range at 141 lbs, but I'm also 6 lbs less than my end weight the last two pregnancies, so as long as I stay in that range I feel pretty good.

My family put together a little poll about whether the baby is a boy or a girl, and the birthday. It was a little hurtful that all but one of the guess dates were before my actual due date, and one would have ended up with a preemie baby. I am very petite, and look like I'm smuggling a watermelon under my shirt, but I'm measuring right on target and have no signs of having a baby before it's due. I find it super frustrating to be a healthy person in a society of unhealthy people, because they have no frame of reference for what an appropriate pregnancy looks like. Well, enough of me venting!

I friend of mine offered to host a baby shower for me very last minute. I'm so touched! It's been 4 years since I've had a baby, and I got rid of most of the baby accessories that I had, such as the swing and the rocker. I have the things that are really necessary, such as clothes and a place to sleep. My mother-in-law has asked me multiple times what I need, and I've given her the same answer every time, and she obviously does not like it and wants to buy something else, but I really don't need anything that isn't expensive or boring (because who wants to buy me a pack of nursing pads? Anyone??).

Today I'm going to pick up a pair of shorts. I have 5+ weeks until delivery, plus post-partum recovery, and it dawned up me that none of my shorts are going to work this summer, so I might as well go get something that will fit. I've done a great job of reusing the clothing I have, and also have been given some hand-me-downs from a couple friends who are done having kids, so I haven't had to buy much this pregnancy. Warm weather is here, and it feels great! We're going to the park today to see a presentation on hummingbirds. Summer is here, and it feels great.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Ruff » Wed May 09, 2018 2:27 pm

Not long now, I’m glad everything is going so well. Have fun at the baby shower.

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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Fri May 18, 2018 11:18 am

Thanks for the well wishes, Katie!

Wednesday marked 36 weeks pregnant. Fetus is over 6 lbs and over 18 inches long, and I can tell! The little bugger tried to kick it's way out the side of my stomach at Target the other day. That did not feel good.

I had my home visit with my midwife on Wednesday. Since we do a home birth, for the 36 week appointment my midwife comes to your house and we walk through a game plan of where things are and what we're thinking will happen. Of course, the actual birth might be something totally different (case in point: my last one), but having a general outline for what you'd like to do is good.

I had my third trimester labs done, and due to getting too lax about eating habits my iron has dropped. I've started having decaf tea a few times a week, and haven't made sure to get in my beans on a daily basis. Also, I hate to admit this, but cheese started creeping back in. I know, it's super unhealthy, but it is my vice. Ben and Jerry have been calling my name, as has fresh mozzarella and tomatoes with the warmer weather. Well, no more of that. Aside from all the other issues with dairy, it's a poor source of iron, despite how tasty it is.

Lab results:
Ferritin 9
Hemoglobin 10.6
Hematocrit 32.1

To have a home birth I need the hemoglobin above 10.5, and my midwife prefers around 12. I've decided to include an iron supplement in addition to refocusing my diet since I am due in 4 weeks and want to have this number raised quickly. I'm going to have beans at two meals a day (lunch and dinner), which, combined with some sort of vit C food, should get results quickly.

This weekend a friend of mine is throwing a "sprinkle" for me. I'm super excited about it. No one has ever thrown a party for me! Well, not since I've been an adult. It was super last minute, and not many people can make it, but it should be a nice small group to hang out and eat cake. And, yes, if there is cake, I'm totally going to eat it.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Fri May 18, 2018 7:02 pm

A few things I want to add to my previous post:

First off, why is it that whenever a person quits doing a "diet" they bring the junkiest of the junk back first? My mom did the South Beach thing years ago, and when she quit it she started eating brownies again right off the bat, but still avoided certain "off limit" fruits and veggies. Well, same thing with me. I have a weakness for cheese, especially expensive imported stuff, and it started calling my name too loudly lately. Funny enough, I still avoid oil, don't cook with salt and don't eat eggs, and meat is a definite no-go.

Secondly, when I googled low ferritin symptoms I was surprised that a couple of issues I've been dealing with are associated with it, such as tinnitus and burning mouth. The tinnitus comes as goes, but has pretty much disappeared in the past two months. The burning mouth, though, has been an issue. If I eat anything high in acidity, like pineapple, or hummus (weird, right?) after a while my tongue feels like it's on fire and no amount of water can wash it away. It's more irritating than the ringing in my ears!

While I was typing this my husband showed me an SNL skit with Amy Schumer about birth. I've watched it twice now and cried laughing both times. Not food related, but here you go: (if the link doesn't work, let me know so I can try to fix it).

Last but definitely not least, Jeff is the best. Thank you for all that you do, Jeff!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri May 18, 2018 7:06 pm

Hi, Have "lurked" reading your journal --- just wanted to say Congrats on your soon to be baby and hope you have a great "sprinkle"!! :cool:
On the bring back junkiest junk thing, I know I always bring back peanut butter first, which I cannot be trusted with... LOL...
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sun May 20, 2018 5:54 pm

Today was the sprinkle, and it was wonderful! My friend Stacy hosted, and only a few people could attend, but it worked out well because I’m not a big group kinda person and we all got to talk to each other. Got lots of gender neutral clothes and diapers and wipes, so now all I need is a bed of some kind set up and we’re good to go.

Stacy did a great job on the food. She made it a “tea party,” with multiple teas and finger foods. My favorite by far was the Kite Hill chive spread with cucumber in a pita, just like a British cucumber sandwich! She also had a spread of veggies and hummus, plus some vegetarian options of manchego cheese, pears and crackers, and some macaroons. There were plenty of compliant options, plus some things for the other eaters, and no one woukd feel like something was missing.

Then, my husband told me to stay out as late as I wanted and get a mani/pedi, so I did! It’s been almost too much free time, and I’m so used to being constantly busy, that it felt a little strange and I was looking forward to coming home.
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby Lyndzie » Sun May 20, 2018 6:48 pm

Also, hi Veg! I always wonder who might be reading this. I do like the “hellos,” so anyone else please feel free to say hi!
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Re: Maybe a baby in 2017

Postby SilverDollar123 » Sun May 20, 2018 7:06 pm

Just dropping by to say Hi! Everytime I see you post in this journal,I just have to peek to see if Maybe Baby
arrived yet. Praying for a safe&healthy delivery. Let us know please please when the blessed event occurs. (when u feel
up to it though) If you see a fly on the wall with pink&purple wings...thats me wishing u & hubby the best! lol RAS :-D
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