Anna's Journal

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:06 am

I did enjoy those butter beans and greens last time I posted. I'm going to make some more. I joined the MWL challenge on the 100% McDougall facebook group...think that's what it's called. I'm already cheating. Got to tell the truth somewhere. I am drinking coffee as we speak with a little sugar and I'm about to dump it and go get a cup without the sugar. I haven't been drinking sugar in it and now I really don't like. I thought I wanted it because I bought this coffee I had in Seattle that I loved so much and back then I put a little sugar in it so I wanted it to be the same. Well it ain't....sigh. I'm not wondering too if I liked her coffee maker better. Why I'm rambling about this I don't know so I will stop.

Pye is doing the challenge with me which is quite the miracle. Don't know how I got her to agree to eat vegan let alone no oil, bread or pasta for a month. Tried to get her husband too who is walking around with an insulin thingy attached to his arm but he wasn't having it. He did love my no oil vegan chili the other night though. Anyway Pye and I have now both cheated already so really we are doing a cross between MWL and regular plan. I don't care. I miss Boots challenging me to do sxxx and so I joined the challenge knowing I would cheat with veggie sushi rolls that had a little avocado in them now and again. Really I ought to stop journaling here because all I do is embarrass myself. I keep coming back though.
I am laying off the bread and pasta. 2nd day (it's a June challenge) and I already feel better even if it's just emotionally because I know I'm doing right by my body and soul. I plan to make veggie mushroom burgers, mashed potatoes and a white bean gravy, coleslaw, hummus, baking potatoes for the air fryer fries, sushi rolls (so I control the amount of avo and it will be tiny), salad dressing and salad, and maybe a beans and greens or veg soup. Some of this will get made during week and Pye will have her man grill the shroom burgers and veggies on the grill for us. I am sharing the food with Pye and my friends at work who are trying to eat healthier. It's always better to be with others and that's why I keep coming back. Plus I genuinely like people here and have the utmost respect for what everyone is doing. I want to be a consistent McDougaller...not the one who lost a hundred lbs years ago and has kept pretending she won't finish gaining it all back....sigh. I truly love what is happening here and am so grateful to even know about it. And I want to be a good example. And I don't give a fxxx if I've said this a million times and haven't done it, it doesn't mean I won't do it today! I will. And being here helps me succeed so until I'm kicked I am.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby kirstykay » Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:51 pm

Anna Green wrote: Really I ought to stop journaling here because all I do is embarrass myself. I keep coming back though.
I am laying off the bread and pasta. 2nd day (it's a June challenge) and I already feel better even if it's just emotionally because I know I'm doing right by my body and soul. I plan to make veggie mushroom burgers, mashed potatoes and a white bean gravy, coleslaw, hummus, baking potatoes for the air fryer fries, sushi rolls (so I control the amount of avo and it will be tiny), salad dressing and salad, and maybe a beans and greens or veg soup. Some of this will get made during week and Pye will have her man grill the shroom burgers and veggies on the grill for us. I am sharing the food with Pye and my friends at work who are trying to eat healthier. It's always better to be with others and that's why I keep coming back. Plus I genuinely like people here and have the utmost respect for what everyone is doing. I want to be a consistent McDougaller...not the one who lost a hundred lbs years ago and has kept pretending she won't finish gaining it all back....sigh. I truly love what is happening here and am so grateful to even know about it. And I want to be a good example. And I don't give a fxxx if I've said this a million times and haven't done it, it doesn't mean I won't do it today! I will. And being here helps me succeed so until I'm kicked I am.

OMG, Anna. We are twins... separated at birth! I could have written this. I came back to check out the boards today, and I went straight to your journal because I wanted to see how you are doing and because I miss you the most when I'm not around here. And BAM! You were reading my mind. I want all of these things, too, and I believe we can both get them. Love, Love, Love your honesty and transparency and your tenacity and your generosity, and, and, and... You are a bright light. Keep shining! I will too. Because, you're right, who gives a fxxx if we've said it a billion times and haven't done it yet, we can do it today! I signed up for the MWL June 100% challenge today and the fb June challenge as well. I won't stop trying until I get there...Let's get there!
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby moonlight » Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:56 pm

You are too funny!! I love reading your entries - I hope you continue. I don't have a FB account so I don't see the McD FB chatter. I think posting on this board keeps me going in the right direction, even if I am idling sometimes. :)
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:18 pm

Kirstykay, you made me laugh. Yep let's just keep doing it. I felt so good today! I ate good even when I was presented with a full menu of vegan Thai. I felt so good I just didn't want to eat the oil. So I ordered the fresh rolls without the fried tofu and a salad. It was so good. I came home and loved loved my chili and potato (a few cubes of avo let me confess) and kale. I have been in the best mood today. If I looked at my food this year overall there is definite improvement so I've gradually felt better but with the effort toward MWL I feel even better. My sis is doing pretty good too and says she feels better and that her baby (big tummy) is shrinking. I have been giving her videos to watch to help with motivation. Her hubby isn't on board but he is cooking some things for her. Makes me so so happy.

Moonlight, thanks so much. When I'm not judged by myself or someone else I actually seem to do better. Posting here does help for sure!
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Mon Jun 04, 2018 11:09 pm

Doing good. Feeling good. Tomorrow I'm hanging with my sister. We will cook it up and stock her freezer so it's easier for her to eat the good stuff. I'll bring some home for myownself.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jun 06, 2018 1:44 pm

these last few posts make me so happy! I'm happy for your sister, what a treat that her husband is willing to cook for her, her way! wonderful! and you're a good sis to stock up her freezer like that. Cool beans, babay!

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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:27 pm

Thanks Buns! We are doing well. I'm mostly MWL but like this morning at my sisters I needed a quick breakfast before the long early drive to work. So I had beans (I had made) on top of Ezekial bread. Not a bad cheat? Then I made sure I got my greens in at lunch and will do so for dinner too along with beautiful starch of course. I love it when I'm in this space and really enjoy the food. Lunch was brown rice cooked with a little garlic and onion, spinach and roasted corn...all with a little braggs and nooch. So so satisfying.

Tonight going back to the sisters. Yesterday we made a recipe I found online called "veggie burgers that don't suck" (hope that word is ok Jim - our longterm ally and supporter :-D ). I modified the recipe of course but it still turns out good. We didn't get to grill because of rain so tonight we will grill the burgers along with corn on cob, asparagus, squash, eggplant, peppers and onion. Then we'll use with things like a quinoa based dish, wraps for P to put in the freezer, etc. Pye fed me beans and rice yesterday that she and her hubby cooked. So good and I didn't have to do it! Nice, eh?

I feel good. I'm thinking about hiking in the fall with my baby.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:20 pm

Keep up the good work Anna.I love reading your journals. RAS
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:11 pm

RAS, I love hearing from you!

Ok it's Friday and I'm not being stupid. 2 people told me I look smaller today. That's all I got really because I'm so tired. More this weekend.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:44 am

I'm feeling awesome this morn. I have 3 lbs of limas on the stove to make beans and greens, salad dressings and hummus. I have watered the flowers, herbs and struggling pepper plants and started cleaning the fridge. I have brown rice cooked. Why so early on a Sat morn? To beat the heat. My window units can't keep up in the eve when I cook. Talk about stellar planning on my part. :) You know though, because I'm eating so well I am not as hot! I always notice this and it's wonderful. I have also noticed that my thumb no longer hurts nor does my shoulder though it's still frozen. I have to do my exercises and if that doesn't work get some help. Anyway, I'm good. I am in that place again where I crave my starches and salads and veggies so much that I start feeling like I'm doing something bad. Really, something can't be so enjoyable and not be bad, right? I then remind myself that I am a general idiot when it comes to food and to shut the ef up and eat the potato! (Jim that really is what I think so I'm just trying to be real without being offensive. If you come to New Orleans some time and meet up I'll practice on using better language)

In addition to eating well I have cut back nicely on coffee and alcohol. I got some walking and sun in the past couple of days going to meet a client at the VA. My mood is wonderful. My kid is doing well...just started a job a couple of weeks ago and is kickin it.

Now I have to mention this. I'm staying in because of the air quality alert. We never used to have this in New Orleans. And that POS in the White House wants to downgrade any efforts to help the environment in favor of his money making peers. I'm looking at what organization I can get involved in to fight his sorry buns. This was the best I could do with language while talking about this.....what is in my head would embarrass a sailor.

But to end on a positive note. Here is a pic of Bunny eating his feast next to me on the couch...basil, cilantro, dandelions, etc

Here is a pic of my new love...romaine, br rice, beets and seasoning....I just make it up as I go and sometimes I nail it.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby f1jim » Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:55 am

While adopting this diet and lifestyle program I have reversed my heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, and lost 54 lbs. You can follow my story at
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sat Jun 09, 2018 12:01 pm

Jim thanks for showing me the change. Was an orange yesterday and i felt it. May go to the parade today.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:24 pm

Anna Green wrote: Now I have to mention this. I'm staying in because of the air quality alert. We never used to have this in New Orleans. And that POS in the White House wants to downgrade any efforts to help the environment in favor of his money making peers. I'm looking at what organization I can get involved in to fight his sorry buns. This was the best I could do with language while talking about this.....what is in my head would embarrass a sailor.

Hi Anna! I am Stephanie from IL.... Love how you are supporting your sister in this WOE... Felt compelled to post because of POS... On a positive note, this has motivated so many people to become active in their communities that care passionately, but never felt the need in the past. Personally, have supported science and diversity at a grass roots level and have met some great people. We will make a difference... You go girl!!! :-D
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:53 pm

Vegseekingfit, I hear you. I love that outcome too!

I have delightful news. My brother-in-law bought me an electric pressure cooker. So so excited! It was a sweet sweet surprise just because Im a nice person he said.Im a lucky girl.

Im eating well as is my sis. We feel better. Thats all I got.
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Re: Anna's Journal

Postby Anna Green » Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:58 am

I love Sat morns. I have also come to love making a big ole delish salad to eat on my couch while watching youtube plant videos and such. I heard some Asian cultures eat salad for breakfast and I know Chef AJ recommends. I know that I feel good when I do but I don't always have time during the week. So this feels relaxing and yummy. I put Well Your Worlds cheezy sauce in it with sauerkraut and picante. So good. Next I will have my savory oats with tomatoes and shroons. That is so good too. And yes a cup of coffee is in the pic. I'm getting there....much less than I used to drink. Same with alcohol. Just not as into them probably because I feel better I feel less need for caffeine and something to relax.

My sis and I are doing well. We talk everyday about what we are eating. We both feel better. My friend at work is doing this too for the most part and she's lost weight. I brought her homemade cheezy sauce, hummus, and a strawberry dressing to nudge her along. It helps me stay on track to help others. Plus it's just fun to all be focused on the same stuff...our food, the results, our health.

Still haven't been getting much exercise. I'm in the contemplation stage of change with this. Y'all just think I'm throwed off, huh, and forget I'm a clinical social worker. :roll: Anyway, journaling here gets me to change talk versus what the motivational interviewing people call sustain talk which is about keeping things the same. The more we engage in change talk the more likely we are to change. So here I am.
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