JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

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JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Lyndzie » Fri May 31, 2019 10:28 pm

Welcome to the McDougall Maintenance support group! Let’s join together for support and camaraderie while we strive to maintain our successes.

Many of us have lost weight and/or reached other health goals. We’re ready for that next chapter, maintaining the gains we’ve accomplished.

This group will have Friday check ins, where everyone can touch base. Weigh-ins are optional, and will not be tracked. Please feel free to share your non-scale victories (NSV) as well. Each week I plan to post some “food for thought” also, either some helpful information or just a little motivation for the week ahead.

In order to foster group participation, we do ask that only participants post, so please do join! You can join at any time simply by hitting the “post reply” button and saying something along the lines of “I’d like to join.” As they say, the more, the merrier.

Hi everyone!

By now I'm guessing we are all familiar with Jeff, the McDougall Program Dietician. He wears many hats, including chef, educator, moderator and cheerleader. Recently, in response to another thread, Jeff wrote this paragraph that I think fits especially well with all of you:

...I think anyone trying to do this is a “success” whether you have one day, one week, one month, one year, even if you have slipped many times in the process, etc. A success is one who never gives up and keeps trying.
You are a shining example of a success.

YOU ARE A SHINING EXAMPLE OF SUCCESS. Vacations happen. Family gatherings happen. Life happens. Yet, you keep showing up. You work hard to set yourselves up so that when you are hungry and tired the path of least resistance is the healthier option. Day in and day out, you remember your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

And, here is a video about reducing stress with meditation, so that when we are hungry and tired, we have one more tool in our tool belt to help us reach for a peach instead of pizza.

Wishing you all a wonderful start of summer,
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby sirdle » Sun Jun 02, 2019 12:35 pm

Lyndzie wrote:In order to foster group participation, we do ask that only participants post, so please do join! You can join at any time simply by hitting the “post reply” button and saying something along the lines of “I’d like to join.”

I'd like to join!

Starting in 2016, I spent 18 months losing weight, with the final 6 months focussed on the McDougall plan. I lost 75 lbs total and my health improved tremendously. That was followed by a refocusing of my attention on other life problems. Bit by bit I started to slip, eventually gaining 35 lbs before managing to put the brakes on in early 2019.

My goals were:

1. eat healthy foods
2. exercise regularly
___light aerobic exercise, 180 min per week
___strength exercises, 1x-2x per week
___balance and flexibility exercises, 3x per week
3. get back to a healthy BMI
4. maintain that BMI without logging food or tracking calories
5. head toward the midpoint of the BMI range

I have achieved 1-3... now I'm working on 4-5. I'm still following the MWL, but I'm no longer tracking all my food in Cronometer. :mrgreen:

Lyndzie wrote:And, here is a video about reducing stress with meditation, so that when we are hungry and tired, we have one more tool in our tool belt to help us reach for a peach instead of pizza.

"I've read that chocolate is good for you."
"Well, um, let's try another approach this time that won't be full of calories, full of fat, full of saturated fat, full of sugar, and caffeine, okay?"

No contradiction or arguing... just gentle redirection. I want to be Jeff Novick when I grow up.

Cheers, :-P
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:44 pm

I'd like to join for June, as well. I'm in maintenance mode, as far as my weight & biomarkers - now I'm really just trying to see if I can tweak things to support my ongoing pain management. I typically eat following the 10pt MWL checklist, recently I'm trying to decide whether to try the elimination diet.

Best wishes to everybody for a successful and healthful June!
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Lyndzie » Tue Jun 04, 2019 8:01 pm

Yay Sirdle!! I’m so happy that you’ve achieved your first three goals already. Losing 75 pounds is quite an achievement. It’s so great to have you here! Did you track your food the whole time? What about that helped you?

Hello Mark! You are most welcome to join us. Elimination diets can be challenging, but worth it. Keep us posted about what you end up doing.
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby LauraK » Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:48 am

Would love to be a part of this for June. I’ve been doing Mary’s Mini for the last 7 days. Losing weight and feeling great.
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Lyndzie » Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:45 pm

Hi Laura! We’d love to have you join. This group is for people who are around there goal weight. If you are looking to lose a bit more weight (and not just fine tuning), we have a great MWL group as well. There is a shoe for every foot, so to speak. :)
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:49 am

Hi everyone! I have been working on walking more this week. After trucking all over NYC, I realized I was probably falling into the “sedentary” category because, even though I am on my feet most of the day, it’s just putzing around the house. Yesterday we got in 2.5 miles by walking to the library, park and around the neighborhood. I realize that this doesn’t seem like much, but I have three littles in tow, and it’s a lot for them. I’ve been baking homemade 100% whole wheat bread and eating too much of it, and my pants are a bit snug. Time to back off of that.

Look forward to hearing everyone’s updates!
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby sirdle » Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:28 am

Lyndzie wrote:I realize that this doesn’t seem like much, but I have three littles in tow, and it’s a lot for them.

... if you carry them, you can get a better workout. :)
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby sirdle » Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:12 pm

Lyndzie wrote:Yay Sirdle!! I’m so happy that you’ve achieved your first three goals already. Losing 75 pounds is quite an achievement. It’s so great to have you here! Did you track your food the whole time? What about that helped you?

Every year, for 15 years, I tried to lose weight. I believed weight loss was 75% exercise and 25% food. I knew how to exercise, but I didn't know what to eat.

My diet was mostly starch-based processed food, with some veggies thrown in. I kept a massive spreadsheet with nutritional information. In the early days, before I found NutritionData.com, I looked up all the values in reference books. But no matter how hard I tried I could never get my sodium below 3500 mg/day. I could never get enough potassium. I could never get my fat or protein calories under 20%. And as soon as I suffered any upset (illness, extra-long work hours, family problems, injuries) I stopped exercising and gained the weight back again.

Then I found my way here, started reading Dr McDougall and Jeff Novick, and realized It's the Food!™ I'm stunned to find that if I'm careful, I can maintain my weight even without exercising at all! I kept careful track of all my food with Cronometer because I didn't believe the claims (...just eat fruits, vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains and legumes and don't worry about the nutrients...). But it's true. The nutrients just fell into place and are never a problem, anymore. Amazing.

I used Cronometer for about 3 months.

The place where Cronometer still comes in handy in analyzing 'cheat' foods. It makes it easier to visualize the effects of bad choices.

How have you used Cronometer?

Cheers, :-P
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:28 pm

I had a pretty great week as far as managing my pain and continued MWL-style eating. I'm leaning in the direction of trying the elimination diet once I've exhausted my current batch of groceries.

sirdle wrote:I'm stunned to find that if I'm careful, I can maintain my weight even without exercising at all! I kept careful track of all my food with Cronometer because I didn't believe the claims (...just eat fruits, vegetables, starchy vegetables, whole grains and legumes and don't worry about the nutrients...). But it's true. The nutrients just fell into place and are never a problem, anymore. Amazing.

I used Cronometer for about 3 months.

The place where Cronometer still comes in handy in analyzing 'cheat' foods. It makes it easier to visualize the effects of bad choices.

How have you used Cronometer?

Cheers, :-P

I totally agree, I used cronometer compulsively for about 6 months, and I don't think there was a single day of on plan eating that didn't meet or surpass every RDA. It is so amazing now to just be able to follow the MWL checklist and know that I don't need to "worry" about anything else - if anything I sometimes need to be careful not to lose too much weight. :shock:
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby ChristineChatwell » Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:30 pm

I’d love to join this group! :)
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Ejeff » Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:15 am

I never tracked nutrients, but I trust that eating fruits, veggies and grains I am getting them. No weigh in this week as I am away. The butter was okay on the corn, but to be honest I find the corn great on its own too. The butter is nice if you want garlic toast just add the garlic powder and yum. This week I am going to try making a French toast recipe that uses tofu. Lindsey very nice you are baking bread, but I know what you mean it’s easy to eat it often. It seems once I eat bread I want it more and more. My food choices have been pretty good while away, not perfect either. I stick to getting my 13,000 steps in as I enjoy walking no matter where I am. Majority of meals for this week will be large rice/grain bowls with very thinned out tahini dressing. This meal is like my new addiction as it tastes so good and at the same time I’m eating loads of veggies which just makes me feel happy :D I made a big batch of oatmeal banana peanut butter cookies they are so good, but likely too much fat. They are a nice change from the oats and banana only ones. I will also make Chef AJs honey mustard dip. Will use it on baked potatoes and who knows what else haha. It’s very simple just steamed cauliflower, dates and mustard.

Often people will mention to me they really need to lose weight. If they ask me for advice from now on I am going to tell them add more fruits and veggies. It seems whenever you suggest stopping a food they aren’t willing to do that. Perhaps just adding more of the correct foods would be a good starting point. Or maybe just suggesting they make a large pot of veggie soup with one can of beans and eat that before each dinner or lunch. Hope everyone’s week is good!
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Suey51 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:50 am

Welcome Sirdle, Mark, LauraK and ChristineChatwell!

Thanks Lindsey for sharing those words from Jeff :-D

sirdle wrote:I'm starting Tai Chi, too. I often hear it described as 'moving meditation', and it is! It seems to me that Tai Chi is more about 'where your head is' than about getting the moves exactly right. It's almost like getting the moves right is a metaphor for getting your head where it needs to be... rather than the other way around. Does that make any sense?
Balance and harmony! :-P

Sirdle, your words about Tai Chi in the May 2019 thread make complete sense! When my head is in the right place then the moves flow. And when my head's in the right place the rest of life flows too :-) Congrats on achieving your first 3 goals - fantastic achievement!

Mark - great work on getting to maintenance on your weight and biomarkers and on having a great week managing pain and continuing with MWL eating :)

On Friday my weight was up 0.8 pounds, but the 7 day average was down by 0.4. It feels like I’m inching back to my goal weight, or perhaps I should say half-inching as progress is very slow! At the moment, I’m enjoying eating some foods that are more calorie dense like bread and a little dried fruit. Happy at this weight and feeling very healthy :-D
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby Lyndzie » Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:49 pm

Sirdle - I've used Cronometer extensively as well. It's been a while, though, so I could probably benefit from tracking for a few days and see how thing look. Right now I use it to track my weight, and it has a handy graph feature that I like. Also, on our walks on Friday, I either wore the 20 lb baby in the baby carrier, or held her in my arms. Babies are the key to killer bicepts, haha! What you wrote about figuring out the balance of how to achieve weight loss is so true. It's the food!

Mark - Good luck with the elimination diet. What's your game plan? What foods are you going to start with, how long until trying a food, etc?

Christine - Welcome!! We're so happy to have you join.

Erin - Thank you for the tip about garlic bread. That's just the excuse I needed for pasta night this week! Grain bowls are so hearty and filling, perfect with warmer weather. Your weight loss advice seems very sound. Eating more plants is the secret!

Sue - Contentment with the scale is such a wonderful place to be. Enjoy it!
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Re: JUNE 2019 Maintenance Group

Postby sirdle » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:52 pm

Lyndzie wrote:Babies are the key to killer bicepts, haha!

That's pretty funny. :)

Lyndzie wrote:Right now I use it to track my weight, and it has a handy graph feature that I like.

I like the graph function, too. :-P
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