MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:49 pm

Lindsey, glad you are grateful for the things that really matter. It’s how I feel too. Also, pretty much everyday I am thankful I happened to hear Dr. McDougall’s message on the radio. It’s truly turned my life around in so many ways.

My hubby was doing keto to lose weight, but the loss has stalled so he has now joined me. Hopefully he will feel better and see some good results in the next few months. Does your spouse ever talk about joIning you in plant eating? Or perhaps he already does, but I thought you had mentioned he eats meat. Do you cook 2 separate meals then?
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:56 pm

Sue - Very best wishes for a calm, safe return home! I'm so glad to hear you have been weathering the lockdown well.

Erin - I'm glad you are doing well and things are calm in the RV park, albeit quiet and empty. Awesome that your husband has joined you in "McDougalling." Take care.

Glenn - It's great that things are going so well for you; I think at least a little anxiety is to be expected given the current situation.

Marsha - Going on a "social media diet" seems like a great idea, I may do the same. Big congrats on doing so great in maintenance and finding excellent ways to stay active safely.

Lindsey - You are so right, each of us has so much for which we should feel grateful!

I'm holding steady, and as usually adhering to the MWL checklist. I had to make some big adjustments to my exercise routine (the fitness center shut down early in the week) calisthenics that I can manage in our apartment with minimal equipment, HILIT videos on YouTube, and lots of 30 minute walks. So far, my CRPS is still responding well, despite the change in routine and increased stress, so I'm extremely grateful for that. We managed the first week of school + work @ home pretty well, so far none of us are TOO sick of each other. :lol: I've had great success finding fresh produce of all varieties at our local Asian grocery - they even have Okinawan purple sweet potatoes.

My very best thoughts and wishes to all for a safe, calm, healthful week.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby wildgoose » Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:04 pm

We're under the first full day of the Illinois "stay-at-home" order. From all reports (I wasn’t out), yesterday was crazy with panic buying. What was left in the stores — and we already had shortages — was stripped. So I have no idea what groceries I’ll be able to get by the end of the week, if I can even schedule a pickup appointment (all slots are full right now). Last week, I got about half my order. No potatoes, brown rice, beans, lentils, oatmeal, frozen broccoli or cauliflower, bread or orange juice (for the Gander). Fortunately I have stockpiles, but eating may get a little tricky around here if things don’t improve within a few weeks.

Sue, I hope you got home safely and without incident!

Erin, great that you have a fellow McDougaller in your husband. The Gander is about 90% on board with the way I eat, and it makes a huge difference. Anything that’s non-compliant, he fixes for himself.

Marsha, staying off social media is a great idea. I should do that more. Love your comfort food dinner. I’m a big fan of mashed potatoes and peas, and adding corn would make it even better!

Glenn, a home gym and a dog are perfect solutions for exercise in a time of restriction. The dog is a great psychological lift too, I’m sure.

Lindsey, I’d forgotten about Chubby Chips! They’re really tasty and less calorie dense than thin-sliced baked / microwaved chips. I like your gratitude list as well. We're all figuring out what’s really important these days.

Mark, I’m of course insanely jealous of your Okinawan sweet potatoes. My supply of Hannah yams and Japanese sweet potatoes has totally dried up, and even standard orange sweet potatoes, Russets, and Yukon Golds are hard to find. Hoping for better luck in the coming weeks, but it may be a while. Good job on your exercise routine!

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:17 am

wildgoose wrote:We're under the first full day of the Illinois "stay-at-home" order.

Goose, here in Oregon we are in the 2nd week of shelter in place order. People panic bought in the first days but it has evened out now and I suspect that will happen where you are. However, there is no TP within my 10 mile radius. It's weird. The supply chain says they are producing it, but where is it? I was watching the stories from China 4 weeks ago and stocked up then. So now I do venture out from time to time 'foraging' for TP and dried goods. The dried bulk foods (lentils, beans, peas etc) are gone. Produce aisles are fine! Nobody is eating greens or veggies apparently. I have enough split peas to make more soup. And veggie chili. And lots of potatoes. I made a really good veggie lasagna! I expect lockdown will come soon and last for 3 weeks or so. It's good to be 'bored', means none of us are sick. And I am thankful this didn't happen here in our NW soggy gray dark winter months. At least the weather is sunny which makes for pleasant walks. Marsha
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Suey51 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:14 am

Hello everyone,

Thanks everyone for your well wishes. We are grateful to have had an easy trip home a week ago and to be back home, planting veggie seeds in the greenhouse and being able to get out for a daily walk. My elder step-daughter (25) came to stay just before the UK's nearly lockdown started so she'll be with us for the duration. We are doing a meal plan a few days ahead so we use fresh food in rotation. We're having mostly the same meals that my husband and I generally eat, with some adaptations and a few off-program items for her. This week we had hummus, chick pea / vegan tuna salad, minestrone soup, a veggie/soya mince bolognese sauce with pasta, orzo pasta with roasted veggies, lots of potatoes and some chard/kale/cavolo nero and leeks from the garden. I've noticed that I'm being extra-careful with resources this week. (We don't generally waste much food any way but I have caught myself thinking differently about using items that may be hard to replace at the moment.)

My 7 day rolling average weight is down by 1.5 so I'm back at goal weight - yay! Suspect part of this drop is due to being back on home scales but it's been a pretty good week food-wise. Exercise-wise I've been joining in with Joe Wicks' 30 mins PE class which has been great fun (although not live as my step-daughter has a conference call at that time!) It's certainly got my heart rate up and I've done more squats this week than I've done in a long while :lol: I'm also booked on to my first live online yoga and pilates classes so that's going to be interesting. In the UK we are lucky to be allowed outside once a day for exercise so I've been having a walk with my step-daughter at the end of her working day which has been a lovely way to get out in the countryside, and have a chat while we exercise. We are also planning some craft activities for the weekend ahead.

Erin - great news that your husband has joined you in McDougalling and about your 2 pound loss. Lovely that you are still able to play pickleball and mahjong (unless that's changed since you checked in?) and hope you get your hip sorted out.

Lindsey - thanks for all those links. Like you, I am also grateful for good health, good family and good friends. I'm also extra grateful to be eating this way as I've become very used to eating simply, adapting recipes, having similar meals etc. all of which have helped me worry less about grocery shopping this week.

Glenn - sounds like a great exercise routine :)

Marsha - great news on your weight! Sorry to hear about the back. How has it been this week? I also use Insight Timer for sleep meditation and it works great! Do you notice any difference in your sleep when you use it?

Goose - hope things improve on the grocery shopping front. Like yours, my husband is also about 90% compliant and it also helps me to stay on track.

Stay safe and keep McDougalling, Sue x
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:26 am

Friday March 27, 2020 in the Year of the Virus

What a long and strange month this has been. I am into my 3rd week of mostly stay at home but I do venture out to the stores for cautious shopping; gotta replenish potatoes! And yesterday I finally got a lot of red lentils so I can make Egyptian red lentil soup. I am thankful this happened in Springtime and not the dark rainy cold winter months. At least getting out for walks and sun helps.

I am up about half a pound but that's OK. I seem to be making the same 3 or 4 foods over and over. That's OK too right now. Yesterday I made a large slow cooker batch of veggie chili. It has lots of leftover veggies in it, plus my last cup of French green lentils, couple cans of chili beans and tomatoes. It's good.

Because of the way we eat and cook, I think we are better prepared than many to manage through this problem. I expect it will be late April before we see a chance to reboot some parts of the economy. Tough times for many.

Stay safe and stay home to help our beleaguered medical professionals.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:34 am

Suey51 wrote: chick pea / vegan tuna salad, minestrone soup, a veggie/soya mince bolognese sauce with pasta, orzo pasta with roasted veggies, lots of potatoes and some chard/kale/cavolo nero and leeks from the garden. I've noticed that I'm being extra-careful with resources this week. (We don't generally waste much food any way but I have caught myself thinking differently about using items that may be hard to replace at the moment.)

Marsha - great news on your weight! Sorry to hear about the back. How has it been this week? I also use Insight Timer for sleep meditation and it works great! Do you notice any difference in your sleep when you use it?

Sue x

Hi Sue, I too love the no-tuna salad made with chick peas; must remember to do that again and soon. I add some walnuts, dried cranberries, celery and carrots to mine. And my back is mostly better. I'm used to being more active, but too much sitting now so I am doing more standing or lying down (on ice) to calm the muscles. I can walk again! I use Insight Timer periodically; so calming and relaxing. Not sure I notice any sleep change though. Our bodies are stressed right now; at least mine is. I intend to work in a few minutes of daily meditation. Marsha
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:36 pm

It’s been an interesting week. We decided on Monday to drive home, so we arrived late Wednesday. Long days of driving. It is nice to be home in these uncertain times. Will be missing the warmer weather, but at least it’s still sunny here. Just as we left, the RV park had closed both clubhouses so it was getting to be more of a ghost town. Very simple meals this week, rice and cabbage, bok choy and rice, Chili, and oatmeal. Tonight veggie burgers and fries. Lost a bit more weight this week so I’m now half a pound from my goal weight. Feeling pretty good, lots of energy. I know eating healthy really helps me cope with stress in these trying times. I’m down 4 pounds from the start of the year and I would say it’s likely a conscious effort to consume less alcohol, sugar, and chocolate.

Sue, glad you had a safe and easy trip home. And thanks for the exercise link. I’m going to start doing them. I need something without pickleball lol. This morning I did a cardio workout on the stairs which was good. Will also walk outside daily.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this thread. I really enjoy reading your updates, makes me feel like part of a nice healthy club! :)
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby GlennR » Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:44 pm

Erin, walking outside with the weather improving is nice, certainly more interesting for me than the treadmill. I'm sure you'll enjoy your daily walks.

I often listen to audiobooks while I walk. It's a nice diversion.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:45 am

Saturday March 28, 2020

Morning all. I too like reading all the updates from you; is encouraging and motivating.

I have arthritic hips now (they are 73 yrs old now and were worked hard!). I found 2 great hip strengthening exercises I do every few days. Stretching is very key also. I am doing too much sitting through this self-quarantine time, so am focusing on more time walking, standing or lying down to read.

I am in awe of our health professionals who are literally waging war right now on this virus. I read that it took people who survived the Spanish flu pandemic a couple of years before they really felt safe congregating in large groups. I know I for one will be more cautious now.

What are you cooking now? I find myself with an abundance of fruit that has to be consumed. Too many apples which I think I'll bake or make applesauce.

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:18 pm

Sue - It's wonderful to hear your trip home was an easy one! Congrats on being right back at your goal weight. That PE class looks fabulous!

Marsha - I agree with you that this WOE is relatively well-suited to enduring the current situation, although I've definitely had to transition to using more fresh vegetables than frozen due to the grocery store rationing here in NJ.

Erin - I can imagine it is nice for you to be home, colder weather and all. We've been eating very simply, as well - rice & beans, mashed potatoes & lentils, fries, oatmeal, and lots of fruit and veg. You are so right about coping with stress by managing our health-supporting behaviors - I feel the same way.

GlennR - I'm finding daily walks (weather permitting) to be a very enjoyable diversion from staring at the walls. :lol:

Wildgoose - If you get desperate for some purple sweet potatoes, it might be worth trying Hawaii Veggie Farm, if you haven't already. I've ordered from them several times and been very satisfied with the quality.

I'm holding steady, sticking with MWL, and so far my CRPS continues to be fairly well-managed. The region-wide stay-at-home order has been an adjustment, but so far no big problems. I've been enjoying doing High Intensity Low-Impact workouts from this playlist.

My very best to all, keep safe everyone.
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby deweyswakms » Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:33 am

Thanks Mark for the link to the High Intensity Low-Impact workouts. Here in the NW, we have several days of windy rain (70% chance), so walking outside is going to be difficult, even in my rain suit! Spring in Oregon

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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Tue Mar 31, 2020 9:20 am

Sue - So glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. I’ve been much more mindful of food waste as well, since store trips are as infrequent as possible. Chickpea salad is a good idea, thanks for the inspiration. Enjoy the gardening.

Marsha - “Year of the Virus,” no joke! What a crazy time this has been. Great idea to make chili, especially on the rainy days. Stay safe!

Erin - Heading home was a wise decision, I had family return home early from their winter travels as well. Has your husband kept up with the McDougalling since you’ve returned home?

Glenn - Walks are so refreshing (weather permitting) and can really cheer a person’s spirit.

Mark - Thanks for the workout tips! Staying active and social distancing can be a challenge depending on circumstances. Good to hear that you are still able to manage your condition with the restrictions, and family all home.

Goose - Hope you are well at home!

Things have been busy around here, but good. We are making some raised beds to garden this year. Eating has been pretty good, except my husband brought me my favorite chocolates while he was out “foraging” at the grocery store. We’ve been able to get out and go on walks most days, and the weather is a little nicer each day. Loving the birds singing in springtime. Trying to find the silver linings right now.

Stay calm, wash your hands, and eat starch,
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby Ejeff » Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:49 am

Hi Lindsey. Glad you will do some garden boxes, I am planning at least one for growing greens. Yes my hubby is fully McDougall. Makes cooking very easy. We have about 4 feet of snow to be melted on our front lawn, but it’s not supposed to warm up until next week. Made a tasty soup with frozen veggies and lentils. I added some frozen blended chipotle peppers which gave it a nice kick. I add some brown rice when serving. Now that I’m back home I’m feeling the need to tidy up the freezer again. I’m going to make a crisp as I have sour cherries and rhubarb. Happy new month. Exciting to see all the people joining the MWL forum!
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Re: MARCH 2020 Maintenance Thread

Postby GlennR » Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:09 am

I do most of my gardening with raised beds and planters while using intensive planting. It's hardly any work compared to regular gardening as the soil never compacts making it simple to plant or weed. Here's a shot of the backyard last year.


This has been another good week. I'm about a pound up over the week but well within the range I've set for myself. I'm very happy with the way things are going. I will have to tone down my resistance training a touch as I strained my shoulder a bit with lifting this week. Slow and steady is what I need to go for without allowing any impatience in. Injuries will slow my progress more than being cautious ever will.
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