Going for it

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Re: Going for it

Postby GlennR » Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:48 am

Congratulations on the weight loss. I'm sure folks would line up for miles for results of "only a kilogram". It's great progress in my book anytime you can knock a couple of pounds off. :)
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Re: Going for it

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:30 pm

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You are totally proving what Dr. Lisle talks about - slow and steady wins the race. No deprivation, just slow and steady results. You are really inspiring me! Losing on the measuring tape perhaps even more than the scale is also interesting to me. I swear my scale weight is not UP as much as my measuring tape! I have been wondering if my diet so heavy in processed foods has somehow made me "fluffy." I am excited to hear that maybe I can "unfluff" a bit - regardless of scale weight - if I stick more closely to the SS plan.

Anyway, I enjoy your journal and look forward to hearing about your new coat whenever that time comes! Congratulations again on your success and progress!


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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:52 am

Thank you GlennR and LizzyF for your kind comments. :-D
I do like the idea of being "fluffy". There is something to it, in that we can become smaller in volume while remaining the same weight. :D
I think of it as my body holding space for the fat to come back but then eventually giving up when I keep eating right. Like keeping your children's rooms for them when they come home, but over time those rooms stop being "theirs", they are just the guest rooms. Not sure that even makes sense! :oops:
Anyway, weight loss and inch loss do not correlate exactly, but over time they even out.
Well, it's time for me to get back to work.... :lol:
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:26 am

Hi, Lizzy_F

I just had to say LOL!!! I had just been looking out my kitchen window at my neighbour's cat and then saw your message. Thanks for that "fluffy" image and the great laugh. Good way to start the day.
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:25 pm

It's been a hard week for me. Two friends died, so two funerals to attend. :cry: :crybaby:
Fortunately, I did not have to conduct the ceremonies although I helped write them. When it's friends, it's hard not to choke up. Even with people I hardly knew - or never knew - it can be emotional. :cry:
As a result, the urge to binge-eat was strong. Although I managed to stay compliant, there is no doubt that I ate far more than I needed - far more than was even comfortable, if I'm honest. And for several days. :o
Some people say that as long as it is compliant it doesn't matter how much you eat. But I don't find that to be true. Eating too much, even of good stuff, will still stall or reverse weight loss. Well, back on track now. And it is over a week until my weigh-in day so that is when I will find out how it has affected me. I take consolation in knowing that what I ate did not also clog my arteries or cause inflammation, as going for off-plan things would have done. :)
Yes, I suppose I am saying that I did not do as badly as I could have done. Hehehe. :lol:
Small mercies, eh? ;)
On a separate note, it was the vegan feast on Thursday and I took two trays of compliant lasagne. They were eaten up so quickly I didn't get any! :eek:
Happily, someone had made compliant lentil dahl with rice so there was something suitable for me. :nod:
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:13 am

I forgot to post last week. I stayed the same, so actually I'm happy with that. :-D
Arthritis has been unusually painful lately, which prevents me walking or using my static bike. My son showed me how to "plank" and I think I have done myself a mischief! That will teach me to be more sensible. Wait. No, it won't. Where's the fun in that? :lol:
Anyway, even slow, hobbling, walks around the park with my little dog must be better than sitting at home doing nothing active.
Spring has finally made an appearance. There is an unfamiliar glowing object in the sky and the permanent puddle on my path has dried up. Strange! ;-)
On Saturday we had an 80th birthday tea party at the church. It was catered professionally. Since I didn't make the arrangements I decided to bring some compliant wraps, and got a couple of funny looks for doing so. Good thing I did. Not one thing from the caterers was suitable. :roll:
Our Vegan Feast is on Thursday and since it is St Patrick's Day I shall make colcannon bake. I tried out the recipe on a small scale last week, and am confident it works. I hope it is received as well as the lasagne last month. :-D
My copy of "The Pleasure Trap" arrived and I'm about halfway through. Great book, really makes you think. I would recommend it to anyone who thinks they have no willpower. :!:
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:40 am

Hi, Rhubarbtriangle

You may have already said and I missed it but are you a minister, chaplain....? I'm just coming to the end of my 6 year term as a lay chaplain and, in the beginning, I thought funerals and memorials might be beyond me because it's hard not to get emotional but with experience I have found that I actually enjoy them more than most weddings. Many weddings get turned into "pageants" and I sometimes feel that the most spiritual part of the whole experience happens when I meet the couple at Starbucks or wherever to start discussing their plans. By the time you add in a dozen attendants, including 5 or 6 groomsmen who would rather be at the bar, it sometimes just becomes about logistics :eek:
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Re: Going for it

Postby RobinD » Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:23 am

Hi Rhubarbtriangle,

Thanks for your PM - I don't have a journal, but I am considering starting one. I have so enjoyed reading yours, and I really appreciate how consistently you plan ahead and prepare for successful choices. It is too easy to throw up one's hands and say, "I had to eat oil (or whatever) because the restaurant/potluck/family gathering had nothing appropriate," or the short version, "I was hungry/tired/stressed/rushed/upset/(fill in the blank) and there was nothing else to eat." You have shown consistently that such situations need never (or only very rarely) occur as long as one is willing to plan ahead and stop making excuses. So I need to ask myself just how important my health is and if I am willing to seriously take charge of it. It's up to me.

Congratulations on your wonderful progress. I look forward to seeing you reach your goals. :)

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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:56 am

I'm baa-aack! :D

I just tried to post and it vanished into thin air - I don't know why! :shock:

Well, I have just had a very long period of "one-thing-after-another", so I have not been keeping up with my journal. However, I have been remaining compliant, even though I continue to just eat too much. This morning my weight was unchanged, although I have definitely gone down a dress size.

My thinking is that if I can remain compliant - and I've proved that I can - then I can work out a way to not overeat and to stop snacking, especially in the evening. I shall try out various strategies until I find one that works, and keep you posted on progress.

Plan One. Do something to keep my hands busy in the evening. Knitting. Should stop snacking AND provide me with warm socks for winter. Bonus! :!:

RobinD, I've just seen your comment. Thank you - and sorry I then vanished off the forum.

Judynew, thanks for your comments. Yes I am an interfaith minister and also do a lot of work with the Unitarians in Leeds and Bradford.

Funny - a few local ministers and I meet up regularly for a "diary and planning" meeting at a local pizza place. I like it because it has a good salad bar and their dough is made without oil (yes, I checked). We all have pizza and salad. The wait staff recognize me now "small veggie pizza, no oil, no cheese". They told me that they have another customer who always orders the same, so I think there is a kindred spirit nearby. :-D

Also, I have a pub lunch with a friend about once a month and usually just have the salad bar. But every so often I get a good voucher for buy-one-get-one-free deal, so then I order the "slimmer's special" which is plain baked potato, steamed seasonal vegetables, and plain grilled chicken breast. They know to bring the chicken on a separate plate so I can take it home for my pets! :lol:

Thanks again for your kind comments. It does help, having people here who "get it". :nod:
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After a loooong break, I'm back!

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:39 am

I see my last post was 2016. Wow!
There was a weight-loss ticker in the signature which I removed because it was so out of date.
I continued to lose weight slowly since then and got down to 69kg which is less than I weighed when I married. Really, I don't know why I stopped posting.
However, in December 2018 I became very ill and was hospitalised with what turned out to be an infected gallbladder but no gall stones - strange. A course of IV antibiotics sorted me out and I was home in a week.
But that was not the end of it. It seemed like I never fully recovered and a few months later I became weak, breathless, my legs swelled up, I couldn't walk or drive and truly I felt like I was dying. My GP got me an emergency appointment with a specialist and he admitted me to hospital from the clinic.
Turned out, it was, wait for it...malnutrition!
Of course, the docs were ready to blame it on me and how I eat, but I had a couple of years of food plans on my computer to show them. One even commented "Well that looks all well and good, but my experience is that what people plan and what they actually eat are very different things". I had to explain to him that due to the wonders of technology I had altered the plans to match what I actally ate so that I could see for myself what I was doing. I also pointed out that my eating had been far better than anything I could get in hospital. They did agree with that.
After 10 weeks in hospital being fed directly into a vein and having every test available (at least that's how it felt) the doctors agreed that the previous antibiotics had killed off all the good bacteria in my gut so my food was not being absorbed properly. They were also quick to point out that this was a rare thing and nobody was to blame. They also thought it was remarkable that I had lasted so long between the antibiotics and becoming ill and admitted that having a good diet had probably kept me going longer than normally would have been expected.
But it was a very scary experience being so ill. There was a long discussion about whether I should go to intensive care but they decided to keep me on the surgical ward (parental feeding is considered surgery) but put me in one of the 'poorly beds' in sight of the nurses' station. The doctor told me when I was going home that there had been times when he doubted I would be walking out of there at all.
It has been 10 months since I got home and it has been a long haul to finally start to feel better. Now I only take some supplements - B12, iron, calcium, selenium, and thiamine - but gradully being able to reduce them as my blood tests improve.
Over the months, taking the fortifying drinks which I am sure are full of fats and sugar, my weight rose to over 80kg. Can't blame this alone, as I have not been as compliant as I could have been. Since I don't need to take them any more, and I'm back with the programme, I'm sure my weight will slowly go down again.
So, that's my reason for coming back to post here. Partly for a bit of a rant and partly to remind myself that this way of eating will restore my health if just give it a chance.
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Re: Going for it

Postby judynew » Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:08 pm

Wow. What an amazing story.

I'm so glad to hear thar you are on the mend and hope you will soon be your old self.
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Re: Going for it

Postby rhubarbtriangle » Sun Sep 20, 2020 8:01 am

Thank you for your kind wishes.
“What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”
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