Weight Loss and Recovery

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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby deweyswakms » Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:21 am

kirstykay wrote:Today is December 1st. The last month of this "Year that Wasn't"
One problem I seem to have, though, is I feel like I am continually starting and stopping

Good morning, boy howdy, what a miserable year this has been! Your journal is inspiring. I lost 20 lbs in about a year following MWL (I am old so it takes forever for my body to give it up); but have gained 5 back since covid, lockdowns, gloomy dark winter days, etc., and recently decided to nip this in the bud now. Plus I want to lose a few more.

What works for me is to set my intention for each day. No idea what I can do tomorrow, but I know what I can do today. Planning and food prep is key for me.

So off to finally roast the 2 acorn squash I have.

Keep going!! Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:24 pm

deweyswakms wrote:
What works for me is to set my intention for each day. No idea what I can do tomorrow, but I know what I can do today. Planning and food prep is key for me.

So off to finally roast the 2 acorn squash I have.

Keep going!! Marsha

What a great approach, Marsha! I really love this. Thanks for the idea. Setting an intention each day seems really doable and practical. Plus, it sounds uplifting...a great way to start the day instead of just letting the day "happen" to you. I'm going to try that this week!

It's been a good weekend after a difficult week. I feel so much better today and optimistic about everything. As soon as I decided to "Go all in!" I immediately rebelled and actually had a couple of binge days. I was so frustrated with myself, I could scream. WHY DO I DO THIS???... Well, after some reflection, I think I know why. I think it goes back to my long and torrid past history with yo-yo dieting and entrenched cycles of bingeing/restricting. I've never been diagnosed with BED, but it runs deep. I truly haven't had a serious binge in a like a year and a half, so I really thought it was in my past. But just the thought of being "all-in, no exceptions, no excuses" was enough to send me on a dark, downward spiral. The good news is, I stopped it before it became days, weeks, months...I consider that a huge victory. So maybe I AM getting better/healthier/stronger, after all. Yep, I choose to believe that.

That's one reason your post was so timely, Marsha, so thanks again for that! Setting a daily intention falls right in line with what I believe is my only possible approach to reaching my goals. I have such a problem with "all or nothing" thinking, that my lower brain (inner toddler) has an absolute FIT when she thinks I may be going back to ALL, and she demands some NOTHING before agreeing to go along. I have no idea if this makes any sense to anyone, but basically, I self-sabotage every time I try to get strict with my eating. Except in March, when Covid hit and the lock-downs started, I was able to be really strict, and it felt amazing, and it was great for my progress. I felt invincible (big mistake). I was motivated by a lot of fear of dying from the virus, and then I started to really turn things around, and of course, without the fear motivating me, and feeling all invincible, I got more relaxed. I decided to have a birthday celebration for my husband's birthday because no big deal, it was just one weekend, and I was invincible, right? So I'd just have that couple days and I'd jump right back into being strict. That was all it took. And then everything stalled and then discouragement set in. And then the starting and stopping and promises and the bingeing. It's all too familiar and depressing.

So here I am. The good news is that I haven't allowed this to take control of me, and I was able to turn it around before much damage was done. I decided not to join the MWL group this month, so I didn't weigh myself on Friday like normal. I needed a couple of clean days before I could face the scale again. I got some good exercising in the last couple days. I'll weigh myself tomorrow and log it here.

Here's what I do know. I am here. I am not giving up. I am ending this year in a better place than where I started it. I am going to take it one day at a time. I absolutely love the idea of setting my intention each day. That's all I can do. I am still planning to follow MWL, however, the 10-point checklist is feeling like a bit much right now. I am going to follow it as best as I can, and still shoot for a 50/50 plate, but honestly, I just need to do the best I can right now. I can do that. I know one thing I did wrong (which I tend to do often) is that I decided that I wanted to do "whatever it took" to lose the rest of my weight in the next 6 months. This is a trap from the pit of hell for me. I need to just put one step in front of the other instead of trying to decide where I'll be in x months or next year. I'm just going to do the best I can each day, give myself a lot of grace and compassion, and carry on. I WILL lose the rest of my weight and get rid of my diabetes...I just have no idea when that will happen. It doesn't matter. Today is all I have, and I can do today.

Breakfast: Chocolate Banana Cherry Oatmeal
Lunch: Vegetable soup with Brown rice
Snack: Japanese Sweet Potato
Dinner: Mac n Cheeze with Normandy Medley vegetables

Exercise: none
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby Marla » Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:50 pm

kirstykay wrote:Here's what I do know. I am here. I am not giving up. I am ending this year in a better place than where I started it. I am going to take it one day at a time.

I love your attitude and your optimism, Kirsty. I know from my own experience that figuring out what is, and isn't, working for you in this moment and meeting yourself where you are is a difficult thing to do. You're obviously really good at it! You're doing so well and have accomplished so much toward your health goals this year.

Dr. Lisle says the only changes worth making are ones you're willing to keep doing forever. There's no point in being super strict as a temporary change just to reach a weight goal, because it's unlikely the goal will be maintained for very long. As someone who lost and regained a lot of weight, I know that's true for me. I think about this quite a bit, because I've temporarily given up a few things for the holiday season (just so that I can participate in the MWL group) that I don't intend to give up forever. So far it feels like an ok decision, but if it starts to feel counterproductive I'll change gears.

Hope the rest of your week is as great as your weekend was!
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:00 pm

Marla wrote:Dr. Lisle says the only changes worth making are ones you're willing to keep doing forever. There's no point in being super strict as a temporary change just to reach a weight goal, because it's unlikely the goal will be maintained for very long. As someone who lost and regained a lot of weight, I know that's true for me. I think about this quite a bit, because I've temporarily given up a few things for the holiday season (just so that I can participate in the MWL group) that I don't intend to give up forever. So far it feels like an ok decision, but if it starts to feel counterproductive I'll change gears.

Hope the rest of your week is as great as your weekend was!

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, Marla! It means so much to me. And thank you for the reminder from Dr. Lisle. So true. It seems to always be when I'm trying to "hurry things along" that I get sidelined. I need to remember this, because when I'm feeling stuck, I'm always trying to think of ways to get stricter and it inevitably backfires. I need to remember to be the "myopic turtle" that Dr. Lisle challenges us to be. Slow and steady...right? ...Right?

I said I'd face the music of my meanderings and come on here and fess up, so here goes.
Weight today is 183.7
FBS is 229

Man, that was hard. But there it is. More than the weight gain, the blood sugar is particularly disturbing. Ripped the band aide off, though and there it is. Can't deal with what I won't face, so I'm facing it. Full disclosure, when I saw the scale this morning, I had thoughts of doing another Mary's Mini to "get the weight off quickly." I may never learn. :roll: No, that's not true! I am learning!

So, channeling the Myopic Turtle, I am just putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. I went to the lake to walk today and listened to worship music. It restored my soul and gave me a better perspective on life. I am moving in the right direction. My husband wants to get back to Yoga again, so we're going to do that in the evenings starting tonight. We have a couple DVDs and also Yoga with Adrienne is pretty reliable. We used to do it at our gym, but haven't since the lockdown ...well, not since we moved here, actually, so it's been about a year and a half since we've been consistent. I am looking forward to getting back into it, and don't mind that I can do that in the privacy of our home for now. It will be good to add to build some strength and flexibility into my life.

I made vegetable soup this afternoon, and it smells amazing. I decided to do it the old fashioned way... on top of the stove so it could simmer all day - tastes best that way. Overall, doing pretty well. Building on that and moving forward - One day at a time.
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:06 pm

Today has been a really good day. I feel positive and optimistic. My weight is the same as yesterday, and my fbs is down a bit, so that was nice. I don't know how often I'll weigh, but probably everyday for a while unless it becomes an obsession.

It was a beautiful day here in sunny SC, and I went for a long, glorious walk around my favorite lake and had some time for productive reflection. I actually stopped and sat in the sun and journaled a bit. I found some good clarity. I won't regurgitate all of that here, but here is a brief summary:

I need to follow my own inner guru. I have all the tools I need to make great decisions as far as what to eat and how to move. I don't need to be on anyone else's plan right now. When I first started back seriously in January (or was it March?) I had a consult with Dr. Lisle which was pretty amazing. One of the things he pointed out for me was something I knew about myself, but he gave me "permission" to embrace. That is, that I have to LOVE the food I eat and eat the food I LOVE! If I don't, I go looking for treats. I think I have lost sight of this and tried too hard to follow other people's plans which have ended up backfiring for me, especially recently. For example, SOS-free, Mary's Mini, time-restricted eating window (IF), even strict MWL and the 10-point checklist. These things are great tools for some people, and even for me at times and in limited way. But what always happens for me is that I spend so much time feeling like I'm failing or falling short that I end up "kicking over the table" (as Dr. Lisle says). And the other really destructive pattern is that I get stuck in a place of shame...this carries over from my childhood and can easily lead to self-loathing/negative self-talk and general discouragement/depression. I have found myself slipping into this pattern and it scares me. Okay, I'm getting too far into the weeds here...

These are my NEW "Rules" -

1. Eat WHOLE, Low-Fat, PLANTS in copious amounts and limitless varieties.

2. Make them taste DELICIOUS! (Embrace my inner chef!)

3. Move my body in ways that make me smile.

4. Express Gratitude and Grace to myself and others.

5. Enjoy my life!

That's it. That's enough. I may or may not come back here often, I haven't decided yet. I'll certainly check in from time to time with updates, but I'm not putting any "have-tos" on myself or making any promises of what I will or will not do at this point (other than the 5 things above). I've got some healing to do and I need space to figure out what that looks like for me right now.
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:22 am

I'm Back! I've been around the block and back, and I'm finally ready to surrender. I'm finished with trying everything else, and I've realized that I am really ready to lose the last 35-40 pounds and get on with my life! I am ready to commit to MWL for the duration, to lose the rest of my weight and then maintain for a significant amount of time.

I have lost around 10 pounds since the last time I posted here, but I realize it's been almost a year! Good news is, I haven't GAINED weight. I've once again come to realize that I need to get back to basics and follow MWL AS WRITTEN- without any of the "hacks" as Jeff calls them. I've been down all of those roads, and they have led me back to this. Not going to regret anything, because all of that has taught me that I'm finally ready to raise the white flag of surrender and do what I know will work...the "slow/ fast way." I'm not putting a deadline on it. I'm going to focus on working the plan, because this plan will work.

Thankfully, Gratefully, this is here to come back to... I have joined the October weight loss forum for accountability, and I will also be logging all my food here in this journal, as well as a daily account of the 10- point checklist. I need this kind of commitment to really focus on reaching my goals. I've been listening to some "mindset" podcasts, and all of the teaching on goal setting says that the SMART goal is only the beginning. The actual magic happens when the actual PLAN is put into place...the WHAT and HOW of actually making the goal happen. I am grateful that I don't have to create that. It's right here. The 10-point checklist IS my HOW and now I only have to implement it day after day and watch it work.

I had my check-up with my doctor yesterday with bloodwork, so this will serve as my baseline. I see her again in 6 months. Hopefully all my numbers will be normal by then and I will be at my goal weight.

Weight: 175
BMI: 30.62
Pulse: 72
A1c: 7.4
Triglycerides: 96
Total Cholesterol: 211
LDL - 130
HDL - 62
BLood Pressure: 118/82

It's significant to note here that my highest weight was 260 and my highest A1c was 12.1. My doctor is very pleased with my results and told me to keep doing what I'm doing. I am very fortunate to have a doctor that is a board certified Lifestyle Medicine practitioner and promotes a WFPB diet to all of her patients. She even has a free lending library in her office with all of the good doctor's books available for her patients! She's a great support and encourager!

I will weigh in on Fridays in the MWL forum.

I have an exercise plan in place:
3 mile daily morning walk with my neighbor (great accountability there)
Yoga - Mondays and Fridays
Low Impact Sculpt (cardio and light weights) - Tuesday and Fridays

Now I just have to get the food right, and that will be what my primary focus is going forward.

Today's Food:
BKFS - Skillet Potatoes and Broccoli with Cheeze sauce
Lunch - Vegetable Soup with Brown Rice
DIINNER - Vegetable Stir-fry
SNACKS - peaches

10-Point Checklist:
1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. YES
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. YES
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. YES
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). YES
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). YES
6. Eliminate any added oil. YES
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. YES
8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). YES
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. YES
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). YES
Last edited by kirstykay on Tue Oct 05, 2021 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:47 am

I leave in the morning (very, very early morning) for a week with family in Chicago. I won't be able to weigh in, so I weighed in today... I've lost a pound so far this week.

My goals while home are to walk everyday and follow the 10-point checklist. That's the beautiful thing about this program. It really is doable anywhere. I don't have to put my plan on hold or worry about gaining weight while I'm gone, because I can just keep following the guidelines and come home not having missed a beat. The only caveat is that I will be eating more restaurant meals than normal, but I plan to focus on eating salads mostly and not trying to get full at restaurants, but rather enjoying the gathering and eating before or after if I need to.

One thing about my doctor's appointment of note that I forgot to mention in my previous post:
My doctor asked me what my highest weight had been, and when I said 260 she asked if she could "show me off." When I said sure, she took me around to her nurses and receptionists and said, "This woman has lost 85 pounds on a plant-based diet! And she's reversing her T2D!" She didn't ask me how long it's been. She didn't focus on how much further I have to go. She just celebrated all I've done, and it gave me a moment to stop and do the same. I felt proud. I have spent so much time in recent years feeling disappointed in myself...ashamed, even, because I'm not where I want to be. I rarely if ever stop to consider how far I've come. What I have actually accomplished! Which is quite a lot!

I was diagnosed with T2D in 2004. I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy in 1997-98. When my baby Cole was 6 years old, I was shocked to be diagnosed with T2D at the age of 36, even though my doctor clearly warned me of this possibility and my weight and food addiction were out of control. My baby Cole is 23 years old. That was 17 years ago. I have NO long-term complications of this horrible disease. My eyes are perfect, my kidneys functioning well, my heart is in good shape, I still have all my toes and no neuropathy...and I am not on any meds. 17 years later! I have Dr. McDougall to thank for that. My husband found him on the internet way back then...before YouTube; before "influencers"; before Board Certified Lyfestyle Medicine doctors, or Forks Over Knives, or Mastering Diabetes... heck, before the modern "vegan" movement. Dr. McDougall was there. He offered my HOPE when I had none. And because I grabbed the rope of the life raft and have held on for dear life, sometimes slipping a bit, but never, ever letting go, I am here. I am still fighting. I am winning. And I will get all the way there. I know it. I won't ever, ever give up.

One last thing. After introducing me to one of her receptionists, my doctor said, "I'm trying to convert her to a plant-based diet." And after my doctor left, we got to talking. This sweet lady said, "I could maybe do it, but there is just one thing." "What is that one thing?" I asked. "I just can't give up bacon!" she replied. We both chuckled and agreed that bacon is delicious. But then she said, "First I had gastric bypass. Then I had a gastric sleeve. Then I had my stomach rupture. So now I guess I really do just need to diet." And suddenly we weren't laughing anymore. I was dumbfounded. She has been through all of that, but what is really important to her, what she just can't seem to let go of, is bacon. I was sad. And then I thought to myself. I am the SAME. This is addiction. It's just so much easier to see in someone else. It isn't bacon for me, it's other things. There are things I cling to until my fingers are white from gripping so hard; things I just can't allow to be pried out to my hands so that I can get well...really get well. It was a wake-up call for me. I told this dear woman, "Well, maybe start there, then. Fill your plate with all the beautiful fruits and vegetables and starches...and have some bacon if you need to for now." She said, "Yeah, maybe." And we laughed again and I told her I can't wait to see her in 6 months when I come back for my next appointment.

I've got some work to do in the next 6 months. I am opening my grip on my addictions. I am finally ready to let them go.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby Ejeff » Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:56 am

Thanks kirtsykay for sharing that story. What a wonderful doctor you have! It’s so true you have come so far and really saved your health. Thank goodness your husband discovered Dr. McDougall. I hope your story does inspire the receptionist to give plants a go. Interesting that she is addicted to bacon. It’s quite likely the saltiness that draws her in. Good advice you gave her to try plants and leave the bacon in for now. Wishing you a great week with family. :-D

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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:57 pm

Ejeff wrote:Thanks kirtsykay for sharing that story. What a wonderful doctor you have! It’s so true you have come so far and really saved your health. Thank goodness your husband discovered Dr. McDougall. I hope your story does inspire the receptionist to give plants a go. Interesting that she is addicted to bacon. It’s quite likely the saltiness that draws her in. Good advice you gave her to try plants and leave the bacon in for now. Wishing you a great week with family. :-D


YES, Erin, I am very lucky to have my doctor. She is so supportive and encouraging. She has seen a wfpb diet heal, and that's what she promotes. I moved to the South 2 years ago and was shocked to find a vibrant Vegan community here in Greenville - even more surprised to find a wfpb doctor! I consider myself very blessed.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby deweyswakms » Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:45 am

Thanks for sharing your journey. Yes, the darn critical judge voice that we all have; our own worst enemy. Next time you hear it, just say "nope, you are wrong." I am so impressed with what you have done so far! Lost so much weight. That's a Big Deal. Celebrate that, and that you also have the grit to keep going.

start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:07 pm

I have gotten off track again, and I am back...for good this time, I hope. I got off track while visiting my family in Chicago in October, and then the holidays...blah. blah, blah. Same old, same old. I have a million excuses and 15 pounds as proof that I need to be here. I don't know why I find it so hard to stay, but I want to try this time. I am committing to MWL for 2022. I am late getting started because I came home from the holidays with Covid. Thankfully, Omicron, as far as I can tell because it was like a really, really bad cold. It took a full two weeks, but I am finally feeling mostly normal. I still have some congestion and a bit of an annoying cough, and I get tired surprisingly easily. But I have tested negative and am determined to get back to life again. I went shopping, so I am fully stocked with starches and veggies, and ready to commit to the 10-point check list. I have resisted the soup or salad before meals in the past, but I am determined to do this plan as written, and to use this journal to log my food and my thoughts as I lose these 50ish pounds and reach my goal weight. I have no idea when that will be, and frankly, I don't care. I will be weighing in as Dr. Lisle suggests, every month, three days in a row, take an average of those 3 days and that is my monthly weight. I will be happy and know that my diet is on point if I lose at least 1/2 pound a week. I am not looking for the elusive quick weight loss that others find when they stick strictly to MWL, rather I just want to see a consistent downward trend.

My current monthly weight is 189
My fbs this morning was 230

My food today:
Noon: first meal
Small salad of mixed greens, carrot shreds, and snap peas with 1 Tbs honey mustard dressing
2 cups vegetable soup
1 large japanese sweet potato, air-fried
Sweet Potato "pudding" - about a cup, total.( blended sweet potato, banana, cocoa powder, splash oatmilk, cinnamon, 1 tsp maple syrup)
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:25 pm

This will.be short. Just checking in to say that the dental implant I had done a year ago unexpectedly failed.amd I had to have it removed and have a new bone graft put in. I am recovering. I was feeling great, but tonight, not so much. Pain is off the charts and I'm really swollen. I probably did too much today when I was feeling OK. Food has to be cold and soft. I made some sweet potato pudding, and some creamy potato soup that tastes pretty good room temp. Not much if an appetite. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow. I wouldn't have started back up again if I had known I'd be going through this. But here I am
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby Anna Green » Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:46 pm

Hi! Our stories are so alike and it encourages me to see you plugging away at it still! I hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby deweyswakms » Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:27 am

kirstykay wrote:This will.be short. Just checking in to say that the dental implant I had done a year ago unexpectedly failed

UGH! hope you are feeling much better now. Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: Weight Loss and Recovery

Postby kirstykay » Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:21 pm

Well, it's half way through 2022 and I'm finally ready to put everything else aside and focus on MWL again! I spent the first part of this year recovering from Covid, dealing with dental issues (still ongoing, but getting resolved), and in typical form, looking for a quicker, easier way to lose weight and reverse my T2D. :roll: Will I EVER learn ????????????????

Maybe now I can say,, I've learned my lesson and I am READY to commit to this WOE as a LIFESTYLE, for GOOD!! That is what I am here to say. I want to find my groove with MWL and stay there. I know this is the path for me.

I went to the doctor again today. After postponing my follow-up appointment several times, I decided to face the music and just go see how bad it was. Good news is, I'm only up 10 pounds...could have been much worse...Bad news is my A1c went from 7.4 to 8.7. :( My wonderful doctor said...well...how about you go back to what you KNOW works - McDougall's MWL. She said, with all of her patients, that's the WFPB plan she sees that works the best and is the most sustainable, and she reminded me that it's worked for me before. So, here I am. I am staying here and working it until it works for me, and beyond.

I printed off the 10-point checklist and some of the MWL recipes from the website and I'm ready to get down to business. First things first, I need to put some things in place that I can repeat and establish as regular meals to keep things simple and easy to follow. I'll start with Oatmeal for Breakfast. The rest I can figure out as I move forward. I have to remember meals I liked that work for me. As I post, I'll work on a running list. I'm also open to suggestions for anyone to post suggestions for what is making this easy and sustainable for you these days.

Ultimately, I'm glad I'm back...it feels like coming home.
"Remember, It's the food." ~Dr. McDougall

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