My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

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My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

Postby bobrandklev » Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:22 pm

I went in for a physical and blood work this month as it's been 3 years since my last visit.

I'm not overweight, I don't take any medications, I rarely get sick and my physical was great. The doctor found nothing but ordered my blood work.

In March 2018 my blood sugar was 128 which he said pre-diabetic. My good cholesterol was low and the bad cholesterol was a little high but nothing to worry about.

I was 225lbs at that time and today I'm 195. I lost 30lbs following the McDougall Starch program and highly recommend it to others.

Now since I lost the weight I admit I've cheated and started to eat more sweets, fish and oils.

It was great as I didn't gain weight and felt great.

Then I get my blood results in Oct 2021 and my blood sugar was 329 after a 12hr fast. My A1C is 13.3 !!!

I didn't want to believe it BUT I did have to get glasses this year so my eyesight is not 20/20 anymore. I do have cold hands and feet but I walk 3 miles a day and feel great.

I purchased a blood-testing device and confirmed the high blood sugar numbers.

A good friend with diabetes completed a 3 day fast, twice over two weeks and "reset" their system.

I completed a 3.5-day fast last week and my blood sugar got down to 105 at the very end.
I'm completing a 3 day fast today and my blood sugar is still 164???

How can my blood sugar be that high after not eating for 3 days?

I'm planning to focus on a strict starch-based, low-fat diet.

So far in my research leads me to believe I have too much fat in my blood causing insulin resistance.... or my pancreas has just stopped working?

Thanks for reading this far and if you have any ideas or suggestions I'd appreciate it.

I'm an active, healthy 55-year-old male, 5'11" 185lbs so it's not an obesity problem or exercise?

How can I break the insulin resistance and kick my pancreas into working better?
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Re: My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

Postby pundit999 » Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:18 pm

Strange indeed!
Are you on any mediation? Statins may worsen insulin resistance. May be other meds also.

I am also struggling with borderline diabetes. My A1C has been going up lately. I am on low dose statins. May be that is causing it?
It is frustrating. I am now trying to eat less flours and processed grains like white rice. Also I am trying to avoid peeled potatoes. Need to walk more too.

Good luck and let us know what you find. It may help others like me.
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Re: My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

Postby bobrandklev » Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:36 am

pundit999 wrote:Strange indeed!
Are you on any mediation? Statins may worsen insulin resistance. Maybe other meds also.

No I don't take any medications, a few basic supplements but I primarily eat foods to replace supplements.
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Re: My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

Postby michaelswarm » Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:59 pm

Time and adherence.

Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 185 pounds
Your BMI is 25.8, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height.
For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 133 to 179 pounds.

Before changing my diet and lifestyle, I was 190 lbs and 6 ft tall. That gave me similar BMI. I had always been thin.
My weight is now 145-150 lbs, The range of normal BMI is very wide.

Consider your health goal to end up in the lower half of the normal BMI range, 18.5-21.75.

Insulin resistance comes from fat stored primarily in muscle and liver cells.

Follow the Starch Solution and give extra attention to all sources of fat.

Keep working on kitchen skills to make whole plant foods taste amazing, so you are not tempted by sweets, fish, oil or other junk.

Two 3 day water only fasts says you have considerable self-discipline. Focus on 99-100% adherence for 30-60 days.
Should also experience additional weight normalization.
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Re: My blood sugars are over 300 AFTER losing 30lbs???

Postby curcubit » Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:37 am

If you have been adherent (very low fat, WFPB) and are may be insulin sensitive but not have enough insulin. Some people develop latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood, aka diabetes type 1.5. unfortunately some people have genetic tendency or have been exposed environmentally to triggers that induce beta cell death over time. There are also microbiome differences in how your body responds to micronutrients as well as factors that influence insulin signaling and release (mutations in melatonin receptors, etc). Long story short, as a society most T2DM are insulin resistant, but there are people where the problem is insufficient insulin. ... etes%20(17).

I would ask your doctor to work you up for LADA, if your beta cells are indeed failing, then recognizing that sooner than later is important. I have a friend with LADA and she does inject insulin, but still follows WFPB diet as makes insulin dosing more regular and the diet so healthy. She does watch simple sugars and always goes for the high fiber complex carbs over things like white rice or pasta.
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