My Daily "Weighing in"

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:35 am

Exercise today: walked 3 miles at the gym

Breakfast: steel cut oats with mango on top, seasoned with cinnamon and cardamom
Lunch: large salad with my hummus and balsamic vinegar on top. It is mostly chopped up broccoli today with red pepper, onion and a few cooked mushrooms along with tomatoes ....oh, cucumbers too. I have to use up the veggies that are getting old. going to the grocery store today to stock up again.
Dinner: Husband and I went out for dinner. I had whole wheat pasta with plain tomato sauce and a cup of minestrone soup. No bread.

I was worried that I would be hungry after that dinner as I ordered the half order of pasta but I was just fine after that.

Cutting WAY back on salt now. Working on a few changes. Making veg soup today to use as a pre-load. It is not my favorite but once I start eating it, I like it ok. Maybe it will work like my daily salad. I LOVE my daily salad now and I always used to say I was not a "salad person".

I may add to this later. Bye for now !

This is day #1 of my renewed MWL intention

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Nov 05, 2021 5:46 pm

Exercise today: walked 3 miles

had a banana after my walk

breakfast: old fashioned oats, splash of soy milk, mango chunks
lunch: I met my brother for lunch today. I had a small salad with balsamic vinegar instead of chips and had a veggie panini
Dinner: veggie soup as a preload, baked potato with mustard , apple

I made enough soup for probably a week. I really don't like veggie soup. I really don't. After I finish this bunch, if I don't change my mind about it, I will just have steamed veggies with my dinner. I have to like what I eat and steamed veggies are just fine with me.

This is day 2 of my MWL renewal

Not much more to say today. I didn't lose much weight this week. It took me most of the week to get myself out of the pleasure trap. I am trying for close to 100% following MWL. I know I am not perfect but I aspire to do this as close as I can without driving myself crazy. I thought I did pretty well yesterday and today when eating out. I have to be persistent . I have to walk around those pleasure traps !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:41 am

This is day 3 of my "reboot"

It is early in the day so I am typing in my plan. I will return to fix it later, if needed.

Exercise: walk 3 miles It is just getting light now and frost is on the ground. I guess winter jacket, hat and gloves will be needed ! :lol:

Breakfast: planning on cooking some farro in the instant pot . That and mango will taste good this morning !
lunch: having a large salad has become a habit of mine. I need to make more hummus today to have on top along with balsamic vinegar. Probably the last cooked Japanese sweet potato on top will be what happens.
Dinner: veggie soup as a preload, baked potato and maybe a small squash and more steamed veggies.

Just remembered that I thawed out a serving of squash soup. I will probably have that at dinner and save the roasted squash idea for tomorrow. If I get hungry today, I have a packet of instant oats left so that along with some blueberries is in my plan, if needed.

That is all. I want to work in the garden after breakfast and before my shower. Still some fall cutting to do before the snow comes.

Have a good day !

PS: That farro this morning really stayed in my tummy a long time. Even now, 3.5 hours after my lunch salad, I figure that the veg soup and squash soup will be plenty for me today. I worked a good hour or so in the garden today so extra activity for me ! Today is a good day ! Let's have more of these !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:53 am

squealcat wrote:This is day 3 of my "reboot"

That farro this morning really stayed in my tummy a long time.

I have not tried farro, and you have me curious. I will try it instead of my oatmeal (which I like but am getting bored with it). You might try adding some of it to your salads!

Glad you are walking yourself out of the 'pleasure trap'. I get that! ginger snaps are my pleasure trap. Since I can't have just one (I'm a baby), I just have to leave them alone. One day at a time. I do like the gingery, spicy, seasonings so I do try to find that taste other ways.

Keep going! Marsha
start weight 210 on 7/25/14; MWL recommit 7/2019 weight 197. 6/11/2022 weight 165.0. Height 5'8".
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Nov 07, 2021 11:21 am

Beautiful day outside today ! The sunshine is showing itself (rare in Michigan in November) and it is a nice warmer day ! Most of my yard work is complete and I am thankful for that.

Exercise today: walked for 30 minutes and then did my stretches

Breakfast: Farro, mango and a splash of soy milk. (I may just skip that plant milk once it is used up . I don't use much anyway )
Lunch: the plan is to make an extra large salad and save half for tomorrow's lunch, top it with my hummus and balsamic vinegar. I have a yellow roasted potato left over from last week that I need to use up and if I am still hungry (or think I will be) I will put some beans on my salad
Dinner: veggie soup (I sprinkled a bit of salt on it and liked it better ), mashed potatoes topped with my cheez sauce and mushrooms, steamed broccoli

if still hungry: some oats with blueberries

My ongoing challenge is to stay out of my daughter's snack foods while watching my grandson (the next three days). I will let you know how that all goes. I plan to eat up in their kitchen then go down to the living room to read and get out of the kitchen.

Today I am roasting Japanese sweet potatoes, delecata squash, and yellow potatoes. Cooking up some brown rice.

I will come back and add a PS if I think of something else.

Have a great day !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:48 pm

exercise: Walked 30 minutes today

Breakfast: farro with blueberries
Lunch: large salad, Japanese sweet potatoes, balsamic vinegar then later had overnight oats with blueberries and a tablespoon of cocoa powder and maybe a tsp of maple syrup .
Dinner: veggie soup, mashed potatoes, cheeze sauce, mushrooms, swiss chard, banana

I didn't do as well as I wanted at my daughter's house. The sweetened overnight oats was made to counteract any cravings I might get when thinking about the snacks at my daughter's house. It did not work. I didn't eat as much of the snacks as I did last week but I still indulged AND ate the overnight oats. I will try again tomorrow and just take salad and a couple of baked potatoes which will fill me up. I have to figure this out.

When I got home, I did not continue to eat as I sometimes do. I did ok and ate my usual dinner . I could have overdone it on fruit too but first things first. I need to stop eating those snacks! It did help to eat at the table and then go down to their living room to read. Getting out of the kitchen helped me to stop the nonsense.

I was in a very good mood this morning! I think it was the sunshine and the morning walk AND waking up this morning without the alarm AND seeing the light outside instead of darkness.

OK, another day coming up ! Another day to enjoy !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:59 pm

Yesterday was probably my worse day this week (as far as eating is concerned). I have been trying not to eat snack foods at my daughter's house. Yesterday I caved in and ate WAY too much and all the wrong things. I felt terrible (mentally and bodily ) . Today I was determined! I listened to Dr Lisle's talk on the cram circuit, reviewed the plan and then went about my usual day watching my grandson. I didn't even look at the candy bowl on the dining room table. I knew it was there but didn't look at it. I focused on my lunch, ate it and then went down to their living room to read. I was prepared to just sit there and let those urges stay where they are and recognize how my body was feeling at the time. I was going to see how long it took for those urges to go away. Anyway, it just didn't happen today. I was fine ! The other time that usually is difficult is when my son-in-law leaves to pick up my granddaughter.....empty house ! I had a plan for that too! I used their weights and did a short work out with weights. It worked ! My mind was on other things and not on food. I felt so happy ! Now I need to repeat it all next week. I may ask my daughter to hide that candy bowl. She would do it for me. :nod:

Exercise: walked one mile and did exercises with weights for arms and calves and upper back
Breakfast: oatmeal with mango
Lunch: salad and soup with brown rice and veggies
Dinner: veggie soup , baked potato with cheeze sauce, banana

Tomorrow: grocery shop, get flu shot, get out and walk before the rain comes, laundry, mop the kitchen floor (it really needs it !) Oh, I need to call a place and ask about costs etc. for a wedding rehearsal dinner (been putting that off too !) My youngest son is getting married in about 6 months and this has been wearing on me.....I need to get it set.

On to another day !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:43 pm

Day 7 of my MWL restart

Exercise: Walked 2.5 miles (had a banana before my walk)

Breakfast: Old fashioned oats, blueberries, splash of plant milk
Lunch: large salad with kale, power greens, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, cukes and cut up Japanese sweet potato with balsamic vinegar
Later: hungry at about 5pm so I had a cold baked potato with dijon mustard on top and a few grapes
Dinner: veg soup, rice and beans , squash

Another days where I didn't fall into the pleasure trap. It wasn't easy. While getting groceries I felt like "wow, I am doing this and not even tempted to get anything !" In the next moment I could feel my brain thinking of what I could get as a "treat". I even walked around looking at sushi and other ready made foods......I talked to myself and got out of there ! I think since I didn't fall into temptation yesterday, today was a little easier (maybe, so far ). Dr Lisle says the next few days can be very tough and even worse that the first day. I need to be diligent !

It was so nice to wake up this morning and not regret what I ate yesterday. I need to remember that feeling.
Tomorrow I need to bake some potatoes and make some pea soup. My veg soup will probably be gone by then so more room in the fridge. I still have some brown rice left and a half of a sweet potato. I also have frozen veggies in the freezer. I am good !

See you tomorrow on the MWL board ! Don't know what the scale will say but I am pleased with how this week is going. there is room for improvement so excited to see how next week goes. :nod:

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:40 pm

Day #8 of my restart

Exercise: walked a little over 2 miles today at the gym. I ate breakfast before going and found that eating more than a banana really made me feel slow. My feet felt a little sore today too. Two miles felt about right for today. :)

Breakfast: old fashioned oats with mango, seasoned with cinnamon and cardamom
Lunch: large salad with the other half of that sweet potato and my usual balsamic dressing
Dinner: steamed veggies, soup with brown rice. Maybe an apple or some other sweet fruit

I lost 1.5 pounds this week. I use a checklist that I made myself using the 10 MWL points and place to check off if I was able to do those points for each meal and each day. Making those little checks makes me happy and if I cannot check off one for a meal, it doesn't make me feel so awful since there are so many more places that I DID check off. It just feel very positive to me rather than thinking about all the mistakes I have made.

On to tomorrow !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:10 pm

Day #9

Exercise: walked 3 miles at the gym. Cold and slushy out this morning so I passed on walking outside. Also did some resistance exercises. Trying to get back into that.

Breakfast: steel cut oats and mango
Lunch: large salad then veggie soup with brown rice
Dinner: red pepper , steamed veggies, Well Your World's Starch Blaster made with black rice, lentils, yellow split peas, whole wheat pasta, kale, mushrooms, green peppers and herbs and spices . My first time trying this and it was so good ! If you haven't heard of this then listen/watch it on YouTube. So easy and a good way to use up vegetables from the fridge and freezer and starches you have wanted to use. I have some millet I rarely use so I may put that in the mix next.
Dessert: nice cream made with a banana and blueberries (rare treat )

I continue to do well. I did not feel like walking 3 miles this morning but said my usual prayers and listened to Bible In a Year podcast and then a health you tube video and the time passed pretty well. My feet have been kind of sore the last few days. Not sure what is going on....maybe need new shoes or something. Anyway, I did my stretches which always helps. I may be ordering new shoes soon.

Onward to Sunday !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:07 pm

Exercise today: Walked for 30 minutes and did some resistance exercises

Breakfast: steel cut oats and blueberries
Lunch: didn't do so well on this.....I think the trigger was that my husband went upstairs to take a nap and I was alone ! :twisted: My thoughts then went to things in my kitchen that I usually don't have and then they ended up in my mouth ! :crybaby: Of course, now I regret all of this but I went to my MWL 10 point list and checked it off or circled what I did not do. Done now with all of that :nod: and I have a plan for the rest of the day.

Dinner: (plan) steamed veggies and veg soup with rice and mushrooms. That's it !

Today is a practice for the rest of my life. I will not always be perfect although I want to be. I know there will be slips and I must know how to deal with them. I still want weight loss to be fast but I am ok with slow. What if I just lose 20 pounds this year (instead of the needed 50) but I keep them off forever? That would really be a great thing and not a failure, right?

onward !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:23 pm

squealcat wrote:Today is a practice for the rest of my life. I will not always be perfect although I want to be. I know there will be slips and I must know how to deal with them. I still want weight loss to be fast but I am ok with slow. What if I just lose 20 pounds this year (instead of the needed 50) but I keep them off forever? That would really be a great thing and not a failure, right?

onward !

Hi Squealcat / Marilyn,

Love this !!! No one is perfect - seriously -- nobody!! Just keep getting back in the saddle (of compliance) and you can do this!!! Slow, but steady is great! After all, you want it to "stick", right? Wishing you the best!!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:51 pm

Thanks for stopping by Stephanie !

Exercise today: walked for 30 minutes and (if I don't forget) a few resistance exercises

Breakfast: steel cut oats and mango
Lunch: large salad with balsamic vinegar, pea soup
Was hungry around 5 :30 and not ready to have dinner so had a previously baked potato with mustard
Dinner: veggie soup followed by "Starch Blaster" made with various starches (I think I talked about this before),
apple for dessert

I am making another batch of veg soup. I know I said I didn't like it but it was really ok and helped me get my evening vegetables in and warm me up at the same time. I used an old WW veg soup recipe but using veg broth instead of chicken broth.

I didn't watch my grandson today. Day off because I am watching him and his sister overnight on Wednesday night so his parents can get out together for their anniversary. I feel very honored that I can do this for them. Grandson is special needs and is on a ventilator and has a trach. Parents can NEVER get out together usually . So glad I am comfortable watching the little guy. They DO have a nurse that night for part of the time so I can get some sleep. I feel like this is an important part of my journey and am so glad I can help them out.

I also asked my daughter to hide their candy bowl when I am over there. She, of course, said yes. Will see if she remembers. :-)

Stay warm my friends!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Nov 16, 2021 6:43 pm

Exercise today: walked for 30 minutes (about 1.5 miles)

Breakfast: steel cut oats, blueberries
Lunch: large salad, pea soup over mashed potatoes, apple chopped over salad, balsamic vinegar for the dressing
Dinner: veg soup, starch blaster with a little hot sauce over, grapes , also had a banana before dinner as I was hungry

Another great day ! My daughter forgot to remove that candy dish but I saw that it was in the dining room and stayed away and didn't look inside. (Yay me !) I was pretty determined to stay away from their treats (and any other treats ).

Met my son and his fiancé at a restaurant to see if it would be a good place for a rehearsal dinner (next May). It was a nice place and nice room. I reserved it so one less thing to think about. I am sure glad I am the mother of the groom and not the bride ! I lost a lot of sleep when my daughter was getting married !

I am hoping that I can get outside to walk tomorrow again. It might rain. Temp will be good. If not, I will get my resustance exercises in.

Nothing exciting to report. Looking forward to Friday to see if I lost weight but more importantly, I want to see, overall, how I did on the 10 MWL points. Trying to stress the process and make that process my goal. changing thoughts and beliefs is hard to do.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:29 pm

Exercise yesterday: Walked 30 minutes

Breakfast yesterday: oats with cauliflower and mango
Lunch yesterday: salad with balsamic vinegar and chopped apple, pea soup over mashed potato
Dinner yesterday: veg soup, starch blaster mix and grapes
Yesterday I managed to avoid any candy that was in that bowl at my daughter's house but got into their snacks and ate two snacks. I then thought about it and decided that I was done and continued on with my day. I got maybe one urge later but did not follow up on it

Exercise today: Walked 30 minutes (so cold and windy !!)
Breakfast today: oats with cauliflower and mango
Lunch today: will be a large salad with Japanese sweet potato mixed in
Dinner today: will be starch blaster over mashed potatoes but will have that after the veg soup....maybe a banana afterwards

Going to my daughter's house this afternoon after lunch. It is their anniversary so I will watch their two kids overnight so my daughter and her hubby can get away for the evening and tomorrow morning. I am alll packed up (food-wise) and prepared. I feel this will all go really well for all of us. There is a nurse coming to watch the little guy over night so I can sleep (or try to sleep).

MWL forum weigh in is tomorrow morning but I will weigh in Saturday morning and report then.

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