The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby squealcat » Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:58 pm

Ha ! Oh, Wildgoose ! That is SO funny ! That Versed medication can make one repeat things over and over and forget all that one says ! Apparently the memory of that ice cream lives on in some part of your brain !

Mark, you have a great thing to look forward to with your daughter ! I hope to hear how it all went!

This next month brings me closer to the wedding date of my youngest son. I am nervous about it but I know there is no reason for that worry and nervousness so I just keep talking to myself about it. The wedding in mid May. I am not really concerned about the food as it is pretty doable, it is just all the things to do before the wedding and things out of my control that drive me crazy. Anyway, in 3 months it will be all done and I will be just fine !

I look forward to warmer Spring weather and long to walk along our street once more. It is still too icy in places so I go to the gym but the forecast looks promising !

I have to think a little more about my goals for this month. I want to work on one of those MWL points and see if I can conquer it . I will think about this and get back with you (all of you ).

I made a red lentil soup today and it is just delicious ! NO SALT !! I want to find more recipes that spice it up just enough like that one. I poured it over a small sweet potato and it was great !

Have a great week everyone !
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Obadiah » Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:45 pm

I have two easy questions:

1. Are bananas allowed?
2. Is whole wheat Rotini allowed?


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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby wildgoose » Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:17 pm

Obadiah wrote:1. Are bananas allowed?
2. Is whole wheat Rotini allowed?

Obadiah, the answers are yes and yes.

One suggestion for any whole-grain pasta. Many of us have found it more effective for weight loss if we make sure to combine pasta with lots of non-starchy vegetables. Pre-load with soup or salad, then have a "primavera"-style pasta entree. I make a chunky tomato marinara, fill a bowl half and half with broccoli and whole-grain pasta (my favorite is Tinkyada brown rice pasta), and pour marinara over the whole thing. Very tasty, and I find the homemade marinara to be far better than the stuff I used to eat from a jar (which contains oil, too much sodium, and other things I want to avoid).

Marilyn, I’m intrigued by your soup. I love red lentils — use them in chili all the time.

Sounds like you have a good start on plans for the wedding. Being stable with your food will go a long way toward getting you through the inevitable chaos.

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How I determined my "goal weight"
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Obadiah » Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:37 am

Wildgoose, thanks for your reply to my question.

I'd like to join the group. I've read the orientation materials. I've probably missed some things as I don't get full comprehension on studies until I start "doing."

This is what convinced me to join: "Weight loss is an outcome contingent on behaviors; to change that outcome, it is necessary to change those behaviors." This is how I like to achieve goals. I also like that it requires strict compliance.

I've been mostly eating this way since 2013 when I had some intestinal issues. It cleared those up. In 2017, I found out I had neuroendocrine cancer. It's under control with the diet. In 2019, I had to have a couple of valves replaced on the right side of my heart. The cause was likely serotonin coming from cancer. It also could have been a problem I learned about in 1975. In those days, they didn't have the imaging to look at things. Anyway, enough medical stuff.

I retired from the Air Force in 1993. Then I was a financial advisor for 21 years. Most of that time, I worked at home.

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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Werner » Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:52 am

I too have been absent for awhile. And sloppy. But I am back.
My stats. I started back with MWL in mind 5 days ago. I was 186.5 lbs. (And am only 5'4".)
I am 183 today. So it's a start.
What am I aiming for this month? Developing habits of thought that lead to good behaviour as far as food is concerned. Learning to say no, early on when tempted.
(By the way, if we need to ask in order to join the group, this is my request. I need you all)
Last edited by Werner on Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:58 am

Nice to see your post, Werner! Getting started is the most important step to take; well done! Be sure to check out the Orientation information, if you haven't already done so.
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby jaccisimms » Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:59 am

All -- Yesterday I had a look at pics I took with family over the weekend and was shocked by how I look. I have recommitted myself to this lifestyle. I'm looking forward to simpler menus, lots more veggies, outdoor walking and more sleep.

I had my first Broadway experience in January; we saw The Lion King!!! The theater is magical! I'll be seeing Hamilton in April and can't wait.
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:05 am

jaccisimms wrote:The theater is magical!
I agree! :D

Take some time to review the Orientation materials; the information therein should get you all ready for your recommitment! :thumbsup:
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby carwex » Tue Mar 01, 2022 1:59 pm

I like the question you pose, Mark.

My first goal for March is to continue to maintain my weight on the MWL by judicious planning without having to supplement with higher fat foods and bread. So far, so good. I am eating more starch with no weight gain. I took myself out to lunch this week at the one plant based restaurant which serves healthy starchy dishes, most of them using compliant ingredients. Of course you never know about the oiI added but it is not detectable so I hope for the best. The meal I ordered was a spicy Mexican dish of few vegetables but many kinds of starch, beans potatoes, corn over a bed of brown rice! Starch heaven! I noticed that others could barely finish it, but I had no problem. Even with a lunch like this, no weight gain.

My second goal is to get back to the swimming pool which I have not frequented since a lockdown in November 2021. I miss it a lot.

My husband and I are preparing to pack up and move to Australia where are children and grandkids live. We are having to review all of our “stuff” and much of it will be disposed of. This can be incredibly stressful and time-consuming, but I am determined to put the food preparation of MWL first priority in our daily routine.I continue to prepare a large salad right after breakfast for our daily lunch. My husband in the beginning ate very little of it now he’s doing almost 50/50. I believe that if you make it, THEY WILL EAT IT.

Jaccisimms: I’m going though reams of photos and in most of them I am overweight. It makes me sad but I try not to dwell on negative memories. What’s important is that since the beginning of 2020,I found what works for me, the MWL and this group which gives me the support I need in order to continue my journey towards good health and happiness.

Welcome Obadiah and Werner and welcome back Jaccisimms. Wishing you much success.
I'm glad to see the lovely Wildgoose with us.
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby squealcat » Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:15 pm

Carol, wondering where you live right now? Traveling and moving to another country is beyond my thoughts ! I can't imagine how I would do that but knowing my children are there would make a difference in how I would feel about it .

Today I was thinking further about some things to aim for in the coming weeks. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and begins lent for some of us and it always makes me think what I can do in the next 40 days that may make a difference to myself and to others. This morning I was listening to a talk by a plant based person and it was mentioned that eating richer foods makes us (of course) wish for MORE rich foods and it also makes us NOT want the whole, more simple foods that are healthy for us. I have experienced this before. In the past after eating all sorts of take-out food, sugar-based treats, fatty foods.....I then look at my plant based simple recipes and say "YUK !" (I have even said it out loud !) During the next weeks I will follow the plain and simple, leaving out sugar and salt while delving into the many salt-free spices and herbs that I have in my cupboard. I am doing it for myself but am also thinking (and praying) for those in eastern Europe and other places that are suffering and have no choice but to just eat what may be available . I want to continue to fall in love with simple, whole foods and not say "yuk" any more.

So, plain and simple ! That is it ! I also want to re-listen to Jeff's (famous) talk about calorie density. Every time I listen to some of these talks I hear something different. Yesterday I listened to Dr Lisle's talk about cramming vs bingeing and it was very good with lots of suggestions on what to do. I know I am a crammer and am always working on that one.

Ok, enough of my chatting ! I just love hearing from everyone !
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby jaccisimms » Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:04 am

Good morning all! Thanks to all who sent me warm welcomes. I truly appreciate it. I rejoined this group because I need support. None of my family or friends are WFPB nor do they want to hear about the health benefits; though all of them suffer from diseases that could be reversed with this lifestyle.

One of my goals for the month is to get sleep. I decided 11pm would be the time. I also decided to start an evening ritual of cleansing my face, brushing my teeth and turning off electronics 15 mins before bedtime. So far so good, right? I got into bed at 11 and tossed and turned until 12:30! Between 11 and 12:30 I turned on sleep sounds (via Alexa), turned down the heat and drank a little water. I felt like the experiment failed. Tonight I'll try going to bed at 10:30 and start my ritual at 10. I'll let you know how that goes.

Today will my first day on the MWL path. I made this wonderful tomato soup as my starter soup and I have pearl barley and a large salad. For snack, I have prunes (I know dried fruit isn't recommended, but I only had 4 left) and grapes. This will be my lunch and dinner for the day. I'm in the "keep it simple" camp; plus I'm not a cook :-D

@Carol - I can only imagine how stressful moving your household to another country is! Have a lot a patience with yourself. It sounds like a wonderful adventure AND you'll be with your grands! Wonderful!

@Obadiah and Werner - Welcome, welcome. Hope you find the encouragement and motivation you need here.

Take care.......Jacci
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby Mark Cooper » Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:36 am

jaccisimms - Finding a sense of community and social support can feel like such an important and needed piece of the puzzle for making this way of eating work, right? This group has gone through some important changes in operation since you last participated; please take some time to read and review the Orientation for the group. After you have that done, post here confirming that you've completed orientation, understand the expectations, and want to officially join the group. We have found that it is VERY beneficial to make sure everyone is on the same page, and working in the same direction. Once that is done, you will be all set for participating here. :)
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby jaccisimms » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:54 am

Hi Mark -- I've completed orientation, I understand the expectations and want to officially join the group. :-D

All - I had my first MWL compliant lunch and it was VERY satisfying. I'm looking forward to participating and getting support. It's a beautiful day here in DC. I'm going to take a quick walk around our building.
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Re: The Behavioral Path to MWL Success - March 2022 Group

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:08 pm

Happy March to the Group,

Can't believe that we are on to another month, but so glad that the weather is starting to get warmer. :)

My primary MWL goal for this month is to have a weekly assessment of all :-D no :twisted: !! Also, looking forward to re-starting more weekend social walks with friends (who don't walk in the snow). Will be continuing some garden planning, but won't start any planting until April / May.

Mark - your outing to Broadway with your daughter sounds like a lot of fun! Hope that you all have a great time! And, sounds like a very portable MWL meal to take along.

Wildgoose - Hope that your dental work goes well and is relatively painless. Love your DQ story... it really made me chuckle because I sometimes have a dream of eating Baskin Robbins cone --- something that I think I have only had a few times in my life as a kid... Glad the Gander knew not to stop there! :lol:

Obadiah - Welcome to the group!

Squealcat - Wishing you well as you plan your son's wedding! Sounds like it will be fun - but bet it is a lot of work / stress.

Werner - Welcome to the group! Congrats on your results so far - that's awesome!

Jaccisimms Glad you are joining us! I know what you mean about not having family / friends that eat this way and needing support. I'm in that same boat - except when my son is home from school he will eat MWL meals (but then other things in addition). Also, I am in camp "keep it simple" and stick to easy recipes that can't be ruined!!

Carwex - Good luck with your move! It sounds stressful, but how exciting to move closer to your family! I laughed at your comment on your husband's salad consumption - "if you make it, THEY WILL EAT IT"!

Hope that everyone is enjoying the week! Mine has been a bit busier than desired with work so far, but I am looking forward to the weekend when my son is coming home and we have a family event (I will bring a MWL compliant dish or two or three to share, not sure what yet).

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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Re: March!

Postby Noella » Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:15 pm

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Behavioural Path to MWL Success. This forum is such a great place to be, and I am so glad to be here with you all.

Mark asked us to consider our goals for March...
Mark Cooper wrote:What would you like to accomplish in the weeks ahead? What are your primary goals for this month? What are you looking forward to in March?
As for my “primary goals for this month,” I want to continue following all of the MWL behaviours with a particular emphasis on being vigilant about added salt. I also want to eat less fruit and, in its place, eat more vegetables, as I tend to overdo it with fruit. I also want to do (DO is an ACTION word!) more daily exercise.

I went cross country skiing three days ago, and about an hour out and seven kilometres away from our car, I felt weak and a bit shaky. My sense of balance was off. I've skied hundreds of kilometres, and this has never happened to me ever before. I wondered if the snow made the glide much harder than usual or if I had eaten enough food. Yes, I had a big meal: salad, fruit, cooked veggies and oatmeal just before, and my husband was finding the snow conditions were good for him, he had a great ski, so I didn't think that either of those was the cause of my lack of power. I had, however, forgotten to drink water right before I started skiing (I usually do!), and I hadn’t bothered to bring any water or healthy food along with me for this outing. I'm not sure why I had neglected these important things because the last time we went out skiing, I got pretty hungry after an hour, and I enjoyed eating the three roasted potatoes I had brought along. The only way I could think to recharge my energy was to eat a bit of fresh snow for some hydration and take a fifteen-minute rest in the sunshine as we sat in a tiny southwest-facing warming hut. After taking a rest, I still wasn't feeling any better, and I was not recharged. Still feeling weak and with my sense of balance unsure, I clicked on my nordic skis and got back into the tracks. I decided I just had to do it, and I planned to simply take it slow and steady back to the parking lot. The first half kilometre was uphill, and I pushed myself. Then on the first downhill section, my balance was off, and without my usual power to control my balance and speed, down I went into a forward tumble, landing on my wrists, poles and knees. As I lay there, all tangled up in poles and skis, I felt defeated. I hardly had the energy to get up. I hadn't mentioned feeling weak to my husband back at the warming hut, as I hadn't wanted to be a worry for him, so he was now far ahead, out of sight, and unaware that I had fallen. I was alone. After feeling sorry for myself for a while, my next step was to release my skis from my boots and the wrist straps from my poles so that I was free enough to get up. I decided to walk for a bit, and as I trudged along, I thought about what I could have done differently. I could have had some water right before I started skiing, and I could have brought some water and a snack with me. Happily, my husband eventually noticed that I wasn't still with him. He had stopped at the next trail junction to wait for me. When he saw me walking toward him, rather than skiing, he knew something was wrong. He also sensed I wasn't just losing my physical strength. He knew that some psychology had weakened, too. I was giving up. He pointed that out to me. Then he ordered me to put my skis back on, saying that I couldn't let myself get "psyched-out" no matter how weak I felt. He believed that if I didn't put my skis on and ski back, I might never want to ski again. Well, his comment encouraged me not to give up.! I love nordic skiing more than anything else (it's as close as you can get to flying!), so much so that I would regret doing anything that could come between me and this wonderful sport. I immediately put my skis back on, and I carried on, laboriously, but slow and steady - then I fell again. I accepted the fall this time. I knew that all of my energy was spent with this fall, but I only had another .5 km, maybe less, to go. I lay there on the ground a little longer, weighing my options (not many). I knew I could finish skiing the last bit at a snail's pace. Soon I would be home. Next time out, I am going to be more prepared!

Following MWL is sometimes a bit like my skiing experience. Sometimes I have power and self-efficacy, and MWL feels straightforward and refreshing. I can see and feel myself gaining improved health. I acknowledge and celebrate how far I have come through time and adherence to these principles. However, other rare moments happen when I feel like some of my MWL behaviours have become weak. Maybe it's because of the social pressure of simply fitting in and not being a bother to others, or perhaps it's a day that I have forgotten to prepare some yummy starchy foods to have on hand for snacks or to use as the base for upcoming meals. I love this way of eating, and I don't want anything to come between me and succeeding with MWL. I want to heal my knees by losing weight, eating healthy, and exercising daily. I don't want anything to come between me and my goal to succeed by following the nutritional MWL guidelines and recommendations. Not lack of food planning and preparation, not ego, not social pressure, not lack of convenience or handy availability of MWL foods. Being prepared is key!

When I started this journey about two years ago, I had read about some Star McDougallers who overcame knee pain and avoided knee surgery with MWL. Their stories continue to give me so much hope. My knees are much better than two years ago. They are not perfect, but they are much better than they were and are now pain-free.

The best thing I do to stay with power and energy with MWL is to come here to be with all of you each week for camaraderie, support, and reminders. Thanks to all of you for being here.

I look forward to starting this new month by reading your weekly assessments and doing my weekly assessment/analysis of the guidelines tomorrow.

Best regards,
Last edited by Noella on Fri Mar 04, 2022 7:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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