Sudden Hypertension

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Sudden Hypertension

Postby jadethx » Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:21 am


I've been following the McDougall plan for 9 years now, was low-fat vegetarian before that for most of my adult life. I had a sudden, weird hypertensive crisis a few months ago, which landed me overnight in the hospital. Now I'm going through the ridiculousness of trying different medications in order to get this under control,because at the moment, I just can't be unmedicated. :crybaby:

I am devastated. The whole reason for adopting this WOE was to avoid THIS! I've always tried to take care of myself, because I do have a very strong family history of heart disease and HBP. I so did not want to be in that place.

So this is me: F, mid-50s, 5 ft 4, 130 lbs. Still working on getting the last 10 lbs off, but normal weight, according to mainstream medicine. I definitely need to be more consistent with exercise, but I'll tell you what... these meds are so fatiguing that it's really difficult right now. They're also affecting my sleep, which complicates my life more. :duh:

I DID have COVID last June... but recovered fairly well, although it was weeks before I didn't have a fever. But all is well now. I have to wonder if this is related to what's happening now. But the docs won't even talk about it.

I desperately want to get off these meds. I've been 100% compliant, but still can't get the BP down on it's own. I've been told I need to be careful of potassium because of the meds I'm on, so I have to limit potatoes, so sadly, it's going to have to be rice for a while. Maybe there is something else I can do as well?

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I would appreciate any wisdom at all. I'm desperate to get my BP in check, and desperate to get off these meds that make me feel so awful. I can't believe that, as I was told by one doc, "You're getting older, you're not going to feel well, and your diet is not going to help you." Yeah, bye.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby vegman » Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:43 am

From what I've read, Covid-19 infection affects the vascular and nervous systems, among others, and can cause all kinds of symptoms after the acute phase. From what you've written, the blood pressure problem sounds likely to be an effect of the virus. At this point the medical profession knows little about "long covid" or how to treat it, even though many people suffer from it.
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby KillSwitch » Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:24 am

I got covid even tho I was fully vaccinated. My BP has always been good until about a month ago....all of a sudden, it seems to be running a little higher than normal and I have changed nothing so I wonder WTF! getting HBP a consequence of getting older no matter what you eat or how much you exercise? Crap like this is very discouraging in my opinion.

@ jadethx, how high are your BP readings?
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby GrannyB » Sun Apr 24, 2022 1:23 pm

I think in the current covid/shot environment with so many around us having sudden acute health issues, it seems prudent to ask if you took the shot. Wondering if it could be a delayed reaction to the shot somehow?
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby Vegan » Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:19 am

IMO the cause is the vaccine. I haven't taken any vaccine and never will and I got covid and it lasted just three days, just a mild fever and feeling a little down. After three days feeling little down I was back to 100%, no adverse effects. Why would I take some man made chemical experiment vaccine for something that at worst makes me feel a little down for three days? :shock:
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby michaelswarm » Mon Apr 25, 2022 7:46 pm

Recent on YouTube…
Hypertension: Drugs vs. Diet

Learn everything you can about high blood pressure and its causes. You may still have additional room for improvement, whether lower salt, lower fat, weight loss, etc. Maximize the body’s healing of blood vessels and blood, by optimizing diet and lifestyle.

You might also benefit from in depth review and consult with knowledgeable whole food plant based professional, whether local or remotely. Some of Dr McDougall’s team do consultations.
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby KillSwitch » Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:38 pm

What confuses me here is the word "sudden". Things like sustained HBP don't happen suddenly (without a cause) IME where you go from normal to being high overnight. If you are monitoring, it is typically a gradual elevation.
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby Drew_ab » Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:11 pm

KillSwitch wrote:Is getting HBP a consequence of getting older no matter what you eat or how much you exercise? Crap like this is very discouraging in my opinion.

The answer to this statement is an unequivocal no. Check out this video which refers to a number of populations where this is simply not the case - it also refers to the work of Walter Kempner's work on blood pressure. ... 458b79e63c
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby KillSwitch » Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:24 pm

Drew_ab wrote:
KillSwitch wrote:Is getting HBP a consequence of getting older no matter what you eat or how much you exercise? Crap like this is very discouraging in my opinion.

The answer to this statement is an unequivocal no. Check out this video which refers to a number of populations where this is simply not the case - it also refers to the work of Walter Kempner's work on blood pressure. ... 458b79e63c

Thanks Drew. This is good to know bc getting older is a risk factor that we can not modify. :D
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby jadethx » Thu May 05, 2022 8:24 am

KillSwitch wrote:I got covid even tho I was fully vaccinated. My BP has always been good until about a month ago....all of a sudden, it seems to be running a little higher than normal and I have changed nothing so I wonder WTF! getting HBP a consequence of getting older no matter what you eat or how much you exercise? Crap like this is very discouraging in my opinion.

@ jadethx, how high are your BP readings?

Hi, KillSwitch,

At the ER, it was as high as 200/101. WIth Losartan, I run from 101/66 to 130/85. I DO normally have a mid-morning spike, sometimes up to 160/90, which means I need to take the Clonidine. I hate that drug, but it brings it right down. I'm 100% compliant at this time; contemplating a mini soon, and bumping up the exercise.

I didn't get the vax; I have a history of bad reactions to meds and the flu vax, so I was leery from the beginning (my choice, no condemnation for anyone who did or did not get it. <3)

My goal is to somehow get off all this nonsense, because I feel like crap on it. Thus far, I've had the least side effects from Losartan, but plenty of headaches and fatigue. Sigh. Thanks for your responses!
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby jadethx » Thu May 05, 2022 8:26 am

GrannyB wrote:I think in the current covid/shot environment with so many around us having sudden acute health issues, it seems prudent to ask if you took the shot. Wondering if it could be a delayed reaction to the shot somehow?

Hi, GrannyB,

No, I did not receive the jab. I was leery from the start (just my own thoughts, no hate for anyone who felt they needed it). I got the virus after an ambulatory sinus surgery. Go figure. :/
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby jadethx » Thu May 05, 2022 8:29 am

Vegan wrote:IMO the cause is the vaccine. I haven't taken any vaccine and never will and I got covid and it lasted just three days, just a mild fever and feeling a little down. After three days feeling little down I was back to 100%, no adverse effects. Why would I take some man made chemical experiment vaccine for something that at worst makes me feel a little down for three days? :shock:

Hi, Vegan!

No, I didnt receive the jab. I got the virus. I was sick for about six weeks (varying severity), and felt lousy for about 3 months, lost taste, smell, hair, all of which came back in about 8 months from infection. I highly suspect this issue is COVID infection-related, but like I said, the doctors absolutely will not even entertain the discussion.
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby jadethx » Thu May 05, 2022 8:33 am

[quote="michaelswarm"]Recent on YouTube…
Hypertension: Drugs vs. Diet

Learn everything you can about high blood pressure and its causes. You may still have additional room for improvement, whether lower salt, lower fat, weight loss, etc. Maximize the body’s healing of blood vessels and blood, by optimizing diet and lifestyle.

You might also benefit from in depth review and consult with knowledgeable whole food plant based professional, whether local or remotely. Some of Dr McDougall’s team do consultations.[/qu

Hi, Michael!

Yes, I've been 100% compliant, especially after the 3 ER visits. I guess that's what makes this extra discouraging; I've really put a lot of effort into making sure that I can stay compliant with the plan-- for exactly this reason. I will never give up this WOE, and I'm still determined to get off these meds, because they're ruining my life.
Thanks for the suggestions about consults. My own (new) doc is fairly holistic, but he's not ready to talk about weaning off meds just yet. I may look into that as well. :)
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Re: Sudden Hypertension

Postby mdsimpso » Fri May 20, 2022 9:34 am

I am also curious about this. My husband, a runner who was vegan and ate mostly well had high blood pressure at his well-visit. We then switched him over to McDougall (which is extra hard with his GERD and not being able to eat much at a time, but being a runner needing a lot of calories). After 3 weeks the diastolic went down but the systolic remained high. 140/90 ->142/82
How long does it take for that to change?
Though I remember Dr. Esselstyn recommending greens to increase nitric oxide, so we are going to try adding in more dark greens to the mix to try and move the mark so he doesn't have to go on pressure meds. So, maybe adding in dark greens? I believe Dr. Esselstyn recommends 6 servings a day, which seems like a lot but we are willing to try it.
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