10 years of McDougalling

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10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:47 pm

Hello, I have been reading Trinity's journal, and she said maybe some of us long time members should journal to help new people see what longtime McDougallers look like. We are not perfect but we are in this for the long haul.

I will be 60 in October, and my 10 year McDougall anniversary will be around then as well. I watched Forks Over Knives about 2 days after returning from an overseas trip and we went plant based the next day. Previously we had been Paleo/Keto/zero carb. It was a big change!

I lost around 100 pounds and regained my life. I now trail run (I use the word run loosely as I am almost 60 and lame in my left leg).

I have retired early as my job left me due to the world situation and my husband hopes to retire at the end of 2023. We have 3 children, all grown, working and living away from home. My husband eats what is put in front of him, and is very supportive of plant based eating for environmental reasons. He eats high calorie density as he is an ultra runner.

My challenges are home baking...even compliant baking is very high calorie density....and I bake a lot for my husband to help keep the weight on. Its hard not to join in. And vegan eating out, although we have rarely been out recently, mainly due to the pandemic.

I am about to start training for the Mt Somers race in October. It is 16 days after my birthday so I will be in a new age category, 60+ which is very exciting. At the moment I am in 40-59, which means I am against people only just out of their 30's. Mt Somers is very hard. I did it last year with my daughter as a guide runner. This year I will be going solo, although my husband and daughter will be out on the hill as well, but both will be well ahead of me.

I hope to try and pop in here most mornings. And I know a number of people from the old busy days, Buns, Lyndzie, Trinity, all long timers, and others too. So hello again, and keep McDougalling. :mrgreen:

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:51 pm

Thanks for your solidarity, Katie! Back in April & May it was really quiet on these boards and it was actually Jeff Novick who suggested that if we want more people to post we should start by posting more ourselves. Keep up the good work, I’m so inspired by your trail running! One day I will run again!
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:38 pm

Thanks for popping in Trinity. I didnt know it was Jeff Novick who suggested we should do some posting ourselves. It was a good idea.

I am about to go for a short run, but it is still dark, so I am popping in here to say Hi first. I live on a beach, so I will be running there to get the sunrise. Only a short run this morning as I am coming back off a break after the Mt Oxford race and its easy to do too much too soon, particularly as I'm an older runner now.

Food wise, tonight is 3 bean chilli, which we will probably have with baked potatoes, and I will do some extra for snacks for me. One of my big treats is cubing a baked potato and air frying them. I love these with baked beans. Lunch is some left over potato and lentil soup. We tend to be potato people although we do have some rice and pasta.

Yesterday I made vegan but none compliant muffins for my husband. They have coconut milk in them. Also some white flour, as well as ground cashews and sugar. I often bake for him, but for some reason I found it very hard not to indulge, and nearly succumbed, but I ate some rolled oats with home stewed apples and ruby peach, with unsweetened oat milk, which, whilst very indulgent, was on plan. I dont normally have high calorie dense things like this unless I am running a lot.

I have been experimenting with cold water showers/plunges. I have a pass to the hot pools at the pier, and they have a cold salt water plunge pool! It is....bracing...... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I am trying to work up to 2 minutes in the cold.

Right, its getting light towards the ocean. Time to get my running kit on. :D

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Trinity » Fri Jun 17, 2022 5:49 pm

You’re such a nice wife! I would have absolutely “tasted” a muffin. I think as long as there are no animal products and no oil it’s compliant, don’t you think? Maybe a more high-fat treat but yum. I made a vegetable soup with a can of coconut milk once and whoa, it was too delicious to make again, haha. Anyways, this is all to say I’m glad you’re back, I remember your posts from years ago and I love reading your new ones!
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby kirstykay » Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:31 pm

Hi Ruff!
I remember you from the "old days." I wish I had stuck with it this whole time, but I'm back now and looking forward, not back. I plan on sticking it out this time. Thanks for posting and being an inspiration. Good luck on training for your upcoming run!
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:03 pm

Trinity wrote:You’re such a nice wife! I would have absolutely “tasted” a muffin. I think as long as there are no animal products and no oil it’s compliant, don’t you think? Maybe a more high-fat treat but yum. I made a vegetable soup with a can of coconut milk once and whoa, it was too delicious to make again, haha. Anyways, this is all to say I’m glad you’re back, I remember your posts from years ago and I love reading your new ones!

Its the coconut cream that moves it from that category to none compliant for me. Saturated fat. However...having said that it is the sort of food I would eat during a 'feast occasion'. These occur about 4 times a year, Christmas, our wedding anniversary, and a couple of birthdays, not usually mine, I have pizza night on my birthday :D. Everyone gets to choose their own toppings from the pre prepared options. I have a couple of recipes that use coconut milk. Sometimes I use soy or almond, and sometimes I just skip it. Its yummy because of the saturated fat, sadly.....

Other none saturated fat high calorie density vegan foods depend largely on if I am in training or not. If I am out on the hill for more than 2 hours, I have to eat. A trail event normally takes me between 6-7 hours. This is a long time to be putting out a big effort. Training for being out that long also results in me being out for up to 5-6 hours (occasionally more) so I have to eat and I have to eat high calorie density. An apple is not going to do the trick in these situations. I will have nut butters, nuts, dates, Lara bars (or our NZ equivalent..Ceres bars, or Fooze balls) an apricot slice from Joel Furhmans cookbook. In the actual race I will have what is necessary. I carry boiled sweets ( hard Candy?) for hitting the wall. I have also accepted Milo (a hot malted milk drink made up with more milk) from Mountain Rescue at a Marshall post when the race was hit by bad weather and us tail enders got caught out in conditions far worse than forecast. Needs must in an emergency.

Talking of emergencies, in a REAL emergency one does the best one can, in the circumstances one finds oneself, with the resources available to one at the time. Find clean water. Eat whatever you have. Share what you have and accept from others. If the night after the earthquake your street is making 'stone soup' over a camp stove in the street, add your contribution and eat with your neighbours.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:18 pm

kirstykay wrote:Hi Ruff!
I remember you from the "old days." I wish I had stuck with it this whole time, but I'm back now and looking forward, not back. I plan on sticking it out this time. Thanks for posting and being an inspiration. Good luck on training for your upcoming run!

Hi Kirsty, thanks for dropping by. I am trying to catch up with all the 'active' journals, and I will read yours today. Yes, simply sticking with it is they key. I think when life goes to custard trying to at least stick to vegan helps. Even though this means high calorie density foods and oils, it still means one has to keep thinking...and even though vegan food is more popular now than when we started out on this journey, it still isn't everywhere, which means you cant always just grab a snack because you feel like it. I have done this (stuck to vegan) when travelling, and staying in various peoples homes. Its way to much to expect people who are hosting you to do plant based, but vegan is not too bad, even though some of those hosts have interpreted vegan as vegetarian :lol: If a host asks me about food preferences, I say I am vegan, and I love fruit. I say dont worry about fancy puddings, fruit is my favourite. Then even if they do a fancy desert, they always have a fruit bowl or maybe a fruit salad around as well. However, there has been no travel for the last few years, and the world is different now! Who knows what will be happening over the next few years.

Good luck with this time of McDougalling. You have lost weight this way before, you can do it again.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Sun Jun 19, 2022 12:38 pm

Its Monday morning here, and I have decided to take today to sort out how I want to spend my days. The snag with being newly retired is that it is like being on holiday! So things are not getting done. I need some kind of routine.

I need to allow for house work, and garden work...well at the moment the garden is a dank dripping mess, as it is winter, but there are still the odd winter jobs to do, but soon it will be spring! Also I want time to run, walk on the beach and do my hobbies, quilting, knitting etc. And I need to do something to keep my brain alive...learn a new language or something like that.

Yesterday was the Yarnfest here in Christchurch, so I went along. So many amazing stalls of wonderful South Island yarns. Mostly merino, and lots of hand dyed yarns as well. I did over spend my budget but only by $10. But I have some lovely yarn :D

Food today. Its aikido tonight so I have to finish eating by 2pm or I cant roll! And I never eat afterwards or I cant sleep so its a bit complicated on aikido days. Porridge for breakfast, early lunch-left over chill, and second lunch, I'm not sure yet. Maybe some crispy cubes made by airfying pre baked potatoes. Potatoes keep me full for a long time...and dont give me wind, which is useful when doing a martial art!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby kirstykay » Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:36 pm

Hi Katie! I just read your story from the testimonials page. It was riveting! Did you ever write that book? Just wanted ypu to know that I really enjoyed reading your story and was inspired by it. Also, thanks for popping on on my journal and commenting. You gave me lots to think about, and I appreciate your perspective as a "lifer." Your insight is helpful. And it's really nice to see you still here inspiring us. It seems like most people disappear once they find their success. Thanks for being an inspiration to those of us still trodding along.
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:07 pm

kirstykay wrote:Hi Katie! I just read your story from the testimonials page. It was riveting! Did you ever write that book? Just wanted ypu to know that I really enjoyed reading your story and was inspired by it. Also, thanks for popping on on my journal and commenting. You gave me lots to think about, and I appreciate your perspective as a "lifer." Your insight is helpful. And it's really nice to see you still here inspiring us. It seems like most people disappear once they find their success. Thanks for being an inspiration to those of us still trodding along.

I never did write the book. I started but it was really boring...all about me.. :lol: :lol: :lol: I also vanished from here, because life got so busy after I lost the weight and took up running. I am back because I retired. I glad you find it helpful, its the least I can do after regaining my life.

However...we long timers still make mistakes! :lol: :lol:
Yesterday I was going to aikido but changed my mind because an email came in saying there was a special class tonight Tuesday with a visiting instructor and I wanted to do that class. I cant do 2 days on the trot any more as I am too old! So I changed my mind and went swimming instead. I am always hungry after swimming and I didnt plan the food because I didnt know I was going. When I got back I had some left over 3 bean chilli with leftover cabbage. I was still hungry so I had another bowl without cabbage as I had eaten it all. I was STILL hungry. What on earth??? I fantasied about doorstep slabs of bread with jam and nut butter....but then I realised. Girl...where is your starch? I quickly microwaved a potato, poured the remains of the chilli over it as a sauce, and finally, I was satisfied. Its the STARCH solution! I felt rather silly, as after all this time you would think I would know to think of the starch first.

I am going to re read SS, I shall find it and dust it off and read a chapter a day just to remind me to base everything around STARCH!

Today, Tuesday. Aikido special class tonight. Food. Shepherds pie I think for supper. I won't be here, but its a good one for leftovers and we can eat it again tomorrow, so Lunch baked potatoes and salsa, Shepherds Pie for Husbands supper. Porridge for breakfast as always. Fruit for snacks.

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby squealcat » Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:51 pm

Dear Ruff,

Thank you for posting on my journal page. I really liked what you had to say about getting off the various Facebook sites. I just have a couple of McDougall ones and some Zentangle art ones and I keep up with family on there too. I rarely post but once in a while comment. That's it. I think it really was taking up too much time. Posting here makes more sense to me and doesn't sway me.

I am curious about following the "vanilla" Starch Solution plan. I like hearing that you lost your weight following that plan. I would have to prepare myself for a longer journey but look what I am doing now?? I am standing still (as far as weight loss is concerned) and because I binge eat when restricting, I gain and lose the same couple pounds and am certainly not eating healthy. Did you have things you stayed away from when you were in the losing faze of SS or do you just eat always the same ? I think I would feel more relaxed and not tense up so much when eating out or on vacation. I just have not considered SS because I keep thinking I would not lose weight following it. I have to give it some thought and maybe test it out for a month ? I think MWL is such a great way to lose weight and I love Mark and Wildgoose and all their comments but if I can, more better, follow SS and lose weight then I would like to give it a try. I just would like to eat my meals and not think about dieting all the time.

Sorry I am rambling.

Now I will read and catch up on you journal. :nod: Thanks again ! :-)

Thank you for letting me ramble on about this. I don't want to throw anyone off by posting this either.
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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:23 pm

Hi Katie!! :)

You have a super-inspiring story with McD and your running!!! THANK YOU so much for sharing this!!! :)

I have to say that I LOVE to hear what you say about your trail running... I am a LAPSED (for YEARS) mid-pack LAZY runner (yes, no don't make me do speedwork or hills... HA!)... I am maybe not running again ever (and certainly not running like I did before)... but.... my feet do want to go a bit faster and was thinking to do a few intervals of SUPER SLOW jogging...

Anyway, I am not sure if you are familiar with Marathon & Beyond Publication ... but if you are not... I am 100% sure that you will like it.... I subscribed to this for years and it was like a BOOK with such great (and fascinating) stuff. This link has almost every single issue that you can read for free. It is a US publication, but it has some international features. It is AMAZING!!! There is stuff about trail racing, road marathons, book features (i.e., George Sheehan "On Running")... I was found the link this weekend when I was googling what perhaps I should do to run "easy" intervals .... (And then with my lame intervals read about Western States 100M and a 10 day run as much as you can each day Ultra...)... Super fascinating...


Hope that you enjoy your week!!! :cool:

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:29 pm

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Katie!! :)

You have a super-inspiring story with McD and your running!!! THANK YOU so much for sharing this!!! :)

I have to say that I LOVE to hear what you say about your trail running... I am a LAPSED (for YEARS) mid-pack LAZY runner (yes, no don't make me do speedwork or hills... HA!)... I am maybe not running again ever (and certainly not running like I did before)... but.... my feet do want to go a bit faster and was thinking to do a few intervals of SUPER SLOW jogging...

Anyway, I am not sure if you are familiar with Marathon & Beyond Publication ... but if you are not... I am 100% sure that you will like it.... I subscribed to this for years and it was like a BOOK with such great (and fascinating) stuff. This link has almost every single issue that you can read for free. It is a US publication, but it has some international features. It is AMAZING!!! There is stuff about trail racing, road marathons, book features (i.e., George Sheehan "On Running")... I was found the link this weekend when I was googling what perhaps I should do to run "easy" intervals .... (And then with my lame intervals read about Western States 100M and a 10 day run as much as you can each day Ultra...)... Super fascinating...



Ohh, I shall look that up.I had not heard of it. I would love to do another ultra...I have only done one 50k....but I think it might be beyond me now. Maybe I should aim for 2024, the year my husband retires. That will give me a couple of years to work up to it.

Remember John Bingham's quote...
“If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.”

So, go out for a jog and you are a runner. There is a movement called "slow running" which whilst it sounds like an oxymoron is really sensible. So many people are put off running because it is so hard and they can't keep it up. Slow running gets rid of all that, they just jog slowly, get fit slowly and have a blast. Beats sitting on the sofa thinking about running :lol:

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:41 pm

squealcat wrote:Dear Ruff,

Thank you for posting on my journal page. I really liked what you had to say about getting off the various Facebook sites. I just have a couple of McDougall ones and some Zentangle art ones and I keep up with family on there too. I rarely post but once in a while comment. That's it. I think it really was taking up too much time. Posting here makes more sense to me and doesn't sway me.

I am curious about following the "vanilla" Starch Solution plan. I like hearing that you lost your weight following that plan. I would have to prepare myself for a longer journey but look what I am doing now?? I am standing still (as far as weight loss is concerned) and because I binge eat when restricting, I gain and lose the same couple pounds and am certainly not eating healthy. Did you have things you stayed away from when you were in the losing faze of SS or do you just eat always the same ? I think I would feel more relaxed and not tense up so much when eating out or on vacation. I just have not considered SS because I keep thinking I would not lose weight following it. I have to give it some thought and maybe test it out for a month ? I think MWL is such a great way to lose weight and I love Mark and Wildgoose and all their comments but if I can, more better, follow SS and lose weight then I would like to give it a try. I just would like to eat my meals and not think about dieting all the time.

Sorry I am rambling.

Now I will read and catch up on you journal. :nod: Thanks again ! :-)

Thank you for letting me ramble on about this. I don't want to throw anyone off by posting this either.

Hi SQ. Apart from restricting bread, because I find it so easy to over eat, (and I have a bad habit of putting nut butter on it :eek: ) I pretty much did vanilla SS in the losing phase. As I neared my goal weight I added a few more veggies and changed my afternoon tea from fruit to veg sticks...carrots, capsicums etc. But only because I was anxious to get there. I think it would still have worked. I did exercise though. That helped with the eating because I had to think about what to eat and when, not because I was 'restricting' but because I didnt want cramps when running! I also never ever ate after supper. We eat at 6pm, cup of tea afterwards and that is it. I dont sleep well with a full tummy, so that made it easier to stick to this rule. I actually sleep better if I go to bed mildly hungry. I think a lot of non compliant snacking happens in the evening. This no food after supper rule changed my 'danger time' to 3-4pm, particularly after I retired. To this day that remains a danger time, and I have to plan more for this time than for the rest of my day.

I also have a tendency to comfort eat in high stress situations. My life has changed so there are not so many of these but there was yesterday. Thankfully I had some overnight oats in the fridge and ate these with stewed apples (home stewed and bottled from my garden, no sugar, just apple)

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Re: 10 years of McDougalling

Postby Ruff » Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:01 pm

Yesterday did NOT go as planned. I was planning a quiet morning, knitting and reading Starch Solution. I thought I would read a chapter a day just to remind me. I finished the washing up, found the book, put my knitting bag by my chair and a log on the fire. I was just boiling the kettle when I got a text from a friend. A mutual friend we had been concerned about for some time had just contacted her. She was leaving her situation, and the man concerned had left the house and would be gone for 2-3 hours. We set off round there and went into the house and started putting all her things into our cars. There wasn't time to sort and pack properly, we just did the best we could. It didnt go quite smoothly, a man (not the man concerned but a friend of his) came and shouted and there were tears and upset, but he left again, and we left as quickly as possible after that in case he contacted the man concerned.

We got a lot of her personal belongings out of the house, and all her documents and her sentimental items. She is now in a safe place where the man concerned does not know where she is. My friends partner (the friend who contacted me and asked me to help) is looking into the legal side about restricting the man concerned from contacting our mutual friend. He is very competent so I dont need to worry about that side of things.

However I have a tendency to stress eat! When I got home I chomped through some soup, some shepherds pie, and a big jar of overnight oats all in quick succession. This had the result of me being overfull and not wanting any dinner, so I skipped dinner and went to the hot pools at the pier and had a nice soak instead. I felt a lot better after that.

If it makes me feel like this after just helping get her out, how must our mutual friend feel living in that situation day after day. At least she is safe now. And there will be ongoing support. There is not much one can do until a person leaves the situation, but once they have left there is a lot. The big blessing is that there are no children involved.

I hope today will be quieter. I am planning on running in the port hills this morning. I am not too sure about the afternoon. That may depend on our mutual friend. If I am not needed (she may just need some quiet downtime) I will do what I was going to do yesterday and knit and read SS!


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