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Re: No topic.

Postby squealcat » Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:05 pm

Oh, sorry that happened to you Trinity ! Yes, it is some kind or rule. I have found that cars always seem to break down when I am driving them and rarely for my husband. Your story sound similar to mine. I have never used Uber but know people who have and liked it.

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:40 pm

Thanks Marilyn! They finally fixed the tire 24 hours later (about half an hour ago) and we are back home. Luckily I didn’t have to get a new tire. Today was/is going to be (1) :) for no animal products but (2) :( for yes oil. We were inbetween rides and stuck out of the house so went to Panera where I got a Mediterranean veggie sandwich with no feta but there was still oil in the hummus I’m sure—it was too early for them to have the 10-vegetable soup (though that still has oil). I also exercised.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:36 pm

I'm so glad you didnt have to replace the tyre. Never mind about the hummus...these things happen when you are without your usual transport.

And cars always break down on me, and not my husband! How do they know!!

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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 01, 2022 9:52 am

Hi Trinity, :-D

Sorry to hear of your car troubles... of course if will happen when spouse is not around (tire was probably waiting for him to leave). Glad all is fixed now, bet that is a relief!!

On the book topic, must have been a bit eerie when reading "Among the Hidden"!!! I have read "Ender's Game" and liked it too --- never went on the read the next one. I like the Liane M. "What Alice Forgot" as well --- one of my other favorites of hers is "The Hypnotist's Love Story" - super creepy. Random book recommend (if you haven't read) - "The Chain" by Adrian McKinty. I read this a couple of years ago and relate to that staying up all night to finish. He also has a new one out called "The Island" that I haven't read yet, but it is already in the works for a Hulu series.

Have a great 4th weekend!

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:38 pm

Thank you Katie and Stephanie! Stephanie, I put those 2 books on my list. I didn’t read anything else after Ender’s Game either because it was too stressful! Right now I’m reading “Local Woman Missing” which I believe Marilyn recommended and I can barely put it down!

My mom went home today and brought both the girls which was honestly wonderful. My husband was supposed to come back yesterday but was delayed until this morning (because of his trial, not the flight or anything). I was able to do a bunch of stuff today that I didn’t get to do on Wednesday thanks to the flat tire but unfortunately did not make it to the commissary (grocery store) and I did nothing to make the house cleaner, ha! Except laundry if that counts. I was able to take my son to a couple of different lessons he wanted to do, one of which he missed on Wednesday (saxophone and the other is baseball). Today was (1) :) and (2) :) and I exercised—ran 2-1 outside in the neighborhood which I always prefer but can’t leave the 3 kids at home together alone usually, I just get too nervous that something is going to happen (this morning my mom was still here). Tomorrow I can do it again because leaving 1 12-year-old at home is no problem. Later tomorrow we’re going to go up to my parents’ for a week (husband will still be at home for another trial which is why groceries are needed). My mom already asked me what kind of veggie burgers I like and I told her I don’t eat any of the commercial ones (we’ve had this conversation before). This was right after she told me she’d watched/listened to the most recent YouTubes of Mary McDougall with Chef AJ and the 2 Dr. McD did about the digestive system. I started listening to the first digestive system one but I’ve heard it all before. I don’t know why there is this disconnect with her? Or something? Who knows.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:39 pm

sometimes its just too hard. At least she is 1) asking, and 2) listening/watching the plant people and 3) supportive.

When I go home to the UK its a lost cause. Vegan is as good as it gets unless I am cooking. Despite the fact I am the only person in my generation or above without an autoimmune, heart issues or cancer, my way of eating is just silly! Vegan they understand, and also eating light on the environment (food miles etc) as well as supporting local. But Plant based? Silly! I hope to do a lot of the cooking this Christmas.....
Last edited by Ruff on Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:10 pm

That’s true, Katie. And actually she said she didn’t watch the whole Mary interview. I ended up listening to the whole thing as I drove up to my parents’ house (alone, what a treat, the girls were already up there and my son went with my husband in his car since he’s got to come back home tomorrow for work). I thought it was so interesting that Mary said she only ate about 45% starch and the rest fruits and vegetables, but if people want to lose weight they should eat 90% starch (this is starting at 1:02:36).

Anyways, today I ate on plan except for the infamous veggie burger (animal products and oil) and the bun it was on (oil). And got a run-walk in this morning before I left.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:14 pm

I was happy that I had an on-plan day when someone handed me a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie! I really should learn to say no thank you. Or, I’m full. Exercised (walked).
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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:16 pm

Hey Trinity, :)

Laundry always counts as work... :D

Awesome that your mom even is interested enough to notice how you are eating (in a kind of way, but not hitting the mark)? Not sure... it sounds like she means well (don't take this the wrong way)... I know that NOBODY that I regularly interact with understands, but lots of people TRY to have food that I can eat or suggest food to order from a restaurant (usually would not work for me, but appreciate that they are thinking of me... )...

Did you finish this "Local Girl Missing"? I actually "read" that as my first audiobook of 2022 - loving all of Mary Kubica...(except that I am totally able to suspend my disbelief at how some of these end... )... I listened to it while I was walking --- and clearly remember the parts about the runner and the car ... which I was walking in the dark and kind of freaked me out...

Hope you are enjoying the weekend!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:54 pm

Hi Stephanie! Haha—thanks. And you are right. My mom only means well. I have been spending the last few minutes putting into words (in my head, the girls are taking a “rest” so we can watch the fireworks tonight and my parents took my son on an errand so I am blissfully alone for the first time in awhile) how many specific things I am grateful for with regard to each member of my family because it’s so easy to get caught up in the things that drive me crazy! That’s families for you though. We all love each other and that’s what matters.

I did finish “Local Woman Missing” and it was good! I will admit that I had some quibbles about the end. I don’t want to give anything away for anyone who hasn’t read it. I’ll have to read another one of hers soon to compare. But holy moly, if I was out walking in the dark listening to the part about the woman walking up the street in the dark…aack! I would have turned around and run home! I was impressed though at how the author, by the end of each chapter practically, made me start suspecting yet another person. It was just sort of funny how similar this book was to “Don’t Look For Me” with regard to someone being kidnapped. Another good book I just read, even though it’s for kids, is “The Lion of Mars” which ended up having a lot of similarities to parts of “Cloud Cuckoo Land.” But they were all really good. My mom lent me “French Braid” by Anne Tyler but I haven’t started it yet because I didn’t really think “A Spool of Blue Thread” was that good. To be continued!

Today will probably include some oil later because we are having pasta but the bottled sauce my mom uses doesn’t have very much fat (comparatively) 1 gram per half cup. I used to just put a can of diced tomatoes on my pasta and maybe I’ll be able to do that again tonight and not wimp out. Ha. And I’m NOT going to eat any baked treats (which include animal products) because I was so annoyed at myself last night. For exercise I did my first day of 3-1. 3 minutes is a long time! Ha.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:40 pm

It took me 3 weeks to manage 3-1! I hope you do better than me!

I am reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It is brilliant . I haven't reached the end yet because I am rationing it, its that good. I hope the ending is perfect because the book is wonderful so far.

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:25 pm

Oh haha! I saw your mention of that book on one of your journals before I saw it here. I’m so excited to read it! I’ve been reading “Housekeeping” because it was mentioned in “The Plot” but I’m not that into it yet.

Katie, I am so excited for your daughter! It became one of my life dreams to run an ultra after reading “Born to Run.” Not that I’ve even ever run a marathon! Right now half an hour or so of 3-1 is plenty though. I really want running to become a permanent part of my life again like it used to be before kids.

Today: completely on plan. Yay. And I exercised (walked and tomorrow 3-1 again).
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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:53 pm

Hi Trinity! :)

YAY on the 3-1 running!!! That is awesome!!!

I put on hold the kids book that you mentioned - saw it is 6 hours in audio - so looking forward to that. Also, marked the other one in my To-Be-Read pile --- which hmmm... is huge... :lol: I will tackle it all when I retire someday...

Loved the Guernsey Potato Peeling Society book too. Hope you are enjoying, Katie...

I checked Mary Kubica and I really only read 3 others of hers - all I would recommend (since you liked Local Woman Missing)... The Good Girl (was her first), Pretty Baby, Don't You Cry. Format for chapters is similar (with different characters point of view switching).

I scored The Island yesterday - which I had on hold. Was not in the mood to read it yesterday, so maybe tonight.

I hope you have a great week!!!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:38 pm

Thanks Stephanie! Like Marilyn mentioned it’s like we have a nice little book group going!

I’m going to make mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner later so I’m going to go ahead and post. My mom could only find white rice flour instead of brown rice flour but hopefully it will work the same for the gravy.

(2) is :) and I exercised and it’s possible there was some oil in my lunch but if there was it was minuscule. I got the buddha bowl with no dressing, so it was just farro, quinoa, avocado, edamame, and some vegetables and some of the items had been salted so it wasn’t bland. Very delicious actually. Very rarely does a restaurant cook grains without oil so who knows.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Thu Jul 07, 2022 5:13 pm

Today: (1) :) and (2) :) and exercised. Actually it was a walk-around-the-house-when-you-have-ten-free-minutes day so I did 20 earlier and I’ll do another 10 before I go to bed. Turned out to be a busy day.
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