Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Artista » Wed Jul 13, 2022 10:27 pm

Hi Stephanie! :) I saw your post on Rick’s journal about eating 4 potatoes at one meal. I am so impressed that you could regularly eat that many potatoes and still lose weight. Reading that was illuminating, I don’t think I’ve been eating enough starch. I would love to see what a typical day’s food looks like for you. :-D
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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:37 am

Hi Stephanie!! Congratulations on your jeans and on reaching a body that you feel comfortable in!!!! What an awesome accomplishment!!

I just wanted to say that you ARE paying it forward!! Every time you post here with a word of encouragement for me and for others, you are paying it forward. You put your hand out to me as a fellow 12-day graduate and have been such a leader to me - leading by example to show me the power of this program! Thank you for that, and please know that your actions are making a difference - definitely for me, and I'm betting for many others as well!

You walk sightings are awesome!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:29 am

Hi Trinity, Hi Beth!!! :-D

Thanks so much for your supportive comments. Made me very happy!!! Appreciate!!! :)

Hi Artista, :)

Sure, I will share... absolutely - just want to put in context also. Going to make a separate post following this one...

Happy Friday, Ladies!
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In Search of My "Sweet Spot"

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:12 am


Following is going to recap thoughts around my 14 month journey to find that "Sweet Spot" for managing health / weight. I think I am getting pretty darn close here --- but understand that it is something to continually monitor in conjunction with that weekly scale... :eek:

So, I am (obviously) only trying here - to implement and synthesize the various writings of Jeff Novick, Dr. McD -- that's pretty much only folks that I am paying attention to on this topic... (except of course the moderators in weekly MWL thread)...

My understanding is that the various principles need to be applied / refined to the individual. Starting at whichever plan - standard McD, MWL --- keep going and seek clean "adherence" to the overarching guidelines (from the respective 10 Pt. Checklist). If you reach "behavioral equilibrium" at a point that is higher than your desired goal, then evaluate where you may need to fine-tune your individual application of the principles (calorie density or activity level).

So, for me --- I have been trying to get #1 (preload), #2 (50/50) in synch with #9 (don't stuff and don't starve) --- and even also with #10 (exercise). This has been a learning process throughout the 14 months (where I have made some minor changes throughout time).

About Me --- Well, I am Female, over 50, not tall ... desk job (now in my home since COVID) means that I don't get much daily activity, have implemented walking (which I love) to get consistent activity - about 60 min. average / day works well now. I take away into this "Sweet Spot" exploration--- I am someone who does not have a raging fast metabolism!!! :lol:

Also, I have always been someone who does not like to stuff or starve. Really loathe the feeling of being stuffed and eat really slow. I have no worries about not cleaning my plate - even if there is only 1 carrot left... (back to the refrigerator he goes...). Nothing to do with this program - I have always been that way since as a small kid.

So, based on above alone --- I feel pretty comfortable to suggest to anyone who is significantly larger than myself - that if hungry, eat... (but that is advice in general anyway --- eat recommended food in the recommended fashion)... OR if you get hungry every day 2 hours after lunch... consider if your lunch may be too small...

Just wanted to put that into context so that nobody would take away anything from a sample day of my meals except for "food for thought"... (because Your Mileage May Vary on these things... )

* If I eat too big of a pre-load, then I may not be able to eat the 50/50 for quite sometime... I went through a period where I got excited about salad and made one as big as my head. Now, I keep them much smaller (at least the size of an apple .... but not nearly as big as my head)...
* If I get too hungry, thoughts or availability of off-plan food can become dangerous to compliance... :mrgreen:
* I am hungriest at lunch! I do best if that is a bigger meal.
* I get cranky if I don't have something for breakfast. Have a pretty consistent volume and type of breakfast.
* Sometimes I will skip dinner. This is fine. However, if I "kind of" feel hungry --- then I will eat some potato slices 50/50 with raw veggies or fruit ... OR have a cup of part-starch soup. This keeps :mrgreen: away... Best to not ignore.
* It works well for me and I am pretty happy with the hour walk thing right now. Always more that could be done --- but, I am consistent here.
* In the past, I spent a considerable amount of time from even Jr. High to early-thirties maintaining a similar weight --- but with much more calorie dense choices and much more activity. I look forward ---- not back!!! :D

So, sorry Artista.... Lots of words here before a sample day.... Also, I truly don't weigh / measure / count calories. I tried to estimate yesterday to report back (at least on the starch)... I don't mind providing more samples if it will help you --- just let me know...

Sample Day:
Breakfast - Salad plate of raw veggies (maybe a couple of handfuls each) - Cauliflower, carrots, persian cucumber
2 cups of veggie Split Pea Soup (for starch - about 1/2 c. cooked split peas + 1/2 medium potato)
About 1/3 cantaloupe with a couple handfuls grapes
Lunch - More salad - similar to above but with Romaine, grape tomatoes, radishes, carrots
Roasted potato slices, salted --- (I think about 2.5 cups )
Frozen mango & cherries - medium bowl
Dinner - Banana
Spaghetti (about 1.3 cups whole wheat) with Pomi NSA Tomato Sauce and 50/50 roasted veggies

So, there is a reason that I don't count or measure anything.... :lol: This can freak me out and make me re-think if I am doing something wrong... When putting this sample day together, I compared my starch to the SNAP template ---- and my first reaction is that maybe I am a bit piggish ... OK (not positive self-talk...)... So, talked myself off the ledge here... Thinking back to the "individual" part of implementing the program and that these are guidelines and not commandments.... and that what I am doing is working for me now... :nod:

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Artista » Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:18 pm

Hi Stephanie!

Thank you so much for sharing what a typical day of food looks like for you and providing the context! This is so helpful to see what successful McDougalling looks like. Your food all sounds flavorful, healthy, and not too complicated. Have you posted your split pea soup recipe anywhere? That sounds like a good standby to have on hand. I'm also female, over 50, short, and don't have a super fast metabolism or energetic lifestyle. It's reassuring to know that this program worked for you in spite of those things. I'm hoping it will work for me too. I'm still searching for my sweet spot. Thank you for all the inspiration you provide here on the forum! :)
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7/15 MWL Group - Weekly Food / Exercise

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:50 pm

Thank you so much, Artista! :) I copied my Split Pea Soup recipe onto your journal. Hope you like it, if you try!!! I only eat very simple things --- so, even an apple, some carrots & romaine, and potato slices can make up a great meal!!! I have a list of about 50 McD recipes to try ---- if and when I am so inclined! Else, I stick to just assembling ingredients onto plate per the JeffN Healthy Eating Placemat and making a few simple soup / chili / bean recipes.... Cheers!

Hi Journal,

So, weekly behavioral assessment time... I am today taking full advantage of Summer Hours and have shut down my work computer. Guessing that they know where to find me, if needed... It is raining - so after writing this up going to curl up on the couch and read a bit. Got my walk in at 6AM - it was lightly raining, but my umbrella was ready!!! :lol:

Below is Behavioral assessment that I will post to the Time & Adherence Group.

Hi Team Time and Adherence! :)

1 Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.
:) Yes. Still usually salad / raw veggies, but a few times fruit. Loving grapes and nectarines this week. Also, Roma, Kumato, and Marzetti tomatoes. Yum!

2 Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches.
Choose fruit for dessert.
:) Yes.
I made spaghetti 50/50 with roasted veggies and Pomi NSA tomato sauce. Delicious! Need to make this more often.
Also, made a pot of Sloppy Lentils (from this website) that were great with either: potato, rice, or on Romaine based salad.
Have eaten through most of my batch of Jeff burgers and will need to make more this weekend. Had with salad or roasted veggies.
Breakfast every day included Split pea soup... (perhaps I have a problem here... :eek: )
Ate way too many roasted potatoes to quantify. Think that I go through approaching 15 lbs. / week. Had these with raw or roasted veggies / fruits.

3 Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.
:) Yes. Reduced not eliminated. Think I only used salt this week a few times on potatoes.

4 Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).
YES, of course. :D

5 Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).
:-D Yes.

6 Eliminate any added oil.
:nod: YES.

7 Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes, puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.
:D Yes.

8 Don’t drink your calories especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).
:) Yes.

9 Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.
:) Yes. I didn't stuff or starve.
I still keep potato slices and a soup in the refrigerator. If I get hungry at an off-meal time, I either eat potato and fruit or veggie OR a cup of soup. This has been really helpful to keep overall eating on track.

10 Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).
Yes. :)
* 7/7 days walked briskly
Lots of beautiful weather this week! Not too hot...

Victories, comments, concerns, questions:

Thank you for this feedback last week, Mark! :) Yes, it is amazing and interesting as well! Have continued on the same this week. Feels good to relax a bit and remain committed but not hyper-focused on any individual thing.

Mark Cooper wrote:VegSeekingFit - Awesome efforts, Stephanie! Isn't it interesting how sometimes taking a step back, relaxing a little, and concentrating on the fundamentals can deliver such great results? You have put in the work diligently over a significant period of time, and now all that focus and attention is paying off in the form of a solid, durable routine, strong habituation, and that feeling of relief.

Victory - I still feel FANTASTIC... Actually, part of this is almost being "un-bothered"... For instance, having busiest time in a LONG time at work with a huge project just going live and I am unbelievably calm... (and thinking to myself like - it's not brain surgery... it will all work out.... :lol: )... All is working fine with this mindset. Also, have hit 46 lbs. lost over the past 14.5 months. Had been on a "plateau" for maybe 3 months and then with better adherence have lost 5 lbs. in past 4 weeks. So, this reinforces to me Time & Adherence.

BambiS - I LOVE the Farmers Market too. :-D What is your favorite? I am loving the blueberries, nectarines, tomatoes, onions, purple cauliflower...

Noella - YAY! :D Glad that you are enjoying your vacation and doing so well. Seaside home sounds lovely!!!

Rebecka22 - Hope you are feeling better. :) Try to hang in there without feeling down on yourself! When I got sick last September, took me at least a few weeks to get back on track.

Keep going everyone!!!! Hope you each have a wonderful weekend!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Trinity » Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:29 pm

Hey Stephanie! Great job sticking with MWL! I was kind of disgusted with myself about how much food I was eating the 10 days at my parents’ house, even if it was compliant. Sometimes I would purposely overeat to avoid eating the off-plan treats, but then I would STILL eat them! So ever since I came back I’m trying to be very careful about not stuffing myself. I even read about “hara hachi bu” on Wikipedia about how in Chinese and Japanese cultures they try to only eat until they are 80% full. Hoping I can keep this up for our next (and final) summer trip! Thanks for the inspiration!
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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:21 pm

Stephanie I love your journal! Thanks for posting your "typical day" of meals. I also appreciate the reminder that each of our mileage may vary, and we have to figure out what works for us as individuals, within the guidelines (not commandments - that is a great reminder too!) of the program.

Interesting that you sometimes skip dinner. Dinner is almost always my biggest meal of the day (and sometimes eaten rather LATE :shock: ). I sometimes am just not hungry in the morning so at times skip breakfast. Funny how we are all different! I am the same as you in terns of taking a long time to eat my meals. That is sometimes a problem as came up in my Time & Adherence report last week. Unlike you, I am a lifetime member of the Clean Plate Club! :lol:

Congrats on getting consistent with your walks!!! I may always struggle with consistent exercise. All I can do is just keep trying.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby kirstykay » Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:02 am

Thanks for posting your typical day of food, and your thoughts on what is working for you. I am so impressed with your weight loss and consistency. Great job! And thanks for sharing. Reading your journal is quite helpful as I am coming back to this (again!). I often think that if I had just stuck with it a long time ago things would be so different for me. But I'm trying to let that fuel my commitment to sticking with it this time instead of discourage me about my past failures! Like you said...looking forward!
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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Trinity » Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:47 pm

Hey Stephanie! I didn’t mean to insinuate that anything was wrong with California Balsamics at all. My family likes Sweet Heat a lot too and my favorite was Onion (my first gift was a sampler of a bunch of different kinds which was fun). Sometimes I just get in a funk and complain a lot, don’t I? Haha. I hope you’re having a good weekend!
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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:36 pm

Trinity wrote:Hey Stephanie! I didn’t mean to insinuate that anything was wrong with California Balsamics at all. My family likes Sweet Heat a lot too and my favorite was Onion (my first gift was a sampler of a bunch of different kinds which was fun). Sometimes I just get in a funk and complain a lot, don’t I? Haha. I hope you’re having a good weekend!

Hi!! :)

I am hoping that the one that you mention as your favorite is Ruby Red Onion... I look forward to trying it at my next restaurant salad encounter... :)

I totally don't think you complain at all. You are such a constant and fun presence on these DB's... Shoot, you started the spark to get more postings... (insert Love emoji)

My weekend is great and hope that yours is as well!!! :)

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:52 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Stephanie I love your journal! Thanks for posting your "typical day" of meals. I also appreciate the reminder that each of our mileage may vary, and we have to figure out what works for us as individuals, within the guidelines (not commandments - that is a great reminder too!) of the program.

Interesting that you sometimes skip dinner. Dinner is almost always my biggest meal of the day (and sometimes eaten rather LATE :shock: ). I sometimes am just not hungry in the morning so at times skip breakfast. Funny how we are all different! I am the same as you in terns of taking a long time to eat my meals. That is sometimes a problem as came up in my Time & Adherence report last week. Unlike you, I am a lifetime member of the Clean Plate Club! :lol:

Congrats on getting consistent with your walks!!! I may always struggle with consistent exercise. All I can do is just keep trying.

Hi Beth!!! :)

Thank you for nice comment!!! :-D Yes, we are all individuals --- and have to figure out how best to do this for ourselves... But, we all walk the same path (which is comforting)...

So, I guess we are opposites in skipping B vs. D and cleaning plates... :lol: I do mostly eat dinner --- was really surprised when I started logging how D was the meal that I wasn't consistently hungry for. What you mention about eating late --- that should be fine... Just eat when hungry (recommended foods in recommended fashion... :-D )... That helps to keep to the recommended foods (IMO) and not :mrgreen: ... Worry not about the time...

It sounds like you are doing great this weekend on exercise... Like you said, just keep trying... try to do something you like and make it fun... It gets easier!!! YOU ARE ROCKING THIS!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 5:20 pm

kirstykay wrote:Stephanie,
Thanks for posting your typical day of food, and your thoughts on what is working for you. I am so impressed with your weight loss and consistency. Great job! And thanks for sharing. Reading your journal is quite helpful as I am coming back to this (again!). I often think that if I had just stuck with it a long time ago things would be so different for me. But I'm trying to let that fuel my commitment to sticking with it this time instead of discourage me about my past failures! Like you said...looking forward!

Hi KirstyKay! :)

Thank you for your kind comments. I am so impressed with what you have achieved!! I also have things that I want to continue to achieve --- considering my weight loss goals done --- but, health goals go on... :-D

Please do this "Looking Forward" thing... backward may be helpful if we can remove emotion and learn something, but regrets can hurt. I am 1000% pulling for you in your journey!!! I want to say... You Go, Girl because I know that you have it in you!! Relax is helpful... just keep going like this myopic tortoise in the best way that you can for yourself...

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Even More Random Thoughts

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:00 pm

Hi Journal!! Hi World!!! :D

Yesterday I did a food prep frenzy that was awesome!!! First, I went to the Farmer's Market and then the regular grocery. I like to cut the stuff that needs cutting asap --- just so it doesn't go to waste...
* Cut Hami & Cantaloupe melons ( Hami is really good!!! ISO Sugar Kiss!!! Got it last year - where is it now?? Saw "Orange Melon" sign that was also awesome, but none to be found)
* Cut broccoli and PURPLE cauliflower (who knew that I would ever love cauliflower - pretty crazy)
* Chopped several onions
* Carrots ---(OMG -- why did I used to buy baby carrots that are either water-logged or dried out --- this doesn't take much time)
* Celery --- mostly for soup --- I still haven't made total friends with eating this as a crudite (not a fan of the strings)
* Roasted portabella and crimini mushrooms
* Roasted a baking sheet of yukon gold and red potatoes... I peel these and cut widely either length or width wise... found that this makes about 4 cups --- which I go through pretty much immediately
* Made new batch of Jeff Burgers --- mostly from my last recipe... but added 1/2 c. frozen corn and corrected the tomato sauce to 4 T..... then found that I needed to add about 1/4 c. oatmeal to get right consistency ... delicious!! Made 18 burgers --- I freeze in 2's.
* Also bought : blueberries, apricots, tomatoes, frozen fruit... some fun looking whole wheat fusilli .... more Pomi... likely a bunch of other stuff...

Today, I ran out of Split Pea Soup!! :cry: Had just plain rice instead for breakfast and it was fine... But making a batch tonight...

Anyway, I am thanking Artista for putting this swinging (on a swing at a park) idea in my head. It is really fun... I actually used to do this as an adult when I took my son to the park. Now, I am just loving swinging (even by myself). My walking routes take me past at least 4 parks with swings --- going to take full advantage of that (when park is empty!). The first time I did this (last week), had my (adult) son join me... Now, I can be brave!!! Always remember this poem... memorized... :lol:

The Swing by Robert Louis Stevenson

"How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside -

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown -
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down! "

So, my last random thought of the day... I almost hesitate to put into words in case I may jinx myself... Anyway, I can be a slow processor of information ... So, I have been struggling intermittently with two foods - #5 and #7... I was kind of beating myself up nightly about these in June... :oops: Anyway, in taking a step back... these are NOT my favorite foods. I have gotten over my favorite food that is not compliant... That would be peanut butter --- which I used to eat every day as part of a meal. It has been out of my life for at least 9 months. This would be the one that would "hurt"... but I think about it as #6 --- like I am drenched in peanut butter fat...

I think my issue is more with getting over the idea of "Recreational Eating"... So, I can get over that. And I AM DOING THAT.

Have a WONDERFUL week everyone !!!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Ruff » Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:21 pm

Hi Stephanie....I so enjoy reading your journals posts. Your joy in this way of eating (and in new smaller jeans!!!!) shines through. Its a real breath of fresh air to read what you are up to.

your food prep is amazing. I dont do that and I think I will, particularly in the summer. so nice to have yummy things to eat all chopped and prepped.

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