Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:57 pm

Just copying over my MWL weekly report so I keep record of it here in my journal..

Hello fellow travelers!!

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. I might create a simple check list to put on my McDougall Inspiration bulletin board so I can keep better track of how often I am really doing this across the total meals for the week. I haven’t been doing this for breakfast, but I have been pretty consistent with lunch and dinner. I think my only miss was last Tuesday when my husband’s vehicle had problems. I had to drop was I was doing RIGHT THEN and help him deal with the situation so he could keep his client schedule. Result – I was caught out of the house without food, and HUNGRY! I guess you might say I had my “pre-load” for lunch! I stopped at the grocery store and grabbed some bananas. I ate two, which staved off the hunger until I could get home to my beloved potatoes!

2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches. Choose fruit for dessert. This would be another good item for my checklist so I could say “18/21 meals” or whatever. I think I hit this one for every meal except the crazy lunch day.

3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts, too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. Progress! I am not looking to eliminate added salt, just move it more and more to the shaker on top of the food and less and less in the food itself. I tried Goose’s easy homemade ketchup recipe this week and so a LOT less salt came out of the ketchup bottle for me. I’m on the hunt for lower sodium or no added salt bottled salsa – I feel I need that convenience. Any suggestions?? No sugary foods this week, or any sugar added to anything.

4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). DONE!

5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). DONE!

6. Eliminate any added oil. DONE!!

7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. This would be another good item for my check list. I had 2 meals which included corn tortillas. I think those were the only two meals that included higher calorie density products.

8. Don't drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). DONE.

9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself. A couple of times I feel like I went past the “comfortable full” point. It’s pretty easy for me to pass that up before I realize it. I will say that unlike the SAD days, that “too full” feeling dissipates quickly – I would imagine as a result of the lower calorie density? Whatever the mechanisms, it was nice to not feel discomfort for any long length of time. So, I’m not going to worry over this one right now.

10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). Sigh. I fell far short of my exercise goal. I am giving myself credit for learning 2 of the 6 J. Dixon Functional Six. Maybe a better goal for where I seem to be right now is 1 per week instead of 1 per day. I did log over 79,000 steps on my Fitbit last week, so there is that.

Victories: No animal products. No free oils/fats. Progress on salt. No sugar. Minimal flour-based items which I’m calling victory over! Shout out of thanks to Stephanie for the encouragement in this area, and for all the great alternative ideas. I’m going to quickly run out of excuses! I have been lost on average 2 pounds per week since May 13 (start date of my 12-day program). So I don’t want to beat myself up about the areas where I have room for improvement.

Comments: I’m mentally struggling with the flour thing. I spoke with Tiffany about it today (McDougall Support Specialist from 12-day program) and she suggested that for now, I could just think in terms of the weight loss portion of my journey, and not the “rest of my life” portion of my journey. Buckle down for now and ditch the flour, and then when I am at goal weight (yet to be determined, which I am fine with), it will be easier to manage if I want to experiment with the foods/meals that are inside the SS, but outside the MWL guidelines. That make sense to me, so I will work on that mindset. Also, huge shout out of thanks to Stephanie for the encouragement in this area, and for all the great alternative ideas. I’m going to quickly run out of excuses!

Concerns: Next Wednesday is the last of my weekly meetings with Tiffany (12-day program support specialist). The meetings are due to drop back to monthly for 10 months from there. I’m concerned about scaling back so much, because I find Tiffany very motivating and a great person to hold me accountable. So, I decided to go with the option of paying extra for some support, so I can see her twice per month for a while. I am still concerned about a wandering mind as I learn to travel the McDougall highway on my own.

Questions: Does anyone have commercially available reduced sodium, or no salt added salsas to recommend? I found a couple on a “heart health” site (lots of reduced sodium products there) that are much lower than what I typically see in store bought salsa, but still not low enough to meet Jeff’s guidelines. I kept my credit card in my wallet for now! I would love to have the convenience of a ready-made salsa that meets the guidelines.

I am VERY grateful for all the support so freely given in this MWL group and also around the forum. What a phenomenal resource! I appreciate you all!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:10 pm

Stephanie! Thank you so much for your kind words! You also give off an amazing energy and it really helps me. We must feed off of each other! :lol:

I have a few things in my fridge that I need to polish off. As usual, I managed to end up with too much food! I really have to work on that and keeping it VEEEEERY simple will help. And I had to toss some grapes today that went south on me before I could eat them. I have always hated to waste food, but especially now with grocery prices being what they are....

I know that re-simplifying is the answer. As has been well established, I CAN COMPLICATE ANYTHING! LOL. It sure does create stress when I do that. I'm looking forward to polishing off the rest of Mary's smashed beans, some red lentil chili, the last batch of vegetable soup, a pasta salad (I'm still not fully clear on where whole grain pasta sits on the MWL scale of life...), etc. etc.

On this pasta salad - OMG did it turn out really good! I was going to take the easy way out and used a bottled fat free Italian dressing. But I had the ingredients on hand called for in this recipe, and I'm glad I went with the recipe!! The dressing had red wine vinegar, fresh lemon juice, spicy brown mustard, and some spices - I think that's pretty much it. But it was really, really good. I used lots of veg so it was definitely 50/50. Pasta isn't as satiating to me as potatoes, so that is one reason to eliminate it during weight loss mode. But I will definitely savor the 2 remaining servings!

At any rate, once my fridge is low again, I'm going to stick with SIMPLE veg soup, non-starchy steamed veg, potatoes (+ ketchup), fruit. Oats + fruit for breakfast. That's it. rinse and repeat. I think Tiffany is right that my journey to goal weight is likely to be much smoother if I just suck it up and do it the simple way for now. I will have my whole life to experiment with other SS compliant food and be in a better position to evaluate consequences so I can make good decisions about what is worth it to me and what is not. I haven't yet veered into any higher fat foods and have no immediate plans to, but same concept applies.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Ruff » Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:46 pm

Hi I didnt write the book! maybe I will one day but maybe I'm not an author at heart. I did actually start, but it was all about me! me, me and more me! So very boring! , so I stopped, and went running instead :lol:

The quakes eventually tailed off, and then we had another big jolt in the Kikoura quakes. Now we are all waiting for the Alpine Fault which is due any time now. This will not be fun.

Low ansd zero carb. I lost weight very quickly at the beginning. I had bad breath and constipation but was pleased with the weight loss. But I stalled forever.....and so I ate less and less, I got dizzy and felt sick. It wasn't good. Finding the McDougal diet has been wonderful. I feel great, and happy and its so easy. Much much easier than low and zero carb. I never felt hungry on zero carb, just sick, dizzy and faint....

I love reading your journal, you are so happy and positive about the way of life.

Flour products. I ditched them for my weight loss phase mostly. I didnt do MWL but did adopt several of the guidelines during the weight loss phase. Now I do occasionally have bread or crackers, but not often. they tend to be treats. I do now use flour in recipes...I thicken my leek and potato soup with flour for example, Its only a spoonful in a big pan of soup, but it gives a nice result. But I think Tiffany is right here, ditch them for now, and then see how you go with them for treats during maintenance.

I made a rule at the beginning to "never say never'. After being a low/zero carb bore to anyone who would listen, I didnt want to be in that position of going back on what I said again. So I followed Doug Lisles 'going along to get along'...."yes, you may well be right, but I'm just trying this for now, seeing how it works for me. I expect I'll change my mind about what to eat again by next week" etc etc. And meanwhile I was getting stuck in and losing weight. But I told my brain the same thing. "This isn't forever, lets just see how it goes..." 10 years on I'm STILL telling my brain the same thing! Still just seeing how it goes. It going very well!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:53 am

Katie - thank you so much for your feedback and personal experience with my questions around flour items, etc. It helps so much to hear your first hand experience as I figure out how I will do best navigating these issues. I also appreciate your willingness to share what happened with your low carb journey. My experience was similar in that it "worked" (judging only by weight loss) right up until it didn't. People think I'm crazy when I say "my BRAIN feels so good eating the McDougall way!" But my BRAIN did NOT feel good on low carb - especially not after 2 years or so. And it felt like my BRAIN was fighting me about staying on that path. Not talking about headaches or anything like that - just cravings and what felt like subliminal messaging. Anyway, I hope my BRAIN likes McDougally as much 10 years from now as it sounds like your brain does!!!!!

New low weight today! 173.8! I still cannot believe this is for real! Pinch me please!

It's cloudy so no river cabin / boating today. So I'm rolling through my closet again cleaning out what is too big. Some stuff that FIT just a vew short weeks ago is already getting too big! A lot more is going into the donation pile than the basement boxes. (per the agreement with my husband noted previously). :D Feeling CONFIDENT!!

I wasn't hungry for breakfast today. I'm going to eat lunch next - the last of the delicious pasta salad and watermelon for dessert! For dinner I will finish up the last of my Mary's Smashed Beans over a baked potato with chopped onions, tomatoes, jalapenos and some salsa on top. Will pre-load that with veg soup, and then steamed cabbage. Banana w/ strawberries on top for dessert.


I went for a 2 mile walk today! YAY! Had a 1 mile walk yesterday. I guess I did have a very small breakfast this morning. We have several mulberry trees in our yard. All but one of them have berries that taste like absolutely nothing, in a seedy, stemmy packkage. ( :lol: ) Then there is this ONE mulberry tree that has the most delicious mulberries I've ever tasted. They don't do well if you pick them and try to save them in the fridge for later. You really have to just stand under the tree and share them with the birds right there. But OH so worth it! So I had a bunch of delicious mulberries and ended up with the requisite purple fingers, tongue, and bottom of shoes! :lol: I did NOT end up with purple splotches on my white top, which is probably a sign that today is THE day I should buy a lotto ticket LOL! (odds of winning the lottery are much better than odds of me eating mulberries and NOT getting purple splotches on a white top!)

OK. Off to lunch and then more closet cleaning! Gotta make some room for some cute smaller stuff come fall!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:10 pm

Hi Beth! :-D

YAY!!! Congrats on the new low weight!!! That is FANTASTIC!!!!

I was :lol: at where you said we may feed off each other... I smell trouble brewing there!!! :lol:

I am with you on this BRAIN feeling better eating the McD way. My brain feels better on potatoes... :) Positive mental outlook, energy --- so much that isn't necessarily physical will keep me on this path. I am also hoping to do the 10 year from now test... like with Katie!

We had that same overcast weather... Boo!!! I wasn't as productive as you. Could have (should have?) done some weeding and cleaning... but spent some time with hubby and caught up on some fun reading.

Your meals sound yummy!! Good for you on the walking!!!

Your mulberry tree story is hilarious. :lol: I may have to ask you to beam me over a mulberry --- as I don't think I ever tasted one!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby rickfm » Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:34 pm

Lizzy_F wrote: It seems like the reporter is making the salt shaker out to be the problem. My guess is that the "11 grams on average sodium intake" she talks about is likely coming more from the processed foods than it is from the shaker. But of course that is just a guess and a generalization.

Funny you should mention that. She did a follow-up segment, it seems.

The truth behind preserved and processed food

"You've been sold a lie."

Mmmm.... cabbage!
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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Ruff » Sun Jul 17, 2022 10:09 pm

Brain's on potatoes.....I seem to remember in the dim recesses of my mind a book "Potatoes not Prozac" It wasn't about a plant based diet per say but about how we need starches for our brains to work optimally. I think. This was a long time ago. I might even be imagining it. Anyone else heard of this?

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby rickfm » Mon Jul 18, 2022 2:25 am

Available at Amazon.


Mmmm.... cabbage!
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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby JeffN » Mon Jul 18, 2022 4:59 am

rickfm wrote:
Lizzy_F wrote: It seems like the reporter is making the salt shaker out to be the problem. My guess is that the "11 grams on average sodium intake" she talks about is likely coming more from the processed foods than it is from the shaker. But of course that is just a guess and a generalization.

They only estimated the salt coming from the salt shaker as they thought that would be easier and they used it as a proxy/marker for total salt intake. However, as we know, 75-80% of the salt ingested is from processed/packaged foods. They mention this but it was too difficult to track. So, the study is not a very good one.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:35 am

Thank you Jeff for your comments about the salt video. I always feel like a ROCK STAR has posted in my journal when you weigh in on things! Thank you for your support - there is just nothing else out there that I have ever experienced like the McDougall Program!

Rick & Katie - now that you mention the Potatoes Not Prozak book, I seem to remember that title from the way back machine. So I guess potatoes really ARE magic!!!!

Stephanie - yesterday was a perfect day for hanging out together with significant others and reading! Sounds like you had a nice day. Mulberries look a little bit like blackberries only they are longer and skinnier. Their overall size depends a lot on how much rain we are getting. It's been pretty dry this summer, so the berries are on the small size. They are not as firm as blackberries from the store - much more tender which is probably why I don't think they "keep" at all if you try to pick them and put them in the fridge for later. I remember my grandmother used to make mulberry jam and mulberry pie. She must have gone pretty quickly from tree to stove with that process. The taste is really so different from tree to tree. My husband's theory is that the berries taste better the older the tree. He estimates that our tasty tree is probably 70 years old give or take. I'm not sure where he gets that number, but he grew up on the Morton Arboretum property (his Dad was an engineer there) and he worked there during summers among the trees as a kid growing up. So I always defer to him when it comes to any knowledge about trees!

Scale is holding steady at 173.8! Usually when it has a bounce down like that, it also bounces back up a little. But who knows. I fully realize the scale is nothing to get excited about on a day to day basis. It's the overall trend over time that matters. I have experimented historically with weighing daily, weekly, monthly, and not at all. I seem to do best when I weight daily, and just treat is as data collection. Any less often and I either conveniently forget my goals, or live in some fiction in my head that things are "OK" which are definitely NOT "OK." And then I did myself into a hole. So I know it will bounce around from day to day, but the trend keeps going down and I couldn't be happier about that. Especially since I am not ever going hungry!!!!!

Grocery shopping is on the agenda today. Not a whole lot on my list. I am going to see if they have some white sweet potatoes. I'm a bit meh on the orange ones, but for some reason the white ones really taste good to me. They are not the japanese kind with the purple skins - I don't see those in the stores around me hardly ever. These have white skins and white insides. But I like them for a change of pace. I'm going to stick with potatoes & oats as my main starches for a while.

I want to get my errands done and get back home so I can get a walk in before it heats up to hell temps out there! :D

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Trinity » Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:00 pm

Hi Beth! I also love when Jeff N. posts in my journal. I think it’s only happened once but it was very exciting. I know he’s got to be so busy.

I don’t have a salsa suggestion but I know Jeff says that it’s ok for condiments to not meet his rigorous salt guidelines, as long as you use it as a condiment (only a little bit). I just get regular salsa. If you just want something tomato-y that is absolutely salt-free then you could get some Pomi diced tomatoes.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Ruff » Thu Jul 21, 2022 1:06 pm

We call sweet potatoes 'kumera' here. We eat a lot of them, I actually prefer the orange ones but we have purple and white as well.

I'm a bit far south to grow them, but I thought I might try this year, in a tub in a sunny sheltered corner. They have a very long growing season apparently, so I need to get reading up on them now.

We also have 'Maori potatoes' which are normally heritage purple ones. Some are purple right through, but my favourite are moe moe potatoes, they have a great flavour, and hold together well when boiled. Not as good cold as some, but great hot. I can eat them just as they are out of the pan with nothing on them.

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby Lizzy_F » Thu Jul 21, 2022 2:19 pm

Trinity thanks for the feedback on Jeff's guidelines - I'm still trying to sort out all the recommendations and try not to get mixed up LOL! :D I have been using regular salsa (and regular several other condiments) thus far as I'm not going to pitch those types of items that are already in my pantry. Good to know that others are using reglar condiments and things are going OK. (I do not have high blood pressure) I may try to stock up on Trader Joe's lower sodium salsa if I make a trek over that way in the next couple of months. I may also try to make an easy salsa recipe from scratch. And I may probably also use some regular salsa! :D :D :D I am trying not to get so legalistic about things that I get in my own way. As I've heard Dr. McDougall say many times (usually out of frustration it seems, when people are being too legalistic / nit picky) "JUST DON'T EAT ANIMAL PRODUCTS AND DON'T ADD FATS/OILS!" I'll say it again - I can complicate anything!

Katie - it's so interesting to hear about all the different kinds of potatoes! I had no idea there were so many different varieties across the globe. Now I want to go on a World Potato Tasting Tour! Keep us posted about your sweet potato growing project!

We are getting ready to head to the river cabin tonight. I've got a little more food prep to do - just cutting up a cabbage and a watermelon. I baked more russet potatoes plus a couple of white sweet potatoes this morning, and I made some mashed potatoes yesterday. I'm bringing along some lentils and might cook some of those in the Instant Pot per Mark's method to make a lentil "gravy." I also made a big pot of vegetable soup which came out good. I seasoned it with some Mrs. Dash taco seasoning mix, and some additional Mrs. Dash Southwest Chipotle HEAT. Love it! Did I already post about this? What a crazy week it's been - I don't remember what I posted v. what I merely thought about posting LOL!

Next week I am on-call for jury duty. So on Saturday I will do some prep work and on Sunday I will assemble some pasta salad and potato salad - recipes I recently tried and loved. Those will make good cold lunches to bring if I actually end up having to go to the court house.

So I feel well prepared with plenty of great food and a solid plan for the week ahead!

This past week was the last week to do a weekly checkin with Tiffany (McDougall support specialist) after graduating from the 12-day program. Now we drop back to monthly checkins. I was a little concerned about that, and keeping up the accountability which I know is helping me a ton right now. So I'm opting to pay for an extra session each month for a while. I think dropping back to twice a month checkins rather than once a month checkins will just work better for me. I'm not as nervous about it, that's for sure! Do I know what I need to do? Yes. Do I have concerns about cutting the apron strings? YES! I know I will have to do it someday, but I am just determined to do everything in my power to keep this ship afloat, and sailing in the right direction. I AM WORTH IT!

Food today is delicious! Oats with apples & blueberries for breakfast, soup & cauliflower & baked potato (with ketchup!) & grapes for lunch, dinner will be soup & cabbage & mashed potatoes, probably with lentil "gravy" for dinner. There will be fruit for dessert but I'm not sure what yet. Perhaps some strawberries or perhaps some watermelon. Yum yum! New low on the scale today - 173.2. Crawling towards that 169 number, which will put me at the top end of normal BMI! I can't wait for that one!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:08 pm

Hi Beth!!! :D :-D :)

CONGRATULATIONS on reaching a new low. I bet that feels motivating --- and onwards!

Very interesting that your husband used to live on grounds at Morton Arboretum! Love that place!!

Your meals sound great! I like how you described seasoning your vegetable soup. Maybe I will give this a go (I like spicy too)... Probably will have questions for you!! :)

Crossing my fingers for you that your "name" doesn't come up for jury duty and you get a pass. Since you're familiar with area I'm from --- will share that I MOSTLY get sent to 26th and California for jury duty (3 times)... Once I was on a 10 day trial there... (was a bit unsettling)...

Hope that you have a great weekend with lots of potatoes (any maybe ketchup?)... It looks like it will be a hot one --- so you are lucky to head to the river cabin!!! Enjoy your weekend!!!

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Re: Beyond the 12-Day Program: Beth's Time & Adherence

Postby deweyswakms » Sat Jul 23, 2022 7:56 am

Lizzy_F wrote:J
Hello fellow travelers!!

Questions: Does anyone have commercially available reduced sodium, or no salt added salsas to recommend?

Hi, salsa is easy to make and then you can control the salt content. Maybe cheaper too. Here is a recipe. ... cipe-45038

I love salsa, and think I'll make some too!

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