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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:18 pm

Hi Trinity! :)

Boo to the folks who don't make the cheese-less pizza correct!! Anyway, I gave them up too. I may try this McD crockpot pizza potato recipe at some point and see how it goes. Else, I am pretty happy with the occasional pasta...

So, on the California Balsamic Vinegar thing, I am guilty of having this every once in awhile. Most is twice a week - tightly measured. I am so happy to not have an issue with sugar, but can enjoy a bit... YES, it is sweet --- apparently as sweet as maple syrup. I have Sweet Heat and Teriyaki flavors. They taste good on roasted veggies or over a stir fry... You maybe have the wrong one... :lol: It doesn't resemble a "vinegar" at all to me...

Hope you have a great week!!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:57 pm

Hi Stephanie! It’s great that you like it! Wish I could send you the rest of mine, haha. Though I didn’t know they had a teriyaki flavor…

I was curious and a Tbs of maple syrup is 12 g sugar while the 7-Herb is only 7 g sugar. So don’t worry.

Today was (1) :) but (2) :( because I got a salad when we went out for lunch BUT failed to catch the guy before he put the dressing on it. He said he still put less than normal and it was really good—had blueberries and chickpeas and they did hold the feta. Oh well. Exercised.
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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 17, 2022 4:02 pm

Hi Trinity, :)

Seriously, you should try the Teriyaki!!! :D

Throw out the yucky one!!!

I was calling it "maple syrup" because I believe that I read a JeffN thread that said something to this effect.

So, I enjoy and use cautiously!!! Actually, I got my "emergency" baby balsamics to take to restaurants from them. Have not tried Ruby Red Onion yet. But will at the next restaurant salad. :lol:

Have a great week!!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:31 pm

Trinity wrote: no one else would eat the rest of a piece of chocolate cake with some melted ice cream soaking part of it at the restaurant we went to for dinner so I did eat that.

Why? Your body is not a dustbin, there is a perfectly good dustbin outside.

Sorry to sound grumpy...but this used to be one of my HUGE failings...the need to finish things. I used to finish the children's leftovers so it wasn't wasted. What was that about? I could never leave anything on a plate...ever. It took me ages to learn this one. I am not a dustbin!

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Mon Jul 18, 2022 2:46 pm

Katie—you’re absolutely right. I almost succeeded in NOT eating it, to be honest. But then I still ate it. And the cake was dry—it wasn’t even good. How did you manage to learn to not finish your kids’ food? Sometimes I will be on a good streak where I do ditch their leftovers but then I feel guilty about wasting food and as everything it becomes a cycle.

Today was (1) :) but (2) :( as we met my mom for lunch at Chipotle and as I recall there is some oil in both the brown rice and the beans there. Exercised.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:19 pm

Trinity wrote:Katie—you’re absolutely right. I almost succeeded in NOT eating it, to be honest. But then I still ate it. And the cake was dry—it wasn’t even good. How did you manage to learn to not finish your kids’ food? Sometimes I will be on a good streak where I do ditch their leftovers but then I feel guilty about wasting food and as everything it becomes a cycle.

Today was (1) :) but (2) :( as we met my mom for lunch at Chipotle and as I recall there is some oil in both the brown rice and the beans there. Exercised.

Kids food, we got a dog! :D Even I, even back then in my obese years, wouldn't take it out of the dogs bowl! But I suggest taking and scraping straight into the bin. Its actually good for your kids too, to see its Ok not to eat food if they dont want it. If a lot is left then pop it in the fridge, but in a box with a lid so its done. I know where my scavenging of leftovers came from. We had a bed and breakfast in the Lake District of the UK. We got cereal and toast for breakfast, the guests got sausage and bacon and scrambled eggs and tomatoes and mushrooms. Mum used to put them on serving plates on the hot plate for them to help themselves. We had to sit in the kitchen and watch her cook this stuff! When the guests had finished and the plates came back in we fell on anything left on the serving plates! Often it was all gone, as our house was on the coast to coast trail, and we usually had hungry hikers, but sometimes we got lucky. But I grew up with leftovers being fair game :lol:

Eventually, with practice I have learnt to leave food I do not want. If possible I save it for a snack for someone later, if not (and its suitable) Bonnie gets it. Then the last resort is the worm bin.

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Re: No topic.

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:16 am

hey Trinity,

believe it or not, the pizza you describe from the Italian restaurant sounds exactly like pizza that was served to me in a restaurant in Italy itself: a basic flat bread baked with some tomato sauce on it. That's all. It was served with the food, though, not as a meal like pizza is in the States. That's why whenever I see an ad for "Italian Pizza" I just shake my head. If they only knew. BUT... in Italy we also enjoyed the absolute most exquisite antipasto board in the world. Breads, roasted veg, sea food, cheeses, dips, sauces. Well before my journey into McDougalling and wow it was good!

Keep up the good work with your exercise!

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:22 am

Well, we don’t have a dog. I do save a lot of leftovers. I’ll just keep practicing.

Today: (1) :) and (2) :) and exercised. First day since last Thursday that I don’t have to be in the car for 2+ hours or go out to eat or both so I’m happy about that. Tomorrow we fly to New England (CT first then MA) for a week so we’ll just see what happens.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:24 am

Oh, hey, Heidi! You must have posted while I was posting! Thanks and hope you’re continuing to improve after your surgery!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Lizzy_F » Tue Jul 19, 2022 3:25 pm

Hi Trinity! Sounds like you will be traveling very soon, if you are not already on your way. Safe travels to you!

I just wanted to share that I am a fellow member of the Clean Plate Club working hard to change that, but the struggle is REAL! So I am soaking up Katie's words of wisdom on this topic right along side you! Even if I'm STUFFED I just instictively keep going until the plate is clean. I love what Katie said about "practice!" I never thought of it that way - as something I could get better at through practice. All or nothing, black and white type thinking never serves me well at all!

Good for you on your success with regular exercise! That is another huge challenge that I just have to keep working at.

Enjoy your trip!

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:51 pm

Hey Beth! Thanks! I’ve been reading your journal from time to time and just want to tell you that you are doing great! I love your enthusiasm. I’m also happy to have Katie in my life. :D

I was thinking about when I became a finisher/member of the Clean Plate Club. I know I wasn’t as a child or even in college when I was still on the meal plan at the dining hall. I’m not sure if I did it when I started cooking for myself in college…but I know that as soon as I started trying to change my weight I did. Because if you’re counting calories, you have to finish the food to know how many calories it (supposedly) was. Hmmm.

At my bro & SIL’s now. They are such an awesome family. She made tacos for dinner so I had a plate of brown rice, black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, and salsa. When I finished it (yeah I was really hungry after not eating at the airport or on the plane) I noticed she probably had put a little oil in the rice so it wouldn’t stick like they do at Chipotle, because I could see it on the plate. Oh well. I definitely did the best I could.

Since I came back home from my parents’ last Monday I’ve been practicing (speaking of practicing!) being a little hungry. I won’t say I went on a week-long crash diet but I was a little disgusted at myself at how much I ate while I was there, even if it was compliant food I’d made myself. Something about not having a working microwave and therefore not being able to quickly warm up leftovers probably had something to do with it too. Anyways, I don’t know why I have to learn this lesson over and over again but it turns out that I will not die if I’m hungry and don’t immediately eat! Ha. This morning I had some leftover mashed potatoes for breakfast (after doing 4-1 on the treadmill—we had an afternoon flight) and then ate a big container of leftover white rice on the way to the airport and then didn’t eat until about 7-8 hours later at my bro’s house. And I was fine!
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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:47 pm

Today, alas, (1) :( and (2) :( and I did not exercise but I’m not too surprised. I ate the leftover brown rice which turned out to have some Earth Balance in it. Then I couldn’t say no to a s’more when everyone was roasting marshmallows in the fire pit in the backyard. And I couldn’t leave my SIL alone with 7 kids to go take a walk, haha! But it’s been a wonderful visit. Headed up to MIL’s in the morning and husband will fly in at night.
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Re: No topic.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:54 pm

Hi Trinity! :-D

Hope that you and your family have a great trip!!!

Your taco dinner sounds delicious...

On this hungry thing, you are a better person that me... I turn into a beast when hungry... :nod:

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Re: No topic.

Postby Trinity » Fri Jul 22, 2022 8:15 pm

Thanks Stephanie! I think it’s just a phase…I was eating so much I was annoyed at myself so being hungry felt good for a change, but I know it won’t last!

What a day. Son woke up at 5 am at bro and SIL’s house ill—both ends. Came from nowhere! Thank God it only lasted about 3 hours and we were able to jet up to grandma’s—90 minute drive with no incident. What a miracle. (I even made him put a diaper in his underwear just in case.) I so hope no one else comes down with it—my bro and SIL have 4 kids aged 1 to 7. It’s always something.

Anyways! (1) :) and (2) :) and I exercised (walked around MIL’s house before she got home). Tomorrow definitely a run/walk.
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Re: No topic.

Postby Ruff » Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:25 pm

oh dear your poor boy. Its horrible being ill when away from home. I hope he is OK now, and hasn't given it to any other family members.

have fun with your family.

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