Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ruff » Sat Jul 23, 2022 12:34 pm

Hi Heidi, I hope things are still improving.

My dog Bonnie has her knee operation on Wednesday, if all goes well at the pre-op on Tuesday. She has torn her ACL, which is a CCL in a dog. I assume an ACL repair is not as bad as a total knee replacement, but it seems a very big operation she has to have, with the bone cut and the angle of her knee changed and a plate inserted....and we can't explain to her what is going on and why.....

So sending happy knee thoughts your way, and hoping for a quick recovery for you and also for Bonnie next week.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jul 24, 2022 4:21 pm

Hi Heidi!!!

Hope that you are feeling better and better each day! Good luck with returning to work on your PT job this week.


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:38 am

hey Veg, Ruff! Thanks for dropping by. My mom's dog had both ACL's repaired, and she did great afterwards. I hope your pup gets through it well.

I ended up with depression in the last couple of weeks, with a lot of self-pity and sadness, discouragement, feeling blah and weepy. The Medicare and pharmaceutical ads on TV interrupted by spurts of lady cop shows, the smallness of my world, the worry that I might always walk with a limp, the not caring if I DID end up walking with a limp...etc. the darkness and dullness. It was awful.

Then we went for the weekend to my brother's house in a small town, with lots of wide-open space, dark sky at night, my bro and his wife spoiled us big time: we went to the camp site that his father-in-law owns and he and Wylie cooked tacos...mine were filled with a spicy bean patty by MorningStar (minimal processed, very low fat) folded up with rice, corn, and beans inside a tortilla that was grilled on both sides. And a lovely breakfast on Sunday morning. All kinds of fresh fruit all day long, a comfy king size bed, a big front porch to watch the sunrise in the mornings, and good laughter, fun conversation. It brightened me right up. I got back home with renewed energy for fighting through this and coming out the other side healed and pain free.

Currently walking without a limp AND not using my cane. I go pretty slow, but it's a regular gait and there is no limp. My brother got on me about that, as he went through knee surgery for an ACL injury and the first thing his PT told him was "no limping"... so that motivated me to simply stop limping. Which does mean slowing it down and that's okay. I walk nice and slow and limp-free. The pain is better all the time. Today I went up the stairs, one foot, one stair using my operated leg and a hearty pull on the hand rail LOL. After my shower, drying my legs, I bore full weight on the operated leg to get my other foot up on the bench and dry stuff.

Anyway, full gratitude for that couple of days of stress relief. Feeling much better. Hopeful that I'll be taking those morning walks by September after all :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ruff » Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:40 am

Hi Heidi,

Hope things are going well with you. Bonnie is putting her foot to the ground. I explained to her about what you said about limping, and she said she would work at it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Its a thought though. As you know, I limp. I wear a leg brace, particularly in the mountains. But if I wear boots (act like a mild kind of ankle brace) and walk very carefully, the limp is barely noticeable. maybe I should try using boots and walking slowly and carefully without the brace when I am just shopping or something. Its certainly a thought. Different issue of course, as I have a partly paralysed foot, but all the same.....

I know this is a big restart for you, and I know you are heavy right now, but remember mcDougalling helps with healing and inflammation. We are rooting for you, and I know you can do this.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:12 pm

Hey Heidi,

So glad that you are feeling much better!!!

Just wanted to pop in to say "hi" and keep going !! Pain will get less and less...

Have a wonderful week!!! :D

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Trinity » Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:55 am

Hey Heidi,

I’m sorry to hear you were suffering from depression—I know that’s been a trouble for you in the past. So glad you’re feeling better (knee-wise too)—that camping trip sounded amazing!

Enjoy these days before you go back to work next Tuesday (hey, that’s our wedding anniversary)!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:25 am

Thanks for the drop-by's everyone. It's been a rough week.


I went back to work on Tuesday, Aug 9, half shifts for the first two weeks. Well on Wednesday I slept through my alarm and woke up when I was supposed to be clocking in. So I hustled. And on Thursday, not long after clocking out for the day, my right (non-surgery) knee pretty much collapsed. Why it waited more than 24 hours is beyond me, but I'm pretty sure I did something with my hurrying :\

Sharp pain, unable to bear any weight at all. I got the walker back out and felt super sorry for myself, and fought hard not to feel sorry for myself...boy. a LOT of tears... Friday morning I got up and crept up the stairs (yes, my living space is downstairs, and my office is upstairs) On the final step up, my knee popped. I could feel it, and I could hear it. It just about threw me to the ground, it hurt so bad.

It feels like the same pain when I initially hurt my left knee, when I tore the meniscus. Incredible agony, not bearing weight. Well, the walker is so stinking awkward and feels so unstable. So we got some crutches from the dr office yesterday. Much better than the walker. Heh, the update seems to currently be a tale of forward one step, backward two steps. After several bouts with weeping and wishing I was dead, I stopped crying and thought about what is needed.

1-MOST IMPORTANT: keep up with the post-surgery exercises. Must get full extension and deep flexion.

for the newly injured knee:
2- get a more stable walking aid (crutches, not walker) ---- CHECK
3- refill the more potent anti-inflammatory meloxicam (I was down to two ibuprofen and one tylenol every four hours, but this requires stronger medication, so no more ibu.) ---- CHECK
4- Continue with the turmeric/golden tea morning and night for additional anti-inflammation support ---- CHECK
5- make a dr appt ---- MONDAY
6- get diagnosed
7 - get treatment

So yeah, I still cry a little bit when I have to get up and move around. It hurts! but no more self-pity. I'm not going to let anything stop or reverse the progress on the operative knee, and eventually we'll find out what exactly my "good knee" is doing and how to improve. I'm in my early 60's and the remainder of my life is NOT going to be like this.

Meanwhile, it's the weekend. I am not going to take the stairs for any reason, so it's back to Wylie fixing all my meals and my fake coffee, and my turmeric tea. He's also harvesting our honey today and I won't be able to help :( or even go out and hang around with him while he works. Hopefully if I rest it thoroughly today and tomorrow, Monday morning I'll be capable of doing my half shift of work. Found out by experience that pedaling on my little device does not help, so that's out for now. poop. Maybe with time and the inflammation in my "good" knee goes down I'll pick it back up.

The surgery leg is doing pretty good. There's pain with the ROM exercises, but I found some really useful muscle relaxation maneuvers for the quad that help alleviate a lot of pain and enables me to get much better flexion with less agony. Same with the extension. There's some resistance stuff you can do to the thigh that enables that hamstring to relax, and I'm able to get it much flatter. As for walking, there's hardly any pain there. Just a bit of pressure and a clicking sensation which is unsettling.

Eating has been okay. There were some cheezit crackers in the house that I ate the other day and I put cheese in a bean burrito that I made for lunch one day. Having a piece of chocolate here and there. Comfort food/emotional eating. Today it's been a banana, some watermelon, and a bowl of muesli/grape nuts w. oat milk. I'll have rice and sweet potato stew and ??? for third meal. A samwich maybe? I have oil free hummus and tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. for a yummy vegetable sammy.

I'm thankful for a long history of eating this way. I'm sure it helps a lot to eat non-inflammation foods ;) when you're trying to reduce inflammation, right?

Oh! it was refreshing to work this past week. I never thought I'd be eager to be at the job, but it's a great deal better than all day lady cop shows and YouTube shorts. As long as I get good sleep, I'll be able to start doing full shifts at the two week mark. Haven't decided about the PT job. I've called in for that a LOT, but also did a couple of shifts last week. It's only three shifts of 3.5 hours per week, but...well, it's just more, you know? and a thoroughly boring, soul stifling job. I gotta find a new side-hustle. YouTuber!

Okay that's all I got. Trying to keep my spirits up and determined to get better.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ruff » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:03 pm

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your other knee. That's dreadful news. There is nothing good to say about that whatsoever. I have my fingers crossed for you that its just something simple and easily fixed.

yes, inflammation is the devil in recovery. Keeping the inflammation down is the key to healing, and low inflammatory foods are the key to that. You have been here long enough and you know exactly what to do :D

Good luck with Mondays appointment, let us know how it goes.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Trinity » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:45 pm

Heidi, I’m so sorry about your other knee. That is devastating. Like oh, I was in incredible pain fixing the one knee and now it’s like doing the same thing all over again. I can’t even imagine. I’m so sorry—hope you’re able to keep posting here.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Lizzy_F » Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:46 am

Hi Heidi! I am so sorry to read about your struggles both physical and mental, and now issues with the other knee. Just wanted to say that I am with you in spirit sending you encouragement and support across the internet! It sounds like you have a positive outlook and a good plan. Positive thoughts for a strong week ahead!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:20 pm

Hi Heidi, :D :-D :)

Sending you virtual hugs and a few smiles from IL...

Damn, so sorry to hear that you hurt your other knee... BOO! Nothing like getting kicked when you are down.

Wishing you the best at your doctor appointment and hope you heal fast.

Hang in there!!!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:18 am

Oh, you guys are the best! Thank you for your encouragement.

Went to see the dr. on Monday. Xrays didn't show any damage to bones, but the Xray can't see soft tissues so I still don't have an official diagnosis. Doc says rest, take it easy on my newly injured knee, and if it's still super painful in a week, we'll schedule an MRI.

Well, the pain isn't nearly as bad. When I got off work last Friday, I went downstairs (on my butt) and stayed downstairs the rest of that day and all day Saturday. My brother and his wife came to visit for the weekend and I went upstairs for breakfast/brunch (had scrambled eggs :oops:) and fruit. When I got back downstairs on Sunday, I stayed there until I had to get up for work and right after work, the dr appt. Okay. I found out from the doc that it's okay to use my operation knee to go upstairs. He says it will strengthen the quad even more than my PT exercises. So I've been doing that. It's better than scooting up the stairs on my butt. :roll: But if needed, I can do it.

He also said my flexion looked really good, and advised me to work really hard on getting full extension. Extension is more important than flexion, as having a straight leg will mean I have a normal gait. Flexion means I can squat down...well I haven't squatted in two decades so...That was actually encouraging. I do both flexion and extension exercises every day in addition to walking every hour and it felt like I was getting pretty good range.

BUT here's the deal. I can go up and down stairs, leaning heavily on my stick and the hand rail. Great. However, if I overdo it (I ALWAYS overdo it) I pay for it. So yesterday I was up and down the stairs quite a bit and last night sure enough, knee spasms. So that I ended up needing a dose of Tramadol (opioid). So I have to remember to pace myself. But dangit, I want to be able to do what I need to do. I want to COOK, you know?

Speaking of, Dr. Greger has a meal delivery subscription thingy. Super foods, 100% and $10 a meal AND I'm talking high fat for more than half of what he offers. Seriously, there's one savory bowl that has 35g of fat! I spent some time looking into it last night, hoping to find a way to feed myself the foods that I need, without the at home preparation. He adds walnuts or cashews to a lot of his stuff. I did see Jeff Novick's name in there, so I trust that it's good food. But dang. Trying to lose weight here. SMH Plus which, I know how to make a superfood bowl: Oatmeal w. greeans, beans, onion, mushroom, berries. Ta daaaa! I think that's a Dr. Greger thing, and he would add seeds but I can leave those out. But how to make that G BOMB bowl? Maybe spend some time prepping things so I can just put water over it and nuke it. ??? *sigh*

Wylie and I sat out back for an hour last night, just enjoying the evening and talking about things. Being my caretaker has cost him a lot mentally and emotionally. We've both been struggling with depression big time, and we are both the type to pick up each other's energy. Therefore, we spiral down around each other like I dunno, Gandalf and the Balrog :D :D :D until we end up at the base of the mountain trying not to die.

Ah! I found Mr. Bean videos on Prime and we binged that the other night. My gosh, it helped. Laughing until your sides hurt IS good medicine. Now to figure out a way to get a decent night's sleep consistently.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Trinity » Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:38 pm

Hahaha, Mr. Bean! I wish there was a way you could live on the kitchen level of the house. Maybe get a bunch of McDougall soup cups and put a microwave in the basement? I actually just ordered a bunch of Spring Onion and Black Bean Soup on Amazon because I can only find the vegan chicken ramen and miso ramen in stores near me. Keep us updated!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:40 pm

Hi Heidi!!! :D

You are handling it..., huh??? But, sounds super hard...


I do understand what you said about you and Wylie / emotions playing off each other...

So wishing you well and hoping that your knees feel better!!! You are an incredible person here on these boards...

Veggies, starch, fruit... will help you feel better.... :) Take care of yourself!!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Aug 23, 2022 5:58 am

Trinity wrote:Hahaha, Mr. Bean! I wish there was a way you could live on the kitchen level of the house. Maybe get a bunch of McDougall soup cups and put a microwave in the basement? I actually just ordered a bunch of Spring Onion and Black Bean Soup on Amazon because I can only find the vegan chicken ramen and miso ramen in stores near me. Keep us updated!

I wish there was a way, but we rent from my mom who lives upstairs, we live downstairs and share the kitchen (up) and laundry room (down). We've looked at various locations for a possible microwave but really there's nothing. Two middle aged people brought a LOT of personal belongings into a relatively small space and there just isn't room, or anyway there's no room in areas where a suitable electrical outlet exists. (old houses have old wiring. My mom and dad had one wall in their kitchen rewired when she got her first microwave) However, using the stairs is strenghtening my quads, so I'm not 100% unhappy with the arrangement.

But that's not what I came here to say. I ordered three varieties of McDougall instant soups from Amazon yesterday. Split pea cups, pad thai cups, and kale vegetable quarts/pints? They'll arrive tomorrow. Meanwhile, Wylie and I went to the outside freezer and I found two frozen bean soups, and a frozen Curry Rice from my pre-surgery prep. So there's food that I don't have to stand and prepare. It's just ready. Thanks for the great idea. I hadn't even thought about Amazon and I was able to use points from my Prime VISA and paid about 1/3 total for what I ordered.

Another thing I decided to go ahead and do was start taking SAM-e again. Yes, its a supplement, one which I took years ago after my dad died. In Costco the display said "mood support" and I was depressed so I grabbed it. I mean I was depressed before Daddy went, but yeah that didn't make it better, you know?

Well, evidently it is also useful for osteoarthritis and liver function ;) and when I took it before (years prior to McDougalling which DOES eliminate depression) it really helped, and it helped within a few days. As in, I couldn't get motivated for anything, had no energy, fighting my emotional state non-stop... I mean my GAWD when does the fighting stop?... but anyway I started taking SAM-e three days after Christmas, 2004 and I found myself outside with my kids playing with some of their new toys not even a week later.

I sat up and took notice. "Hey. I'm playing, and I'm not exhausted" ... so I took SAM-e for a while to help in my fight against depression. Once I picked up McDougalling in 2009 I no longer needed SAM-e, or coffee for that matter, and depression hasn't been a big deal. Until now. And it's a tool that I"m going to use to aim for my best quality of life while I recuperate.

It will help a lot to have easy fix food in the house. We also have potatoes and some sweet potatoes that are actually easy fix foods, eh? But having a ready-made split pea soup to pour over a nuked russet will be a treat and will help a WHOLE lot with my compliance. I'm going to be eyeballing the MWL checklist again.

Because let's be honest. Not every woman age 61 has debilitating arthritis in her knees. But I managed to stay obese or overweight for my entire adult life and now my knees are paying the price. What if my right meniscus is injured? And what if I took off some of this stupid poundage to give that right knee (and my left knee) a freaking break? Would I recuperate faster if I weighed say... 170 lbs instead of 240? hmmmm ? Or my goal weight of 140...how would that be? I haven't weight 140 lbs since I was 14.

Time to get serious.

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