Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:14 pm

Hi Beth, Hi Katie! :) :-D :D

Thank you for the anniversary wishes!!! Appreciate you both stopping by!

Yes, move forward is good!!! Liking that, Katie!

Beth, You, friend, are blazing your own trail!! I am glad that we share the same path and can learn from each other!! :)


So, wanted to remember for this week report: Did well at eat out event this weekend. Amazingly, there was food that I could get that was compliant... Had fruit and was able to order the Asian Chicken salad without chicken and without dressing (so was just veggies). It was kind of funny that probably 1 of 3 people had some special instructions to their order --- was no problem, no questions, nada. (And event was at a craft brew pub...) I had 2 Jeff burgers in my purse in case I got hungry.... Ate before going here .... my "clown car" (per my husband) bag of food... It serves its purpose in a couple of ways: 1) if hungry, can eat compliant food and 2) if people are trying to get me to eat stuff / question my lack of eating, he pops in with "OMG, you should have seen what she ate in the car over here.." :lol:

Found today that I like oatmeal better without banana (as I ran out of bananas) - who knew... Also, without pre-loading --- can eat oatmeal much faster .... like it doesn't become a production.

Was blissfully off work today and have only a 3 day week coming up. Did a great hike in the AM before severe storms set in.... then got some errands done. Bought another pair of pants (I only have a few that fit)... going to order some more on-line --- there is a brand of jeans that actually sizes pants with the "real" waist measurements --- which is cool and I like their pants... :)

Funny - I weighed in today post-oatmeal :shock: which would never have occurred to me to do earlier. Still holding ok with maintaining... :-D I weigh on Fridays, but try to remember to do so at least an additional day or two to make sure "on track".

Have done some "research" for the BBQ recipe. Hmm... will try something simple this week. I think this was my easiest / most fun "goal" -- so will make progress here first!

Super proud of my son - he was nominated by his major department for a merit scholarship for his last year...

Here are a couple of pics. I continue with some technical challenges... but that is ok. I do find the pictures way too amusing... :-D


Hope that everyone has a great week.

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:46 pm


Watched Dr. McDougall presentations today for Alumni graduates on supplements... This will be posted on his YouTube channel shortly and highly recommend watching it!!! I do love to watch him talk live!!! :) Seriously... Very helpful / informative (always that "maddening" factor on what folks are trying to sell everyone (and they are laughing all the way to the bank)...

When watching him talk, it does remind me a bit ---- I am inspired by some people with "BIG / take no prisoners" personalities and also others with different personalities... It takes us all to make the world go round!!! I have been lucky in my life to be a bit sheltered by some "bigger" personalities, as I do not have one... Like, I am pretty happy to just mind my own beeswax... ( will share my own experience and support people totally, but never going to change the world or sell anyone anything...)

So, wanted to just say a bit on the anxiety...since I was a bit triggered last week... McD diet has really helped me 100%. I am mostly like this (my "after" picture...) Image

I am now keeping a list of things to discuss with my therapist that helps me with managing my anxiety and I continue to meet with quarterly... Also, she would totally meet with me more if needed... So, this is my lifeboat!!! This list thing helped me a couple of months ago --- motivations for following MWL... It silences my inner critic... (or puts him / her at ease)... :lol:

Sharing in case anyone else out there has "high-strung" tendencies... :lol: I find it super helpful to laugh / find the hilarity in a situation. This worked for me a lot with trying to incorporate Mark Cooper's advice on "be kind to yourself" when I was having trouble with peanuts in my house... So, I sing Gloria Gaynor song... pretty funny to me... Anyway, here are two situations that I found myself in this week that have bothered me not since I used that kind of "just laugh" to yourself tactic:

1) European colleague schedules a meeting for 6AM (not a time-critical meeting, IMO - and was as boring as watching paint dry)... and I see a couple other US folks would be required at 4AM timeslot... So, I contact this guy (thinking that I am helping him) to inform him of the time difference and ask if there is a way to either: reschedule to better "core hours time", record meeting, engage afterward with others... So, this is what made me laugh... he says " as a required participant you MUST attend at this time or send a delegate"... Hmm... So, I am now at a loss for words... HA!!! I am totally going to make friends / generate goodwill by being like " hey, I don't want to get on at 6, you do it...".... Anyway, he really can't make me do anything, but not worth an argument to me... I attended in my PJ"s... :lol:

2) A friend gives me unsolicited constructive feedback on my appearance... hmm... Something I would never offer up to someone unless it was positive like "love your dress / necklace ... or you look great..." ... Seriously was... You look like a skinny pre-pubescent boy... OK, now I have my WTAF / deer in headlights / what planet are you from face on... Totally no response that I can think of as I do not want to prolong this topic... So, I said thanks... did you watch "schitt's creek" yet?... OMG!!! (This feedback was super weird to me, but I honestly don't feel bad about it, just makes me think about person who uttered it....)

I am eating a ton of potatoes!!! And, loving corn this week!!! I am getting acclimated to being ok / not feeling a bit uncomfortable with eating a large volume of food... Going well!!! :cool:

Hope that everyone has an awesome week!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Ejeff » Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:58 am

Stephanie, love the Tigger photo, made me smile! The rebel in me would have been tempted to skip the meeting after that response of you MUST attend. What they gonna do if ya don’t? Lol Easy for me to say as I’m retired now, but I lived through the same type of issue, meetings at the craziest times.

I agree it is quite fascinating how we are attracted to various personalities. I’ve watched a few clips of Dr. Goldhammer recently and he just says it like it is which I appreciate. I find Dr. McDougall is somewhat like that as well.

Good you can use humour, laughing is so great to lift a persons mood. Wow that’s an interesting friend you have...let me guess they are the opposite of you, ignoring their health, eating the SAD diet, and are overweight? Great response from you :-D

Potatoes are the best aren’t they. I’m planning to make some baked russets and then top it with Chili. Been having a craving for that.

I enjoy your journal and photos, so thank you for that. Just keep on bouncing!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:18 am

Great response to the unsolicited opinion. I'm imagining an amazing discussion about Schitt's Creek :lol:

I'll never forget one time at church I was visiting with a friend who had some blemishes on her chin. Another woman made conversation by saying "what do you use for your acne there on your face?" friend was already self-conscious and now this vain bimbo points it out? what is that? It isn't small talk, is it? Do people ask about others' physical issues while standing around after church services?

anyway, good on ya. I would've probably cried ;)

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:41 am

Ejeff wrote:Stephanie, love the Tigger photo, made me smile! The rebel in me would have been tempted to skip the meeting after that response of you MUST attend. What they gonna do if ya don’t? Lol Easy for me to say as I’m retired now, but I lived through the same type of issue, meetings at the craziest times.

I agree it is quite fascinating how we are attracted to various personalities. I’ve watched a few clips of Dr. Goldhammer recently and he just says it like it is which I appreciate. I find Dr. McDougall is somewhat like that as well.

Good you can use humour, laughing is so great to lift a persons mood. Wow that’s an interesting friend you have...let me guess they are the opposite of you, ignoring their health, eating the SAD diet, and are overweight? Great response from you :-D

Potatoes are the best aren’t they. I’m planning to make some baked russets and then top it with Chili. Been having a craving for that.

I enjoy your journal and photos, so thank you for that. Just keep on bouncing!


Hi Erin! :)

Thanks for this happy post!!!!

Yay for you - retired!! :) I did feel that I was a bit of a rebel with the PJ's at the meeting... however, one thing that really made me laugh about this was envisioning some future time that this guy is going to meet some of my colleagues who will 100% eat him for lunch! :lol:

I have to admit that I have never watched Dr. Goldhammer --- but your thoughts will lead me to seek out a clip or two...

I think you have pegged my friend a bit... :mrgreen:

Potatoes are my #1!!! Love how you are planning to have them with chili --- delicious!!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:49 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:Great response to the unsolicited opinion. I'm imagining an amazing discussion about Schitt's Creek :lol:

I'll never forget one time at church I was visiting with a friend who had some blemishes on her chin. Another woman made conversation by saying "what do you use for your acne there on your face?" friend was already self-conscious and now this vain bimbo points it out? what is that? It isn't small talk, is it? Do people ask about others' physical issues while standing around after church services?

anyway, good on ya. I would've probably cried ;)

Hi Heidi,

Thanks for sharing your experience with your friend. YIKES --- still going with this type of comment says a lot more about the person stating it --- than the person on the receiving end! Just try to remember that if you are on the receiving end --- no crying! Wonder instead why the person is being kind of a jerk.

I actually do find some hilarity in the comment because I have had time to think about it (just my perception)... and it is really more to do about body type than anything. For instance, if I gained back 50 lbs. (or some portion thereof) I would look like an overweight pre-pubescent boy... :lol: So, have never been curvaceous at any weight --- and that is ok... and just "is"... :-D

Have a great weekend!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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9/2 Time & Adherence Report

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:56 am

Happy September!!! :) :-D

It is a beautiful day!!! Got in a 90 minute hike this morning and hoping to do a couple of longer ones over this holiday weekend.

Still loving the oatmeal (without the dreaded banana!) and potato fries. Really can't get enough potato fries. Wish someone would prep them for me!! :lol: That is the only thing holding me back from eating more... :eek:

Have done ok with maintaining this week. So, that is good news. I signed up for a Mindfulness and Meditation class next week - have high hopes... (it can't hurt in any event!)

This was a day when I was very hungry for breakfast. So, bits of lots of stuff.

Lunch - just another one throwing compliant food on a plate. Easy and tastes great... :-D

Below is Behavioral assessment that I will post to the Time & Adherence Group.

Hi Team Time and Adherence! :)

1 Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit.
:) Yes. I am doing this consistently for lunch and sometimes for dinner.

2 Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches.
Choose fruit for dessert.
:) Yes. Mainly had oatmeal plus fruit for breakfast this week. Wow, the dark sweet cherries are an awesome addition to the berries... Made sloppy lentils (surprise, surprise) and Mary McD pinto beans smashed (added maybe 4 jalapenos). Loving these for lunch with some potato and salad / veggies. Mainly split pea soup and / or more potatoes for dinner with veggies / fruit.

3 Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. This includes gourmet sugars and salts too. If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them.
:) Yes. Reduced, not eliminated. No sugar this week - but wasn't really deliberate.

4 Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood).
YES, of course. :D

5 Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy).
Yes. :-D

6 Eliminate any added oil.
:nod: YES.

7 Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e., bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes, puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit.
:-D Yes.

8 Don’t drink your calories especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages).
:) Yes.

9 Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don't starve yourself and don't stuff yourself.
:) Yes. No starving or stuffing.
I did do some snacking this week - definitely more than usual, but ate per the 50/50 method and pretty sure not stuffing (just hungry).

10 Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking).
Yes. :)
* 7/7 days walked briskly
The weather has continued to be great!!!

Victories, comments, concerns, questions:

Victory - I am maintaining my weight and feeling terrific! :D

Comments / Notes to folks (some from last week's check in)-

Agree 100% with Carol on the awesomeness of this group! Big thanks to Mark, JeffN, WildGoose and appreciation to fellow participants. :-D

Marilyn - Yay, glad to see you back!!

Bambi -- If I spent the week rolling paint, best believe I would take exercise credit!! :lol:

Carol - Seems we can all have challenging weeks... You've done so great with all of the life changes going on that must be physically and mentally exhausting. I like how you describe some of the challenges like a pleasure / pain merry-go-round. I kind of had this in my own head as playing "whac-a-mole"... (and like just make it STOP)... :) Patience and calm sounds good --- I am trying to take a lesson from this too.

Gimmelean - from last week - glad that you rocked it!!! Also, related to so much of what you said on needing to separate food and emotion --- and re-connect with our own "why". :) This journey can be so emotional ... sometimes challenging to take a step back and be objective.

JaBee - good luck dealing with your spouse on the snacks. Hope that you are continuing to heal.

Rebecka - I am with you that it is so helpful to stay in touch with our why. (Also, the feeling better when following MWL part!!)

Louie - Spinning is so fun! I haven't done it in awhile .... LOVE pasta for lunch!! Hope you find something that works for you!

Beth - Really cool to read your report from last week and see how you have noted your progression / changes made! Awesome!!! (I know Mark answered this on the 50 / 50 plate --- but just to throw it in that I also sometimes use multiple dishes -- or a 1 dish mixed like SNAP --- and just consider in the spirit of starch to veggie / fruit ratio)... :)

Noella --- LOVED your comment on your kayaking. This is so inspiring!

Drew - Agree with you 100% on "making exceptions will not be helpful"... yep, always dancing with the Pleasure Trap here (for me). Hope you had a good week! :)

Happy September!!! :cool: Loving being able to have all of the windows open and air out the house. My one cat is loving that - hearing the birds.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend (and a great last hurrah of summer for those in the US)!!!! :-D :) :-) Going to have potato fries and Jeff burgers to celebrate - with fruit and salad probably. Enjoy!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:43 am

Hi Stephanie!!!!! I love the Tigger pic, and that is your beautiful spirit to a tee!! :D OMG I can't believe the "boy" comment. Some people really have no filter, or no common sense, or no compassion, or none of the above. You look fantastic and I agree with you that comments usually say way more about the commenter than the commentee! You are my MWL IDOL!

Oh my gosh I don't miss corporate life at all! Good for you doing that meeting in your PJs!

I too just love your food pictures so I hope you keep posting them! I seriously want to come live at your house. I would be one of those horror house guests who hand around and just eat all your food! :lol: Well, I would at least do the dishes. :D

I am looking forward to crispy potatoes (air fried fries, crispy hash browns) when I get these braces off, which is still somewhere around 1.5 years away! I tried some crispy hash browns a while back, and boy was THAT ever a mess to eat! So I will live vicariously through you! Post lots of pics!

Hope you are having a stellar weekend McDougalling away!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:45 am

Oh - I forgot to mention that I too love to listen to Dr. McDougall live. His BIG personality is something else!!! I was disappointed I had to miss the presentation on Wednesday. I need to see if it's up on YT so I can watch it!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:47 am

Sorry for posting so much in your journal!!

I haven't listened much to Dr. Goldhammer, but if this clip is any indication, he definitely "calls it as he sees it!" :lol:

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Sep 04, 2022 8:33 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Sorry for posting so much in your journal!!

I haven't listened much to Dr. Goldhammer, but if this clip is any indication, he definitely "calls it as he sees it!" :lol:

Hey Beth, :)

Thank you so much for posting this link. I did watch twice... I can't argue with the "no BS" approach and mostly thought an impactful clip... I will watch again if and when I need to scold myself... :lol: Totally don't disagree with content... Maybe some people find helpful to implement after boot-camp???

Going to be 100% honest here... I would be terrified if I had to explain myself to him... I think his message is right, but ... I don't know... A bit different than what I meant about Dr. McD.... he was taking on big industry in a big way ... and I am 100% YES YES YES... You GO!!! ... Happy to have interacted with compassionate people with McD program that do not terrify me... :D :-D :) We just all do the best that we can, yes? (Not trying to make excuses... but OMG!)

Post as much on my journal page as you want!!! :-D I am 100% great with that!!! I come back to your other posts later!!! Thank you for being a great peep to know!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Mon Sep 05, 2022 8:34 am

Hi Stephanie! There is "message" and then there is "delivery," right??? :D

Hope you are having a great holiday weekend. We got a bit of cold water thrown on ours. Our other dog (not the one who had the tumor removed - the other one) has an intermittent problem peeing that the vets simply cannot figure out. The best they can come up with so far is "he has psychological problems." :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, yes he sure does but I don't know how or why this affects his peeing! But anyway, when he has these "bouts" it is much easier to manage the situation at our main house rather than the river cabin. So husband and dogs went home last night and I am still here to do the cabin cleaning this morning and then head home. Sigh..... Long way of saying I should be around later!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Sep 06, 2022 8:34 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:Hi Stephanie! There is "message" and then there is "delivery," right??? :D

Hope you are having a great holiday weekend. We got a bit of cold water thrown on ours. Our other dog (not the one who had the tumor removed - the other one) has an intermittent problem peeing that the vets simply cannot figure out. The best they can come up with so far is "he has psychological problems." :lol: :lol: :lol: Well, yes he sure does but I don't know how or why this affects his peeing! But anyway, when he has these "bouts" it is much easier to manage the situation at our main house rather than the river cabin. So husband and dogs went home last night and I am still here to do the cabin cleaning this morning and then head home. Sigh..... Long way of saying I should be around later!

Hey Beth,

My own "bad" that he scares me... Not a bad message (I bet many can benefit from --- and are!!!) . I did share with others --- nice 8 minute clip. Personally, not trying to make excuses... I am pretty high on empathy .... and also, don't want anyone to feel sorry for me... we all walk our own path, but I think (personally) ... we do the best that we can on that one.... I did find it interesting in discussing with others ... considering different perspectives on for instance.... eating in restaurants... So like, I just a couple of weeks ate ago at PF Chang's,,,, understand that there is compliant choice (yes, picked it but, failed MWL with steamed tofu).... but, 100% not thinking to order Ma Po Tofu (OMG, probably a huge fat + sodium fail) OR lettuce wraps (vegan) --- same as other (fail, fat, sodium).... Totally not going to dance with the Pleasure Trap (to the extent that I can control)... Reason = this will just make it harder for me ... but also I am pretty ok with NOT dancing with it (like foods I eat that are "compliant" ... and I kind of hate to say that word because it sounds like I just do what you say, which I do NOT)... I guess ... also pretty happy to see people without considering the food... like, just have fun!!!

Sorry, I expound on the clip... It did "trigger" me a bit due to lack of empathy (again, fine message... delivery = not for me unless I am hoping to walk the plank.... :lol: ) Like, I had a fleeting thought that my "Contingency Plan" if I had "adherence" trials would be to go to True North... HA !!! But, totally, would go with re-do McD 12 Day... But right now, not thinking I need to do this ... but doesn't hurt to have "contingency plan"... :D

I am hoping that you have some progress with doggie "psychological issues"... Cats are notorious for this "bad" psychological issue peeing... So, now I have 2 cats with fastiduous habits... But 100% understand what you are saying... Hope all is better!!!

Hi Journal!!! :-D :) :-)

Have been super happy with my new oatmeal recipe for breakfast... (I do like banana, but not in oatmeal)... It is a 5 minute max thing... 1/2 c. (overflow a bit) old fashioned oatmeal... with 1 c. (scant) water... Like this consistency... Using frozen berries / sweet dark red cherries... Good, not "sickly sweet" that I found with the banana (but nobody said that I should do banana... that was also "my bad")... I stopped pre-loading breakfast and I can eat this in a reasonable time.... and it is super fast and easy !!!

Other best fast thing that I have found... OMG... frozen corn... yes, I have had some corn throughout... BUT... This is a great "starchy" snack... delicious by itself and / or with smashed beans and / or salsa... Seriously, easy and delicious!!! Try it!! :) Seriously!!! Delicious!!!

Going into work tomorrow for the first time (except for COVID shot)... in almost 2.5 years... I am looking forward to seeing so many peeps in person.... Hilarious... I told my boss today that my objectives (which I do set 3 work top priority ones each work day ... so as not to get distracted by huge "to do' list)... that I was going to " 1) figure out the technology (required, but punitive / yuck "to do"... maybe someone will help me!!)... 2) Just walk around and talk to people (have actively scheduled meetings on calendar with no purpose other than to connect in person)... some walking meetings... YAY for that... 3) find out if my access badge works or if not, cure the problem... I am totally missing contact with people in person... but seriously, just now having to ignore COVID thing (thank you, CDC... for setting that standard) .... because to me, nothing has changed in transmission risk in this 2.5 years... (but bet that I am no epidemiologist).... I totally never understood the "magic" in restaurants where you take your mask off are the air-borne virus disappears... but that is just me... (double that down on air travel)...

"Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah
La-la. how their life goes on
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, brah
La-la. how their life goes on"... --- The Beatles (as if you didn't know... :) )

My husband also made me crack up today... It is about the "I Will Survive" / Gloria Gaynor 70's song... So, he went out to lunch today and heard a cover of it...

... Do I have to hear this song everyday?
... If so, can you turn down the volume??
...Does it have to be a cover / crappy singer/ even worse than it is when you play it??

OK... this is :lol: :lol: :lol: to me...

Hope that everyone has a fantastic week!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby Lizzy_F » Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:31 am

OMG GLORIA GAYNOR!!! I love 70's music!!! Bring that disco!! (and also the classic rock!) (yes, I CAN and DO love BOTH! :D :D )

I look forward to hearing what it is like going back to the office after 2.5 years. Sometimes I miss corporate life. (but not TOO often! :lol: )

Stephanie!!!!! I finally made split pea soup the way you make it! OMG! I have to be a bit mindful about "passive overconsumption!!" I LOVE it! I love the addition of smoked paprika. I also realize that cooking legumes on HIGH in the crock pot is the piece I've been mission all these years! Maybe it's just my cheap and old crock pot, but I would try cooking on low....for hours and hours on end... and legumes would still be too hard! Research suggested many things (beans too old? water too hard? something containing salt causting them not to soften?) but NEVER did I see a suggestion of cooking them on HIGH instead of LOW! So now that I know better I can do better! It is so nice to put stuff in the crock pot before bed, and wake up to wonderful smells and DONE food in the morning! So thank you for sharing your recipe - it really is delicious! I ate a big bowl yesterday over steamed cabbage for lunch, and will have that again today!

Next up - sloppy lentils!

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Re: Stephanie's Journal - One Bite at a Time...

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:56 pm

Lizzy_F wrote:OMG GLORIA GAYNOR!!! I love 70's music!!! Bring that disco!! (and also the classic rock!) (yes, I CAN and DO love BOTH! :D :D )

I look forward to hearing what it is like going back to the office after 2.5 years. Sometimes I miss corporate life. (but not TOO often! :lol: )

Stephanie!!!!! I finally made split pea soup the way you make it! OMG! I have to be a bit mindful about "passive overconsumption!!" I LOVE it! I love the addition of smoked paprika. I also realize that cooking legumes on HIGH in the crock pot is the piece I've been mission all these years! Maybe it's just my cheap and old crock pot, but I would try cooking on low....for hours and hours on end... and legumes would still be too hard! Research suggested many things (beans too old? water too hard? something containing salt causting them not to soften?) but NEVER did I see a suggestion of cooking them on HIGH instead of LOW! So now that I know better I can do better! It is so nice to put stuff in the crock pot before bed, and wake up to wonderful smells and DONE food in the morning! So thank you for sharing your recipe - it really is delicious! I ate a big bowl yesterday over steamed cabbage for lunch, and will have that again today!

Next up - sloppy lentils!

Beth! :D :-D :)

I am also loving all kinds of music... All over the board... When you referenced the disco / classic rock thing, reminded me of the "disco demolition" that took place back in the 70's in Comiskey Park... :lol: (maybe this should not be an LOL...)

Glad that you loved the split pea soup. OMG, the smoked paprika is amazing... Also, cool that you found the trick to slow cooking beans. I love to do a pot, finish it do another pot... Also, I do this sometimes before bed (or a soup, etc.) or sometimes first thing in AM. Either way, house smells pretty yummy!!!!

I honestly found going back to the office pretty phenomenal (did I just write that? )... Seriously, I thrive on (at least some) in-person interaction and have for years and years enjoyed at least weekly (but not every day for 2.5 years) work from home day. I had 3 easy goals - all accomplished. A lot of walk and talk, some ping pong, had a couple in person meetings. I volunteered to go in --- to support teamwork and collaboration (and went home in PM to actually do work... HA!). Building is very leanly populated (probably less than 20%)... Lucky to have ability to pick best times to go in where it makes sense .... Like, no reason to go when calendar is full with meetings where nobody else is in building. I am on the Social Committee and we are planning activities each month --- like I am working with the county forest preserve to schedule a community service / litter pick up project for later this month.

Hope that you enjoy the weekend!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose! ... ight-loss/
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