Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

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Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby REWohsnus » Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:43 pm

My take on Coronavirus and Covid-19 is that it is very difficult to understand exactly how one should be approaching this in current times. That said:

1) My family and I have been fully vaccinated and boosted and we realize that these efforts mostly help prevent hospitalization. We're glad we participated in this. Further new variants mean new boosters my understanding is the US population is not 70% vaccinated and many of the vaccinated people have not had a booster. What is helpful and who it is helpful for becomes a bit more difficult to figure out.

2) We social distance and avoid indoor activities and large get togethers.

3) We believe ventilation is helpful and we mask using the recommended mask.

And here we are in 2022 soon going into 2023 and still doing the same things - still in many ways in lock down. Most everyone I know no longer does any of this. Of course, they get covid ... we don't spend time with them and try to connect as best we can.But connecting with people is problematic on a host of levels while we are continuing all these measures.

I had high hopes for this summer, but happen to run (socially distanced, of course ;-) ) into a physician who shared with me that they think what we are doing as a family is fine, they are doing the same thing for now. They believe the covid stat numbers are under-reported.


1) Has Dr. McDougall updated us on his take recently? Maybe I have missed some additional resources. Last I saw on this topic was back in 2020 with his initial video.

2) Are there any helpful resources on this topic?

3) Any one else have any thoughts on this topic?
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby REWohsnus » Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:52 am

I'm bumping just in case there are some thoughtful comments on this topic.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby QubitBob » Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:15 am


My immediate family and I are in exactly the same boat as you. We are following the same safeguards as you, but nearly everyone else seems to have abandoned all--or nearly all--mitigation behaviors. With each passing week I find the waters are getting more muddy and confusing.

As for myself, I plan on getting the booster which has been updated against the specific Omicron variants when it becomes available in my area, and I plan on following my current cautious behavior at least for the next several months.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby Keepyerplantieson » Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:41 am

Same here. Fully vaccinated, with 2 boosters, and definitely will get the omicron booster when it becomes available here for my age group. I think in general people are tired of restrictions and wanting to get back to a more "normal" life and to some extent that works in summer when there are more outdoor activities going on. But as the weather turns cooler and people are spending more time indoors with other people, I think we'll see a resurgence of cases. I plan to continue my usual precautions - avoiding crowded places, wearing a mask when I must be indoors around others, and doing all I can to avoid getting covid. A friend's daughter (probably in her early 30's) had covid early in the pandemic and still suffers from long covid. It's scary. I do not want to get this disease. And if that means continuing to stay home with my e-reader and my dogs, that's fine with me.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby DynoDan » Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:07 am

Amazing. Hundreds still dying everyday in the U.S., yet virtually no one is wearing a mask anymore. Those that ordinarily would, are intimidated for fear of being conspicuous. The public now considers covid to be like flu, where merely an annual booster shot will suffice. They forget that influenza seldom results in long-term complications.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:34 pm

I'm still wearing a mask indoors in public and outdoors in crowded places (which I mostly avoid). When I do gather, it's with people I know have been vaccinated. Recently went to plays in Ashland, OR, and we all had to wear masks and show vaccination cards in order to be admitted to the theaters.

We belong to several dance groups. Our tango group requires proof of vaccinations and masks. Our English Country Dance group requires vaccination cards, masks AND testing within two hours of entry. This is because one member is undergoing chemotherapy. Swing dance club has no such requirement, so we don't go.

My husband is an extra in the SF Opera and must test every time he enters the opera house and wear a mask except when he is actually on stage. A friend who designs costumes for Broadway plays must test every day she enters the theater. No exceptions.

These are people I know and trust. The general public--not so much.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby pundit999 » Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:07 am

I have had four doses of the moderna vaccine.
My wife three of Pfizer.
We have given up trying to mask. We only mask up when flying.
My wife has to go to work daily and is exposed to hundreds without mask. she still wears one at work.
We have both avoided the virus until now.
All our friends are living normal lives . No mask etc.
And lots of get togethers with people indoors, singing talking etc.
We are just lucky or have had covid but don’t know.
Or this diet has made us immune, Not! Lol
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby michaelswarm » Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:19 am

I rarely if ever get sick. Have adhered to McDougall over a decade now. No vaccines. No masks. Covid went through our family over the last 2 weeks. 1 kid had 3 days of fevers. I had 4 days. After we recovered, another kid got 3 days of fever. We’re over it now.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby landog » Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:51 pm

I just got my 5th booster.
I mask in stores and malls.
Like you, I avoid indoor activities and large get togethers.

I'm going on a couple of trips soon. I'm driving - airline travel doesn't appeal to me.

I'm unsure if I ever had Covid - maybe I had mild case?

I have an adult son with disabilities who lives in a group home. When he had Covid symptoms last winter (fever of 105), I was the one who took him to the ER - it was crowded, and we waited for 5 hours in a jammed packed waiting room. I was pretty sure that I would have caught it then. I felt achy and tired for a few days afterwards, but tested negative. I still quarantined (over Christmas).

I work mostly work from home, but go in to the office once a week.
My employer mandated vaccinations and mandates masks when the county level of transmission is high.

So, yeah - more of the same heading into 2023.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby haze5736 » Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:52 am

It surprises me every time I see a discussion about covid on this forum. Every other topic is discussed based on fact and solid scientific evidence. Evidence based on high quality scientific studies. Where are all those kinds of studies related to covid? Somehow for covid that all went out the window. There is no solid scientific evidence for continued boosters, masks or isolation. On the contrary, there is solid scientific evidence that shows lockdowns cause more harm than good. I also read somewhere that the most recent booster recommendation was based on a study of 8-12 mice in a lab. No human trials. How effective are additional boosters? Boosters are created based on strains of the virus that have already spread through the population. The worst part is that public debate on the topic has been pretty much shut down. In the end, everyone needs to do what they think is best for them and their family. Everyone needs to do their own risk/benefit analysis. For some that will probably result in boosters and testing and masks and isolation. For others it may result in doing nothing. And for others it may be somewhere in between.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby openmind » Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:58 am

I took the vaccine (two doses + a booster) and have had COVID once. I am pretty much going about my business as if COVID doesn't exist; although that will probably change in the winter and I will mask up when in crowded places. I do not plan to get any more boosters but reserve the right to change my mind on that.
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby openmind » Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:06 am

haze5736 wrote:It surprises me every time I see a discussion about covid on this forum. Every other topic is discussed based on fact and solid scientific evidence. Evidence based on high quality scientific studies. Where are all those kinds of studies related to covid? Somehow for covid that all went out the window. There is no solid scientific evidence for continued boosters, masks or isolation. On the contrary, there is solid scientific evidence that shows lockdowns cause more harm than good. I also read somewhere that the most recent booster recommendation was based on a study of 8-12 mice in a lab. No human trials. How effective are additional boosters? Boosters are created based on strains of the virus that have already spread through the population. The worst part is that public debate on the topic has been pretty much shut down. In the end, everyone needs to do what they think is best for them and their family. Everyone needs to do their own risk/benefit analysis. For some that will probably result in boosters and testing and masks and isolation. For others it may result in doing nothing. And for others it may be somewhere in between.

At this point, I don't hear much public debate. Most of us have gone on with our lives. Unfortunately, a lot of people are still dying every day, but it seems that is going to happen no matter what we do. There is no support anymore for restrictions. If a deadly new strain starts going around, that could change, but otherwise I expect COVID will be just a bad memory for most (for the record, I personally enjoyed the lockdowns because I'm a natural introvert. But I realize a lot of people were hurt by them too.)
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby jay kaye » Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:42 pm

I had all 4 Moderna shots/booster. I thought I was safe, until I got Covid/Omicron in early August.

Yes, the symptoms were very mild, no more than a slight cold for 3 days. But on day 2 I woke up and couldn't walk. I was in terrific back pain. I could barely make it to the bathroom. I went to my Chiro, my GP and even an Ortho surgeon. All agreed that the Covid cytokine had affected the nerves in my lower back. They said that studies show about 20% of people end up with back problems. I had had some back issues over the years and Covid seems to have made it much worse. I have been going to Physical Therapy now twice a week. I can now walk unassisted 50-75 feet until the pain and radiculopathy puts me down.

My point is; Covid can be much more than a mild cold.

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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby MINNIE » Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:28 pm

I see no reason as yet for me to let up on being careful. It isn't causing me any hardship, and I feel it's socially responsible to do so.

In the city and county where I live, many people observed all protocols as well as they could and have been fully vaccinated. On the other hand, many did not and have never been vaccinated.
That was their choice which they were free to make, and it's my choice to avoid close contact with them as much as possible.

I still do not to go to large crowded events. I use a mask on public transportation, when shopping, in a public library or any other crowded indoor location.

I have the option to work at home, with occasional in-office days in a workplace where everyone has been vaccinated/boosted. We have agreed that if a co-worker requests it, we will mask when working in their vicinity. Again - no hardship in that, and it shows respect for others.

(One of my co-workers has long-haul Covid, and the pandemic isn't over yet for him and others like him).

Fortunately, masking is not a problem around here, and I don't stand out much when I do it.

I live and work in a neighborhood that's close to several hospitals and many clinics. The med students and hospital professionals do seem to be still using masks in public places, even when nobody else does.

I am currently waiting for my HMO to get the newest Moderna booster, which my doctor has advised me to have.

As with McDougalling, I am doing what I think is best for me, and won't preach, harangue or try to convert others to my viewpoint.

Whatever you choose, good luck and good health to all:).
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Re: Current take on how to handle Covid-19 in Aug 2022?

Postby Drew_ab » Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:17 pm

To the OP, it is interesting you should ask about if Dr. McDougall has any commentary on this as of late - to my knowledge he doesn't, but he was initially fairly cautious in how to handle COVID, along with his wife Mary. It is interesting that many of the doctors in this community made extensive commentary (or at least some commentary that is on the public record) in the earlier day of the pandemic, but at this point that seems to have gone silent. Perhaps this speaks to the idea of "moving on" or at least "finding a new normal."

Personally, I have had 4 shots of Pfizer over the course of the pandemic and will get the bivalent vaccine when I am eligible in my area in about 2-4 months time. I no longer wear a mask and virtually no one in my social circle does either. I would say 1-3% of community members in my area where a mask. When I am at medical facilities or similar places like a dental office, optometrist office, or getting bloodwork, I will wear a mask of courtesy/respect for those at those places. If I were to get sick, I would stay home for a chunk of time and wear a mask for a few days in public thereafter, regardless of it was COVID or not. Having said that, I rarely get sick with anything flu/cold related - there is no doubt that following a healthy WOE and lifestyle has had a lot to do with that.

Concerts, professional sporting events, weddings, and birthdays are all on the table for me. At this point I don't have any reason to avoid these, but I can certainly imagine there are those that do for a variety of reasons and I respect that. Sadly, people in my area do die regularly from COVID most days. And what is even sadder is that almost all of them have multiple comorbidities, most of which would be preventable with a better lifestyle - to me, that is one the bigger tragedies in this pandemic.
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