Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Oct 25, 2022 6:36 pm

Hi Heidi, :D :-D :)

So, hoping that your pain goes away soon. Sorry that you thought ok and then not... Just hang in!!!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:59 pm

Okay I'm in my fourth week here, and things are slowly starting to be better. I walked all the way to the (nearest) corner of my street this morning (five doors) It was SO nice. The air smells like fall, there was a nice cool wind, lots of leaves on the ground, some fluffy clouds in the sky. It felt REALLY good to get out, to walk a little distance...it's very different from walking back and forth in my house LOL.

Thankful for this healthy way of eating...I know it is helping a lot with the inflammation. I'm finding that I'm satiated sooner these days as well. A single serving seems to be doing the trick with each meal. I sometimes have a snack between, and TBH that's where the incompatible foods can sneak in.

Post op depression is a thing. The fight is on! I work hard to stay positive and keep my goals in mind. Otherwise, I just feel old and fat and tired. Fear that I'm old now and will never be able to enjoy anything ever again. Ugh. It's not a good head space.

Also, I'm SICK OF TV, sick of YouTube true crime videos, sick of sitting on my ass. Which is why it DID feel so good to take that walk. I'll do it again tomorrow :)

Meanwhile, my leave is in pending status which means I haven't seen any disability money in my account. And I haven't worked in three weeks so there's no regular paycheck coming, either. AND I haven't heard anything from the manager of my leave. They requested confirmation that the surgery took place, which I called and the dr's office (they had already sent, two weeks prior to the surgery) and they sent it again. Faxed it.

I emailed my leave manager, who informed me that another agent had been assigned, who has never contacted me about anything. Well I sent that email on Friday and didn't expect to hear back until today (Monday) but i DID expect to hear SOMETHING today. It's a business day. Surely my "new agent" has checked for that fax? but there's been no word back from her. I left a VM message with the former agent, because my current agent hasn't contacted me with her extension or anything. If my new agent can't call me back, then maybe the previous one can at least call to let me know what's going on.


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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:14 pm

Hi Heidi!!! :)

I am so sorry that you are having this situation to deal with... both the pain, etc. and your work situation. Hoping things are resolved shortly and that you are back on your feet to feeling great!!!

You are such a constant and positive presence here on the forum. So glad to see your post... Hang in there... things are bound to get better, yes???


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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:40 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Heidi!!! :)

I am so sorry that you are having this situation to deal with... both the pain, etc. and your work situation. Hoping things are resolved shortly and that you are back on your feet to feeling great!!!

You are such a constant and positive presence here on the forum. So glad to see your post... Hang in there... things are bound to get better, yes???



Aww Stephanie, you're the best!

I actually sat down last week and had a bit of a post in progress but forgot to submist it LOL

Well Thanksgiving is behind me, where I did have a piece of dark meat to prove I'm not a vegan :lol: and also got McDougall's Revenge because I had some of my mom's world class clam dip which main ingredient is cream cheese. MISTAKE. Ugh. Also had some pecan pie which is right off plan, innit? But eating back to normal really fast after the holiday.

I think the underlying issue for everything right now is lack of deep sleep. I'm sleeping every night...like, no flat out insomnia...but tossing and turning a lot and pretty sure I'm not getting much deep sleep at all. I need to fix that. Wylie suggested satin pj bottoms, to make it easier to turn over in bed. I wore them last night and it is easier to turn over but I still woke up at 2:00 am and moved to the couch recliner. My sleep app/apple watch tells me that I got 7 hrs. 26 minutes last night.

Whatever. Supposedly 4% of that was deep sleep, and that's what it looks like for many weeks now. Minimal deep sleep since my first surgery at the end of June. SO...now to figure out how to get there, right? I gotta get that figured out, because it's making everything less happy. Depression, fatigue, irritability. Googling it reveals that binaural delta music helps. I'm going to try that before adding melatonin to my regimen. Don't want to take supplements. But I do want to feel rested when I wake up, and that isn't happening.

Binaural beats it is. Let's give it a try, eh?

Post surgery, six week mark for my right leg. Doing okay. I've got this habit of saying "woo hoo! having a marvelous day, let's max out the exercises and take the stairs a half dozen times! woot!" and then paying for it the next day or two. This is something they told me could happen, and if I overdo, to rest the next day...so I rested for a couple of days after T'giving and am still on half shifts at my job. Tomorrow is my six week check up and we'll see what the doc says.

Still eating only til satiated, and mostly not nibbling between meals. Eating on plan, though processed might creep in now and then in the form of bread or pasta. Hopefully I'll have the gumption to do kitchen stuff and make some soup this weekend.

REALLY ready to have this all behind me as a dim memory ;) taking my walks and doing my stuff with no issues. Won't that be nice!

Oh...update on the leave thing. Finally the case worker for my leave claim did find that documentation (she was able to look for it in the morning, but didn't do so again on the day that it came in) and I got a lump sum amount in a check. Mailed to me. Now I'm waiting to find out if the request for half shifts came through. I had the dr office email it directly to her so she didn't have to go to the trouble of checking the faxes. :roll: I've emailed her twice to find out if she got the paperwork, and no reply. SMH

anyway. I'll be back to working full shifts soon and won't have to worry about leave pay or any other thing, AND I found out the my employer is dropping the current leave management agency and going with a different one. Hopefully they'll do better.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:06 am

Welp, I seem to have turned a corner. I'm going without my crutch indoors, including on the stairs. Walking overall normal, though getting up after a while of sitting is pretty bad yet. But it only takes like three steps to get back to a more normal gait. Still using grocery store scooters, but I think the next venture there, I'll try with just the "grocery store walker" (aka push cart).

My mental energy is hella better, as well. After feeling so fantastic on Saturday and overdoing it...hey, my sis was in town and haven't seen her for a year, and I was happy about that and feeling strong so I overdid...well, on Sunday sure enough my knee was telling me about it and I said "suck it up, buttercup" still feeling SO happy about the energy to enjoy dinner and a long visit with my siblings and their spouses. A major about face from former "setbacks" where I'd sit and feel sorry for myself. This time, I iced and elevated, and took a freaking Tramadol for the pain. Without griping.

Still pretty much sleep deprived. Gotta figure that out, seriously,

In other news: got a promotion at work :) Moving to Team Lead position, which does include a pay raise :nod: I'm expecting the offer letter today or tomorrow and I have to keep it to myself with my coworkers until the official announcement which is some time this week for sure. My shift will change. Instead of being to work by 6 am, I will STAY on shift until 6 pm which means starting in the mornings at 9 am instead of 6 am. I kinda like that. It means having plenty of time after waking up to enjoy some extended quiet time without having to hustle right away. Getting off work that late? Maybe not perfect, but I VERY rarely have anything to do in the evenings so I'm not too worried. Once in a while, say we go camping or want to do a road trip, which usually means leaving earlier in the day...we'll cross those bridges when we come to them.

I told myself and Wylie that I would quit the PT job if I got the promotion, and that was the actual second thing I did, after telling my family that I got it :) Didn't do a two weeks notice. Just emailed my supervisor at that job that I would no longer be able to work for them. Haven't seen anything back *shrug*

Anyway. Looks like possibly I didn't completely ruin my life by having these surgeries done, and looking forward to getting active again. Nice long walks, gym time, etc.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Matcha » Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:20 pm

Good to hear you are doing well.
Always wonderful to see family!
Woo Hoo promotion!
They need you! You are valued!!
Great way to finish the year positive
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:34 pm

Hey Heidi!!! :-D :D

Was super happy to read your post!!!

Thrilled for you that you have promotion, feeling better, etc.!!!

YAY!!!! OMG, YAY!!! :D

Wishing you the best,
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Anna Green » Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:39 am

Hi. Congrats on all the levels..healing, promotion, mood, and all your persistence! When you get to the river....give us a pic?
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:43 am

hey there Gang!

Thanks for dropping by yall.

I'm just stopping quickly to drop a note. Not much to comment on, due to real Pleasure Trap eating for the past week. I've kept an eye on the scale and have not gained weight which is good considering the rich foods I've indulged in. I'm doing the utter typical routine of "well, it isn't the first of the year yet, so I gonna eat whatever I want. I'll get back to serious on 1/1/23."

which it is, today. Going to make Not Chicken Soup today and start a loaf of no-knead artisan crusty bread :nod: that will be ready to cook and eat tomorrow. I still have some of my McDougall soups on the shelf, and there's sweet potatoes in the pantry waiting to be made into Moroccan Sweet Potato Stew.

I'll get back into the swing of things.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby frozenveg » Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:25 pm

Hi, Buns (Heidi)! I just thought I'd stop by & say hi! I am here to cheer you on--I have been having waa-aay too many trip into the Pleasure Trap this past few weeks, and I will join you in getting back into the swing of things. Here's to a healthy & happy 2023!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:54 pm

Happy New Year, Heidi!!! :D

Your soup sounds yummy!!!

Come back out of that drasted Pleasure Trap!!! :)

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:10 am

Oh my goodness, it's been this long REALLY?

Well, I've been floundering in the Pleasure Trap. Huh. Not really floundering, more like floating along on a puddle of melted butter caramel with sea salt. Or digging through a hillock of french fries. Etc. I'm sure many here know THAT drill.

and it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit anymore :lol: JK, however, there is one pair that was snug which is now VERY snug and I've got to turn it around this is ridiculous.

This week I've had several "no added fat" days, and feel really good about that. I was buttering everything except the cat. Also had some weird snacky melted cheese episodes. Mayo on my not-burger-with-the-works. Etc. But this week I stopped all that and made it my daily goal not to add butter OR mayo OR ANY refined fats to ANYTHING. Which I've done every day but Sunday. Went out to brekkie with a friend and had pancakes and didn't request no butter.

Which brings up another stupidity: highly processed foods. Gotta get away from those, as well. Restaurant pancakes with no butter is still restaurant pancakes, eh?

Knees are better than they were, but not great yet. I realized recently (as I was going into the gym! to work out!) that I am no longer heavily limping. I'm walking slow, and my leg muscles tire out quicker, but my walking is a lot steadier. Also, I'm sleeping just a bit more at night than I was.

Depression has been a steady mild to moderate pall over my head. Nothing super dark and heavy, but enough blah and plenty of meh to make a downward difference. Gratitude is the cure! It doesn't make depression go away, but it reminds me I have reason to believe that life is good. Hope?

Here's to another day free of added fats!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Mar 10, 2023 3:18 pm

Walked for five minutes outside during lunch today. My legs get tired easily, and I have to focus on standing upright, not slanted forward. I'll probably have to work my core...though it is my strongest system. I can do 100 crunches at 70 lbs and it will quickly build up to 90 lbs. I do them 25 at a time on a crunch machine, and may graduate to more intense some day. Hug a weight and do sit ups hahahaha.

Today's Food choices have been good. Meusli and Grape Nutes w. apple juice and blue berries for breakfast. A not-burger with the works on whole wheat bread (Dave's is good. No added oils). For dinner prolly a salad, as we will be on the road going up to my bro's place in the country. They are planning a casserole and using eggplant for my portion. I'll be careful with my choices, but I anticipate there being some junk food around the place.

This is three days in a row with no added fats :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:58 pm

Hi Heidi! :-D

Great to see you!!!

Glad that your knees are healing... sounds like you are doing incredible!!!

Love how you are eliminating the oils!!! :-D

Wishing you an amazing weekend!
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:12 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Heidi! :-D

Great to see you!!!

Glad that your knees are healing... sounds like you are doing incredible!!!

Love how you are eliminating the oils!!! :-D

Wishing you an amazing weekend!

Hi Stephanie!

Thanks for dropping by.

The weekend was really good, but it being cold out I didn't go for any walks. My eating was actually okay. There was fat in the foods :( and I had a couple of snacky things...cookies, a roll with peanut butter...but I did okay. Better than usual with that group LOL And getting away broke through the fine mist of depression that was on me. I'm feeling much more energized than I was.

Today breakfast was Meusli and GrapeNuts, blueberries, oat milk. My stomach thanks me.
Lunch: A big salad
Dinner: Barley soup ? or something.

I'm feeling strong enough to be doing more cooking again. It's time to big batch it on a few recipes and get my freezer stocked again. Exercise: will take a five minutes walk during both of my breaks. There are birds singing this morning. It will be nice to get out there and walk among them. LOL
Also will do 10 minutes on my little foot pedal/bike thingy. Maybe a seated sun salutation...Elevate offers it at my job. Mmmm stretching those muscles just sounds good, doesn't it? I will do that during my lunch break.

When I get off work I'mma do a batch of Moroccan Sweet Potato Stew :nod: for my first big batch. I have all the ingredients in the house so no excuses! I also have everything I need to do my beloved Thai Curried Rice...that's tomorrow's project. Big batch it, freeze portions. Yep. Also want to do Not-Chicken-Soup. That will be a big step in the right direction.

Ooh, Farmer's Markets will be opening up soon! I can probably do some of that on a weekend here and there. Yeah, I'm in a better place this spring than I was last year at this time. I'm no longer limping heavily on my left side; my walking is getting better...standing isn't great, and my legs get tired pretty fast, but I expect that to improve.

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