Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:01 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga
5) morningwalk every day

Into my second week following these daily goals. This morning I added chair yoga to my routine. I mean, I've done regular yoga and it will kick your butt the first couple of times, and the same is true of chair yoga. My hips are ALL stretched out! :lol: And I think I'm done adding daily goals for a while. It's surprising how much better you feel just getting up and moving around for one minute every hour.

Took a walk which was nice. It'll be even better when my heart rate doesn't go up to 140 from walking on level ground for 10 minutes. :shock:

I think I'm gonna like the yoga. It's on an app called Yoga-Go, and it has this robot voice describing the poses as you go. It's strange, because in my experience the instructor is saying things like "breathe into the lower back" or some such. Or even just "let your sit bones sink into the supporting chair" :lol: But it's a 30 minute workout, doable on my couch, and not horrible. I have a one month trial and I'll give it a go. It's gonna feel good having my spine energized.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:04 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga
5) morning walk every day

Okay, it's been a week or so. I'm eating pretty good, close to full compliance. Not adding fat, but I have had nuts a couple of times and added avocado to my salad yesterday, etc.
My mental imagery is good, as well. Some days are a bit more detailed than others.
Yoga...I did that one morning. Once. And my husband teased me/bothered me (poke in the butt while doing a down dog, etc) so I'm not sure how I'm going to do it. Not with him around. (which brings up my increasing NEED to have a few days of alone time. Seriously...I love him dearly, he is my other half and I don't know what I'd do without him but PLEASE can I have some alone time? PLEAZZZZZE? )

Walking is okay. I slept in yesterday but otherwise I'm on it. Only 10 minutes, but it's better than nothing.

BUT the one thing that is consistent, that I am doing every single day, is getting up every hour for a minute or two. I am loving it! I feel energized and more relaxed. The little aches that come from prolonged sitting start bugging me at about the 40 minute mark :) so that's my daily goal that I'm doing the best at and most consistent.

All are combining for an uplifted interior. Depression was really getting me, and that's pretty much gone. My attitude is wonderful. Today I am jonesing for a regular baked sweet potato and broccoli. Maybe that for dinner, because I found a curry recipe on Well Your World that I want to do for lunch. Can't wait to try it and see how it tastes.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:11 pm

Hi Heidi! :)

Awesome that you are feeling better emotionally and physically!! It's the food!!! :)

Do you go camping soon?? If so, hope you have a great time!

Let us know how the curry recipe turns out!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:03 am

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi Heidi! :)

Awesome that you are feeling better emotionally and physically!! It's the food!!! :)

Do you go camping soon?? If so, hope you have a great time!

Let us know how the curry recipe turns out!


Hey Stephanie! Thanks for dropping by.

Yeah, we went for a day trip, one nighter up to a little resort in Idaho called Lava Hot Springs. I have a lifelong friend up there and two of her kids. Wylie had a relative celebrating 91 birthday in Pocatello, not too far from Lava so we went and wished him a happy bday, then spent time with my friend. We had an amazing time! A lot of walking, including little bits of uphill which I don't get on my morning walks. Spent the afternoon at a nearby reservoir, splashing around in the water, enjoying a shady spot. Had some potato chips while we were there. Also enjoyed watermelon.

Also, someone I met in Lava Hot Springs. She is the manager of the little hostel that my friend's kids run, and she's a large gal. Same size as me (I borrowed some shorts for the lake)...anyway, when we got there, she was there in all her glory: a bright colorful bikini under a sheer cover up. And she's rotund. Has cellulite on her thighs. And not trying to hide it. When she went and changed, she was wearing a tube top jumper kind of thing, with a halter looking upper, and short-shorts on the bottom. So stinking cute! I've never seen the like...a fat girl not shamefully trying to hide the bumps and bulges, but just being herself. I want to be more like her, AND lose weight.

We're going to be up in McCall Idaho in August, and taking a week on our way home camping along the way. The pop-up is kind of a lot of work, as it is older and nothing moves freely/glides. We do a lot of propping and yanking AND in the heat it really drains us. Wylie especially. It wore him out. So we are shopping for a small camper trailer that doesn't take so much effort to set up and break down.

It is the food, isn't it? What a difference it makes :) Yoga also is highly energizing.

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga
5) morning walk every day

I bolded the daily goals that I've been 100% consistent with. Fat free...I haven't added any refined fats, but I'm still having avocado now and then or some nuts here and there. I'll get over that, I'm sure. And over the weekend I didn't do yoga, but I plan on picking that up again. I just need to get out of bed in the morning and do it :nod: Avoid the old man and his pokey, teasing ways.

One thing I've added to my daily visualizations is gratitude to my body for being so efficient and storing extra energy so well. Gratitude for all of it: the thicc thighs, the belly "apron", the large upper arms. I think this is valuable in resetting myself to a place where my body will let go of the fat. Of course I understand that my mindset changes my behavior and it's my behavior that makes the real difference in reaching my goals.

Today I had a couple of errands to run and I parked AT THE FAR END OF THE LOT at every place where I stopped! Just like I used to do before I hurt my knees! So yeah, I'm getting it back. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:57 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga
5) morningwalk every day

the two bolded items are what I am doing every day, consistently. I have a good chair yoga routine that I enjoy and have done a couple of times. Walking...I think it's how extremely tired my thighs are after just a block, you know? Makes walking not enjoyable at all :( :\

Made bread yesterday and had butter on it. Today I toasted a slice and buttered it, so the "fat free" went out the window for a day. I'll get back on track with that.

However, I am still getting up and moving around every hour, and my daily meditation/visualization is extremely good. I love it.

Eating my greens, my starches, my beans. :nod: But need to kick the added fat to the curb.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:44 pm

Hi Heidi, :D

Hope you are having a great week!

Greens, beans, and starches sound good!! I am eating a Mexican themed salad every day and it is delicious (with greens, beans, brown rice, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, salsa)!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:08 am

Thanks for the kind words, Stephanie :) It was a good week, but seemed long LOL but also, the weekend was nice and lengthy as well.

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga
5) morningwalk every day

Back to good again, with the added fats.

My knees have been killing me, starting about 5:00 this morning, I guess? At any rate, at 6:00 I woke up and whimpered my way to the bathroom for my morning meds...when I grabbed my meloxicam (anti-inflammatory) a pill flew out. Lemme splain.

When I take my morning meds, I open the meloxicam. I have the lid set up to screw on, rather than child proof, and it forms a little cup. I put the pills in there: meloxicam, two tylenol, a SAM-e. I also take a Shaklee green super food (alfalfa) supplement, which I started 10 years ago or so and it's a habit and I just take it. Don't come after me LOL. Greens are good for your telomeres ;) and I do also eat spinach several times a week, and have a humongous salad for a meal three or four times a week, etc. I eat my leafy greens, AND I take my Shaklee.

Anywayzzzzz, when I take my pills in the morning, I compile them in the cap of the meloxicam, pour a little water, and then dump them in my hand. And this morning there was a pill in there. Wylie pointed out if the meloxicam was still in there then I didn't get it yesterday, hence my painful knees. *sigh* Wylie pointed out that if there was the slightest moisture inside the cap, a pill could stick. I guess that's legit. I've had the meloxicam stick to my hand.

So I took it and now it's a little bit better but I can tell I didn't sleep that well last night. I didn't do the chair yoga this morning, so I'll get on it during my lunch break. I started that up since my last post here, and it does feel SO good. I'm not going to stop that.

Fighting depression a little bit, with being so fat and my knee pain today, and also mirroring some of Wylie's downer energy. It gets tiring, guarding my own energy all the time. But it's okay...Wylie is worth it. I wish he wasn't so down and miserable, but he keeps going and does the right thing and is kind and good. I know to let him be when a down mood is on him, but OTOH the other night after a spat, I scooted over on the couch and sat next to him and watched a movie with him. It didn't matter who was right or wrong, it just needed companionship and quietness to fix it.

I'm looking forward to when a morning walk is my norm, and I get up, get dressed, and get out the door first thing, like I used to. Here's to one step at a time!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:17 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga

5) morning walk every day

So, the stand up and move every hour...I'm still doing it, but I ditched my Apple Watch, because it was so random. If I put on and tied my shoes, it gave me "credit" for standing that hour, yet if I got up and marched around the house or stood and stretched for a few minutes, it wouldn't show...so phooey on it. The watchband also is made of a synthetic something that doesn't breathe, so I would get an odor from it. I wiped it down with rubbing alcohol daily, but it still got this stench so I just turned it off and put it in my jewelry box. I'll still stand up every hour.

Enjoying the daily chair yoga A LOT. Starting to do some of it standing. It just feels good. Amazing how good your body feels from just stretching and twisting a bit.

Food is good. I'm eating til satiated and avoiding refined anything. I want to get my jones back for potatoes LOL but I never lost my love for sweet potatoes and am eating those. Today I roasted a butternut squash and will have it on the side with my lunch... Thai Curried Rice :nod:

At work I am a Team Lead and today I had to "instruct" if that's the right word about the correct procedure for something. A coworker asked should she email or submit a ticket? I didn't even know you COULD email about this, but the ticket gives everyone on the team something to see if the person calls in asking for an update, so I told her to submit a ticket rather than emailing.

It's crazy how NERVOUS that made me. What the hey? My co-worker is a kind lady who just asked what is best, ticket or email? And I took 10 minutes figuring out the easiest way to let her know. Like...I don't want to hurt her feelings....how can I tell her this without TELLING her what to do?

:| :? :shock:

anyway, I guess I'm finding out what it means to have somewhat of a leadership role at work. Anxiety STILL right up there, half an hour after getting it settled. Honestly. I guess this is what being a people pleaser feels like. Ugh.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:30 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga

5) morningwalk every day

Still not walking every day, but I'm feeling so good with the yoga (and btw not all chair yoga anymore. TBH I'm using the chair for balance more than anything, as I am standing for most of my daily routines)

My habit of envisioning myself thin is coming in handy, as stress has skyrocketed in my home. You can see the little sampler I have posted.

We rent from my mom, having redone the basement, added a bathroom, carpeted and put up walls, etc. We share the kitchen with her, but we have our own space. BUT my mom drives Wylie nuts. She is nosy and interfering, shallow, gossipy, disorganized...she is also sweet and kind, generous, optimistic, friendly. She is not evil, not conniving, not manipulative or anything like that, but she can be super irritating. And Wylie agrees with all of this, including her good side, but her strong desire for attention and inability to just watch without putting her two cents in starting getting on his nerves while we were still measuring where the walls were going to go in the new bathroom, five years ago. And it hasn't gotten better since we moved in, October 2018.

The main thing for me is her stubborn unwillingness to wear her hearing aids. She is literally handicapping herself, leaving them out on purpose JUST BECAUSE WE ASK HER TO WEAR THEM. And that infuriates me. So things are stressful here pretty much all the time and I'm done with it. I'm in my early 60's, my mom is in her mid 80's and I was going to be her in-house support as she got more frail. But that's not going to happen. I can't live like this for the next 20 years or however long she lives (her aim is to hit 100) (good luck with that, since you're DESTROYING YOUR BRAIN by NOT WEARING YOUR HEARING AIDS)

We told her we are not going to repeat ourselves if she isn't wearing them, and Wylie won't even talk to her. It's just miserable.

Anyway, they say that if a person bothers you, soon you see everything they do as offensive, hence the sampler with that pithy saying ;) and after last night's spat about THE HEARING AIDS, I decided after copious tears and inability to fall asleep...we're moving. We'll try and find a place close by so we can arrive quickly if she needs us, but we can't live with her.

And I got thinking...she has had other family living here over the years since my dad died. My son and his family were here for six years, and things got REALLY stressful and quite ugly with shouting matches, slap fests, broken dishes (on her, not on him or his family) until my siblings and I stepped in and told her she had to get them out of the house. A 30 something man and his wife and kids need their own place.
Another relative lived here briefly, and when they moved their partner in, it was a matter of a month before the partner said "We can't live here. She is too much" and they moved.

God knows I don't want to move, but I just can't anymore. The stress is too much.

and God knows I am grateful for my regular habit of being in myself, breathing out the stress and breathing in the good energy... the stretch and lift that yoga brings, the mental strength and courage I'm gaining by seeing myself thin and fit. And grateful for the habit of eating amazing healthy food every day. Heaven help me...I think we're going to aim for early next year, possibly in the spring once snow melts and temperatures are bearable. We are going to downsize MAJORLY.

Anyway, happy Monday :) What a weekend

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:14 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga

5) morningwalk every day

Okay, things have come down from the other day. It was a stressful day, but Wylie and I reconciled that night and he and my mom apologized the next morning. I might have got something across to her actually, the next day. A meter reader came to the door and she had to ask him to come closer so she could hear him. Well, when I asked her...again...to put in her hearing aids, she was making excuses and I said "You say you don't want to be a feeble old lady, but when you have to ask someone to come closer because you can't hear him, you sound JUST LIKE a feeble, elderly, disabled person." I think she wore them that day, but she's never gotten into the habit and I know she doesn't have them in today. The fact is, if you are hard of hearing and you don't wear your hearing aids, you are actually allowing your brain to atrophy. As in, not be usable anymore. As in, INCAPABLE of taking in data. Dead. Useless. She is making herself more dependent because of her flat out refusal to wear her hearing aids.

And that will be enough. It is like a roller coaster around here but currently things are mellow. Wylie and I talked about it, and moving isn't an option. Dammit. And YAY because I honestly do not want to move. I just have to figure out how to distance myself from the emotional stress when these two actual control freaks butt heads. Yes, I have a controlling mother and a controlling husband. Neither one is dangerously so, they just both want things their way. Period. And me in the middle saying "whatever floats your boat"

Found some good chair yoga on YouTube, which is a bit more challenging than the app I paid $15 for a one month trial. pft. Don't do that, by the way. Pay for something that you can get for free elsewhere. So today I started with a Chair Yoga for Weight Loss routine. The person whose channel it is lost 120 lbs and part of his success started out on a chair doing yoga. :nod:

I was able to do about half on my feet, but I was grateful for a chair. It was a real challenge and I feel fantastic! I worked up a sweat and elevated my heart rate. FTW!

Food is good. I'm getting slowly back to simple humble food and changing my tastebuds. Yesterday's lunch was a pile of hashbrowns with some stir fry vegs on top, and a touch of bbq sauce. YUM!

Stepped on the scale yesterday and I'm down 7 lbs in two weeks :) THAT feels good even though it's water weight.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Tue Aug 22, 2023 7:19 pm

Hi Heidi, :D

Hope you are doing great! Your hash browns with veggies and BBQ sauce sounds pretty delicious!!!

Way to go with the yoga. Forward progress!!

Take care,
I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:01 am

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga

Going strong. Yoga is making a huge difference. I feel SO good. Eating is pretty good...needs some honing for sure, as I am still having chocolate every few days and I found a hard candy that I like a lot and need to be careful with that.

I am enjoying a huge salad every day and found out something interesting: salad keeps me satiated longer than say oatmeal. I was surprised to discover this. Now I have enjoyed soups more than salads, due to not being able to find a fat free salad dressing that I like, but Walden Farms has a variety of fat free so...salads it is. :nod:

My mom got a new pair of glasses. They are trifocals and she has been saying for a long time "I need to get glasses that I wear all day long, so I don't put them down and lose them" (because that is the fate of every pair of reading glasses that she owns)...Well, they're trifocals and that can be a big adjustment for your eyes...but your eyes DO adjust.


You guessed it. Her new $400 glasses are sitting next to her $4000 hearing aids, neither one being used. And I give up. Be blind. Be deaf. Spend all kinds of money to help you retain your independence and never use the expensive assistants you have bought. Let your brain literally stop working due to lack of sensory input. I'll sit back and watch. Ain't gonna stress over it no more.

We're getting ready to go camping for a week, and I'm excited! I made sure we packed a 5# of potatoes and are bringing onions and frozen hashbrowns, salad ingredients, and stuff I can eat. There will be pancakes made from refined pancake mix a couple of mornings and my sis is vegan so there's going to be some processed vegan substitutes. Oh well. We also are taking oatmeal and fruit, corn on the cob, raw almonds, some pistachios. Whole foods at any rate.

I'm looking forward to extended time outdoors. We leave early Friday morning the 25th and aim to be back home on Sept 2. Then a day or two off (Labor Day) and back to work on 9/5/2023. I expect to be thoroughly worn out and happy at the end.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:00 am

Back from camping, about a week ago. My sister and her hubby, along with friends of theirs, co-own a 10 acre lot in McCall, ID. It's loaded with evergreens, including larches which are so cool. Larches are a type of pine that is deciduous. That is, their needles go yellow and fall off in the fall. They are tall with branches that start 20 feet or more up the trunk. Also ponderosas, lodge poles, fir trees, etc. Part of their property is a sandy beach area on a slow moving river, the Payette. COLD cold water that is slow and clear and green-brown. So beautiful. We had a great time every day at the beach. Drank some beer, partook of some green. :nod:

The sun was bright in a clear blue sky every day but one, and we took advantage of the cool to do a neat craft with driftwood and little rocks for hanging decorations. I made one and have it hanging off a shelf in my living room, near a mirror. All it needs now is some lighting ;)

Every day I walked up to the bridge, and it was just about the hardest thing I've ever done, physically and emotionally. Physically I was a wreck. I had to stop frequently, out of breath, lower back pain, sweating, huffing and puffing. The scenery was unbelievably beautiful and the walk was totally worth it, but dang it was hard to do. So much easier to sit back in our anti-gravity camp chairs and stare at the sky.

Emotionally difficult: I hate that I've gotten so out of shape, grateful for knees that actually allow me to do that kind of walk, pissed at my sister for pushing me every day, and a little sad that I couldn't just walk on an easy gradual incline, on a full bore road (not some trail sneaking through the undergrowth) and enjoy the walk. Because I did NOT enjoy the walks. Not even a little bit. I hated them. I would have rather done anything else.

Now it's also a gladness that I did it. Five days in a row I went up that road, less than 1/2 a mile (though I didn't measure it, but it felt like just under a half mile) and saw this amazing view with mountains framing the sky, a river full of rocks and boulders, the babble of the water, the fresh scented air. And five days in a row, even though the view from the bridge was amazing, I hated the walk. And I LOVE WALKING. It is my FAVORITE EXERCISE.

Before we were done I had figured out that the low back pain was from me trying to go as fast as my tri-athlon winning sister. Also on subsequent days I didn't have to stop as often as the first walk, so there was immediate improvement. The Day Three walk reduced me to literal tears. Pain, anger, sadness all welled up and I stood there wishing I was anywhere else. Thankfully Wylie was with me and my sister had walked on without us, so I didn't have to hold back the tears. I was mad at myself for getting so fat and SO out of shape. TBH that self-anger colored the whole week. I want to go back up there as a fit and energized person capable of doing things like walking and even hiking. Life would be so much more enjoyable if I could FREAKING DO THINGS.


The absolute coolest thing that happened on that camping trip was that I saw an American Dipper. It is the only song bird that swims. They stay on the edges of waterways, dipping in and out, bopping up and down, and even surfing the rapids. They have a sharp beak and regular bird feet (not a bill and webbed feet like most water birds, nor long skinny legs like a wading bird) and they love the water.

I first learned about American Dippers online in a YT video years and years ago. Late 90's? And I've always wanted to see one in person. I love birds, though I'm not a birder with binoculars, etc. but yeah...I'll take a glance out to the bird feeder to see a Western Oriole or a painted bunting. Walking up the street and look at a bush on a cold January afternoon...bush full of juncos like a little junco condo LOL So yeah, birds have always kind of been there, and I've always kind of noticed them.

While we were sitting near the river/beach I saw the little guy on a sand bar upstream. He was going in and out of the water and bopping up and down. A charcoal gray color, about the size of a robin. I spotted him and said "That's an American dipper!" and he flew over to the sandbar close by and splashed around right in front of me for a few. SO COOL!

The McCall property has a large yurt, in case weather drives you inside and there's a separate yurt with an indoor flush toilet, etc. Solar power for electricity; the internet is available for short periods (they connect for about 30 minutes a day) Two beds in the yurt, and two seating areas as well as a dining table. A separate kitchen cabin with a gas stove and some counter space, dishes, pots and pans. This cabin was the home of a woman who lived there off the grid for 20 years. She had a job in McCall and came up the mountain at night. She had an outhouse, though. Anyway, they're working on making it a more permanent place, specifically their co-owner couple plan on building a house there and making it their permanent home. It's a wonderful place and I'm happy for my sister having such a place to enjoy.

We brought our pop-up camper and slept there, but the deck of the yurt or the beach is where we hung out LOL We stayed there for five days/six nights and then picked up and went to Lava Hot Springs for two nights where I was able to just kick back with my good friend who lives in Lava and relax. I still got up and walked both mornings, around the campground. The view was nothing compared to what I was priveleged to see at the bridge, but the walk was enough.

We decided while on this camping trip that we need something hella easier to assemble and disassemble if we are going to do any camping. Our current camper is gnarly. Really hard work setting up, and almost as much breaking down. We're shopping for something a little more up to date with possibly some automated levelers or something. It's a 1991 model and is old and creaky.

When we got back on Saturday, I still had Sunday and Monday to decompress and recover from my vacay LOL.

I have kept up with the walking and am going around the block every day. Mostly it's been good, but there was one walk that reminded me of the Day Three walk in McCall...sweaty, in pain, exhausted, frequent stops, crying. I think I'm making improvements, but there's this random weakness or exhaustion that comes along without warning? Is that a by-product of TKR? Of obesity?

AH! one thing I know for sure: Regardless of my ability to walk, swim, hike, or any other thing...my main health problem, and the biggest risk to my life and a HUGE detriment to my quality of life, is my obesity. I've got to take the pounds off. Period. I do not want to live this way. ... so I'm working on it. Yoga every morning, a walk EVERY DAY, keep the fats out, keep the refined foods out.

1) choose fat free for all meals and snacks
2) stand up and move around every hour
3) daily mental bolstering by imagining myself thin and healthy
4) chair yoga/standing chair yoga
5) take a walk

So, I'm bringing the daily walk back :lol: Currently capable of going around the block, which is actually four blocks since I live on a street that is two blocks long. Half a mile a day? I'll take it. And I will go SLOW. As slow as I need to, eh? and here is where I give a shout out to an awesome man, don't know his name. He created a short on YouTube, the very first day of his fitness journey. He weighs probably 500 lbs and his first day workout was standing for five minutes. That man and his enormous courage have been at the front of my mind this past few weeks. I'm not walking two miles to work every day or hustling out the door at the crack of dawn for a fast walk/jog around the park (which I WAS DOING in 2013) but I'm doing what I can after two TKR surgeries, under a depression that is bearing down on me, and having actually put on weight in the past year.

My hero can stand for five minutes; I can walk around the block. Let's see where I am this time next year :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ejeff » Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:26 am

Buns, good for you to do all that walking even though it was so difficult. It was nice you were able to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Glad you are doing daily walks again no matter how long or short they may be.

I also enjoy watching people’s stories of success, it always motivates me to just keep going when I don’t always feel like it.

Hope your week is good!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Starflower » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:48 am

Half a mile is great! It all adds up. Thanks for sharing an inspiring story. Wishing you a successful week! :)
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