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Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:28 pm
by HealthyMe2010
Potatohead wrote:Don't you know that if you cross the street on Tuesday you will get a giant wart on your left foot. :roll: ..Sorry... being sarcastic here....I don't worry about that stuff ...because at some point along the way there is probably contamination in everything we eat...I am still I am just not going to worry about it ;)

You might not be concerned, but my kids have been eating meals from at least 2 canned products a day - that worries me tremendously, but I've already talked to my wife about precooking legumes for the day in the slow cooker so we can at least minimize the contact with bpa.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:58 am
by AlwaysAgnes
Potatohead wrote:Don't you know that if you cross the street on Tuesday you will get a giant wart on your left foot. :roll: ..Sorry... being sarcastic here....I don't worry about that stuff ...because at some point along the way there is probably contamination in everything we eat...I am still I am just not going to worry about it ;)

I can't let myself worry about all this stuff either. I could make myself crazy--purify my diet and be perfect in every way, but I figure as soon as I do I'll get hit by a speeding bus or someone will drop a frozen chicken on my head. :|


Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:31 am
by rickfm
I'm not "worried" about it so much. I understand that some things are unavoidable. But I think it's good to be informed so we can choose whether or not we want to try and make changes or find alternatives.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:03 am
by Dendra
I also don't worry too much about things like this. But... I want to know so if there is an easy choice to make, I can make it. I would worry more if I were younger, or had young kids, because it's often the long-term effects of such things that matter.

Someone mentioned cooking beans in a slow-cooker. I think there have been concerns about making sure beans reach a certain temperature in cooking to deactivate some sort of natural chemical in them. Since I do mine on the stovetop, I didn't pay that much attention to it. It's something to checkout however.

As to tomatoes, we grow them in the summer and there are usually lots to preserve. You can can them, which I no longer do - too much work. Or just pop them in the freezer whole, untreated, esp if you are using them in soups, stews etc and dont mind the seeds or fishing out the skins. And that takes a lot of space. Think of a bag of tennis balls. Or you can just cut them up and roast them down, then bag and freeze them. That's my favorite way - they taste the most yummy.

I dehydrated a fair number this year too. Very pretty, and they taste good as snacks just out of the dehydrator. Just slice and put on trays. In an excalibur, they don't stick.

I wish I had preserved more however, since I've always used a lot. Cans were just easier.

Another day, another danger. :paranoid:

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:45 am
by marakima
Most people probably know about ways of cooking dried beans, but the quick soak method works really well: bring to boil, let sit, discard water, then cook to completion with new water. The upsides as opposed to cans are better taste, much cheaper, more environmentally friendly (canned food is kind of like bottled water, imo -- lots of trucking of the H20 in the can). The downside is the possibility of forgetting they're cooking and leaving the house! Have done that, only to come home to a pot with no water and smoking beans!

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:02 pm
by rickfm
A pressure cooker is supposed to be fast, as well. I don't own one, always had the apprehension that anything that builds pressure is prone to blow up. :shock: I'm seriously thinking of getting one, though.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:47 pm
by HealthyMe2010
rickfm wrote:A pressure cooker is supposed to be fast, as well. I don't own one, always had the apprehension that anything that builds pressure is prone to blow up. :shock: I'm seriously thinking of getting one, though.

But pressure cookers destroy more nutrients in food than most other cooking methods :( We aren't going to win this one without sacrificing in some area it seems.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:03 pm
by rickfm
HealthyMe2010 wrote:But pressure cookers destroy more nutrients in food than most other cooking methods

They do? Hmm... I wasn't aware of that.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:27 pm
by HealthyMe2010
rickfm wrote:
HealthyMe2010 wrote:But pressure cookers destroy more nutrients in food than most other cooking methods

They do? Hmm... I wasn't aware of that.

I believe Dr. Greger covered it in one of his videos :) I was surprised as well. Microwaves fared out pretty well though! LOL

EDIT: Here's the study of cooking methods. You can skip to the conclution, unless you like deciphering data! :) ... 091.x/full

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:50 pm
by rickfm

"In short, water is not the cook's best friend when it comes to preparing vegetables."

LOL... it's hopeless. :?

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:55 pm
by Chris_Alice
If we worry about every little thing, we won't eat anything. The world is no longer - and hasn't been for a long time - "pure" so everything we eat is contaminated with something. Even fresh organic isn't 100% safe because it's easier to get food poisoning (ie ecoli) from those veggies. Can't remember where I read that or I'd give you a link.

So, I do the best I can, control what I can, but don't get too worried about everything that goes into my body being 100% safe because there's no such thing these days, unfortunately.

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:24 pm
by HealthyMe2010
Chris_Alice wrote:If we worry about every little thing, we won't eat anything. The world is no longer - and hasn't been for a long time - "pure" so everything we eat is contaminated with something. Even fresh organic isn't 100% safe because it's easier to get food poisoning (ie ecoli) from those veggies. Can't remember where I read that or I'd give you a link.

So, I do the best I can, control what I can, but don't get too worried about everything that goes into my body being 100% safe because there's no such thing these days, unfortunately.

In order to have change in the world, you have to have a little concern in order to make the first step. If those of us who are concerned stop using BPA-lined cans and instead support companies (like EdenFoods), who don't line their cans with BPA, change will be automatic.

After I watched a documentary on the cocoa industry, I started emailing companies to see if their cocoa was fair trade or not. Some have replied and others have not. If people support the ethical companies, then the other manufacturers will be forced to become "more ethical".

Sitting back and "taking it" isn't going to improve the products we use. :)

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:14 am
by didi
Well, you could worry about everything but it is impossible to remedy everything. I would rather eat organic, but red peppers, for instance are 6 dollars apiece and the regular kind are only 1 dollar each. So I guess I am doomed. However, the autism rate is 1 in 150 births and some say it is closer to 1 in 100. If you are not worried about this then you must be from another planet. Something has to be causing this outrageously high number.


Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:50 pm
by lmggallagher
What I have understood - is that the effects are endocrine (hormonal) and the real worry is child development and BPA. I have also read of tests to show levels in both children & adults post eating typical SAD diet and the after where they eliminate all BPA products - think plastics not just canned goods. The results were pretty obvious they are in our systems and can be quickly reduced through avoidance.

BUT I also wonder this having read Colin Campbell's China Study - this type of WOE is preventative of many things and he shows that for instance cancer can be controlled through this type of eating. I wonder if perhaps like the high amount of fiber in our diets would flush our systems of these contaminants differently then the folks they tested or that we may have other protections.

As I have had a hormonal cancer I am just overly cautious, I do use Eden and Muir Glen products, when I find them on sale or bargin. If not I'll buy regular beans and go with the Muir Glen tomatoes, the real issue with BPA leaching is acid foods in these cans and the tomatoes would be more likely to have high amounts due to that.

I am thinking of getting a pressure cooker and doing up my own eans though, fast and cheap is to my liking too :-D :D :nod:

Re: Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by HealthyMe2010
New study links BPA to brain tumors: ... in-tumors/