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Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:17 am
by Suey
Maybe we should start a new subject called "The Sounds of Flatulence".

My husband and I have had a few laughs over the sounds of flatulence; in fact, we have branded some of them, for example "The Barred Owl Fart".

Any other tunes?

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:42 am
by LauraVeg
HealthFreak wrote:It has been my experience that all of my body odors (sweat, gas etc) smell much better than when I was eating meat dairy and eggs.

For some reason, I initially read this as "all of my body odors smelled much better when I was eating meat dairy and egg" and thought "Hallelujah, it's not just me!".

Oh well. :\ :lol:

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:59 am
by HealthFreak
ruupyet wrote: I can't imagine that people can consume cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and beans and claim that there is essentially little odor. Is it as bad as meat? Maybe not. But practically nonexistent? I don't buy it.

I'm not saying there is no smell. I'm saying it is less pungent than when eating SAD.

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:50 am
by greentea
debbie wrote:My hubby for as much as I love him, isnt the most mature when it comes to bodily sounds. He used to love to cut one in a store then quickly run out of the isle. If someone would happen into the isle while I was there, oh the looks. Or sometimes he would do it when someone was in the isle and I would get these looks. The smells were awful.

I live with an equally evil man only he will cut really loud ones in crowded places, then he will point at me while making a face as if I was the one who did it!!! :lol:

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:39 pm
by soliver
LauraVeg wrote:My typical daily diet would be:

Breakfast: A baked sweet potato, sliced and browned in a non-stick pan, eaten with mustard. (My favorite!)

Lunch: Brown rice, frozen mixed vegetables, and salsa. (Second favorite.)

Dinner: Baked white or sweet potato and green vegetable (Usually spinach, green beans or kale). Or a repeat of lunch.

Snacks: Fruit (apple, orange, or banana) and/or raw vegetables (romaine lettuce - I love it and can eat one or two heads at a time -, carrots, cucumbers, celery, etc.).

Sounds pretty good. The only thing that sounds like it could be odiferous is the mustard...mustard gas anyone?

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:30 am
by bebe
Could it be too much fruit, not enough vegetables?
The sulphur in onions and garlic?
Definitely a problem that comes and goes, so to speak. :cry:

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:46 am
by kittyadventures
lauraveg... I have been thinking about your problem and I did read this some where not sure where.... when you are in Ketosis you emit a medicinal smell... maybe that is why when you are eating a low carb diet your feces and gas doesn't seem to smell to you.

I know for me.. when I eat meat even on a Low carb i smell .. every thing smells.

when i eat whole fruits vegetables and grains. it has a very low odor of broccoli or green smell.
and I do not have very much under arm odor. or woman odor either.

When you are Mc dougaling does it smell like broccoli? Is this what they are objecting to?

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by NancyD
I haven't eaten a bite of meat, dairy or eggs in at least 3 years and I am a big gas bag and it's certainly not 'odorless'. Years ago when I ate Atkins I didn't have gas because I was so constipated nothing could escape that orifice. I stay away from beans but I'm addicted to soy (Silk, Tofutti, Tofu) so I guess that's it. Dang! I love that stuff. Also I eat a baked potato almost daily with Tofutti fake sour cream. Guess I'll try to kick that stuff for a few days and see if it helps. If it helps, it's goodbye forever and hello forever to strict McDougalling. You're always soooo helpful!

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:10 pm
by LauraVeg
bebe wrote:Could it be too much fruit, not enough vegetables?
The sulphur in onions and garlic?
Definitely a problem that comes and goes, so to speak. :cry:

I don't eat much fruit, except maybe a banana almost every day and handful of grapes now and then. The reason is that I have "oral allergy syndrome" which causes me to have an allergic reaction to most raw fruits.

I keep onion and garlic to a minimum (maybe the amount in a couple of tablespoons of salsa) since I know from experience tha they cause me problems.

I've never had a date (lol, the fruit, not the social kind) and don't eat legumes because they give me trouble - big time.

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:14 pm
by LauraVeg
kittyadventures wrote:lauraveg... I have been thinking about your problem and I did read this some where not sure where.... when you are in Ketosis you emit a medicinal smell... maybe that is why when you are eating a low carb diet your feces and gas doesn't seem to smell to you.

I know for me.. when I eat meat even on a Low carb i smell .. every thing smells.

when i eat whole fruits vegetables and grains. it has a very low odor of broccoli or green smell.
and I do not have very much under arm odor. or woman odor either.

When you are Mc dougaling does it smell like broccoli? Is this what they are objecting to?

Oh, it's not merely a question of my's the reaction of my family! I'm very aware of it myself, and they tell me that it is HORRIBLE. I have to keep the windows open all day and night, and my husband is insisting I stop McDougalling for good because he can't take it anymore.

It doesn't smell like broccoli, that's for sure! :eek:

Interestingly, no one ever noticed or mentioned any ketosis odor. I can detect a slight metallic taste in my mouth, but that's about it. As far as gas, well, I don't have any when I'm lowcarb.

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:17 pm
by LauraVeg
NancyD wrote:I haven't eaten a bite of meat, dairy or eggs in at least 3 years and I am a big gas bag and it's certainly not 'odorless'. Years ago when I ate Atkins I didn't have gas because I was so constipated nothing could escape that orifice.

Finally! I'm not the only one! "Big gas bag", lol. Yes, that's a good way to describe it. I've heard that people have constipation on Atkins, but that has never been a problem for me.

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:13 pm
by LauraVeg
I've come to a decision.

I feel terrible on McDougall. Better than SAD, but much worse than lowcarb. If the only reason I'm doing this is to get my BP and cholesterol under control, then I owe it to myself to try lowcarb for a while and then get my blood tested to see what the outcome is.

I think what put me over the tipping point was Jim's comment about mustard. How ridiculous is this, that I'm cutting out everything but green veg and whatever starch (probably sweet potato, based on past experience) doesn't give me joint pain? And even if I get the joint pain under control, I still have the digestive issues to deal with.

I have to rule out lowcarb, via testing, before I will commit myself to a life of a VERY limited diet. It's only common sense.

I may or may not see you guys again in about three months. In any case, thanks for everything. :)

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:46 pm
by bunsofaluminum
debbie wrote:I think it was Buns who said she had bad gas for almost a year and still has problems if she eat too many beans, so the transition could just take you longer, depending on how much damage you have to fix.

Yeah that was me. And my gas can be QUITE foul, but i have IBS, the symptoms of which are greatly relieved with McDougalling, but it will be an issue for me the rest of my life. I'd rather deal with some flatulence than having to literally dash to the bathroom while out shopping, or have the agony of holding it in while driving to a gas station while my bowels twist and churn.

it's so strange, Laura, how differently your body reacts to eating this way. :(

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:51 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Hm, thinking about this, I find my gas to be real stinky, but my poo is not. Wonder why that would be...

and I know for a fact, if I have oily foods, I get gassy. But it's also true when I'm eating real clean, strict McD... :?:

Re: "Fragrant" gas...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:26 pm
by Suey
LauraVeg, after rereading all your posts on this fragrant topic, I think that your "problem" has nothing to do with following a McDougall-style, low fat, whole food, vegan diet. It would seem that you have some other, already established, physical issues to sort out. I sincerely hope that you will not abandon the healthy lifestyle that Dr. and Mrs. McDougall have so unselfishly spent most of their lives promoting in order to heal, save and better the quality of other peoples lives.