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Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:38 am
by f1jim
Stay with it Norman. You are on the path to recovery and health.

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:49 pm
by SecondHalf
Great job, Norman! Keep it up!

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:43 pm
by PineappleTraci
Just want to comment that this post (esp. Jeff's comments) is 100% awesome and is the kind of thing I have to read over and over.

I think even very intelligent people are prone to flashes of stupidity (like the "But it's vegan!" argument).

If you guys knew how quickly I went through my last 32-oz bottle of ketchup, you'd stick me in the naughty corner, and make me write 100x: "Vegan does not equal healthy. Healthy equals healthy." (And ketchup, dumped grandly all over everything, *certainly* does not equal healthy!)

Did I mention I've been at this WOE for 13 months already? Quite the learning curve for some of us. Slow learners, unite! (Or, untie. Whichever you're in the mood for.) :)

Norman, am happy that you too got the message, and am looking forward to hearing about your awesomely improved health after you're at this for even longer!

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:32 pm
by Norman
Update 5/22/13

My diet has been perfect Esselstyn for the last month.
Not perfect McDougall as I am eating about 5 fruits a day.
I lost 10 lbs the first 21 days and 2 lbs this week for a total of 12 lbs for the month. Could someone explain to me why 4 to 5 fruits is too much if I am still losing weight. The last week I have been putting Braggs Aminos on a lot of my food and have noticed my blood pressure going up with readings of 132/84 instead of 124/80. I must be salt sensitive so I am cutting out the salt. I drank a McDougall Green Onion soup yesterday than looked the label, 290 milligrams x 2 = 540mgs. There are two servings in a cup. Who doesn't eat the whole cup? That's off my diet now.

I had my cardiac stress test with echocardiogram today. I was able to get my heart rate up to 155 without chest pain. Ending speed 4.2mpg and 16% incline. I am 66 years old. Last month I got chest pain before the test was done. In a week the cardiologist will meet with me and give me the results. The bad part my blood pressure just before the stress test was 158/82. 10 minutes after the stress test it was 140/90. Blood sugar was 102 today. No Metformin for me! Both hands were going to sleep (numbness) at night when I was taking BP medicine. (Toperal) Now without BP medication the problem is gone. I am hoping with reduced salt the next week my BP will go down. I don't want the pressure from the cardiologist to go back on medication with perhaps a different med.



Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:47 pm
by f1jim
You are on the path Norman. Just keep walking.

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:51 pm
by MangoMama
Great job sticking to your plan and taking off the pounds! Best wishes for your continued improvements in health.


Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:56 pm
by patty
Norman wrote: Could someone explain to me why 4 to 5 fruits is too much if I am still losing weight.

Sometimes when I have a question, I just go to the second orange menu bar and click the search button. It takes me to the Search forum and I place the question, say fruit in the Google or Yahoo slot. And some links to McDougalls pages will come up relating to my question of fruit.
This was the first on the page:

Fruits and Vegetables
Green and yellow vegetables are too low in calories to serve as the center of your meals, but can be added without restriction to your meals, particularly if you wish to lose more weight, faster. In general fruits should be limited to 3 servings a day. They are tasty, high in simple sugars and easy to over consume. The sugar in fruit is fructose, which causes triglycerides and cholesterol to rise too high in sensitive people. People with these concerns should limit fruits even more.

Familiar Fruits and Vegetables are too numerous to list. Try some of these unfamiliar ones.

passion fruit

aduki beans
bok choy
broccoli de rabe
celeriac (celery root)
sprouts (alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, wheat)
chicory (curly endive)
Swiss chard
taro root
collard greens
turban squash
water chestnuts
garbanzo beans (chick-peas)
Jerusalem artichoke (sunchoke)
So Happy to hear your update!! Good Luck with the doctor:) Remember you are the teacher and he is the student... as you know the answers come from a starch based lifestyle. You are living it:)

Aloha, patty

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:33 am
by bbq
Buddhist Master Hsing Yun stable after acute stroke
The 90-year-old Buddhist monk has a history of “the three highs” — high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high blood lipid — as well as heart disease and diabetes, and was hospitalized at the same hospital twice in 2011 for an ischemic stroke.

Typical results for a typical vegan diet, not exactly the best PR for such a venerable master?

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:45 am
by f1jim
Hsing Yun in the photos I found online looks to be overweight, even obese. I wonder what diet he was following?

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:50 am
by GeoffreyLevens
Almost certainly Master Hsing Yun just eats the vegan version of typical Chinese food i.e. lots of oil, lots of salt...

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:33 pm
by Poison Ivy
Did the OP ever return with future updates?

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:58 pm
by indy107
Wow. What a great story and an even more inspiration to stay on track.

With your permission, I'd like to copy it into a blog post and share it among the many Vegan/Plant Based Facebook Groups I belong to or admin. I could easily get this important information out to thousands of more people.

Please let me know. And I'm so glad you are doing better!

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:46 pm
by Helpinghands
It is my understanding that Dr. McDougall has changed his mind about all soy products. The two videos I've seen he talks about eliminating soy products because they raise IGF-1 twice the level of cow's milk. In fact he mentions that at one time he ate four soy breakfast sausages every morning before he discovered the connection with IGF-1.

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:56 pm
by f1jim
The last ASW featured several dishes using soy. There didn't seem to be any change there.

Re: A Vegan diet fails to prevent heart disease!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:06 pm
by JeffN
The recommendation is to avoid processed soy foods (like soy fake meats) and isolated soy protein. Allowed soy foods are those that are tradional & minimally processed like edamame, tofu, tempeh and soy milk, and since they are high in fat, they are considered rich foods and are limited.

In Health