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Puddy, I love your signature! :)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:21 pm
I posted to you on one of your messages somewhere the other day but don't think you saw it. Just want to let you know how your signature makes me smile!! :)

Signature credit

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:55 pm
by Puddy
This quote was in an email I received from Atheria (from the old VS board).

I am crazy about all animals so it fit me to a "T". Glad you liked it.

Do you have bunnies?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:43 pm
Oh yes, I remember Atheria. I'd be nice to see her here on the new board. I can't remember but I think she mostly posted at "The Pub" on the VS site. I haven't been on the VS site recently but should pop back by there.

I too LOOOOOVVVVVE all animals!!! They bring me untold joy and give my life a quality not found elsewhere.

We have one bunny and one pup. Our bunny is a house bun who has free range of our home. Believe it or not, our pup and our bun are THE BEST OF FRIENDS! It's really something to see to watch them snuggle together. :) We'd love to have more buns, however our little guy is quite spoiled and it's doubtful he'd accept having to share his family with other bunnies.

Do you have any furry (or non-furry & non-human ;-) ) babies?

My fur babies

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:34 pm
by Puddy
I have 5 indoor cats. One of them has a congenital heart defect called cardiomyopathy which has resulted in chylothorax (fluid seepage in the chest cavity). We have to take Baby to the vet weekly to have it drained. Since this progressively worsens, right now I'm praying for strength and courage to know when to let go. He's my baby and it's a tough decision. :(

We would like a dog but I don't want to add stress to Baby's life right now. But I too love all animals. That's why I don't eat them! :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:16 pm
I should have guessed from your avatar that you are a kitty mommy! :) Is your avatar a picture of one of your babies?

My sister and her DH have 6 house kitties, their 2 and 4 kittens they are fostering for their over-crowded local Kitty Rescue. It looks like they may be keeping the babies cause my sister is growing too attached to part with them.

I'm so heartbroken to hear about Baby. :cry: I can only imagine how difficult that must be. I am holding a vision of strength, courage, and a peaceful knowing for your family.

Yes, I know what you mean. Loving animals as I do makes it more than easy not to eat them! :)

Re: My fur babies

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:20 am
by Sandie
Puddy wrote:I have 5 indoor cats. One of them has a congenital heart defect called cardiomyopathy which has resulted in chylothorax (fluid seepage in the chest cavity). We have to take Baby to the vet weekly to have it drained. Since this progressively worsens, right now I'm praying for strength and courage to know when to let go. He's my baby and it's a tough decision. :(

I'm so sorry to hear about Baby. I'm also a cat lover - we have many in our home, all rescued. I had to make the decision to let one of mine go a little over a year ago. It's never an easy decision but you'll know when it's time as your love for him will tell you. My baby is Gadget (she's the one in my avatar) and I can not even think about having to make that decision about her someday!

Puddy, I will keep you and Baby in my prayers! The best to you!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:46 am
by Puddy
Thank you both for your heartfelt thoughts and wishes. My heart is broken.

I'm here!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:53 pm
by Atheria
I heard my name was mentioned, so I thought I'd find you guys/gals. :-D

I'm busy working at two television shows and goofing off on and just found out about these new boards. It's hard to quickly see where people are.

I'm still vegan, of course, but am drinking too much coffee and eating too much wheat (don't tell Groundhog).

I'll try to pop in here when I can.

In light,

Hi, Atheria -

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:45 pm
by Grateful
been wondering how you've been. Are you free of residuals from the accident a few years ago? Hope so. Also hope you'll check in with us now and then. Happy McDougalling!

11 Years of Pain

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:01 pm
by Atheria
No, I still have the 10-1-1995 24 hour a day headache.......and my right eye and cheek have fallen due to nerve damage that no one has been able to figure out. The car accident on 9-5-2003 just aggravated the situation. I cried when this latest chiro told me maybe he could help me (after paying $354 in tests) for $5,690 for only the first 3 months. My insurance didn't cover this guy. Needless to say, I just left and never went back.

It's hard when you don't have hope. I am trying some exercises from the book PAIN FREE: A REVOLUTIONARY METHOD FOR STOPPING CHRONIC PAIN but am not all that hopeful about it working for me. We'll see....
