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44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:21 am
by PeripateticDanielle
If this isn't the best recommendation for a low-fat plant based diet, I don't know what is....

My husband (45) and I (44) got carded this week at Trader Joe's when purchasing a bottle of wine.



My husband was a little flabbergasted, on the other hand I was quite happy.

In all seriousness, we've been on the McDougall WOE for just over a year. During that time we've both lost weight, but also I have that 'glow' back that I had lost over the last few years due to a health issue which has since cleared. My husband was always quite slender, but he also has a great skin tone that he hadn't had before. Both of us had followed a vegetarian diet before this.

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:48 pm
by dynodan62
I wouldn't feel too smug. Here in Indiana they card 90 year old grannies with walkers. Some businesses have just given up on their minimum wage clerk's abilities to judge age, so to avoid legal trouble, it's now mandatory that EVERYONE gets carded.

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:32 pm
Well, I think it's great. Good for you both :-D

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:03 pm
by JulieS
I, too, think that it demonstrates how this WOE makes us not only feel better but look younger, too! :cool: :D I hope it can get you out of a ticket, too!! :lol:

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:43 pm
by Yomom
I was carded (buying an off-plan pint of beer) in New York City in early February. I thought the woman behind the counter was joking, to ask me for identification - she explained that anyone who looks 40 and younger has to be carded. I am 57. That made my day!
"It's the food".

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:12 pm
by Lynn M
when we were in our 40s we were carded buying root beer :)

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:48 am
by Lacey
Congratulations! I'll bet that felt great! The last time I got carded (by someone who wasn't in a position to get a tip, and therefore had no reason to try an flatter me) I was 42. I thought she was joking and told her I wasn't going to get my ID out. I asked if she was carding everyone and she said, no, I am carding YOU. I got it out and it turned out she was a couple of months older than I was. She was shocked and loudly announced my age. I credit the food. I gave up all alcohol completely shortly after that so who knows if I would have been carded again. I was flattered.

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:35 pm
by Jack Monzon
dynodan62 wrote:I wouldn't feel too smug. Here in Indiana they card 90 year old grannies with walkers. Some businesses have just given up on their minimum wage clerk's abilities to judge age, so to avoid legal trouble, it's now mandatory that EVERYONE gets carded.

Agreed. Not to rain on the OP's parade, but I find it highly unlikely that the store clerk really believed you were both 20 years old, or that the police would send a 20-year-old who looked like a 45-year-old to bust the store. That said, it's a nice 15 seconds!

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:45 pm
by Jenna
I was recently carded at Trader Joe's also, when I had my 3 kids with me. That has never happened before (I usually get carded when alone but not when I am with my kids), so I asked about it. The cashier said that they have been having a lot of secret shoppers come in to Trader Joe's lately so they are trying to be more careful. I wonder if that is across the board at all Trader Joe's, or just at the one near me.

I am pretty young-looking 30, so I expect to get carded, but it almost never happens when I have 3 kids with me. :)

Re: 44 & 45 Y.O.'s Get Carded at Trader Joe's!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:41 pm
by Sage Green
I have a friend who got carded at age 80 and believe me he looks 80. The waitress said it was just company policy to card everyone.