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Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:00 am
by bbq
Expert blasts 'dangerous' wellness bloggers for sparking a rise in eating disorders

How my obsession with clean eating landed me in hospital - BBC Three

For those of us living in UK, here's the full episode:

The rest of us could watch it here instead:

So basically being (way too) underweight should be classified as an eating disorder, while being overweight/obese turned out to be acceptable then?

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:15 am
by arugula
on another vegan forum, one poster was chronically whining about how she could not lose weight and would always be chubby.

at some point i wrote that i maintained my weight by constant vigilance.

then she accused me of having an eating disorder.


eating well: it's the new unwell.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:21 am
by JeffN
arugula wrote:on another vegan forum, one poster was chronically whining about how she could not lose weight and would always be chubby.

at some point i wrote that i maintained my weight by constant vigilance.

then she accused me of having an eating disorder.


eating well: it's the new unwell.

I have always said that it is ironic that we live in a society that has decided that if you pay attention to the care of your teeth by focusing your time, energy & attention on good dental hygiene 2-3x a day & you are praised for being health conscious. However, put the same attention to your food intake & you are considered to have an eating disorder. It really says more about our culture, society & our toxic food environment then the individual who wants good dietary health.

In Health

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:30 am
by katgirl55
Well, that was a dumb article full of misinformation. Ella and the Hemsleys seem more like lifestyle blogs (a la Martha Stewart) than diet blogs, and the food did not seem extreme to me. I think they just want to point some fingers and blame these bloggers for the anorexia/orthorexia that some people develop. That is a legitimate eating disorder, and Eve Simmons was down to 36 kg which is 79 pounds!

I did not watch the videos, only read the two articles, but I did not see anything that said being overweight or obese is acceptable. I will call BS on Grace trying plant-based eating for 11 days and saying it was too hard and too expensive. Not sure what prices for organic produce are in the UK, and we don't know what she ate, but this WOE could be very cheap if done right. But, she had an agenda which is to debunk the plant-based eating and bloggers and blame them for turning people anorexic.

Look, anybody could look at a blog and come up with their own twisted ideas of what to eat. It doesn't mean the blogger is to blame. What if I went to Martha Stewart's site and decided to eat nothing but cookies??? Still not Martha's fault. But media has an agenda, to keep the status quo. Media is owned by corporations, the same ones that own supermarkets and food companies. It is in media's best interest to tell people not to eat healthy, not to cut out processed foods and meats and dairy, when the parent corporation owns all of those food manufacturing companies and need to keep making money. The corp management could also just be feeding them guidelines for what to write/air. Bottom line: do not trust corporate media. You might as well be listening to Monsanto and Kraft tell you the news.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:54 am
by Amoux
JeffN wrote:I have always said that it is ironic that we live in a society that has decided that if you pay attention to the care of your teeth by focusing your time, energy & attention on good dental hygiene 2-3x a day & you are praised for being health conscious. However, put the same attention to your food intake & you are considered to have an eating disorder. It really says more about our culture, society & our toxic food environment then the individual who wants good dietary health.

In Health

I think it might be because a lot of people (maybe even most) eating a SAD have an uneasy, guilty feeling that it's not good for them - and that it's not the optimum choice from a health point of view. They get mad at people who've actually made the change - those people are now 'outside the group herd' and therefore game for attack. It's very sad.

On a related note, I find it absurd when people say 'life's too short' to eat healthily - yes, I agree life's too short - and certainly too short to reduce your lifespan further by eating a bad diet!

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:56 am
by Chikiwing
arugula wrote:on another vegan forum, one poster was chronically whining about how she could not lose weight and would always be chubby.

at some point i wrote that i maintained my weight by constant vigilance.

then she accused me of having an eating disorder.


eating well: it's the new unwell.

Maybe she needs to put down the two liters of Coca Cola and bags of potato chips. :wink:

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:01 am
by arugula
Chikiwing wrote:
Maybe she needs to put down the two liters of Coca Cola and bags of potato chips. :wink:

she posted pictures of her meals. she ate her vegetables and got plenty of fiber, but she included a lot of rich, fatty foods, and vegan treats like cookies and cakes. her diet was fat-based, not starch-based. she would do fine if she could cut out the garbage 9/10 of the time. but that's asking too much of most people, apparently.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:09 am
by bbq

arugula wrote:on another vegan forum, one poster was chronically whining about how she could not lose weight and would always be chubby.

at some point i wrote that i maintained my weight by constant vigilance.

then she accused me of having an eating disorder.


eating well: it's the new unwell.

Does it mean something like this?

If someone weren't suffering from physical sicknesses, there must be some kinda mental illnesses.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:19 am
by colonyofcells
It is true that people who have a tendency to anorexia and orthorexia are drawn to all sorts of diets including healthy eating diets so the bbc program is ok in warning people about this. I also agree that it is difficult to give up the addiction to refined substances and processed foods which is why there are not that many people doing the mcdougall diet.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:14 pm
by Chikiwing
arugula wrote:
Chikiwing wrote:
Maybe she needs to put down the two liters of Coca Cola and bags of potato chips. :wink:

she posted pictures of her meals. she ate her vegetables and got plenty of fiber, but she included a lot of rich, fatty foods, and vegan treats like cookies and cakes. her diet was fat-based, not starch-based. she would do fine if she could cut out the garbage 9/10 of the time. but that's asking too much of most people, apparently.

Cookies and cakes, huh! :D

I knew she wasn't "chubby" from eating cauliflower and broccoli. ;-)

And you are 100% right. It is too much of most people to eat clean.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:08 am
by -mermaid-
arugula wrote:on another vegan forum, one poster was chronically whining about how she could not lose weight and would always be chubby.

at some point i wrote that i maintained my weight by constant vigilance.

then she accused me of having an eating disorder.


eating well: it's the new unwell.

:lol: :nod:

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 4:30 am
by lilypad
I am SO annoyed with this 'documentary'. First off, 'clean eating' isn't just applied to veganism, there are many clean eating recipes that contain animal produce.

I also get really annoyed with people like Brianna (the young girl who had anorexia) who talk about veganism as a 'diet'. I am an ethical vegan, but I eat plant based. Veganism to me, is for the animals. But eating plant based is for health. Her Youtube channel promotes a raw 'vegan' diet, that is expensive, super low calorie, difficult to maintain- numerous trips tot he shops to buy fresh fruit. And it makes veganism look extreme.

They completely botched this up. The BBC is supposed to be impartial and many are complaining.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:26 am
by stillcrazy
Gosh, I love you guys! :D Great comments. As a mental health professional, I continue to be dismayed at people's reluctance to take responsibility for their own lives, bodies, health, etc. It is always someone else's fault.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:06 am
by colonyofcells
The nutritionist on tv had valid criticisms of the nonsense coming from many youtube diets. It would have been more interesting had they tried to cover even stranger practices like colon enemas, etc.

Re: Clean Eating's Dirty Secrets on BBC

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:44 am
by arugula
other things that i find intensely annoying:

1. when people call animal flesh "protein" to the exclusion of everything else that contains protein.

2. when people say that toast is "empty calories" or "unhealthy" or "just not the best choice" implying that eggs, sausage, and bacon are more appropriate choices for breakfast and that plain toast is "just kinda stupid" in comparison.

3. a "fit" person would choose bacon and eggs for breakfast. an "unfit" person would choose cereal or toast.

as long as we're calling people's choices stupid, what's the real stupid choice here?

these were excerpts of real people's posts yesterday on another forum that will remain nameless. all the gymbros love to make these kind of statements.