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PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:05 pm
by sksamboots
Hey Sandra,

I'm glad your feeling better about this all! Yes, I love sweet potatoes., I usually save them for the winter , not really sure why--just a habit I have formed. They are just a winter comfort food for me and with a bit of honey--they are heavenly. Almost too good to be true. Hope your day is great :-D

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:53 pm
by Sandra
sweet potatoes and honey?

Any other ways??? That sounds good.


PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:33 pm
by sksamboots

I really like the honey. I guess you could add a little bit of cinnamon too and nutmeg. That sounds really good. Some fruit on top of a sweet potatoe--i have done that. I say just play around with it. Maple syrup too...My favorite is honey....yummy :-D

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:53 pm
by rebecca
Hi Sandra. Hope you are getting the hang of this way of life. I too have been an on again off again McDougaller. This time the SAD has made me sick;so I'm staying on it this time. Here is a recipe for oatmeal in the crock pot.
1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats, 4 cups water, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in a 3 1/2-4 quart cooker. Cover and cook low for 6 hours. To serve top w/blueberries,raisins or what ever fruit you have. I am sure this would work w/steal cut oats maybe add 1 more cup of water. what has worked for me is planning out my meals in advance. On Saturday morning I make a big batch of 4 bean salad and I bake a ton of potatoes. Now I have a go to snack anytime I need it. You can do this!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:37 pm
by baron
Hi Sandra--
You are doing great. I am going to restart MWL tomorrow. I've never made oatmeal in a crockpot so I can't help with your question. I have a basic electric rice cooker--maybe I will try to do oatmeal in that. It would be nice to have it all made though.

Oh--I just saw Rebecca's crockpot recipe for oatmeal--looks great. I will have to get a crockpot.

All the best to you!


Keeping it simple means simple cooking.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:45 pm
by f1jim
You can let the machines do much of the work. Be it a rice cooker, crock pot, microwave, toaster oven. Simple yet delicious meals will carry the day. Many of my favorites are most anything over brown rice. Frozen vegetables, chili, stews, a whole raft of things that can be heated and eaten in just a few minutes without complicated cooking. That's what has me staying with it for over two years now without getting tired of it. Check out Jeff Novicks forum for some very simple meals. He has some very tasty stuff laid out there.
As far as the McDougall cups, I think they are more aimed at travel and special situations as a steady diet of them might get your sodium levels too high. But they are tasty. For the best success stay with staple foods...rice, beans, corn, potatos, etc. Very satisfying and after a while the pallette adjusts so that minor changes like the variety of whole grain rice or pasta becomes major. Very slight differences are so apparent.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:54 pm
by Sandra
Thanks Rebecca for the Oatmeal Crockpot version. I'll try it for tomorrow. Right now I only have the old fashioned oats anyway.

Baron, I'm not officially starting until tomorrow, but I've already tried several things. Yesterday I made the black bean, corn, salsa dish, and for evening I had a baked potato with more of the same. I could barely finish a good sized potato and about a half cup of the bean/corn/salsa stuff on it. It was a little dryish.. but not bad. Definitely filling. I do think this can really be done.

F1jim... I'm definitely counting on those machines. Right now I need all the help I can get just to get past the mental part of it all.
The McDougall cups do have low sodium too. They aren't bad either... in fact I like them. You are right about keeping to the staple foods. I'm delighted to realize that my pallet HAS changed more and more with each McDougall cycling. The first time I thought I was eating sawdust at best.
I'm a life long white rice eater... so it will take some time to switch to brown, I think. I've always adored potatoes... however devoid of all the added fat will be a stretch too. I'll get there!!



PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:24 pm
by baron
Yes, this food can be very filling which is great. I feel like I ate too much today but it was all good food.

I started the day with a cold baked potato--I know I am strange maybe but I like them cold. And then I had some watermelon.

I really like white rice too Sandra but yesterday I tried the Success brown rice and today I made brown basmatic rice in my rice cooker and I liked both. I mixed it up with some mixed vegetables and some diced canned no salt added tomato as suggested by Jeff Novick in another thread. I am going to try changing my taste in that area with regard to rice.

I'm not a stranger to this way of eating but I tend to get off track with some of the vegan processed foods and need to clean things up again.

Have a great official first day Sandra!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:44 pm
by Sandra

Yea, I love the basmatic rice, too... white. I haven't tried brown yet. hummm watermelon. I pigged out on Watermelon on one day this past Summer and didn't realize it was a great diuretic! I couldn't figure out why I was in my bathroom every hour!

I've gotten seduced off of this by SAD foods in the past. You start eating some of the SAD comfort stuff and you are right back into addiction. Also a very hard time for me is before I start. I go through too many days of "tomorrow will be it" but of course tomorrow never seems to come. "just one more day of this" is a major block.

I've never been into much vegan processed stuff. "fake" stuff pretending to be the real thing has never tasted good. If I can't have the real.. then I'll try to find something different that does taste good. Thankfully... as you say, the tastes DO change. I have about 150 lbs to loose and if Letha can do it then SO CAN I!


PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:34 am
by baron
Great attitude! It's inspiring to see people making these changes!