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old ideas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:18 am
by Bons52983
I was one of those people who continually asked "how will I get enough protein?" My friend has been a vegetarian for many years.. She kept telling me how good this way of eating is and I kept saying I couldn't live without the protein in meat, eggs, dairy etc.

I finally decided to give it a try myself. After all, what did I have to lose? Just 80lbs of fat gained from eating a "well balanced diet" as per the food pyramid and all I had read and learned from TV and all the other "educational" sources over the years.

I watched the McDougall video, "Five dietary myths" and read the "Program for Maximum Weight Loss" book and started in on this way of eating. What I read and saw on the video really got me to thinking about the hours and hours of indoctrination that I had been subjected to by the food industry over my lifetime. Do you ever see broccoli advertised on TV? Read up on it. It is a fabulous food. full of nutrients, and the potato! wow all these years I have been severly limiting the amount I ate of this wonder food because of what I put on the potato. I got a link on this board for "things to put on a potato" I find I don't need to drown my potato in fat to make it good.

When one becomes willing to examine old ideas is when true enlightenment and change can come about.
Good luck!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:32 pm
by hope101
Auntsushi: You are very wise to do a lot of investigating before you embark on any path. I understand your fear of carbs, but have you ever been anywhere to Asia? Those people, until recently, existed almost exclusively on white rice, fruit and vegetables with a little fish thrown in. I went there about 25 years ago now and they were all thin. People we would consider overweight here now were a complete anomaly there. So if carbs make you fat, there must be something that billions of Asians are doing wrong.

Anyway, welcome and I hope eventually you make the leap to this lifestyle. :D

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:45 am
by Doin' it for me...
You guys are all fabulous and a fountain of knowledge. I am really gonna like it here!


PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:57 pm
by JulieF
I tried something the other day that I found very interesting. I've been entering my food in every day because I want to keep track of my nutrients. I was pretty surprised at how high my protein intake has been on this program. I always thought I needed at least a little bit of chicken or fish or something to have enough protein. So, just for fun, I added two CUPS of cubed skinless chicken meat to my food total, and the protein percentage only increased by three points. I thought that was pretty amazing. It helped me realize that I'm getting plenty of protein--all I need--from plant sources.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:24 pm
by hope101
It is neat, isn't it JulieF. :D